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Recently, there has been a rapid increase in using noncorrosive fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) reinforcing bars as alternative reinforcement for bridge deck slabs, especially those in harsh environments. A new two-span girder type bridge, Cookshire-Eaton Bridge (located in the municipality of Cookshire, Quebec, Canada), was constructed with a total length of 52.08 m over two equal spans. The deck was a 200-mm-thick concrete slab continuous over four spans of 2.70 m between girders with an overhang of 1.40 m on each side. One full span of the bridge was totally reinforced using glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars, while the other span was reinforced with galvanized steel bars. The bridge deck was well instrumented at critical locations for internal temperature and strain data collection using fiber optic sensors. The bridge was tested for service performance using calibrated truckloads as specified by the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. The construction procedure and field test results under actual service conditions revealed that GFRP rebar provides very competitive performance in comparison to steel.  相似文献   

The Val-Alain Bridge, located in the Municipality of Val-Alain on Highway 20 East, crosses over Henri River in Québec, Canada. The bridge is a slab-on-girder type with a skew angle of 20° over a single span of 49.89?m and a total width of 12.57?m. The bridge has four simply supported steel girders spaced at 3,145?mm. The deck slab is a 225-mm-thick concrete slab, with semi-integral abutments, continuous over the steel girders with an overhang of 1,570?mm on each side. The concrete deck slab and the bridge barriers were reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcing bars utilizing high-performance concrete. The Val-Alain Bridge is the Canada’s first concrete bridge deck totally reinforced with GFRP reinforcing bars. Using such nonmetallic reinforcement in combination with high-performance concrete leads to an expected service life of more than 75?years. The bridge is well instrumented with electrical resistance strain gauges and fiber-optic sensors at critical locations to record internal strain data. Also, the bridge was tested for service performance using calibrated truckloads. Design concepts, construction details, and results of the first series of live load field tests are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study to investigate the role of each layer of reinforcement on the behavior of concrete bridge deck slabs reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars. Four full-scale concrete deck slabs of 3,000?mm length by 2,500?mm width and 200?mm depth were constructed and tested in the laboratory. One deck slab was reinforced with top and bottom mats of glass FRP bars. Two deck slabs had only a bottom reinforcement mat with different reinforcement ratios in the longitudinal direction, while the remaining deck slab was constructed with plain concrete without any reinforcement. The deck slabs were supported on two steel girders spaced at 2,000?mm center to center and were tested to failure under a central concentrated load. The three reinforced concrete slabs had very similar behavior and failed in punching shear mode at relatively high load levels, whereas the unreinforced slab behaved differently and failed at a very low load level. The experimental punching capacities of the reinforced slabs were compared to the theoretical predictions provided by ACI 318-05, ACI 440.1R-06, and a model proposed by the writers. The tests on the four deck slabs showed that the bottom transverse reinforcement layer has the major influence on the behavior and capacity of the tested slabs. In addition, the ACI 318-05 design method slightly overestimated the punching shear strength of the tested slabs. The ACI 440.1R-06 design method yielded very conservative predictions whereas the proposed method provided reasonable yet conservative predictions.  相似文献   

Since bridge deck slabs directly sustain repeated moving wheel loads, they are one of the most bridge elements susceptible to fatigue failure. Recently, glass fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have been widely used as internal reinforcement for concrete bridge deck slabs as they are less expensive compared to the other kinds of FRPs (carbon and aramid). However, there is still a lack of information on the performance of FRP–reinforced concrete elements subjected to cyclic fatigue loading. This research is designed to investigate the fatigue behavior and fatigue life of concrete bridge deck slabs reinforced with glass FRP bars. A total of five full-scale deck slabs were constructed and tested under concentrated cyclic loading until failure. Different reinforcement types (steel and glass FRP), ratios, and configurations were used. Different schemes of cyclic loading (accelerated variable amplitude fatigue loading) were applied. Results are presented in terms of deflections, strains in concrete and FRP bars, and crack widths at different levels of cyclic loading. The results showed the superior fatigue performance and longer fatigue life of concrete bridge deck slabs reinforced with glass FRP composite bars.  相似文献   

