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Broekkamp Hein; van Hout-Wolters Bernadette H. A. M.; Rijlaarsdam Gert; van den Bergh Huub 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,94(2):260
History teachers (N=22) and their 11th-grade students (N=451) rated the relative importance of sections of an instructional text on which teachers would be giving a test. Multilevel analysis revealed only a moderate correspondence between teachers in their importance ratings. This suggested that there were large differences between the task demands of individual teachers; therefore, students needed to attune to the demands their own teacher set. However, only a moderate correspondence was found between ratings of individual students and those of their teacher. Although this correspondence varied between teachers, between students, and between text sections, results suggest that in general, the participating students did not have a very clear or sound perception of task demands. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Warker Jill A.; Dell Gary S.; Whalen Christine A.; Gereg Samantha 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,34(5):1289
Adults can learn new artificial phonotactic constraints by producing syllables that exhibit the constraints. The experiments presented here tested the limits of phonotactic learning in production using speech errors as an implicit measure of learning. Experiment 1 tested a constraint in which the placement of a consonant as an onset or coda depended on the identity of a nonadjacent consonant. Participant speech errors reflected knowledge of the constraint but not until the 2nd day of testing. Experiment 2 tested a constraint in which consonant placement depended on an extralinguistic factor, the speech rate. Participants were not able to learn this constraint. Together, these experiments suggest that phonotactic-like constraints are acquired when mutually constraining elements reside within the phonological system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Learning and understanding of science instructional material was examined from a cognitive load perspective. It was suggested that instructions can be difficult to learn if multiple elements of information need to be simultaneously processed through limited working memory. Diagrams were expected to reduce cognitive load by allowing students to process information using fewer elements in working memory than an equivalent text-based format. However, if instructional information could be processed serially, then working-memory load should be light, and both diagrammatic and text-based instructions were hypothesized to be equally effective. Two experiments using different chemistry instructions confirmed these hypotheses and so highlight the role of cognitive load factors in instructional design. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Hervais-Adelman Alexis G.; Davis Matthew H.; Johnsrude Ingrid S.; Taylor Karen J.; Carlyon Robert P. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,37(1):283
Recent work demonstrates that learning to understand noise-vocoded (NV) speech alters sublexical perceptual processes but is enhanced by the simultaneous provision of higher-level, phonological, but not lexical content (Hervais-Adelman, Davis, Johnsrude, & Carlyon, 2008), consistent with top-down learning (Davis, Johnsrude, Hervais-Adelman, Taylor, & McGettigan, 2005; Hervais-Adelman et al., 2008). Here, we investigate whether training listeners with specific types of NV speech improves intelligibility of vocoded speech with different acoustic characteristics. Transfer of perceptual learning would provide evidence for abstraction from variable properties of the speech input. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that learning of NV speech in one frequency region generalizes to an untrained frequency region. In Experiment 2, we assessed generalization among three carrier signals used to create NV speech: noise bands, pulse trains, and sine waves. Stimuli created using these three carriers possess the same slow, time-varying amplitude information and are equated for na?ve intelligibility but differ in their temporal fine structure. Perceptual learning generalized partially, but not completely, among different carrier signals. These results delimit the functional and neural locus of perceptual learning of vocoded speech. Generalization across frequency regions suggests that learning occurs at a stage of processing at which some abstraction from the physical signal has occurred, while incomplete transfer across carriers indicates that learning occurs at a stage of processing that is sensitive to acoustic features critical for speech perception (e.g., noise, periodicity). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Hardy Ilonca; Jonen Angela; M?ller Kornelia; Stern Elsbeth 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2006,98(2):307
In a repeated measures design (pretest, posttest, 1-year follow-up) with 161 3rd-grade students, the authors compared 2 curricula on floating and sinking within constructivist learning environments, varying in instructional support. The 2 curricula differed in the sequencing of content and the teacher's cognitively structuring statements. At the posttest, both instructed groups showed significant gains on a test on understanding the concepts of density and buoyancy force as compared to a baseline group without instruction. One year later, the group of high instructional support was superior to the group of low instructional support on the reduction of misconceptions and the adoption of scientific explanations. Thus, instructional support within constructivist learning environments fostered elementary schoolchildren's conceptual change in the domain of physics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Amrhein Paul C.; Miller William R.; Yahne Carolina E.; Palmer Michael; Fulcher Laura 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,71(5):862
