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钪酸盐阴极电子枪双短脉冲发射实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作研究在ns量级双脉冲高压下钪酸盐阴极电子枪电流发射。实验中采用Blumlein线形成ns量级脉冲高压作为电子枪馈入高压,脉冲宽度约为80ns,双脉冲间隔约为300ns。实验结果表明:在消除了空间高频干扰后,法拉第筒测量到的电子枪发射电流脉冲形状与馈入的ns量级双脉冲高压形状非常吻合。由此验证了钪酸盐阴极电子枪对ns级脉冲高压发射响应能力能满足双短脉冲高压工作状态要求,可以作为ns量级多脉冲电子束注入器。  相似文献   

In this paper, the air plasma jet produced by micro-hollow cathode discharge(MHCD) is investigated. The discharge is powered by a positive nanosecond pulse high voltage supply. The waveforms of the discharge, the images of the jet, the evolution of the plasma bullet and the reactive species are obtained to analyze the characteristics of the MHCD plasma jet. It is found that the length of the plasma jet is almost proportional to the air flow rate of 2–6 slm. Two plasma bullets appear one after another during a single period of the voltage waveform, and both of the two plasma bullets are formed during the positive pulse voltage off. The propagation velocity of the two plasma bullets is on the order of several hundred m/s, which is approximate to that of the air flow. These results indicate that the gas flow has an important influence on the formation of this MHCD plasma jet.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gas-liquid discharge with argon as a working gas is presented by employed nanosecond pulse power. The discharge is presented in a glow-like mode. The discharge powers are determined to be less than 1 W, and remains almost constant when the discharge duration time increases. Bountiful active species are determined by capturing optical emission spectra,and their main generation processes are also discussed. The plasma gas temperature is calculated as 350 K by comparing the experimental spectra and the simulated ones of N_2(C~3Ⅱ_g→B~3Ⅱ_g, Δv =-2). The time resolved vibrational and rotational temperature is researched to present the stability of discharge when pulse voltage and discharge duration vary.The electron density is determined to be 10~(16) cm~(-3) according to the Stark broadening effect of the H_α line.  相似文献   

He GUO 《等离子体科学和技术》2018,20(10):105404-105404
With regard to the lower density and energy of electrons in pulsed discharge plasma (PDP) at atmosphere, leading to the lower energy utilization of plasma, we propose a MgO cathode to enhance the plasma intensity according to field emission principle. The MgO cathode is prepared by an electro-depositing MgO film on a stainless steel plate. This way, the positive charges come to the cathode and accumulate on the surface of the MgO film, leading to the enhancement of the electric field intensity between the cathode and MgO film, and result in the strong emission of secondary electrons from the MgO cathode. As a result, the intensity of plasma can be enhanced. Herein, the effect of the MgO cathode on the intensity of PDP is investigated. It was shown that the discharge peak current was improved by 20% compared with that of without the MgO cathode. With increasing the MgO film thickness, discharge intensity, including the peak current, transforming charge and spectrum intensity first increased and then decreased. Higher enhancement of peak current, transforming charge and spectrum intensity were acquired with a higher peak voltage. Compared to a cathode without MgO film, the ozone production is higher with MgO cathode employed. The research proposes a novel approach for improving the intensity of discharge plasma, and also provides a reference for further application of PDP.  相似文献   

The behavior of argon plasma driven by nanosecond pulsed plasma in a low-pressure plasma reactor is investigated using a global model, and the results are compared with the experimental measurements. The time evolution of plasma density and the electron energy probability function are calculated by solving the energy balance and Boltzmann equations. During and shortly after the discharge pulse, the electron energy probability function can be represented by a bi-Maxwellian distribution, indicating two energy groups of electrons. According to the effective electron temperature calculation, we find that there are more high-energy electrons that play an important role in the excitation and ionization processes than low-energy electrons. The effective electron temperature is also measured via optical emission spectroscopy to evaluate the simulation model. In the comparison, the simulation results are found to be in agreement with the measure- ments. Furthermore, variations of the effective electron temperature are presented versus other discharge parameters, such as pulse width time, pulse rise time and gas pressure.  相似文献   

