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The source system covering a working frequency range of 24 MHz to 70 MHz with a total maximum output power of 12 MW has already been fabricated for Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency(ICRF) heating in EAST from 2012. There are two continuous wave(CW) antennas consisting of four launching elements each fed by a separate 1.5 MW transmitter. Due to the strong mutual coupling among the launching elements, the injection power for launching elements should be imbalance to keep the k||(parallel wave number) spectrum of the launcher symmetric for ICRF heating. Cross power induced by the mutual coupling will also induce many significant issues,such as an uncontrollable phase of currents in launching elements, high voltage standing wave ratio(VSWR), and impedance mismatching. It is necessary to develop a power compensation system for antennas to keep the power balance between the feed points. The power balance system consists of two significant parts: a decoupler and phase control. The decoupler helps to achieve ports isolation to make the differential phase controllable and compensate partly cross power. After that, the differential phase of 0 or π will keep the power balance of two feed points completely. The first power compensation system consisting of four decouplers was assembled and tested for the port B antenna at the working frequency of 35 MHz. With the application of the power compensation system, the power balance, phase feedback control, and voltage standing wave ratio(VSWR) had obviously been improved in the 2015 EAST campaign.  相似文献   

离子回旋波加热是EAST装置最重要的辅助加热方法,在实验中获得了明显的加热效果。射频功率源与天线负载之间阻抗匹配才能保证最大的加热功率输出。在射频加热实验中,等离子体参数的改变将会引起天线负载阻抗的快速变化,为应对这一情况研制出了快速阻抗匹配系统。本文采用解析法和计算机仿真相结合的分析方式,研制了该阻抗匹配系统的铁氧体匹配支节,并对其性能进行了测试。测试结果表明,快速阻抗匹配系统的时间响应速度明显优于传统匹配方式的,可作为实时匹配的候选者。  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) heating in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is one of the primary auxiliary heating methods for EAST. The ICRF system provides 6 MW power in primary phase and will be capable of 10 MW later. Three 1.5 MW ICRF systems in a frequency range of 25 to 70 MHz have already been in operation. The ICRF heating launchers are designed to have two current straps with each driven by a RF power source of 1.5 MW. In this paper a brief introduction of the ICRF heating system capability in EAST and the preliminary results in EAST are presented.  相似文献   

A method of current drive with Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency (ICRF) on Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokomak (EAST) is described. A variety of liquid silicon oil heights in the phase shifter will bring the phase difference to the current drive. It is found that the current drive can be achieved by using the phase shifter. The liquid phase shifter is one of the impedance matching systems too.  相似文献   

A real-time ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) antenna matching system has been successfully implemented on Alcator C-Mod. This is a triple-stub tuning system working at 80 MHz, where one stub acts as a pre-matching stub and the other two stubs use fast ferrite tuners (FFTs) to accomplish fast tuning. It utilizes a digital controller for feedback control (200 μs per iteration) using real-time antenna loading measurements as inputs and the coil currents to the FFT as outputs. The system has achieved and maintained matching for a large range of plasma parameters, including L-mode, H-mode, and plasmas with edge localized modes. It has succeeded in delivering up to 1.85 MW net rf power into H-mode plasmas at maximum voltage of 37 kV on the unmatched side of the matching system.  相似文献   

针对ICRF天线原有的驱动结构由于无自锁而导致天线移动过程中无法精确定位的缺点,给出了两种新的驱动结构设计方案,两种方案主要由步进电机和涡轮蜗杆减速器组成,均具有启动速度慢,推、拉力大,能精确定位的特点。在设计过程中,对两种驱动结构的启动转矩、丝杠的强度和稳定性进行了校核,通过理论计算分析,两种驱动结构设计均满足设计要求。整个驱动结构改进设计方案和方法可为其他同类装置提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

On the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak(EAST), a pair of voltage and current probes(V/I probes) is installed on the ion cyclotron radio frequency transmission lines to measure the antenna input impedance, and supplement the conventional measurement technique based on voltage probe arrays. The coupling coefficients of V/I probes are sensitive to their sizes and installing locations, thus they should be determined properly to match the measurement range of data acquisition card. The V/I probes are tested in a testing platform at low power with various artificial loads. The testing results show that the deviation of coupling resistance is small for loads RL??2.5 Ω, while the resistance deviations appear large for loads RL??1.5 Ω, which implies that the power loss cannot be neglected at high VSWR. As the factors that give rise to the deviation of coupling resistance calculation, the phase measurement error is the more significant factor leads to deleterious results rather than the amplitude measurement error. To exclude the possible ingredients that may lead to phase measurement error, the phase detector can be calibrated in steady L-mode scenario and then use the calibrated data for calculation under H-mode cases in EAST experiments.  相似文献   

