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This paper investigates Central Asia's oil and gas resources, special geopolitics and energy competition, and approaches, challenges and prospects in cooperation between China and Central Asia. The objective is to propose measures for oil and gas cooperation between China and Central Asia. Central Asia is rich in oil and gas resources. Its remaining recoverable reserves of crude oil and natural gas account for 1.9% and 10.6 %, respectively, of the world's total reserves. Moreover, there is great exploration and development potential. As a strategic channel connecting Eurasia, Central Asia has a prominent geopolitical status. Many powerful countries such as the United States, Russia and China, as well as Europe, have an intense energy competition in Central Asia. In the oil and gas cooperation with Central Asia, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) focuses on establishing a coordination group, promoting overall oil and gas business opportunities and sustainable development, innovating and applying specialty engineering technology and improving project economic benefits. Through its efforts over the last nearly two decades, the China National Petroleum Corporation has completed a 50-million-tonne a year oil and gas production centre in Central Asia and oil and gas pipelines passing through multiple countries, becoming an important channel for securing China's energy imports. If appropriate measures are taken in the 'Thirteenth Five-Year Plan' period or later, the China National Petroleum Corporation will develop a 100-million-tonne p.a. oil and gas production centre in Central Asia and a strategic oil and gas import channel exceeding this amount of production. This cooperation between China and Central Asia is however faced with the following challenges: increasing multinational competition uncertainty, potential risks in the political systems of Central Asian countries, frequently occurring violence and also resource policy tightening in Central Asia. To further oil and gas cooperation w  相似文献   

刁海燕  王青  汪平  赵旭 《天然气工业》2014,34(8):147-152
随着国内能源消费量的快速增长,国内油气产量已远远不能满足市场需求,而海外油气资源的利用则极大地缓解了上述供不应求的矛盾。通过国际贸易(现货和期货)进口和到境外资源国参与油气生产获得份额油已成为中国引进国际油气资源的两大途径。在综合分析相关商业数据和调研海外油气项目的基础上,得到了以下认识:1我国已在海外建立起北非、西非、中亚、南美、中东、东南亚和北美油气生产区,截至2012年底,中国公司海外权益油气储量已达25.3×108(1toe=41.868GJ);2除了到资源国自主勘探开发,近年来资产并购亦成为中国公司获得海外油气资产的重要途径,通过并购,中石化、中海油的国际业务快速增长;3每年需进口大量石油和天然气来弥补需求量缺口,一半左右的进口原油来自中东,非洲、中亚、南美地区的原油进口量最近几年快速增加,原油进口地区趋于分散;4天然气进口主要有管道气和LNG两种形式,其中前者气源目前主要来自中亚,后者主要来自亚太和中东。  相似文献   

There is a great potential of both supply and consumption in oil gas market in Northeast Asia,and the prospects of further cooperation is very broad.Sino-Russia cooperation on oil gas will lay a crucial foundation for building a regional oil gas market,and an increasingly opened trading system for oil gas will also meet Japan and South Korea's need in building a diversified and stable assurance system of oil gas supply.The strategic role played by Kozmino Port in Far East Russia and Shanghai oil and gas trading platform in China will be highlighted.Competition and cooperation through market mechanism zoill help to activate the interactions of resource flow and capital flow in Northeast Asia region,thus can also help energy consuming countries in the region to promote their disclosure power in global pricing system and gradually eliminate the Asian Premium.  相似文献   

����ʯ����Ȼ��ս������   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了油气与经济可持续发展之间的关系,阐明了能源系统的演化规律与趋势,认为在21世纪前期油气在世界能源系统中还将占据主导地位。根据各国石油天然气生产和消费特征,将世界各国划分为3大类型:油气净出口国、油气净进口国、油气生产与进口大国。对比分析了不同类型国家的石油天然气战略之异同点。结果认为:国家要实现油气有效、稳定和价格合理地供给,在油气上下游市场引入竞争机制和推进自由化是必要的;油气基础设施是实现油气供给安全稳定和价格合理的基础,因此要加大油气管线等基础设施的建设,在可能的情况下应鼓励私有资本参与其中;国家政治外交等措施是各国在全球范围内配置油气资源的重要手段。鉴于中国的油气生产与消费情况同美国极为相似,故中国的油气战略制定可以借鉴、参考美国的经验。  相似文献   

郑海光 《海洋石油》2011,31(2):96-100
2010年我国进口原油2.39亿吨,原油对外依存度已经超过55%.截至2010年,三大石油公司的海外业务已遍及全球50多个国家和地区.中国石化海外原油产量从2008年的901万吨增长到2009年的1 700万吨.在当前"走出去"的大环境下,为保证我国的能源安全,中国石化也在积极寻求海外油源多元化投资.中国石化海外油源投...  相似文献   

Last year, the world produced some 82.2 mn bpd of crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGL), of which 48.2 mn bpd, or 59%, came from countries outside OPEC. Most of these non-OPEC countries are now mature oil-producers, in long term decline ( see Box ). A few have still to reach peak output, but non-OPEC production as a whole is within a few years of its peak, after which any net increase in world oil supplies will have to come entirely from OPEC.  