重点研究了粉末冶金法制备Ir-Ce(铱-铈)合金阴极过程中压制压力和烧结温度对发射性能的影响,建立起了一套稳定的制备工艺。试验得到Ir-Ce掺W阴极在1753K时的发射电流密度达12.4A/cm2,电流密度保持为1.7A/cm2,发射试验稳定达150h。从机理上验证了它是一种高温大发射电流的发射体。试验还表明Ir-Ce阴极具有良好的抗中毒能力。作为应用研究,测量了该阴极在热阴极微波电子枪中的发射性能,微波腔场强约10MV/m,工作温度1913K,零场发射电流密度为10A/cm2,最大发射电流密度达21A/cm2,在2020K时计算零场发射电流密度可达42A/cm2。  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure discharges excited by repetitive nanosecond pulses have attracted significant attention for various applications.In this paper,a plate-plate discharge with airflows is excited by a repetitive nanosecond pulse generator.Under different experiment conditions,the applied voltages,discharge currents,and discharge images are recorded.The plasma images presented here indicate that the volume discharge modes vary with airflow speeds,and a diffuse and homogeneous volume discharge occurs at the speed of more than 35 m/s.The role of airflows provides different effects on the 2-stage pulse discharges.The 1st pulse currents nearly maintain consistency for different airflow speeds.However,the 2nd pulse current has a change trend of first decreasing and then rapidly increasing,and the value difference for 2nd pulse currents is about 20 A under different airflows.In addition,the experimental results are discussed according to the electrical parameters and discharge images.  相似文献   

In this work, the pulsed hollow cathode discharges at low pressure argon with an axial magnetic field were studied. The results indicate that the pulsed discharge is operated in an enhanced glow(EG) mode. Under the same conditions, the discharge current of the pulsed discharge is two or three orders higher than that of the direct current discharge. The spatial and temporal evolution of the light emission shows that, the current fluctuation at the rising edge of the pulse plays an important role for the EG discharge of pulsed hollow cathode, which forms a high-density, highcurrent and long-distance plasma column outside the cavity.  相似文献   

A line-to-plate reactor was set-up in the experimental study on the application of nanosecond pulsed corona discharge plasma technology in environmental pollution control. Investigation on the attenuation and distortion of the amplitude of the pulse wave front and the discharge image as well as the waveform along the corona wire was conducted. The results show that the wave front decreases sharply during the corona discharge along the corona wire. The higher the amplitude of the applied pulse is, the more the amplitude of the wave front decreased. The wave attenuation responds in a lower corona discharge inversely. To get a higher efficiency of the line-to-plate reactor a sharp attenuation of the corona has to be considered in practical design.  相似文献   

An application of magnetic field to the nanosecond pulse corona discharge is investigated. A cylinder reactor with different corona electrodes is set up for experimental study. A magnetic field with its direction perpendicular to the corona discharge is applied. Different discharge images are taken under single nanosecond pulse with a high sensitive UV-visible light imagine recorder. Experimental results show that with a cross magnetic field the nanosecond corona discharge both generates paths and develops homogeneously in space more than that without the magnetic field. The results may lead to a possibility to apply a cross magnetic field on nanosecond pulse corona discharge for getting higher desulfurization efficiency.  相似文献   

Hollow cathode researches used to focus on the inner cavity or downstream plume, however,rarely on the gap between the throttling orifice plate and the keeper plate(T-K gap), which was found to impact the self-sustaining margin of hollow cathode discharge in this paper. Near the lower margin, the main power deposition and electron emission and ionization regions would migrate from inner cavity and downstream plume to the T-K gap, in which case, the source and destination of each m A current therein matter for the self-sustaining capability. Changing the metal surfaces in the T-K gap with emissive materials proved effective in lowering the lower margin by supplementing auxiliary thermionic emission, compensating electron loss on cold absorbing walls and suppressing discharge oscillations. By doing so, the lower margin of a 4 A hollow cathode was lowered from 1 to 0.1-0.2 A, enabling it to couple with low power Hall thruster without extra keeper current.  相似文献   

In this study, a pulsed, high voltage driven hollow-cathode electron beam sources through an optical trigger is designed with characteristics of simple structure, low cost, and easy triggering. To validate the new design, the characteristics of hollow-cathode discharge and electron beam characterization under pulsed high voltage drive are studied experimentally and discussed by discharge characteristics and analyses of waveform details, respectively. The validation experiments indicate that the pulsed high voltage supply significantly improves the frequency and stability of the discharge, which provides a new solution for the realization of a high-frequency, high-energy electron beam source. The peak current amplitude in the high-energy electron beam increases from 6.2 A to 79.6 A, which indicates the pulsed power mode significantly improves the electron beam performance. Besides, increasing the capacitance significantly affects the high-current, lower-energy electron beam more than the high-energy electron beam.  相似文献   