本文对EASTICRF天线真空馈口进行了相关的电特性分析,获得了真空馈口电场分布、电势分布,以及电压驻波比随加热频率的变化情况,分析结果验证了真空馈口的可行性和合理性,并为真空馈口电特性评估提供理论依据。另外,在相同条件下,运用相同的方法对一种新型结构的真空馈口进行了相同的电特性分析,分析结果验证了新型结构真空馈口的优越性。  相似文献   

A concept of a single tube high RF power amplifier was developed for ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) plasma heating system. In the concept, a tetrode was used with a grounded cathode and input power to drive a control grid of the tetrode was provided by a switching circuit. As the new amplifier arrangement can eliminate a low power (10 kW level) and an intermediate power (100 kW level) tetrode amplifiers, their high voltage DC (HVDC) power supplies, and control and monitor system for these amplifiers and HVDC power supplies in a conventional high RF power source of the ICRF heating system, this new high RF power source is more flexible on frequency change and more mechanically reliable than the conventional one. A test amplifier composed of the tetrode and a field effect transistor (FET) switching circuit was constructed. The FET switching circuit was so compact that it could be mounted close to the tetrode socket. The maximum output RF power of 8.5 kW was obtained with a plate efficiency of 82% at 70 MHz. The feasibility of the single tube high RF power amplifier was experimentally proved. The plate efficiency of 82% could not be explained by the standard class-C amplification but by high efficiency amplification under assumptions of a flat-topped plate current pattern and double resonance of an output cavity at the fundamental frequency and the third higher harmonic frequency.  相似文献   

Design of a New Type of Stub Tuner in ICRF Experiment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency(ICRF) heating experiment,impedance matching is of great practical significance,because wide variations in antenna loading are observed within the discharge,in tokamaks operating in H-mode.A sudden decrease in antenna loading accompanying the L-mode to H-mode transition typically occurs on a timescale of a few millisec onds,as does the increase in loading at the H- to L-mode transition.Therefore,it is necessary to match dynamically in the transmission line between the generator output and the antenna input connections[1].A new type of stub tuner being developed utilizes the difference in radio-frequency wavelengths between gas and liquid due to different relative dielectric constants.The impedance matching can be adjusted in realtime in an attempt to track the variations in the antenna loading.Since there are no mechanically moving parts in the short ends of stub,the change can be more convenient and safe,moreover,it can withstand higher voltage without breakdown.this system device will be applied in the HT-7 superconductor Tokamak ICRF experiment.  相似文献   

EAST搭建了铁氧体快速匹配系统来保证离子回旋波加热的功率输出。为了提高匹配系统的响应速度,通过理论计算与仿真分析相结合的方法,提出改善措施,实现了10 ms以内的系统响应时间。为搭建配备闭环控制的实时阻抗匹配系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The toroidal field (TF) magnet system of EAST (HT-7U), which consists of 16 superconducting coils enclosed in steel cases, has been manufactured to generate the magnetic field of 3.5 T at the plasma center to maintain plasma in a tokamak configuration with a current up to 1 MA. The TF coils have an approximately D-shape geometry of 2.6 m wide and 4.0 m high, and operate at a maximum field of 5.8 T. The conductor used in the TF coil is NbTi/Cu cable-in conduit (CIC) conductor, and its operating current is 14.3 kA.In March 2006, the first cooling down of the EAST device has been carried out successfully. The total of TF magnet system has been cooled down from room temperature to 4.5 K, and the TF system has been energized up to 8.2 kA with 5 A/s ramp rate. In September 2006, full performances of the TF magnet system have been reached, and the device of EAST has delivered its first plasma. In addition, the TF magnet system has been routinely operated with a current maintained constant on a whole day basis, for a preliminary program of more than 500 shots.In this paper, the main parts of the design, developmental tests, and the fabrication and assembly of TF coils are described in detail.  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) power in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is one of the primary auxiliary heating techniques for Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). The ICRF system for EAST has been developed to support long-pulse high-β advanced tokamak fusion physics experiments. The ICRF system is capable of delivering 12 MW 1000-s RF power to the plasma through two antennas. The phasing between current straps of the antennas can be adjusted to optimize the RF power spectrum. The main technical features of the ICRF system are described. Each of the 8 ICRF transmitters has been successfully tested to 1.5 MW for a wide range of frequency (25–70 MHz) on a dummy load. Part of the ICRF system was in operation during the EAST 2012 spring experimental campaign and a maximum power of 800 kW (at 27 MHz) lasting for 30 s has been coupled for long pulse H mode operation.  相似文献   

