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The growth of silicon on Ag films via 40.68 MHz very-high-frequency (VHF) magnetron sputtering was investigated.The energy distribution and flux density of the ions on the substrate were also measured.The results showed that 40.68 MHz magnetron sputtering can produce ions with higher energy and lower flux density.The impact of these ions onto the grown surface promotes the growth of silicon,which is related to the crystalline nature and rnicrostructure of the underlayer of the Ag films,and there is large particle growth of silicon on Ag films with a preferred orientation of (111),and two-dimensional growth of silicon on Ag films with a better face-centered cubic structure.  相似文献   

The effect of radio-frequency substrate bias on ion properties and sputtering behavior of 2 MHz magnetron discharge was investigated. The ion velocity distribution function(IVDF), the maximum ion energy and ion flux density were measured at the substrate by a retarding field energy analyzer. The sputtering behavior was investigated by the electric characteristics of target and bias discharges using voltage–current probe technique. It was found that the substrate bias led to the decrease of sputtering power, voltage and current with the amplitude 7.5%. The substrate bias also led to the broadening of IVDFs and the increase of ion flux density, made the energy divergent of ions impacting the substrate. This effect was further enhanced by increasing bias power and reducing discharge pressure.  相似文献   

中频磁控溅射制备AlN薄膜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了一套阳极层离子源辅助中频磁控溅射装置,并在Si(111)衬底上沉积AlN薄膜。用X射线衍射、原子力显微镜和扫描电镜分析了AlN薄膜的结构、形貌和成分。在优化的实验条件下制备的AlN薄膜具有较强的(002)衍射峰,其半高宽为612–648弧秒。气体流量、衬底偏压、离子源等对薄膜结构有明显影响。  相似文献   

采用氦氩混合气氛下直流磁控溅射沉积方法制备含有氦原子的金属铝膜。经碳原子弹性前冲散射分析(C-ERDA),薄膜中氦原子浓度可达约7%,且分布均匀。实验研究了薄膜中的氦含量与溅射真空室气氛中氦的相对含量、基底偏压及沉积温度间的关系。薄膜的X射线衍射分析结果显示:膜中的氦含量变化并未引起明显的峰位移,只是随氦含量增加谱峰宽化。热释放实验证实,氦在薄膜中稳定存在,约500℃以上时方出现氦的释放。  相似文献   

The pre-ionized 60 MHz very-high-frequency (VHF) magnetron discharge at low pressure, assisted by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) discharge, was developed. The measurement of ion flux density and ion energy to the substrate was carried out by a retarding field energy analyzer. The electric characteristics of discharge were also investigated by voltage–current probe technique. It was found that by reducing the discharge pressure of VHF magnetron discharge from 5 to 1 Pa, the ion flux density increased about four times, meanwhile the ion energy also increased doubly. The electric characteristics of discharge also showed that a little improvement of sputtering effectiveness was achieved by reducing discharge pressure. Therefore, the deposition property of VHF (60 MHz) magnetron sputtering can be improved by reducing the discharge pressure using the ICP-assisted pre-ionized discharge.  相似文献   

He-charged oxide dispersion strengthened(ODS)FeCrNi films were prepared by a radiofrequency(RF)plasma magnetron sputtering method in a He and Ar mixed atmosphere at150℃.As a comparison,He-charged FeCrNi films were also fabricated at the same conditions through direct current(DC)plasma magnetron sputtering.The doping of He atoms and Y_2O_3 in the FeCrNi films was realized by the high backscattered rate of He ions and Y_2O_3/FeCrNi composite target sputtering method,respectively.Inductive coupled plasma(ICP)and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)analysis confirmed the existence of Y_2O_3 in FeCrNi films,and Y_2O_3 content hardly changed with sputtering He/Ar ratio.Cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy(SEM)shows that the FeCrNi films were composed of dense columnar nanocrystallines and the thickness of the films was obviously dependent on He/Ar ratio.Nanoindentation measurements revealed that the FeCrNi films fabricated through DC/RF plasma magnetron sputtering methods exhibited similar hardness values at each He/Ar ratio,while the dispersion of Y_2O_3 apparently increased the hardness of the films.Elastic recoil detection(ERD)showed that DC/RF magnetron sputtered FeCrNi films contained similar He amounts(~17 at.%).Compared with the minimal change of He level with depth in DC-sputtered films,the He amount decreases gradually in depth in the RF-sputtered films.The Y_2O_3-doped FeCrNi films were shown to exhibit much smaller amounts of He owing to the lower backscattering possibility of Y_2O_3 and the inhibition effect of nano-sized Y_2O_3 particles on the He element.  相似文献   

