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NV Karapetyan D Dorra G Schweitzer IN Bezsmertnaya AR Holzwarth 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,36(45):13830-13837
The organization and interaction of chlorophylls (Chl) and the kinetics of the energy transfer in the core antenna of photosystem I (PSI) trimeric and monomeric complexes, isolated from Spirulina platensis with Triton X-100 have been studied by stationary and time-resolved fluorescence. At 295 K both complexes show an unusually intense long-wavelength emission band with prominent peaks at 730 nm (trimers) or 715 nm (monomers), whose intensity is independent of the redox state of P700. A broad band extending from 710 to 740 nm in the absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra of trimers also indicates the existence of the longwave Chls at 295 K. The 77 K fluorescence emission of PSI trimers frozen after addition of dithionite under illumination (P700 and the PSI acceptor side reduced) shows an intense band at 760 (F760) and a smaller one at 725 nm (F725); when P700 is oxidized, the intensity of F760 decreases about 15 times. In the 77 K spectrum of monomers only F725 is present in the longwave region, and its intensity does not depend on the redox state of P700. Bands of Chls with maxima near 680, 710, and 738 nm were found in the 77 K excitation spectrum of trimers, and bands near 680 and 710 nm were seen in the spectrum of monomers. Five spectrally different red Chl forms in PSI trimers and three red Chl in monomers have been resolved by deconvolution of their 77 K absorption spectra. The difference absorption spectrum, trimers-minus-monomers, shows that the appearance of the 735 nm band in trimers is accompanied by a decrease of 708, 698, and 688 nm bands present in monomers. The reversible changes of F760 intensity of Spirulina membranes as a result of their salt treatment confirm the idea that the most longwave Chl form originates from an interaction of Chls bound to different monomeric PSI subunits forming the trimer. The time-resolved fluorescence spectra of PSI trimers and monomers, measured at 287 K in the region 680-770 nm, are substantially different, although a set of similar lifetimes (9, approximately 30, approximately 66, and 1400-2200 ps) was necessary for a good fit. No effect of P700 redox state was observed on the fluorescence kinetics of both complexes at 287 K. 相似文献
LO P?lsson C Flemming B Gobets R van Grondelle JP Dekker E Schlodder 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,74(5):2611-2622
Photosystem I of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus contains two spectral pools of chlorophylls called C-708 and C-719 that absorb at longer wavelengths than the primary electron donor P700. We investigated the relative quantum yields of photochemical charge separation and fluorescence as a function of excitation wavelength and temperature in trimeric and monomeric photosystem I complexes of this cyanobacterium. The monomeric complexes are characterized by a reduced content of the C-719 spectral form. At room temperature, an analysis of the wavelength dependence of P700 oxidation indicated that all absorbed light, even of wavelengths of up to 750 nm, has the same probability of resulting in a stable P700 photooxidation. Upon cooling from 295 K to 5 K, the nonselectively excited steady-state emission increased by 11- and 16-fold in the trimeric and monomeric complexes, respectively, whereas the quantum yield of P700 oxidation decreased 2.2- and 1.7-fold. Fluorescence excitation spectra at 5 K indicate that the fluorescence quantum yield further increases upon scanning of the excitation wavelength from 690 nm to 710 nm, whereas the quantum yield of P700 oxidation decreases significantly upon excitation at wavelengths longer than 700 nm. Based on these findings, we conclude that at 5 K the excited state is not equilibrated over the antenna before charge separation occurs, and that approximately 50% of the excitations reach P700 before they become irreversibly trapped on one of the long-wavelength antenna pigments. Possible spatial organizations of the long-wavelength antenna pigments in the three-dimensional structure of photosystem I are discussed. 相似文献
I. Arvanitidis Du. Siche S. Seetharaman 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》1996,27(3):409-416