Many experimental studies have been performed to evaluate the behavior of noncorroding glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars in reinforced concrete (RC) flexural members. Relatively few studies have focused on the behavior of bridge deck overhangs in the event of a barrier wall impact, which subjects this region to a combination of flexure, shear, and axial tension. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate deck overhangs under these forces. Three bridge deck reinforcing schemes were considered in the study: all epoxy-coated steel (ECS), all GFRP, and hybrid made up of a top mat of GFRP rebars and a bottom mat of ECS rebars. Laboratory testing of nine RC specimens was performed. Results showed that all three reinforcing schemes meet the AASHTO requirements.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the monotonic and fatigue behavior of one-way and two-way reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials. The five one-way slab specimens were removed from a decommissioned bridge in South Carolina. Three of the slabs were retrofitted with CFRP strips bonded to their soffits and the other two served as unretrofit, control specimens. Of the five one-way slab specimens, one unretrofit and two retrofit slabs were tested monotonically until failure. The remaining two specimens, one unretrofit and one retrofit, were tested under cyclic (fatigue) loading until failure. In addition, six half-scale, two-way slab specimens were constructed to represent a full-scale prototype of a highway bridge deck designed using the empirical requirements of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Manual. Of the six square slabs, two were unretrofitted and served as the control specimens, two were retrofitted using CFRP strips bonded to their soffits making a grid pattern, and two were retrofitted with a preformed CFRP grid material bonded to their soffit. Three slabs, one unretrofit, one CFRP strip, and one CFRP grid retrofitted, were tested monotonically until failure and the remaining three slabs were tested under cyclic (fatigue) loading until failure.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research investigating a nongrouted sleeve-type connection used to attach fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) decks to steel girders. The connection system was investigated for stiffness, strength, fatigue resistance, and degree of composite action. Static and fatigue tests were conducted first at the component level on push-out specimens to obtain P-Δ (load-displacement) and S-N (stress range–fatigue life) relationships, from which design formulas were developed. Then tests were conducted at the system level on a 1∶3 scaled-bridge model by using this sleeve-type connection, and the results showed this shear connection can satisfy requirements from AASHTO specifications for fatigue, strength, and function. Further, three-point bending tests were conducted on a T-section model cut from the scaled bridge, and approximately 25% composite action was achieved for two different connection spacings. The structural efficiency of this shear connection is shown, and this connection design is applied in practice.  相似文献   

An experimental study of principal strains and deflections of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite bridge deck systems is presented. The experimental results are shown to correlate well with those of an analytical model. While transverse strains and vertical deflections are observed to be consistent, repeatable, and predictable, longitudinal strains exhibit exceptional sensitivity to both strain sensor and applied load location. Large, reversing strain gradients are observed in the longitudinal direction of the bridge deck. GFRP deck system geometry, connectivity, material properties, and manufacturing imperfections coupled with the observed strains suggest that the performance of these structures should be assessed under fatigue loading conditions. Recommendations for accurately assessing longitudinal strain in GFRP bridge decks are made, and a review of existing data is suggested.  相似文献   

The structural response of deteriorated channel beam bridge girders and channel beam bridge decks with and without glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) retrofit is found from design calculations, experimental load testing, and finite element analysis. Two different types of GFRP retrofit materials are investigated including a traditional fabric wrap and a new spray material. The effects of GFRP retrofit on channel beam bridge girder and channel beam bridge structural parameters are summarized and the accuracy of design calculation methods for quantifying structural response of channel beam bridge girders retrofit with GFRP is determined.  相似文献   

This technical note presents numerical results to predict the corrosion initiation time of reinforced concrete bridge decks using measured surface chloride accumulation. Based on actual core measurements, the surface chloride, which is mainly derived from the deicing salts used during winter maintenance operations, is assumed to increase linearly over a period of time and then remains constant afterward. The chloride ions penetrate the concrete by diffusion and corrosion is initiated when the concentration of the ions around the reinforcement steel reaches a critical value needed to break the passive film surrounding the steel. The corrosion initiation time is computed for different values of the diffusion coefficient and the concrete cover. Such results are useful for scheduling bridge deck maintenance and rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