油气工业是哈萨克斯坦国民经济的支柱产业。近年来,哈国通过吸引外资、技术改造、兼并收购等措施提升油气工业发展水平。10年来,该国油气产量增加了6倍,2011年开采原油及凝析油8 006×104 t,天然气395×108 m3. 近年,哈萨克斯坦通过修改资源法、颁布天然气法等更加务实的油气政策,旨在不断加强油气资源的监管和利用,保障本国的利益。基于对哈国天然气工业发展现状、前景分析,给出了中哈油气合作建议。  相似文献   

Belt and Road initiative is a very important strategy for Chinese companies to cooperate with foreign ones.The Middle East is a region that contains abundant oil and gas resources. Meanwhile, many countries in the Middle East support and join in the Belt and Road initiative. Since oil and gas resources are of vital significance for Chinese industry,the cooperation in oil and gas with countries in the Middle East is an important part in 'Belt and Road' initiative. CNPC began its overseas business from the year 1993 and now it keeps cooperating with many countries in the Middle East. UAE has a large amount of oil and gas reserves and after evaluation, CNPC became the shareholder of ADNOC Onshore and gained 8% of the stocks.In order to improve the development effect, ADNOC appointed several international oil companies as asset leaders for four assets. As a reward, each asset leader can have more income and less tax. As a result, CNPC decided to compete for NEB asset leader with other international oil companies. After analyzing the current development plan, our group conducted the optimization scheme for NEB asset that can help improve the current situation and enhance oil recovery.The optimization scheme is divided into three steps. First is the establishment of effective drainage system.Second is to control water cut and GOR. Third is to enhance oil recovery factor based on first two steps. After discussion with the research group of ADNOC, they admitted that our strategy can solve the problems. Finally, CNPC obtained the asset leader, and has more impact on UAE oil and gas industry since then.  相似文献   

“井工厂”技术在我国非常规油气开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“井工厂”技术能大幅度提高作业效率、降低工程成本,在致密油气、页岩油气等低渗透、低品位的非常规油气开发中具有显著的技术优势,因此该技术在北美地区进行了大规模应用,取得了巨大的经济效益。为了使该技术更好地应用于我国非常规油气开发中,在详细阐述“井工厂”技术的概念和特点的基础上,介绍了国外该技术的发展和应用现状,梳理了国内中国石油、中国石化对该技术的探索应用情况,并分析指出,国内配套的装备仪器还不能完全适应“井工厂”作业的需求,还没有实现真正意义上的流水线式施工,还没有形成一套成熟的“井工厂”作业模式。因此,建议树立“全过程低成本”的基本理念,总结我国致密气藏开发的成功经验,有针对性地集成和发展相配套的工程技术,设立“井工厂”技术项目部,规范管理,以形成真正符合我国非常规油气资源类型和开发规律的“井工厂”技术。   相似文献   

The area under review is the Arabian Peninsula, Fertile Crescent and parts of SE Turkey and SW Iran (Arabian Plate plus Levant). Petroleum production is essentially from the eastern part or the Iraq-Iran-Arabia basin. Published proved oil reserves at the start of 1985 were estimated at 398.7 B? brl (barrels) and those for natural gas at 869.95 T? cu. ft (53 B tonnes and 24.8 T cum respectively) amounting to 57% of estimated world oil reserves and 25.6% of world gas reserves. The region produced 21.2% of world production in 1984 (but had produced 38.8% in 1974, the drop being due to non-technical reasons). The oil reserves are attributable to some 290 producing fields and undeveloped discoveries, 25 of which are “supergiant” and 69 of which are “giant” in size. Only about 122 of these fields and discoveries are actually producing (excluding Turkey's 30 which account for little of the total). The reasons for the prolific oil abundance lie principally in the repeated extensive deposition of organically-rich source rocks under anoxic conditions in the right juxtaposition with very permeable extensive reservoirs and sealed by regionally extensive efficient seals over several intervals of geological time, charging extremely large anticlinal traps formed by a variety of structure-forming mechanisms available at optimum hydrocarbon maturation and migration times. Accumulations occur in Paleozoic sands in southern Oman charged from Infra-Cambrian source rocks, and in Middle and Upper Jurassic carbonates and Lower and Middle Cretaceous carbonates and sanhtones in the central part of the basin (the Gulf), and the Zagros fold belt, as well as in the Oligo-Miocene carbonates in the latter charged by vertical migration from the Cretaceous. The NW-most part has heavier Middle-Upper Cretaceous and some Miocene oil of differing origin and Triassic light oil, gas and condensate extending into central Syria. Subordinate Paleogene heavy oil occurs in the Kuwait-Basra area. Other new discoveries of Mesozoic and Paleogene age have occurred in Jordan and North and South Yemen. All Middle East countries with the exception of Lebanon now either have established production or discoveries under assessment. Even in the main basin, exploration has not been intensive and future efforts including enhanced recovery methods will lead to considerable success and are expected to add new reserves equal to those now established for oil and probably more than those now estimated for gas, with a 50% chance of success. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and UAE are ranked highest, but small basins outside the main area will yield important finds by utilisation of the latest in geophysical and geochemical methods.  相似文献   

