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随着人们对营养健康的重视.功能性食品的需求在全球出现激增的趋势。目前,全世界功能性食品市场规模大约有400亿美元.其中与乳品相关的功能性食品大约为53亿美元.这就让越来越多的乳品生产商开始关注和寻找具有营养和功能的新型配料。  相似文献   

据欧洲Euromonitor的统计 ,1998年全球的功能性食品市场约有 2 78亿美元 ,1999年销售量增长13.7% ,达 316 .6美元 ,即 1995~ 1999年的 5年间全球功能性食品市场增长了 53.5%。若排除法规限制 ,预计到 2 0 0 4年应达 513亿美元。限制功能性食品市场发展的主要因素有 :法规、功能性定义不清、健康资讯过分复杂、产品的失效以及消费者对含基因修饰成分的食品持怀疑态度等。日本厚生省将功能性食品正名为特定保健食品并设定认证程度。美国有专门的法案明确规定功能性食品的定义。欧洲却没有法定的功能性食品的定义 ,广泛的说法指所…  相似文献   

欧美的冷冻食品市场盛国华译编(北京食品工业研究所,北京100075)1欧洲冷冻食品概况欧洲冷冻食品市场是过去40年间食品市场中最活跃的领域。1994年欧洲冷冻食品的市场销售金额已达278亿美元,今后将以43%的增长率发展,约可增长金额120亿美元;预...  相似文献   

■“添加功能”推动酸奶消费根据市场分析公司Datamonitor的报告,美国约有70亿美元的酸奶市场,并还处于高速增长之中。消费者对具有“功能”特性的乳制品的需求是推动销售增长的一个关键因素。它促进了那些高附加值产品的推广,如益生菌和具有其它功能的酸奶。消费者对便利的需求也是一个重要的趋势。酸奶饮料的成功正是基于产品便携的设计。它提供了一种容易、方便的办法来帮助消化。酸奶饮料无需勺子就可享用,它是一种独特的车用食品,单份的消费趋势良好。在美国及欧洲,功能食品的销售业绩超过了所有的食品和饮料,其增长速度略高于主流食…  相似文献   

美国的冷冻食品年销售额超过400亿美元,约占全部食品调理销售的1/3.其中,在从1998至2003年的五年间,冷冻餐和点心的市场从4.11亿美元增加至6.62亿美元.销售给餐厅、自动餐馆、医院、学校和其它卖场等食品调理营业场所的冷冻食品约占到美国冷冻食品业市场的2/3.  相似文献   

“目前在中国销售的健康食品中90%为第一代(普通营养品)和第二代(药物提取保健品)。而日本、欧洲、美国的产品已经是第三代即功能性食品(自然物质提取)。这类产品将在未来主导中国市场,而且中国的生产商将迎头赶上。”--2006美国商务部报告[编者按]  相似文献   

1985年至1986年欧洲冷冻食品的增长速度有点放慢,但是产品种类的发展却相当成功。专家们预测,这一趋势将持续到1990年。 据国际市场研究机构Frost&Sullivan公司报道,现在欧洲人一年吃500万吨冷冻食品,价值几乎达到100亿美元。Frost&Sullivan公司估计,到1990年,冷冻食品的销售将增加30%,达到630万吨,价值为120—130亿美元。另一个国际预测机构A.C Nielsen,  相似文献   

朱行 《粮食与油脂》2003,(11):49-49
<正> 各种市场研究表明,消费者对食品、食品成份、及其保健性的意识和了解程度越来越高。1995~2001年间,美国功能性食品市场需求从110亿美元迅速增长至205亿美元,年均增长率为10.9%。2003年,美国功能性食品市场需求预计将达到253亿美元。功能性食品重要性已得到全球科研人员与营养学家、各国管理机构与政府、食品工业和消费者普遍认同。 人们应当重视完整食品概念,而不应当强调将经提纯的功能性化合物添入营养不足食品之中。原因是:完整粮食和经极少加工水果和蔬菜,通常是功能性食品成份最好来源,且普遍含有一些功能性组份。另外,完整食品可能还含  相似文献   

据报道,欧洲食品工业界人士在展望明年欧洲冷冻食品消费趋势时认为,市场需求将急速增长,低盐、低脂肪冷冻食品销售将异军突起,估计冷冻食品的总销售额可达到312.2亿英镑,比1992年约上升25%。 在欧洲市场销售的冷冻食品中,冻肉及冻肉制品  相似文献   