Client language from a motivational interview (MI) and drug use outcome were investigated. Interview videotapes of 84 drug abusers were coded for frequency and strength of utterances expressing commitment, desire, ability, need, readiness, and reasons to change or maintain their habit. Cluster analysis of proportion days abstinent (PDA) revealed 3 groups: high PDA at intake and follow-up (3, 6, 9, 12 months; maintainers); low intake PDA/high follow-up PDA (changers); and low intake PDA/low to moderate follow-up PDA (stragglers). Distinct group patterns emerged for commitment strength (CS) during MI. Clients dishonest in checklist self-report exhibited CS similar to stragglers. CS for client evaluation of a change plan predicted outcome PDA. CS was predicted by strength of desire, ability, need, and reasons, but more strongly predicted outcome PDA, suggesting CS is a pathway for their influence on behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Structural regularities in language have often been attributed to symbolic or statistical general purpose computations, whereas perceptual factors influencing such generalizations have received less interest. Here, we use phonotactic-like constraints as a case study to ask whether the structural properties of specific perceptual and memory mechanisms may facilitate the acquisition of grammatical-like regularities. Participants learned that the consonants C? and C? had to come from distinct sets in words of the form C?VccVC? (where the critical consonants were in word edges) but not in words of the form cVC?C?Vc (where the critical consonants were in word middles). Control conditions ruled out attentional or psychophysical difficulties in word middles. Participants did, however, learn such regularities in word middles when natural consonant classes were used instead of arbitrary consonant sets. We conclude that positional generalizations may be learned preferentially using edge-based positional codes, but that participants can also use other mechanisms when other linguistic cues are given. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Teachers with an autonomy-supportive style rely on different instructional behaviors to motivate their students than do teachers with a controlling style. In the present investigation, the authors tested which of these instructional behaviors actually correlated positively or negatively with students' autonomy. The authors used Deci, Spiegel, Ryan, Koestner, & Kauffman's (1982) teacher-student laboratory paradigm to randomly assign 72 pairs of same-sex preservice teachers into the role of either teacher or student. From videotapes of the 10-min instructional episode, raters scored 11 hypothesized autonomy-supportive behaviors and 10 hypothesized controlling behaviors. Correlational analyses confirmed that students perceived the functional significance of 8 instructional behaviors as autonomy supports and 6 instructional behaviors as autonomy thwarts. The discussion focuses on the interpretation and classroom implications of these data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Colledge Essi; Bishop Dorothy V. M.; Koeppen-Schomerus Gesina; Price Thomas S.; Happé Francesca G. E.; Eley Thalia C.; Dale Philip S.; Plomin Robert 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,38(5):749
Normal language development was studied in 310 pairs of 4-year-old twins born in the United Kingdom in 1994. Twins were assessed individually in their homes on a diverse battery of language and nonverbal measures. Rotated factor analyses indicated the presence of a general Language factor (L) as well as a general Nonverbal (NV) factor. Moderate genetic influence was found for both L and NV abilities. Bivariate genetic analysis estimated a genetic correlation of .63 between L and NV abilities, implying that over half of the genetic influence on L overlaps with genetic influence on NV. These results suggest that at age 4, genetic influences on individual differences in language overlap substantially with genetic influences on individual differences in other cognitive abilities, although perhaps less so than later in development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Curriculum-based assessment assesses the match between curriculum and student skill by computing the percentage of known words in a reading task and comparing it to the instructional level criterion of 93% to 97% known. The current study examined the effect of preteaching unknown words to 29 third-grade children identified as learning disabled (LD) to facilitate an instructional level within a third-grade curriculum. Second, the study examined the potential implications for implementing response-to-intervention. Results suggested that children within the treatment condition were more likely to read at the instructional level and demonstrated progress within a local curriculum that significantly exceeded a control group who received guided reading activities. The correlation between number of passages read at the instructional level and reading progress within the curriculum was .80. Finally, 65.5% of the children who received the treatment were identified as responding to treatment, as compared to 27.6% of the control group. Potential implications for practice and suggestions for future research are included. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Observers completed a series of simulated medical diagnosis tasks that differed in category discriminability and base-rate/cost– benefit ratio. Point, accuracy, and decision criterion estimates were closer to optimal (a) for category d′?=?2.2 than for category d′?=?1.0 or 3.2, (b) when base-rates as opposed to cost–benefits were manipulated, and (c) when the cost of an incorrect response resulted in no point loss (nonnegative cost) as opposed to a point loss (negative cost). These results support the flat-maxima (D. von Winterfeldt & W. Edwards, 1982) and competition between reward and accuracy (COBRA; W. T. Maddox & C. J. Bohil, 1998) hypotheses. A hybrid model that instantiated simultaneously both hypotheses was applied to the data. The model parameters indicated that (a) the reward-maximizing decision criterion quickly approached the optimal criterion, (b) the importance placed on accuracy maximization early in learning was larger when the cost of an incorrect response was negative as opposed to nonnegative, and (c) by the end of training the importance placed on accuracy was equal for negative and nonnegative costs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The present study examined the dual mediating effects of self-efficacy and self-deception on the relationship between conscientiousness and learning over time. Data from 134 college students were used to investigate the relative impact of self-efficacy and self-deception. Consistent with the hypothesized model, conscientiousness was significantly and positively related to both early training self-efficacy and self-deception, and both self-efficacy and self-deception had significant effects on learning but in opposite directions. Furthermore, the relative impact of self-efficacy and self-deception on learning changed over time as expected. The negative effect of self-deception in early stages of training disappeared at later stages of training but the positive effects of self-efficacy remained. Support was not found for self-efficacy and self-deception as mediators of the conscientiousness-learning relationship. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Fremouw Thane; Jackson-Smith Pamela; Kesner Raymond P. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,111(5):963
Hippocampal processing is often crucial for normal spatial learning and memory in both birds and mammals, suggesting a general similarity in avian and mammalian hippocampal function. However, few studies using birds have examined the effect of hippocampal lesions on spatial tasks analogous to those typically used with mammals. Therefore, we examined how hippocampal lesions would affect the performance of pigeons in a dry version of the water maze. Experiment 1 showed that hippocampal-lesioned birds were impaired in acquiring the location of hidden food in the maze. Experiment 2 showed that hippocampal-lesioned birds were not impaired when a single cue indicated the location of hidden food. These results support the notion that avian and mammalian hippocampal functions are quite similar, in terms of the tasks for which their processing is crucial and the tasks for which it is not. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Trobalon J. B.; Miguelez D.; McLaren I. P. L.; Mackintosh N. J. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,29(2):143
Animals trained on 2 discriminations learn the 2nd rapidly if the relevant stimuli are from the same dimension as the 1st (an intradimensional or ID shift) but slowly if the relevant stimuli for the 2 problems are from different dimensions (an extradimensional or ED shift). Four experiments examined ID and ED shifts in spatial learning. Rats trained on 2 spatial problems learned the 2nd more rapidly than rats whose 1st problem had been nonspatial. But this difference between ID and ED shifts depended on the spatial relationship between rewarded (S+) and unrewarded (S-) alternatives in the 2 spatial problems. The results imply that rats trained on a spatial discrimination do not learn to attend to all spatial landmarks but only to those that serve to differentiate S+ and S-. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Reviews the book, Bilingualism, multiculturalism, and second language learning: The McGill conference in honour of Wallace E. Lambert edited by Allan G. Reynolds (see record 1991-97762-000). Wallace Lambert has been a major figure in Canadian psychology since the mid-1950s. In a publishing career that has spanned almost 40 years, his work has influenced almost every aspect of the psychology of language, in particular the psychology of bilingualism and second language acquisition. This volume offers a fascinating and highly readable retrospect and update on the research and theoretical work of Lambert and his doctoral students, most of whom have also become leaders in their respective fields of psychological inquiry. This is a truly remarkable book. Unlike many edited volumes, all the chapters relate together coherently, and collectively they present a vivid picture of the