Middle East is the major world region producing and exporting crude oil. However, the same Middle East crude oil has different prices when it is sold to different countries. The price① to Asian countries might be higher than that to European and America countries. This kind of difference is termed the Asian crude oil premium. Owing to the premium, Asian countries have to pay more to import Middle East crude oil than European and America countries. Japan depends heavily on Middle East cr…  相似文献   

回顾即将过去的2011年,国际环境复杂多变。经济上,欧债危机波及程度和范围渐深渐广;政治上,西亚北非局势陷入30年来前所未有的动荡紧张;雪上加霜的是,日本发生的大地震引发的福岛核电站泄漏事故,让各国"谈核色变",进而将目光更多地投向可再生  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China's largest oil and gas producer, has cumulatively made an investment of 59.6 billion yuan (US$7.39 billion) for its overseas oil and gas business in the past few years. The group has established five oil and natural gas production bases in Africa, central Asia, America, the Asian and Pacific region and the Middle East.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
OPEC ministers agreed to cut crude oil production by 1 mn bpd from 1st January, whilst leaving the group's production ceiling unchanged at 27 mn bpd. Cuts were allocated amongst the seven countries deemed to be overproducing the most ( see Global Energy Review , OPEC, Latest Developments). OPEC's President, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, said OPEC's oil price target should be raised to at least $30 to reflect current dollar weakness. Freight rates fell sharply in the wake of OPEC's decision on output. VLCC rates between the Persian Gulf and Asia went down immediately by 25% and lost a further 60% by the end of the year. Saudi Arabia agreed to cuts of 500,000 bpd. The kingdom meanwhile has added 800,000 bpd to its production capacity with the formal opening of the Qatif and Abu Safah fields, bringing total capacity to 11 mn bpd. The Saudi government stepped up security following renewed threats by al-Qaeda to attack oil installations there. Two car bombs later exploded in Riyadh. In a radical departure from normal trading practice, Saudi Arabia said it would explore the idea of selling oil under long term contracts on a take-or-pay basis. Such arrangements are common in the natural gas industry but rare in the case of oil.  相似文献   

我国南海天然气开发前景展望   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
截止到2007年底,我国南海探明天然气地质储量已达到3 235×108 m3,天然气年产量为60×108 m3,占我国海上天然气总产量的88%。在该区的勘探开发实践证实:①我国南海具有丰富的天然气资源;②南海是我国海上最重要天然气生产基地;③深水天然气勘探所获得的重大突破,使得南海天然气勘探开发具备了进一步发展的广阔前景。但是,南海天然气开发也面临着许多挑战:自然环境条件恶劣,勘探开发投资大、成本高,深水勘探开发经验不足,存在海域争端等。对此,应采取以下措施:①继续坚持自营与合作并举,加快南海天然气勘探开发步伐;②以开发荔湾3-1气田为突破口,全面掌握深水勘探开发技术;③建立自己的深水研发和装备队伍;④努力推动南海争议区的共同开发工作进程。结论认为:南中国海蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,有望建成大型天然气生产基地,如果战略目标明确、规划落实、勘探开发资金到位,2020年前后南海有望形成400×108~500×108 m3的天然气年产能力。  相似文献   

On December 14, 2009, Chinese President Hu Jintao and his counterparts from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan jointly put the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline into operation, that links the four countries. At the ceremony in a gas plant near the Turkmen-Uzbek border, President Hu said the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline is a model of sincere solidarity and mutually beneficial cooperation of the four countries. He said the gas pipeline is a carrier of goodwill for friendship and mutual benefits of the four countries.  相似文献   