In the present work, the decomposition reaction, BaCO3 (solid) = BaO (solid) + CO2 (gas), was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) methods. Both shallow powder beds and densely compacted spheres of the carbonate were employed. In the case of the shallow powder beds, TGA and DTA were carried out simultaneously. The DTA curves showed that BaCO3 exhibited two phase transformations, the transformation of orthorhombic to hexagonal occurring at 1079 K and that of hexagonal to cubic at 1237 K. The activation energy and the forward reaction rate constant of the decomposition of BaCO3 were evaluated from the thermogravimetric results of the powder beds. The activation energy of the decomposition was found to be 305(± 14) kJ • mole−1. The experimental results obtained with the compacted spheres were compared with those corresponding to the powder beds. After the initial stages, the formation of liquid due to the eutectic reaction between BaCO3 and BaO appears to play an important role in the reaction kinetics. 相似文献
O Plattner T Ikeda DI Sessler R Christensen M Turakhia 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,85(4):899-906
Forced-air warming during anesthesia increases core temperature comparably with and without thermoregulatory vasoconstriction. In contrast, postoperative forced-air warming may be no more effective than passive insulation. Nonthermoregulatory anesthesia-induced vasodilation may thus influence heat transfer. We compared postanesthetic core rewarming rates in volunteers given cotton blankets or forced air. Additionally, we compared increases in peripheral and core heat contents in the postanesthetic period with data previously acquired during anesthesia to determine how much vasomotion alters intercompartmental heat transfer. Six men were anesthetized and cooled passively until their core temperatures reached 34 degrees C. Anesthesia was then discontinued, and shivering was prevented by giving meperidine. On one day, the volunteers were covered with warmed blankets for 2 h; on the other, volunteers were warmed with forced air. Peripheral tissue heat contents were determined from intramuscular and skin thermocouples. Predicted changes in core temperature were calculated assuming that increases in body heat content were evenly distributed. Predicted changes were thus those that would be expected if vasomotor activity did not impair peripheral-to-core transfer of applied heat. These results were compared with those obtained previously in a similar study of anesthetized volunteers. Body heat content increased 159 +/- 35 kcal (mean +/- SD) more during forced-air than during blanket warming (P < 0.001). Both peripheral and core temperatures increased significantly faster during active warming: 3.3 +/- 0.7 degrees C and 1.1 +/- 0.4 degrees C, respectively. Nonetheless, predicted core temperature increase during forced-air warming exceeded the actual temperature increase by 0.8 +/- 0.3 degree C (P < 0.001). Vasoconstriction thus isolated core tissues from heat applied to the periphery, with the result that core heat content increased 32 +/- 12 kcal less than expected after 2 h of forced-air warming (P < 0.001). In contrast, predicted and actual core temperatures differed only slightly in the anesthetized volunteers previously studied. In contrast to four previous studies, our results indicate that forced-air warming increases core temperature faster than warm blankets. Postanesthetic vasoconstriction nonetheless impeded peripheral-to-core heat transfer, with the result that core temperatures in the two groups differed less than might be expected based on systemic heat balance estimates. Implications: Comparing intercompartmental heat flow in our previous and current studies suggests that anesthetic-induced vasodilation influences intercompartmental heat transfer and distribution of body heat more than thermoregulatory shunt vasomotion. 相似文献
A study of the measurement performance of LiF GR-200 for radiotherapy mailed dosimetry is presented. The study was carried out in the practical working conditions of a mailed system where a lengthy delay between dosimeter preparation and the final readout can occur. Prompt and delayed TL measurements were employed to determine, among other characteristics, the reusability and the stability during storage at room temperature. From the results obtained it can be concluded that GR-200, although producing dose results adequate for mailed dosimetry, does not improve the performance attainable with LiF TLD-100. 相似文献