evolution and current status of the mainstream of Canadian psychological research on bilingualism and cultural diversity. It would make an excellent graduate text in the area of social psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Freestanding and bound morphemes differ in many (psycho)linguistic aspects. Some theorists have claimed that the representation and retrieval of freestanding and bound morphemes in the course of language production are governed by similar processing mechanisms. Alternatively, it has been proposed that both types of morphemes may be selected for production in different ways. In this article, the authors first review the available experimental evidence related to this topic and then present new experimental data pointing to the notion that freestanding and bound morphemes are retrieved following distinct processing principles: freestanding morphemes are subject to competition, bound morphemes not. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This article presents the work of a specialty psychiatric unit for deaf people in adapting best practices in cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) for deaf and hearing mental health clients who have severe language and learning challenges. Research cited shows that large numbers of deaf people referred to psychiatric hospitals have severe language impairments (in their best language, usually American Sign Language; ASL), related mainly to inadequate exposure to ASL as a child. These language impairments accompany other kinds of language and cognitive problems found also in hearing persons. Clinicians on the unit adapted the constructivist narrative CBT of Meichenbaum so that it could inform the treatment of these clients. Specifically, the treatment is oriented around the acquisition and development of psychosocial skills. These skills are understood developmentally; that is, early and simple skills develop into more complex coping and conflict resolution skills. All the skills are presented and taught using hundreds of specially developed pictures. Emphasis is placed on interventions that work at a sensorimotor and concrete operational level. A case study is presented along side of a theoretical discussion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Lickliter Robert; Bahrick Lorraine E.; Honeycutt Hunter 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,38(1):15
Information presented redundantly and in temporal synchrony across sensory modalities (intersensory redundancy) selectively recruits attention and facilitates perceptual learning in human infants. This comparative study examined whether intersensory redundancy also facilitates perceptual learning prenatally. The authors assessed quail (Colinus virginianus) embryos' ability to learn a maternal call when it was (a) unimodal, (b) concurrent but asynchronous with patterned light, or (c) redundant and synchronous with patterned light. Chicks' preference for the familiar over a novel maternal call was assessed 24 hr following hatching. Chicks receiving redundant, synchronous stimulation as embryos learned the call 4 times faster than those who received unimodal exposure. Chicks who received asynchronous bimodal stimulation showed no evidence of learning. These results provide the first evidence that embryos are sensitive to redundant, bimodal information and that it can facilitate learning during the prenatal period. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Great advances have been made over the past decade in behavioral research on how to help persons avoid contracting HIV infections (primary prevention) and how to reduce or alleviate adverse consequences among persons who are living with HIV disease (secondary prevention). Within the primary prevention areas, research has shown the effectiveness of risk-reduction interventions undertaken with individuals, couples, small groups, communities, and at a social policy/structural level. Advances in HIV medical care have also created important new challenges and roles for behavioral scientists in the area of HIV secondary prevention. This article concludes by identifying key emerging issues in HIV behavioral research that will require attention in the years ahead. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Reviews the book, Language Learning and concept acquisition: Foundational issues edited by William Demopoulos and Ausonio Marras (1986). This is a stimulating and informative book presenting various attempts to account for the highly regular nature of language acquisition. Although many of the individual chapters in this book are quite excellent, the book suffers from a lack of cohesiveness because: (1) the chapters vary tremendously in their complexity and completeness--some are written at an introductory level, whereas others assume the reader to have a highly sophisticated knowledge base; and (2) the editors make no attempt to tie the book together. There are no introductory or summary comments to the various sections in the book and, in fact, there is not even a proper foreword. This severely limits the usefulness of the book. Nevertheless, I would recommend this collection of readings to researchers and scholars in the fields of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and the cognitive sciences. It contains many provocative ideas, and would be particularly useful to study in a seminar (or other group) setting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献