世界深水油气勘探形势分析及对我国深水油气勘探的启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了了解及借鉴世界深水油气勘探开发的技术、经验,从而对我国正在开展的深水油气勘探开发有所启示,对当前世界深水油气勘探开发形势、面临问题及发展趋势等进行了广泛调研,并进行了较深入分析。全球深水海域油气资源丰富,已成为当前热门的油气勘探领域。深水油气产量及所占比重不断增长,全球深水油气产量从1996年的不足2×108bbl油当量增长到2005年的14×108bbl油当量,全球深水油气产量占海洋油气总产量的比重分别由2004年的10%和7%,将增长至2015年的25%和12%。与此同时,随着深水油气勘探的逐渐深入,也面临着越来越多的难题,如油藏规模越来越小、油藏流体越来越复杂、作业海域环境越来越恶劣以及对技术的要求越来越高等。为了解决这些问题,高分辨率3D地震技术、4C/4D地震技术、大位移水平井及分支井技术、智能完井技术、各种深水作业平台以及越来越智能化的海底生产系统等,正日益广泛应用于深水油气的勘探开发中。全球深水油气勘探开发形势表明,深水油气勘探开发虽然面临各种难题与挑战,但因其丰厚的投资回报以及相关技术的快速进步,使得其在世界各深水海域得以迅猛推进,尤其在大西洋两侧的西非沿岸、巴西近海和墨西哥湾深水区,并不断取得重大发现,成为全球油气储量增长的重要一极。我国南海北部陆坡深水盆地具有与大西洋两侧盆地群类似的被动大陆边缘背景,亦应具有良好的油气前景,最新的荔湾3-1-1井取得的重大发现亦证实了此点。南海南部周边国家在南部深水区已取得的众多油气发现亦表明我国南海南部深水区具有良好的油气勘探前景。因此,应加快勘探开发的步伐,充分利用深水区丰富的油气资源。  相似文献   

我国主要含油气盆地深层煤炭资源蕴藏量丰富,但长期以来未能得到有效开发利用。煤炭地下气化技术(UCG)属于煤炭资源清洁高效开发和利用的范畴,符合国家“能源革命”的相关要求,国内外的发展经验已经初步证实,UCG在技术、经济和市场方面均是可行的。分析结果认为,油气企业在推动深层UCG发展的进程中具有很大的优势,具体表现在以下方面:①国家政策层面大力支持UCG工业化;②油气开采企业具有一定的资源优势;③油气开采企业具有明显的工程技术优势;④油气开采企业具有类似的生产控制经验;⑤油气开采企业具有市场保障优势和天然气替代效益驱动;⑥油气开采企业具有利用深层UCG建设地下储气库的综合优势。综合宏观的国际形势及UCG业务发展所面临的困难,提出了对我国深层UCG可持续发展的建议:可以由油气开采企业牵头,煤炭开采企业和燃气发电企业参与,集中各家优势力量,实现互利共赢。结论认为,发展深层UCG业务可以将原来无法开发利用的深层煤炭资源转化为现实的、长期的清洁能源供应,这将有力推动中国“能源独立”的进程。  相似文献   

施训鹏 《天然气工业》2017,37(4):143-149
由于和油价挂钩的天然气定价机制不能反映中国以及东亚地区其他国家天然气市场的基本面,包括中国在内的几个东亚地区的国家都在考虑建立自己的天然气基准价格。为此,分析了建立中国天然气基准价格应有的动力,厘清了交易枢纽的基本概念,并提出形成中国天然气基准价格的基本条件,即:①具备供买卖双方交易合同的交易所;②具备明确交割地的交易枢纽;③具有标准化的交易产品;④具备竞争性的市场环境包括足够数量的市场参与者。基于上述条件,分析了形成中国天然气基准价格的现状:①中国目前仅仅建立了功能不全的现货交易所,仍缺乏明确定义的交易枢纽,不具备形成天然气中国价格的必要条件;②多个重要骨干管网的交汇地,或者管输能力充足的主要市场,都有望在未来成为基准枢纽。最后针对形成中国天然气基准价格提出建议:天然气市场化改革形成竞争性的天然气市场是形成基准价格的前提,在当前改革仍旧不到位的环境下,有关部门可以从理顺现货和期货交易平台的关系、建立交易枢纽着手,先夯实基础。  相似文献   

随着油气勘探向地壳深处发展,一些高温高压凝析气藏陆续被勘探发现。目前,这些凝析气藏大多已经进入开发利用阶段。在实际生产中当凝析气沿井筒上升时,随着温度和压力的变化,凝析气会逆凝结形成凝析油,这种烃类相态的转变给其产出剖面解释带来了困难。为解决这一问题,研究提出了一种基于相态图的凝析油产出剖面解释方法,这种方法结合了传统产出剖面解释方法与相态图的相关理论,能够对油气两相凝析油产出剖面进行准确的解释。实际应用表明,该方法是可行的,可为类似剖面处理提供参考。  相似文献   

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