刘天伟  董闯  邓新禄  陈曦 《核技术》2005,28(6):424-429
利用ECR-微波等离子溅射沉积技术加不同偏压在45#钢基体上制备了ZrN薄膜。利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)对薄膜的微观组织结构进行了分析。结果表明,无偏压时薄膜为非晶膜,随着偏压的升高,薄膜呈ZrN晶体结构。利用扫描电镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)测试了薄膜表面形貌。薄膜表面平整,但仍存在局部缺陷;粗糙度(RMS)在0.311—0.811nm之间变化,轮廓算术平均值(Ra)在0.239-0.629nm之间变化。同时利用电化学极化实验在0.5mol/LNaCl溶液中测试了基体及薄膜的耐蚀性能,基体自腐蚀电位Ecorr为-512.3mV,样品Ecprr在-400.3--482.6mV之间变化,45#钢基体自腐蚀电流Icorr为9.036μA,样品Icorr。在0.142—0.694μA之间变化。并讨论了偏压对薄膜的微观组织和耐蚀性能产生影响的原因。  相似文献   

In this study, a radio frequency magnetron sputtering system was used to deposit zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films onto langasite substrates. The thickness of the ZnO film increased from 0.3 to 1.2 μm upon increasing the deposition power from 100 to 200 W. The predominant growth orientation was along the c-axis (0 0 2); the intensities of the signals in the X-ray diffraction spectrum increased significantly upon increasing the film thickness. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed columnar structures in the ZnO films and the morphology of ZnO grains is found to be continuous and dense. It is attributed that oxygen chemisorbs on the target and cases a surface layer of adsorbed oxygen. We suggest that the more neutral ion bombardment on the growing film which induces the higher sputtering rate of the growing film. From in situ imaging of scratched tracks, measurement of the coefficient of friction was an effective means of detecting the occurrence of structural defects in the microstructures. We also found that the chemical compositions of ZnO films prepared under various deposition powers could be investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Nitride films of multi-element TiVCrAlZr alloy were prepared on silicon substrates by reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering under different nitrogen/argon flow ratios ranging from 0% to 66.7%. The alloy film deposited in pure argon exhibited an amorphous structure and a very smooth surface, while a face-center-cubic solid-solution structure with strong (2 2 0), (1 1 1) to (2 0 0) orientation and different fracture feature and surface morphologies was observed in those films which were prepared under various nitrogen flow ratios. With increasing nitrogen flow ratio, the hardness and elastic modulus of the films increased and reached maximum values of 11 and 151 GPa at 50%.  相似文献   

Ti-containing amorphous carbon (Ti-aC) coatings were deposited on cemented carbide and Si substratcs by cathode-arc-enhanced closed field middle-frequency unbalanced magnetron sputtering. The coatings were studied by using atomic force microscopy, Raman scattering, nanoindentation, and pin-on-disk testing. The measurements showed that the hardness of the coatings increased from 12 GPa at a Ti content of 1 at.% to 27 GPa at 31 at.%. The coatings exhibited different friction behaviors when facing different mating materials and changed with increasing Ti content, The coating with 4 at.% Ti exhibited excellent tribological performance with a low friction coefficient of 0.07 when facing the cemented carbide.  相似文献   

This paper describes the nanoindentation behavior of TiVCrZrAl nitride films grown on Si substrates by means of reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at growth temperatures from 150 to 300 °C. We used cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction to analyze the microstructure and crystallinity and nanoindentation techniques to study the hardness and elastic modulus. We found that a face-centered-cubic solid-solution structure with strong (2 0 0), (1 1 1), (2 2 0), and (3 1 1) orientations were revealed by X-ray diffraction. Upon increasing the growth temperature of the films, the hardness and elastic modulus increased to maximum values of 15.2 and 203.5 GPa, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of the frequency and power of the bias applied to the substrate on plasma properties in 60 MHz(VHF) magnetron sputtering was investigated.The plasma properties include the ion velocity distribution function(IVDF),electron energy probability function(EEPF),electron density n_e,ion flux Γ_i,and effective electron temperature T_(eff).These parameters were measured by a retarding field energy analyzer and a Langmuir probe in the 60 MHz magnetron sputtering,assisted with 13.56 MHz or 27.12 MHz substrate bias.The 13.56 MHz substrate bias led to broadening and multi-peaks IVDFs,Maxwellian EEPFs,as well as high electron density,ion flux,and low electron temperature.The 27.12 MHz substrate bias led to a further increase of electron density and ion flux,but made the IVDFs narrow.Therefore,the frequency of the substrate bias was a possible way to control the plasma properties in VHF magnetron sputtering.  相似文献   

A kind of combinatorial material methodology,also known as continuous compositional spread method,was employed to investigate the relationship between the optical band gap and composition of SiC thin films.A wide range of SixCy thin films with different carbon contents have been successfully deposited in a single deposition by carefully arranging the sample position on the substrate holder.The films were characterized by surface profiler,x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy,fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy.The carbon content y increases linearly from 0.28 to 0.72 while the sample position changed from 85 to 175 mm,the optical band gap changed between 1.27 and 1.99 eV,the maximum value corresponded to the stoichiometric SiC sample at the position of 130 mm,which has the highest Si?C bond density of 11.7×10^22 cm^-3.The C poor and C rich SixCy samples with y value less and larger than 0.5 were obtained while samples deviated from the position 130 mm,the optical band gap decreased with the Si?C bond density.  相似文献   