A coaxial dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) reactor with double layer dielectric barriers has been developed for exhaust gas treatment and excited either by AC power or nanosecond(ns)pulse to generate atmospheric pressure plasma. The comparative study on the discharge characteristics of the discharge uniformity, power deposition, energy efficiency, and operation temperature between AC and ns pulsed coaxial DBD is carried out in terms of optical and electrical characteristics and operation temperature for optimizing the coaxial DBD reactor performance. The voltages across the air gap and dielectric layer and the conduction and displacement currents are extracted from the applied voltages and measured currents of AC and ns pulsed coaxial DBDs for the calculation of the power depositions and energy efficiencies through an equivalent electrical model. The discharge uniformity and operating temperature of the coaxial DBD reactor are monitored and analyzed by optical images and infrared camera. A heat conduction model is used to calculate the temperature of the internal quartz tube. It is found that the ns pulsed coaxial DBD has a much higher instantaneous power deposition in plasma, a lower total power consumption, and a higher energy efficiency compared with that excited by AC power and is more homogeneous and stable. The temperature of the outside wall of the AC and ns pulse excited coaxial DBD reaches 158 ℃ and 64.3 ℃ after 900 s operation, respectively.The experimental results on the comparison of the discharge characteristics of coaxial DBDs excited by different powers are significant for understanding of the mechanism of DBDs,reducing energy loss, and optimizing the performance of coaxial DBD in industrial applications.  相似文献   

The pumped system of the XeCl excimer laser has been designed and applied to analyze UV XeC1 laser spectroscopy characteristics. Under the proportion of mixed gas of HCI:Xe:He = 0.1%: 1% :98.9%, excimer laser light was generated by stable glow discharge process. The laser spectrum, pulse duration, and laser power properties were obtained. The result shows that this XeCI excimer laser exhibits unique spectral properties, with two peaks between 307.7 nm and 308.5 nm at high pressure with a pumped power of 1.3959 MW/cm^3. The transition relies on the strongest transitions between B-X and C-X. The maximum-intensity transition of spectroscopy is B to X energy levels. The laser parameters are as follows: minimal duration of 15.42 ns, a repetition rate from 0.5 Hz to 5 Hz, single pulse stable power of 400 m J, and beam divergence angle of 3 mrad. The laser can be used to study UV spectroscopy, laser ablation sampling and sputtered pinnate form.  相似文献   

Dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) have been widely used in ozone synthesis, materials surface treatment, and plasma medicine for their advantages of uniform discharge and high plasma-chemical reactivity. To improve the reactivity of DBDs, in this work, the O2 is added into Ar nanosecond (ns) pulsed and AC DBDs. The uniformity and discharge characteristics of Ar ns pulsed and AC DBDs with different O2 contents are investigated with optical and electrical diagnosis methods. The DBD uniformity is quantitatively analyzed by gray value standard deviation method. The electrical parameters are extracted from voltage and current waveforms separation to characterize the discharge processes and calculate electron density ne. The optical emission spectroscopy is measured to show the plasma reactivity and calculate the trend of electron temperature Te with the ratio of two emission lines. It is found that the ns pulsed DBD has a much better uniformity than AC DBD for the fast rising and falling time. With the addition of O2, the uniformity of ns pulsed DBD gets worse for the space electric field distortion by O2, which promotes the filamentary formation. While, in AC DBD, the added O2 can reduce the intensity of filaments, which enhances the discharge uniformity. The ns pulsed DBD has a much higher instantaneous power and energy efficiency than AC DBD. The ratio of Ar emission intensities indicates that the Te drops quickly with the addition of O2 both ns pulsed and AC DBDs and the ns pulsed DBD has an obvious higher Te and ne than AC DBD. The results are helpful for the realization of the reactive and uniform low temperature plasma sources.  相似文献   

In this work, a typical pin-to-pin plasma synthetic jet in static air is excited by a pulsed DC power supply. The influences of the pulse rising time, the amplitude and the repetition frequency of the pulse voltage on the jet flow have been investigated. First, using a high-speed Schlieren imaging technique, the induced shock waves and the fast jet flow generated by the plasma synthetic jet are characterized. With a deposited energy of 44 mJ per pulse, the velocity of the shock wave and the maximum velocity of the jet flow reach 320 m s−1 and 100 m s−1, respectively. Second, when the applied voltage increases from 12.8 kV to 16 kV, the maximum jet velocity increases from 66 m s−1 to 93 m s−1. On the other hand, as the pulse rising time varies from 50 ns to 500 ns, or the pulse repetition frequency increases from 5 Hz to 40 Hz, the jet velocity induced by the plasma synthetic jet is weakly dependent. In addition, a comparative study of the plasma synthetic jets using three commercial pulsed power supplies (XJ-15, NPG- 18, and PG-30) is implemented. It reveals that the maximum jet velocity of 120 m s−1 is obtained in the case of PG-30, with the longest pulse rising time and the lowest breakdown voltage, while the maximum velocity of 33 m s−1 is detected in the case of NPG-18, even though it has the shortest pulse rising time and the highest breakdown voltage.  相似文献   

