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王飞 《时代建筑》2011,(3):154-155
1.狮子公园(Lions Park)建筑师:乡土工作室(Rural Studio)地点:美国阿拉巴马州格林斯伯勒建成:2008—2009年奥本大学建筑的分校乡土工作室RuralStudio成立于1993年,为阿拉巴马最贫困的一些地区设计建筑。由于响应了学生对弥补创新及合理设计缺失的需求,乡土工作室很快便获得了国际上的关注。学生参与工作室不仅可以从建造  相似文献   

作者通过对当前已设计建成的社区商业样本进行分析,对商业和社区居民的生活关系进行分析,从社区商业与社区的建筑形态关系方面进行了论述,归纳出当前社区商业建筑布局设计的几种空间形式。  相似文献   

嵌入式养老设施设计的关键步骤是将其嵌入到社区既有建筑中。以往养老设施的研究多侧重于设施本身,而忽略其与社区的融合。本文旨在研究如何将嵌入式养老设施功能布局通过适配设计合理嵌入到社区各类既有建筑中,以满足社区老年人需求。文章首先提出嵌入式养老设施功能布局基本模式,再对既有建筑进行空间分析,选择合理嵌入方式,最后进行适配设计,从而完成设计工作并得出结论。以期为嵌入式养老设施后续设计建立基础,进而解决老年人原居安老问题,使老年人可以不脱离社区而安享晚年。  相似文献   

2005年29日,"卡特里娜"飓风席卷墨西哥湾海岸,影响范围远达上千公里,波及了路易斯安那州、密西西比州和阿拉巴马州。沿岸的一些社区因此在地图上消失。在新奥尔良市,海水漫过一个接一个堤坝,淹没了城市内大部分区域,殃及上万居民。  相似文献   

本文探讨了中国社会老龄化背景下养老社区的用地选址、道路系统、建筑公共空间、户内各功能空间及门窗设计等建筑适老化系列设计问题,提出了许多具体的设计策略与方法建议,旨在为养老社区建筑的设计提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

社区休闲型体育建筑作为较为新兴的建筑类型,正面临着自身的发展机遇。以黑河电业局电业名苑游泳馆为例,探讨了社区休闲型游泳馆的设计策略以及社区体育建筑的设计原则与发展前景。  相似文献   

陈蔚镇  刘超  许鹏 《住宅科技》2013,33(1):12-15
LEED-ND是由美国绿色建筑委员会制定的针对社区的低碳设计评价标准(体系),该标准将社区分为精明选择与连接、邻里模式及设计、绿色基础设施和建筑、创新和设计过程等四个分项予以评估,通过权重加分的方法来获得每一个社区的得分。文章针对夏热冬冷地区的典型住区,定量分析其采用LEED-ND标准后CO2碳排放的减少情况,结果表明相对于常规设计,采用LEED-ND标准要求设计能够实现约20%的减碳率。  相似文献   

社区商业在人们日常生活建筑中最基本的配套设施,由于社区商业是较常见于城市生活的,所以社区商业的设计师不仅仅关注于社区商业的建设,还关注于社区商业于城市建筑的联系和区别,遵守以人为本的设计理念,致力于在社区商业建筑的整体结构上凸显出"实用、美观、环保"等设计观念,充分展现并满足出社区商业建设和居住者对于生活环境的生理及心理需求。基于此,本文主要对社区商业建筑设计要点进行了有效的分析。  相似文献   

黄辉 《福建建筑》2001,(2):39-41
如今的设计市场上 ,住宅设计是主流 ,因此开发商及我们设计人员都不遗余力地在住宅的功能 ,造型上多下功夫 ,而往往忽略了住宅小区中社区建筑的设计。如果说住宅是画龙之笔 ,那么社区建筑就是点睛之笔。下面就“市直机关象园住宅小区配套楼”的设计来谈谈住宅小区中社区建筑的设计  相似文献   

通过对普陀山观音文化园高僧精舍的案例介绍,归纳其结合佛教文化的七大设计理念,并从社区总体规划及建筑单体设计两个层面总结其设计方法要点,同时对未来佛教文化社区的规划设计提出需要注意的问题以及解决方法。  相似文献   

谢浩 《城乡建设》2011,(4):31-32,4,5
马丘比丘宣言指出:"我们深信人的相互作用和交往是城市存在的基本依据,城市规划与住房设计必须反映这一现实"。居住区是人们长期聚居的生活空间,和谐、融洽的邻里关系和社区氛围来源于人与人的交往。在进行居住小区规划时,要把交往行为和居民活动特征作为规划的主要任务之一,为居民交往创造良好的空间场所和环境气氛。  相似文献   

Catering for the needs of an impoverished rural community in Alabama through its design-and-build activities, Rural Studio leads the way internationally as a university-affiliated architecture programme with a social remit. Guest-Editor Michael Hensel describes how the initiative has grown and developed since it was first established over two decades ago, in 1993, by Samuel Mockbee for students from Auburn University. The realisation of tens of houses and community projects have not only helped to reshape the local environment, but with the more recent strategic approach advanced under Andrew Frear's directorship more long-term projects have been launched and greater emphasis has been placed on the responsible local sourcing of materials, energy and food.  相似文献   