The major parameter controlling the effectiveness of penetrating sealants as a means of protecting concrete bridge deck surface is the depth of penetration. The factors affecting the depth of sealant penetration are identified both through a fundamental approach and with reference to the literature on penetrating sealants, concrete deterioration, durability, and permeability. Penetration properties and the use of silane and siloxane as concrete surface sealers are discussed. The effects of surface cleaning methods and the drying period are discussed. Penetrating sealants are effective if proper surface cleaning and application procedures are employed. However, moisture state within the first 6-mm depth controls the depth of sealant penetration. Thus, the factors that affect the drying period before sealant application are identified. Penetrating sealants selection procedure incorporating available test methods is outlined based on the knowledge gained through the fundamental studies of flow phenomenon and literature.  相似文献   

Glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bridge deck systems offer an attractive alternative to concrete decks, particularly for bridge rehabilitation projects. Current design practice treats GFRP deck systems in a manner similar to concrete decks, but the results of this study indicate that this approach may lead to nonconservative bridge girder designs. Results from a number of in situ load tests of three steel girder bridges having the same GFRP deck system are used to determine the degree of composite action that may be developed and the transverse distribution of wheel loads that may be assumed for such structures. Results from this work indicate that appropriately conservative design values may be found by assuming no composite action between a GFRP deck and steel girder and using the lever rule to determine transverse load distribution. Additionally, when used to replace an existing concrete deck, the lighter GFRP deck will likely result in lower total stresses in the supporting girders, although, due to the decreased effective width and increased distribution factors, the live-load-induced stress range is likely to be increased. Thus, existing fatigue-prone details may become a concern and require additional attention in design.  相似文献   

The paper investigates thermal compatibility between wearing surface (WS) materials and glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bridge decks, and proposes a more durable hybrid WS system for GFRP decks. Wearing surface delamination problems observed on many existing GFRP bridge decks motivated the investigation and the search for a durable WS material that could alleviate the problems. Several WS materials were bonded to GFRP panels, with and without surface preparation, and tested under various environmental conditions. In addition to the standard ASTM C884 method, the testing program included two new methods for thermal compatibility testing to reflect the in-service conditions of WSs on GFRP bridge decks. The proposed methods were developed to account for the influence of freeze–thaw–heat and submerge–freeze cycles on thermal compatibility and durability. The investigation concluded that a hybrid WS system, consisting of two-layered WS materials, has the best bond quality. Applied directly on top of a GFRP deck, the top layer of the hybrid WS system had the best tire resistance, forming a nonskid riding surface.  相似文献   

Transverse Cracking of Concrete Bridge Decks: State-of-the-Art   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This state-of-the-art paper presents the results of a comprehensive literature review of the cause of transverse deck cracking. It includes compilation of experimental and analytical research results as well as survey studies on the effects of different factors on concrete deck cracking. Consistent with the past work on the subject, causes of transverse deck cracking are classified under three categories, namely: (1) material and mix design, (2) construction practices and ambient condition factors, and (3) structural design factors. The literature review revealed that the first two items have been studied extensively over the past several decades, while literature is limited on the effect of structural design factors on deck cracking. This paper evaluates the existing work in depth and presents recommendations on mix design and construction procedures to reduce the potential for transverse deck cracking. Furthermore, areas for additional research are identified.  相似文献   

A quarter-scale, two-span reinforced concrete bridge was tested using the shake-table system at the University of Nevada, Reno. The shake-table tests were part of a multiuniversity, multidisciplinary project utilizing the network for earthquake engineering simulation, with the objective of investigating the effects of soil-foundation-structure interaction on bridges. This paper discusses the development and testing of the bridge model, and selected experimental results, including those that demonstrate the effects of incoherent motions and stiffness irregularities on the distribution of forces and deformations within the bridge system. Motion incoherency affected the asymmetric bridge response (planar torsion of the superstructure), but had little effect on the symmetric bridge response (center-of-mass displacement of the superstructure). These experimental findings are consistent with conclusions from numerical analyses conducted by other researchers. During a 2.0?g PGA earthquake excitation, numerous longitudinal bars buckled and fractured at a drift ratio between 5.5 and 7.9%. Despite the level of damage, detailing of the column transverse reinforcement according to NCHRP 12-49 guidelines provided sufficient column ductility to prevent collapse during a subsequent 1.4?g PGA earthquake excitation.  相似文献   