澳大利亚科研人员最近从奶酪制造后的副产品中成功提取出营养物质乳清,应用到药品和保健增补剂当中。这一副产品通常被转化为低价值乳糖乳清粉或作为废料丢弃。食品废料的提取过程有四个阶段,即离子交换、纳滤、套色版和结晶化。利用这一技术可以开辟全球功能性食品和营养产品市场,这一市场的价值达900亿美元并且在持续增长中。据悉,该技术除从奶酪加工废料中提取生产保健食品外,还可以从葡萄酒、食糖、水果和蔬菜的加工废料中提取有价值的物质,如低聚果糖、天然香料、色素、  相似文献   

《Journal of food engineering》2003,56(2-3):181-188
In the paper an overview is given about the market situation of Functional Food in Europe. The global market of Functional Food is estimated up to 33 billion US$, the respective market estimations for Europe exceed 2 billion US$, representing less than 1% of the European food market. Functional dairy products are the key product sector accounting for sales of around 1.35 billion US$ in 1999 in Europe. Mostly multinational food companies as well as international suppliers profit from the market growth of Functional Food. A limited number of small and medium-sized companies is active in market niches or offer “me-too” products. Specific efforts in nutritional research, product development and marketing are necessary to realise long-lasting market success of Functional Food products. Therefore the market is characterised by a high rate of product failures. General success factors for the marketing of food (like tasty products, convenience, variety) play a crucial role in Functional Food as well.  相似文献   

Owing to their health benefits, probiotics and prebiotics are nowadays widely used in yogurts and fermented milks, which are leader products of functional foods worldwide. The world market for functional foods has grown rapidly in the last three decades, with an estimated size in 2003 of ca US$ 33 billion, while the European market estimation exceeded US$ 2 billion in the same year. However, the production of probiotics and prebiotics at industrial scale faces several challenges, including the search for economical and abundant raw materials for prebiotic production, the low-cost production of probiotics and the improvement of probiotic viability after storage or during the manufacturing process of the functional food. In this review, functional foods based on probiotics and prebiotics are introduced as a key biotechnological field with tremendous potential for innovation. A concise state of the art addressing the fundamentals and challenges for the development of new probiotic- and prebiotic-based foods is presented, the niches for future research being clearly identified and discussed.  相似文献   

基于食品安全视角的高端农产品营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全是全球议题,也是农产品营销策略中首要考虑的重点。近年来农产品营销受我国农业滞后的影响,"白菜价"背后从侧面制约我国农业文明建设,也成为制约农产品走向高端的主要因素。全国农产品市场整体销售额上升,全国农产品批发市场交易额在2016年达到4.7万亿元,累积交易量8.5亿吨。全国范围内,以食品安全为基础的高端农产品市场在近年间得到了迅捷发展。中国农产品进出口统计报告显示2017年我国农产品进出口额2013.9亿美元,同比增长9.1%,其中,出口额为755.3亿美元,增长3.5%;进口额为1258.6亿美元,增长12.8%;贸易逆差503.3亿美元,增长30.4%。整体来看,我国农产品进口额度远超出口额度,且在高端农产品的研发销售中,面临着极大的难题和挑战。在现有的市场营销运作平台下,实施高端农产品的营销策略研究,有助于提高高端农产品市场占有率,增加高端农产品走出国门迎接世界市场的竞争力,降低我国食品安全问题发生的频率。  相似文献   

<正> 一、市场现状咖啡饮料通常意义上从形态分为两大类,固体粉状的咖啡和液态的即饮包装咖啡(铁罐、纸盒、玻璃瓶)。本文将侧重分析液态的即饮咖啡饮料。2003年以前的中国内地即饮咖啡饮料市场处于启蒙阶段。1998年全国内地即饮咖啡销售量只有15000吨,这个数字对于一个十几亿人口的市场来说,几乎为零。但是近年来,中国饮料市场日趋多元化,细  相似文献   

<正> 整体市场回顾根据欧睿公司关于全球软饮料市场的报告,2007年世界范围内软饮料市场价值为5990亿美元,1998至2007年的年均复合增长率(CAGR)为5.7%,碳酸饮料的市场份额最大,即饮咖啡最小(见图1)。从地区看,在2007年,全球范围内最大的软饮料消费市场为北美,西欧其次,亚太地区第三(见图2)。世界软饮料市场预期增长960亿美元,到2012年将达到7200亿美元。瓶装水将增加450亿美元,而果蔬汁将增长240亿美元。  相似文献   