An antenna array suitable for plasma heating and current drive has been designed for the ion cyclotron resonance frequency range (ICRF) heating on the EAST superconducting tokamak. The ICRF heating is planned to operate in a frequency range of 30 MHz to 80 MHz and hence the antenna geometry is optimized for 55 MHz. The design is based on the conventional strap antenna element. The coupling properties of the antenna are calculated with a slab model of the plasma for the antenna simulation. The coupling code is extended for the analysis of the toroidal antenna array separated by septa.  相似文献   

The full wave TORIC code and the Kinetic Fokker-Planck SSFPQL code are combined to perform self-consistent simulations of the ICRF heating in the EAST 2D magnetic configuration.The combined package is applied to the ICRF hydrogen minority heating in a deuterium plasma with the hydrogen concentration up to 10%.The fast wave propagation and absorption properties,power partitions among the plasma species and the RF driven energetic tails have been analyzed.Meanwhile,in order to optimize the ICRF heating,changing the resonance locations has also been considered in EAST plasmas.  相似文献   

Core plasma rotation of both L-mode and H-mode discharges with ion cyclotron range of frequency(ICRF) minority heating(MH) scheme was measured with a tangential X-ray imaging crystal spectrometer on EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak).Cocurrent central impurity toroidal rotation change was observed in ICRF-heated L-and H-mode plasmas.Rotation increment as high as 30 km/s was generated at ~1.7 MW ICRF power.Scaling results showed similar trend as the Rice scaling but with significant scattering,especially in L-mode plasmas.We varied the plasma current,toroidal field and magnetic configuration individually to study their effect on L-mode plasma rotation,while keeping the other major plasma parameters and heating unchanged during the scanning.It was found that larger plasma current could induce plasma rotation more efficiently.A scan of the toroidal magnetic field indicated that the largest rotation was obtained for on-axis ICRF heating.A comparison between lower-single-null(LSN)and double-null(DN) configurations showed that LSN discharges rendered a larger rotation change for the same power input and plasma parameters.  相似文献   

为了实现EAST托卡马克1000s以上的稳态先进模式运行的最终物理目标,两电流带双环共振(RDL)离子回旋共振(ICRF)天线被选择用来加热,电流带是ICRF天线关键部件,它通过近场区的耦合把能量传输到等离子体中。本文通过有限元方法对电流带在等离子体破裂和等离子体垂直位移事件两种工况下进行了电磁计算,给出了电流带感应电流密度大小分布情况、磁感应强度大小分布情况以及电流带所受的电磁力。利用电流带所受的电磁力作为载荷对电流带进行了结构分析,分析结果为验证电流带结构的可行性提供理论依据,分析方法对未来更高功率的ICRF天线电流带进行电磁分析具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Detailed design of the vacuum feedthrough for the Ion Cyclotron Radio Frequency (ICRF) antenna in EAST, along with an electro-analysis and thermal structural analysis, is presented. The electric field, the voltage stand wave ratio (VSWR) and the stresses in the vacuum feedthrough are studied. A method using the rings of oxygen-free copper as the cushion and macro-beam plasma arc welding is applied in the assembly to protect the ceramic from being damaged during welding. The vacuum leak test on the prototype of vacuum feedthrough is introduced.  相似文献   

在EAST装置内离子回旋共振加热(ICRF)系统中,天线与液态调配器之间传输线上的驻波电压幅值会因为负载阻抗的变化而变得很大,为此设计了ICRF功率传输预匹配支节。本设计采用解析法和Smith圆图法相结合的分析方式,在ICRF系统中安装了预匹配支节,并对其降压效果进行了测试。测试结果表明,安装预匹配支节之后,预匹配支节与液态调配器之间传输线上的驻波电压幅值得到有效降低,可作为优化ICRF功率传输系统功率传输性能的候选者。  相似文献   

Ion cyclotron resonance heating(ICRH),which can produce fast ions,is an important auxiliary heating method at EAST.To analyze the effect of ICRH-induced fast ions on the plasma pressure at EAST,simulations are performed using TRANSP and TORIC codes.It is found that the ICRF-induced fast ion pressure cannot be negligible when the ICRF power is sufficiently high.The magnitude of the total ion pressure can be raised up to 60%of the total pressure as the input power rises above 3 MW.The pressure profile is also significantly modified when the resonant layer is changed.It is shown that by changing the wave frequency and antenna position,the total ion pressure profile can be broadened,which might provide an option for profile control at EAST.  相似文献   

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