采用低能Ar离子束辅助沉积方法,在Mo/Si(100)衬底上分别沉积Cu、Ag、Pt薄膜.实验发现,若辅助轰击的Ar离子束沿衬底法线方向入射,当离子/原子到达比为0.2时,沉积的Cu膜呈(111)晶向,而Ag、Pt膜均呈(111)和(100)混合晶向.当辅助轰击的Ar离子束偏离衬底法线方向45°入射时,沉积的Cu、Ag、Pt膜均呈(111)择优取向.采用Monte Carlo方法模拟能量为500 eV的Ar离子入射单晶Ag所引起的原子级联碰撞过程,分别算得Ar离子入射单晶Ag(100)面、(111)面时,Ar离子的溅射率与入射角和方位角的关系.对离子注入的沟道效应和薄膜表面的自由能对薄膜择优取向的影响作了初步的探讨和分析.  相似文献   

In order to improve the length of plasma in a whole tube and mechanical properties of Cr films deposited on the inner surface of the tube, a high-power impulse magnetron sputtering coating method with a planar cathode target and auxiliary anode was proposed. The auxiliary anode was placed near the tube tail to attract plasma into the inner part of the tube. Cr films were deposited on the inner wall of a 20# carbon steel tube with a diameter of 40 mm and length of 120 mm. The influence of auxiliary anode voltage on the discharge characteristics of the Cr target, and the structure and mechanical properties of Cr films deposited on the inner surface of the tube were explored. With higher auxiliary anode voltage, an increase in substrate current was observed, especially in the tube tail. The thickness uniformity, compactness, hardness and H/E ratios of the Cr films deposited on the inner surface of the tube increased with the increase in auxiliary anode voltage. The Cr films deposited with auxiliary anode voltage of 60 V exhibited the highest hardness of 9.6 GPa and the lowest friction coefficient of 0.68.  相似文献   

由离子和离子束技术形成的非晶碳膜具有良好的电绝缘性、对红外及可见光透明、硬度大、耐腐蚀等优良性质,可望在半导体器件、激光器件、太阳电池和材料保护等方面得到应用而受到重视。近年来很多作者先后报道了用未经质量分析的低能碳离子束直接沉积、离子束溅射沉积、离子镀、射频辉光放电离化碳氢化合物的等离子体沉积、经质量分析的低能碳离子束沉积等方法在单晶硅、玻璃、不锈钢等不同衬底上形成非晶碳膜的结果。碳膜的物理性质与沉积条件有密切关系,根据物理性质非晶碳膜大致可以分为三类,即导电、不透明的类石墨膜;绝缘、透明、质软的类聚合物膜;透明、绝缘、硬度大的类金刚石膜。  相似文献   

研究了通过磁控溅射方法制备高纯金属铀膜的可行性。采用X射线衍射(XRD)、俄歇电子能谱(AES)、扫描电镜(SEM)、表面轮廓仪分析了沉积在单晶硅或金基材上铀薄膜的微观结构、成分、界面结构及厚度、表面形貌和表面粗糙度。分析结果表明:磁控溅射制备的铀薄膜为纯金属态,氧含量和其它杂质含量均低于俄歇电子能谱仪的探测下限;溅射沉积的铀镀层与铝镀层之间存在界面作用,两者相互扩散并形成合金相,扩散层厚度约为10nm。铀薄膜厚度可达微米级,表面光洁,均方根(RMS)粗糙度优于15nm。  相似文献   

合金化对溅射Ti膜材结构和力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了直流磁控溅射Ti、TiMo、TiMoY及TiMoYAl薄膜的形貌、结构和力学性能,探讨了合金化对Ti膜的影响。结果表明,合金化使Ti膜由α相结构转变为α+β双相结构,改变了薄膜的择优取向,降低了薄膜表面粗糙度,并改善了薄膜的力学性能。  相似文献   

An accelerator storage ring needs clean ultrahigh vacuum.A TiZrV non-evaporable getter (NEG) film deposited on interior walls of the chamber can realize distributed pumping,effective vacuum improvement and reduced longitudinal pressure gradient.But accumulation of pollutants such as N2 and O2 will decrease the adsorption ability of the NEG,leading to a reduction of NEG lifetime.Therefore,an NEG thin film coated with a layer of Pd,which has high diffusion rate and absorption ability for H2,can extend the service life of NEG and improve the pumping rate of H2 as well.In this paper,with argon as discharge gas,a magnetron sputtering method is adopted to prepare TiZrV-Pd films in a long straight pipe.By SEM measurement,deposition rates of TiZrV-Pd films are analyzed under different deposition parameters,such as magnetic field strength,gas flow rate,discharge current,discharge voltage and working pressure.By comparing the experimental results with the simulation results based on Sigmund's theory,the Pd deposition rate C can be estimated by the sputtered depth.  相似文献   

Carbon nitride films were deposited by a twinned microwave electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma source enhanced unbalanced magnetron sputtering system. The results indicate that the structure of the films is sensitive to the nitrogen content. The increase in the nitrogen flow ratio leads to an increase in the sp3 content and an improvement of the tribological properties.  相似文献   

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