Rigid spherical particles in the size range of 5-200 nm diameter were subjected to capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in semidilute solutions of uncross-linked polyacrylamide of M(r) 5, 7 and 18 x 10(6) (PA-5, -7 and -18, respectively) of varying concentrations up to 1.6% and at field strengths varying from 68 to 270 V/cm. For all particles under study, the experimental Ferguson plots, log(mobility) vs. polymer concentration, permit a linear approximation. Their slope, the retardation coefficient KR = delta log (mobility)/delta (concentration), for particles smaller than 30 nm in diameter increased with particle size in PA-5 and -7 independently of electric field strength and polymer M(r). The KR of particles of 30 nm in diameter or more was found to be independent of particle size at the lowest field strength used but to decrease with it at the higher values of field strength. The decrease was parallel but shifted to higher values of retardation when the polymer M(r) increased from 5 to 7 x 10(6). With a decreasing ratio of average mesh size of the polymer network, zeta, to particle radius, R, the approach to "continuity" of the polymeric medium (zeta/R < 1) with both increasing particle size and polymer concentration does not result in the retardation behavior expected according to the macroscopic (bulk) viscosity of the solution. These experimental observations were hypothetically interpreted in terms of a transition to a retardation mechanism comprising the formation of a polymer depletion layer near the particle surface--polymer solution interface. Peak width exhibited an overall increase with PA-7 concentration for all particles studied. For particles of 30 nm in diameter or less, the increase was steepest when the radius of the particle was approximately commensurate with zeta at a given polymer concentration. For the largest particle, 205 nm in diameter, peak broadening with polymer concentration was found to correlate linearly with peak asymmetry. CZE of the particles in PA-18 solutions revealed abnormal behavior, with both mobility and peak width remaining near-constant up to a concentration of 0.08% and sharply declining at higher concentrations. The decline of relative mobility is the same-for the entire particle size range used, while peak width declines in direct relation to particle size. 相似文献
MM Cox 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,3(2):65-78
The role of the cholinergic and peptidergic pathways in the impairment of gastric motility associated with diabetic gastroparesis was assessed at the postsynaptic level using isolated fundus smooth muscle strips. Maximal contractile responses to carbachol and galanin were significantly decreased in fundus strips isolated from rats rendered diabetic by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ, 70 mg/kg) 1, 4 and 8 weeks before experiments. We also observed notable decrements in the slopes and Hill's coefficients without conspicuous changes in the EC50 of the respective galanin concentration-response curves measured in strips obtained from STZ animals after 4 and 8 weeks. L-NAME reversed the above-mentioned alterations in an L-arginine-sensitive manner in STZ rats after 4 weeks but not in STZ rats after 8 weeks. The blood plasma nitrite/nitrate levels in STZ animals after 4 and 8 weeks were increased by 44.6 and 61.9%, respectively. Ca2+-independent nitric oxide synthase activity in gastric fundus strips and stomach corpus mucosa from STZ rats after 4 weeks was markedly enhanced by 37.4 and 31.9%, respectively, suggesting an enhanced nitric oxide production. In vivo insulin treatment prevented diabetes-induced alterations in smooth muscle contractility. We conclude that the smooth muscle dysfunction evoked by experimental diabetes causing diminished contractions of fundus strips to carbachol and galanin is at least partly due to the increased nitric oxide synthesis. 相似文献
This investigation examined dopamine release and metabolism in nucleus accumbens core and shell during three operant tasks in the rat. Rats were trained to lever press on a fixed-ratio 5, variable-interval 30 s, or a tandem variable interval 30/fixed-ratio 5 schedules; these three schedules were chosen because they generate a wide range of response and reinforcement rates. After several weeks of training, dialysis probes were implanted into nucleus accumbens core or shell subregions. A single 30 min behavioural session was conducted during the dialysis test session. Rats lever pressing on each of the three operant schedules showed a significant increase in extracellular dopamine relative to the food-deprived control group during the behavioural session. In addition, increases in dopamine in nucleus accumbens shell were found to be significantly greater than in the core during the lever pressing period. Across all three schedules, extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens was significantly correlated with the number of lever presses performed, but was not correlated with the number of food pellets delivered. Analysis of covariance, which used amount of food consumed as the covariate, showed an overall group difference, indicating that dopamine levels increased in lever pressing animals even if one corrected for the amount of food consumed. These results indicate that dopamine release was more responsive in the nucleus accumbens shell than in the core during operant responding, and that increases in extracellular dopamine in nucleus accumbens are related to response rate rather than reinforcement magnitude. 相似文献