In this paper,unipolar pulse (including positive pulse and negative pulse) and bipolar pulse voltage are employed to generate diffuse gas-liquid discharge in atmospheric N2 with a trumpet-shaped quartz tube.The current-voltage waveforms,optical emission spectra of excited state active species,FTIR spectra of exhaust gas components,plasma gas temperature,and aqueous H2O2,NO2-,and NO3-production are compared in three pulse modes,meanwhile,the effects of pulse peak voltage and gas flow rate on the production of reactive species are studied.The results show that two obvious discharges occur in each voltage pulse in unipolar pulse driven discharge,differently,in bipolar pulse driven discharge,only one main discharge appears in a single voltage pulse time.The intensities of active species (OH(A),and O(3p)) in all three pulsed discharge increase with the rise of pulse peak voltage and have the highest value at 200 ml min-1 of gas flow rate.The absorbance intensities of NO2 and N2O increase with the increase of pulse peak voltage and decrease with the increase of gas flow rate.Under the same discharge conditions,the bipolar pulse driven discharge shows lower breakdown voltage,and higher intensities of excited species (N2(C),OH(A),and O(3p)),nitrogen oxides (NO2,NO,and N2O),and higher production of aqueous H2O2,NO2-,and NO3-compared with both unipolar positive and negative discharges.  相似文献   

A direct current glow discharge source structure operating at high pressure based on the micro-slot hollow cathode is presented in this article. A 100 μm width slot cathode was fabricated of copper, and a stable DC glow discharge with an area of 0.5 mm^2 was produced in noble gases (He, Ne) and air over a wide pressure range (kPa - 10 kPa). The current-voltage characteristics and the near UV radiation emission of the discharge were studied.  相似文献   

Measurements of the plasma parameters of coaxial gridded hollow electrode alternating current(AC)discharge helium plasma were carried out using an improved probe diagnostic technology.The measurements were performed under well-defined discharge conditions(chamber geometry,input power,AC power frequency,and external electrical characteristics).The problems encountered in describing the characteristics of AC discharge in many probe diagnostic methods were addressed by using an improved probe diagnostics design.This design can also be applied to the measurement of plasma parameters in many kinds of plasma sources in which the probe potential fluctuates with the discharge current.Several parameters of the hollow electrode AC helium discharge plasma were measured,including the plasma density,electron temperature,plasma density profiles,and changes in plasma density at different input power values and helium pressures.The characteristics of the coaxial gridded hollow electrode plasma determined by the experiments are suitable for comparison with plasma simulations,and for use in many applications of hollow cathode plasma.  相似文献   

In this paper, volume barrier discharge with different gap distances is added on the discharge border of high-voltage electrode of annular surface barrier discharge for generating volume added surface barrier discharge (V-SBD) excited by bipolar nanosecond high-voltage pulse power in atmospheric air. The excited V-SBDs consist of surface barrier discharge (d=0 mm) and volume added surface barrier discharges (d=2 mm and 3 mm). The optical emission spectra are recorded for calculating emission intensities of N2 (C 3u →B3Πg ) and N2+ (B 2Σu+ → X 2Σg+ ), and simulating rotational and vibrational temperatures. The influences of gap distance of V-SBD on emission intensity and plasma temperature are also investigated and analyzed. The results show that d=0 mm structure can excite the largest emission intensity of N 2 (C 3 Πu →B 3Πg ), while the existence of volume barrier discharge can delay the occurrence of the peak value of the emission intensity ratio of N2+ (B 2Σu+ → X 2Σg+ )/N 2(C3Πu →B3Πg ) during the rising period of the applied voltage pulse and weaken it during the end period. The increasing factor of emission intensity is effected by the pulse repetition rate. The d=3 mm structure has the highest threshold voltage while it can maintain more emission intensity of N2(C3 Π u →B 3Πg ) than that of d=2 mm structure. The structure of d=2 mm can maintain more increasing factor than that of the d=3 mm structure with varying pulse repetition rate. Besides, the rotational temperatures of three V-SBD structures are slightly affected when the gap distance and pulse repetition rate vary. The vibrational temperatures have decaying tendencies of all three structures with the increasing pulse repetition rate.  相似文献   

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