黎南  正杰 《时代建筑》2007,(3):58-63
作为西南农村建筑的新类型,由建筑师吕彪和大地合作社设计的丽江拉市海海东展览中心,既是外来艺术家的展览空间,也是海东乡村民的社区场所。文章从策划和设计的视角,对此展开分析。  相似文献   

吴隽宇  肖艺 《世界建筑》2010,(3):115-117
本文通过对欧洲"垂直花园"设计发明者帕德里克·布朗克的生平、设计作品及设计思想源泉进行梳理和研究,深入阐述由布朗克设计的垂直花园系统的技术工艺原理及其对植物群落生境设计的思想,让人们进一步了解其在景观创作领域中的独特视角及艺术个性。  相似文献   

本文以对四川盆地的一个已建成的农村集中社区的空间改良设计为案例,以对村民的详细社会调查为基础,检讨前期乡村集中社区空间规划设计的现实问题,反思乡村社区规划中的设计态度.然后借鉴城市设计”对适时问题的探索”和“对在地文化的传承”等设计理念,通过提炼“川西林盘”的空间系统要素及生产生活特征,塑造真正适合农村生活需求和农耕文明特征的居住空间.最后,本文进一步探讨和展望在未来新型城镇化发展中,城市设计的理论和实践如何与乡村建设相结合,发展真正立足乡村、面向农民、在地发展的乡村规划设计理念和实践.  相似文献   

This paper discusses weaknesses of the available indicators of community health. These weaknesses derive from conceptual as well as methodological confusion. Although complex interrelationships among key variables (ability to function, biomedical condition, individual perception, and social or cultural setting) make measurement difficult, the lack of a conception of health makes choice among indicators impossible, except by methodological convenience. It is proposed that an adequate definition of health should focus on the ability and will of the individual to perform needed tasks, i.e. to produce and reproduce, in an environment over the span of a lifetime. Measures should be developed to measure health directly, rather than indirectly. A number of leads for indicators are suggested for the major stages of the human life cycle.  相似文献   

This article appraises the career of architect Ralph Erskine focusing on the context for his contribution to Swedish and British social housing and planning. Erskine's formative experience during the 1930s and his subsequent transnational career are utilized to explore the mutual influences of planning ideals across national boundaries. The Garden City ideal, Functionalism and the urban village concept are considered for their long-term contribution to his work. In addition, vernacular architecture and participatory planning are explored as influences on the evolution of his community architecture vision by the 1970s. Drawing on evidence from urban developments in Britain and Sweden, the discussion demonstrates that Erskine's cultural transfer of international planning ideals essentialized aspects of British and Swedish historical culture. The article concludes with a discussion of the 1970s and Erskine's role in the redevelopment of Byker in Newcastle upon Tyne. This process was hailed as a pioneer moment in the English community architecture movement. However, this study demonstrates that Erskine should be distinguished from the grassroots activism of the community architecture movement. Rather the discussion emphasizes that his participatory planning was underpinned by a structural tension between social engineering and democratic participation that was generated and reinforced by his transnational career.  相似文献   

上海城市社区的发展与规划研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘君德 《城市规划》2002,26(3):39-43
上海的社区建设大体经历三个发展阶段:开展社区服务,创建文明社区,推行"两级政府,三级管理"新体制.上海的社区建设、规划多以"街道"为地域单元,社区规划的内容比较广泛.随着建设国际化大都市的迅速推进,上海的社区建设规划将纳入国民经济发展计划和城市总体规划;包括人文社会科学和规划、建筑、艺术等学科在内的广大科学工作者应积极参与规划工作.  相似文献   

上海城市社区的发展与规划研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
刘君德 《城市规划》2002,26(3):39-43
上海的社区建设大体经历三个发展阶段 :开展社区服务 ,创建文明社区 ,推行“两级政府 ,三级管理”新体制。上海的社区建设、规划多以“街道”为地域单元 ,社区规划的内容比较广泛。随着建设国际化大都市的迅速推进 ,上海的社区建设规划将纳入国民经济发展计划和城市总体规划 ;包括人文社会科学和规划、建筑、艺术等学科在内的广大科学工作者应积极参与规划工作。  相似文献   

Abstract: Most existing research on neighborhoods facing gentrification has portrayed residents as resistant or politically quiescent. Drawing from a year of fieldwork in Dundalk, MD, I argue that developers and the neoliberal state will probably find popular support for gentrification as they reinvest in the politically divided industrial suburbs of the United States. Local homeowners and community associations have emerged as gentrification supporters for three interrelated reasons. First, many of them have drawn from a resurgent national conservatism to explain decline as an effect of government subsidies and “people from the city;” their desire to reclaim suburban space—a “suburban revanchism”—although avoiding accusations of racism makes gentrification‐induced displacement appealing. Second, the rebirth of urban neighborhoods and other industrial suburbs provides visual evidence of gentrification's success. Third, the neoliberal state's retreat from social programs and its emphasis on private‐sector redevelopment allay suspicion of government and enable collaboration between the local state, developers, and homeowners. The redevelopment efforts of two local organizations illustrate how residents have become indispensable partners in Dundalk's emergent pro‐gentrification coalition.  相似文献   

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