The majority of new food products fail following launch. The aim of this research has therefore been to model the food product development process and to determine the relative importance of factors comprising the model in terms of product outcome. Data was gathered by qualitative interview. Food product developers (n=47) from food companies based in England and Northern Ireland (n=27) were required to describe their experiences and provide insight into problems encountered in the invention, development, launch and marketing of new standard and reduced fat food products. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and content analysed thematically. Data from 127 product case histories were binary coded, screened and modelled through a series of logistic regression analyses against product outcome (success/failure) as defined by the company concerned. The resulting model implies that actions taken during the concept phase of the product development process and the nature of expertise employed during the process are particularly important for product success. It is recommended that appropriate expertise is enlisted at product conception and that a food technologist is employed to ensure that the texture of the product is acceptable. Whilst it is important to liaise with retailers throughout the process, manufacturers should formulate their own product recipes and avoid following trends in food and ‘me too’ product development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Recent trends in the marketing of functional foods suggest that multiple-benefit products are becoming more common. Yet it is unclear which consumers are most interested in, or best served by, such novel or new generation functional foods. With emerging scientific evidence of efficacy and more diverse products offered for sale, a broader range of consumers are likely to become interested in dietary interventions to enhance health. Consumers will likely respond based on a range of motivation, health conditions, and knowledge levels suggesting "one size will not fit all." Given such an evolving marketing environment, this paper presents 1 research technique exploring differences in consumer preferences and valuations for a novel functional food product—a tomato juice containing soy. A discrete choice experiment is applied to examine consumer valuation of this novel functional food. Data were collected from 1704 households in Ohio through a mail survey. The choice experiment manipulates whether or not the product is organic, whether it contains natural or fortified nutrients, and product price. Estimates of consumer willingness to pay a premium price are based on conditional logit and mixed logit models, which permit an examination of consumer preference and valuation heterogeneity for key product attributes. Results indicate that health benefits and ingredient naturalness are positively valued, but such preferences and valuations depend on an individual's education, income, and food purchase behavior. Naturally occurring nutrients are preferred over fortification. Considerable heterogeneity is found in the data suggesting that a range of market segments may exist.  相似文献   

分析了哈根达斯顶级冰淇淋的发展历史,简要介绍了美国冰淇淋超市的产品,研究了我国冰淇淋市场的现状。以哈根达斯成功的冰淇淋产品为例,指出了我国冰淇淋产品的发展方向,应大力弘扬我国悠久的饮食文化,注重产品的更新换代(如研发月饼冰淇淋、粽子冰淇淋等),全面推行营养化、低价化、家庭化、功能化,大力研发推广具有保健功能的功能性产品,大力发展前店后厂式的冰淇淋屋,提升企业知名度,从而使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

<正> 一、行业透视包装是烘焙食品不可或缺的原辅材料,其主要功能一方面是保证食品的安全卫生,延长食品的保质期;另一方面是美化产品,提升产品的附加值。包装材料品种丰富。从材质上来看,目前市面上用于食品包装方面的主要材料包括:塑料、纸,金属,纸塑复合、玻璃、木等,其中塑料、纸、金属三种材料份额超过80%。烘焙食品的包装以塑料薄膜和纸品包装为主,特别是直接接触食品的初始包装材料——塑料薄膜,使用量最大。伴随着烘焙食品产业的迅猛发展,目前国内的烘焙包装厂商已经形成一定的规模,全国各地涌现出众多的烘焙包装供应厂  相似文献   

Functional foods have become the corner stone of food innovation in the past few years. All big food companies are investing in functional foods because the mega trends in society seem to require healthy food with added benefits to improve the health, wellness and quality of life of people. The food companies have not only adapted their strategies and their communication to the health awareness and request of consumers but they have also changed their innovation process. And yet, there are more failures of functional food products out in the markets than there are global successes. The analysis of this phenomenon shows that the invention of new food products has to start in the mind of the consumers. A consequent orientation at consumer insights, translated into relevant, noticeable benefits, added to trustworthy and adequate brands, may be one potential route to market success.  相似文献   

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