EM Franken S Neerken RJ Louwe J Amesz TJ Aartsma 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,37(15):5046-5051
A permanent hole burning study on the Fenna-Matthews-Olson, or FMO, antenna complex of the green sulfur bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii was carried out at 6 K. Excitation resulted not only in relatively sharp features resonant with the burn wavelength but also in broad absorbance changes in the wavelength region of 800-820 nm. The shape of the latter changes was almost independent of the wavelength of excitation. Evidence is given that they are induced by a different mechanism than that which causes the resonant holes and that they may be due to a conformational change of the protein. The original spectrum was restored upon warming to 60 K. The effective dephasing times T2, as obtained from the homogeneous line widths, increased from about 0.5 ps at 803 nm to >/=20 ps at 830 nm and are in good agreement with recent measurements of accumulated photon-echo and time-resolved absorbance changes. 相似文献
During the examination of the colon by fibre-optic colonoscopy in 200 consecutive patients it was possible to reach the caecum or suspected lesion in 80% of cases. Careful bowel preparation, sedation and detailed attention to techniques described are necessary for safe and successful performance of this procedure. In 85% of examinations, colonoscopy produced positive results including the definition of uncertain radiological lesions in 45 patients, finding of a cause for rectal bleeding not shown on barium studies in 15 patients, the assessment of inflammatory bowel disease in 28 patients, and the removal of polyps in 40 patients. Important was the finding of a normal colon in 49 cases, which obviated unnecessary surgery. Colonic perforation occurred in 2 patients. The limitations and complications of the procedure must be realised, but it is concluded that the colonoscope provides a valuable and effective means of diagnosis and therapy of lesions in the large bowel. 相似文献
P Wunderbaldinger TH Helbich K Dantendorfer GH Mostbeck K Turetschek M Memarsadeghi M Amering R Alexandrowicz G Wolf 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,37(8):629-635
OBJECTIVE/MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a prospective randomized study, the techniques of stereotactic breast biopsies in prone and sitting position were compared. Part of the data has already been published. A total of 103 women underwent stereotactic breast biopsies, either prone (n = 51; using TRC-Mammotest, Sweden) or in the sitting position (n = 52; using Stereotix 2, General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA). With the help of pre- and post-biopsy questionnaires, anxiety, pain, and subjective experience were recorded in all patients. Vasovagal reactions were scored from 0 to 2 according to their severity. All biopsy results were verified by surgery. The specificities and sensitivities for the two positions were calculated and statistically compared. RESULTS: With regard to overall tolerance no statistically significant difference between biopsies performed in the sitting or the prone position was noted. Significantly more patients (p = 0.04) in the prone position stated they would prefer premedication prior to a repeat biopsy. Three patients (prone; n = 1; sitting; n = 2) fainted during the procedure. There was no statistically significant difference between the two biopsy positions regarding sensitivity (95%) and specificity (100%). CONCLUSIONS: More attention should be paid to patient care and, especially, preintervention information. Biopsies in the prone or sitting position are equally well tolerated. Somatic reactions are not a major problem during breast biopsy. Success and validity are independent of the biopsy position. 相似文献
介绍了钢丝绳芯胶带在安钢2 200 m3高炉上料主带式输送机中的应用及在INBA法炉渣处理系统中替代普通帆布胶带的效果,并简单概述硫化胶结技术的在安钢应用特点及具体措施. 相似文献