A parametric study was carried out in order to understand the salient aspects affecting the distribution of compressive stresses in transversely posttensioned concrete bridge decks. Alternative finite element modeling techniques and alternative software were considered and the corresponding analytical results were compared with the experimental results from previous investigations. It was found that the distribution of compressive stresses is mainly affected by the support conditions of the girders and the axial stiffness of the diaphragms.  相似文献   

Large numbers of conventionally reinforced concrete deck–girder (RCDG) bridges remain in-service in the national highway system. Diagonal cracks have been identified in many of these bridges, which are exposed to millions of load cycles during service life. The anticipated life of these bridges in the cracked condition under repeated service loads is uncertain. RCDG bridges with diagonal cracks were inspected and instrumented. Strain and crack displacement data were collected under ambient traffic conditions and controlled test trucks. Results indicated relatively small stirrup stresses and diagonal cracks exhibited opening and closing under truck loading.  相似文献   

The use of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bridge decks is appealing for applications where minimizing dead load is critical. This paper describes fatigue and strength testing of two types of GFRP decks being considered for use in the retrofit of an aging steel arch bridge in Snohomish County, Washington, where a roadway expansion is necessary and it is desirable to minimize the improvements to the arch superstructure. Each test used a setup designed to be as close as practicable to what will be the in situ conditions for the deck, which included a 2% cross slope for drainage. The fatigue testing consisted of a single 116 kN (26 kip) load applied for 2 million cycles, which corresponds to an AASHTO HS-25 truck with a 30% impact factor, and the strength testing consisted of multiple runs of a monotonically applied minimum load of 347 kN (78 kips). Results from the fatigue testing indicated a degradation of the stiffness of both deck types; however, the degradation was limited to less than 12% over the duration of loading. Further, the results showed both deck types accumulated permanent deck displacement during fatigue loading and one deck type used a detail with poor fatigue performance. That detail detrimentally impacted the overall deck performance and caused large permanent deck deformations. It was also found that degradation of composite behavior between the deck and girders occurs during fatigue loading and should be included in design.  相似文献   

Researchers at the University of Maine led an effort in the mid-1990s to develop and use glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) tendons, instead of the commonly used steel-threaded bars, for stress-laminating timber bridge decks. The GFRP tendons are 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) in diameter and consist of seven-wire strands similar in construction to steel prestressing strands. Because the modulus of elasticity of the GFRP tendons is approximately 1/9 that of steel, they are not as susceptible to loss of prestress as steel bars and may not have to be restressed during the life of deck. In 1997, researchers obtained funding to design, construct, and monitor a stress-laminated timber bridge located in Milbridge, Maine, utilizing the new GFRP tendons. The bridge was constructed from preservative treated No. 2 and better eastern hemlock laminations and is 4.88 m (16 ft) long, 7.75 m (25 ft, 6 in.) wide, and 350 mm (14 in.) deep. Based on 4.25 years of field monitoring the tendon forces and moisture content, the GFRP tendons have maintained an adequate prestress level without having to be restressed.  相似文献   

Early transverse cracking is one of the dominant forms of bridge deck defects experienced by a large number of transportation agencies. These cracks often initiate soon after the bridge deck is constructed, and they are caused by restrained shrinkage of concrete. Transverse cracks increase the maintenance cost of a bridge structure and reduce its life span. Most of the past efforts addressing transverse bridge deck cracking have focused on changes over the years in concrete material properties and construction practices. However, recent studies have shown the importance of design factors on transverse bridge deck cracking. This paper presents results of a comprehensive finite-element (FE) study of deck and girder bridge systems to understand and evaluate crack patterns, stress histories, as well as the relative effect of different design factors such as structural stiffness on transverse deck cracking. The results of this study demonstrate the development of transverse deck cracking and emphasize the importance of these design factors. They also recommend preventive measures that can be adopted during the design stage in order to minimize the probability of transverse deck cracking.  相似文献   

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