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Sodium alginate (A) in combination with modified tapioca starch (T) was evaluated in low-fat beef patties cooked by broiling or grilling to 68 or 74°C. Added water was used with AT formulations at 7% (AT7) or 14% (AT14) levels. In comparisons with all-beef patties (8 and 20% fat), AT provided improvements in tenderness, juiciness and cooking yields without increasing fat retention or affecting beef flavor. In sensory comparisons with 14 commercially processed, low-fat beef patties, AT7 and 14 patties received the highest ratings. Combined use of A and T would provide improved acceptability of low-fat patties over that from using single fat replacers.  相似文献   

Cohesiveness of extruded, sliced hamburger patties from two manufacturers was studied in relation to cooking performance. Tensile determinations of ultimate strength and toughness were related to cohesiveness as measured with an Instron Universal Testing Machine. Light and environmental scanning electron microscopy was used to relate physical and macroscopic observations. Very cohesive samples had values of ultimate strength 7>1.45N and toughness >3.70 × 10?4J, and noncohesive samples had values of ultimate strength <0.90N and toughness <1.50 × 10?4J. Tensile results allowed discrimination between levels of cohesiveness among ground beef patties and could serve as a monitoring device to ensure consistency and indicate failure of the product at the serving outlet.  相似文献   

Six shank treatments (one at 7% and five at 10% fat) and two ground round controls (10 and 20% fat) were used to compare sensory properties of low-fat ground beef from shanks with and without sinew reincorporated. Five shank treatments were desinewed with a commercial de-sinewer; the other was whole ground shank. Four desinewed shank treatments had 7% flaked sinew reincorporated; the fifth had none. Patties with flaked sinew had more (P < 0.05) collagen than controls or those with desinewed shank only. Control patties had lower pH (P < 0.05) than shank patties (5.80 vs 6.07). Desinewed-shank patties had fewer (P < 0.05) connective tissue particles and were more (P < 0.05) juicy than whole-ground-shank patties. Shank patties were lighter red but less stable in color than the controls.  相似文献   

Beef-carrageenan (BC; 10% fat) patties—with sodium ascorbate (0.05%), sodium lactate (3%), sodium tripolyphosphate (0.3%), ascorbate-phos-phate, ascorbate-lactate, or none—and 20%-fat all-beef patties were cooked, aerobically or vacuum packaged, and stored at 4°C or ?20°C. Fat level had a greater effect on texture than did additives. Lactate and phosphate increased cooking yield of BC patties. Phosphate was antioxidative but not antimicrobial. Ascorbate was antioxidative and reduced aerobic plate counts (APCs) of aerobically packaged refrigerated BC. Lactate reduced APCs of both aerobically and vacuum packaged BC patties. Lactate had a prooxidative effect in aerobically-packaged/frozen patties but showed no such effect in vacuum-packaged/frozen patties or refrigerated patties. Ascorbate-phosphate was most effective in minimizing flavor deterioration in refrigerated BC patties.  相似文献   

Y. Wu    J.W. Rhim    C.L. Weller    F. Hamouz    S. Cuppett  M. Schnepf 《Journal of food science》2000,65(2):300-304
Edible/biodegradable wheat gluten (WG), soy protein (SP), carrageenan (CA) and chitosan (CH) films and coatings were used on precooked beef patties. After 3 d of refrigerated storage, no difference was found in moisture loss between WG, SP, and CH film-wrapped patties and unpackaged patties (control-A). All coatings were as effective as polyvinyl chloride film (control-B) in reducing moisture loss. CA film decreased moisture loss but not as effective as control-B. WG, SP, and CA coatings and CA film reduced thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and hexanal values compared to control-A. WG-coated patties had lower hexanal values than control-B samples. WG, SP, and CH films were not effective in controlling lipid oxidation.  相似文献   

Sensory and physical characteristics of beef patties containing 20% fat, 8% fat, or 8% fat plus 20% soy protein isolate (SI), soy flour (SF), soy concentrate (SC), or a mixture (MIX) of carrageenan (0.5%), starch (0.5%), and phosphate (0.2%) were compared after 0, 4, 8, and 12 wks storage at - 18°C. MIX had higher Hunter a* values than other treatments. Cook loss was lowest for MIX and highest for all beef patties. Soy extenders decreased beefy flavor and increased off-flavor scores. Time in frozen storage increased off-flavor, rubbery texture, and TBA value, and decreased red color and Hunter b* value of ground beef patties. Quality may be lowered in frozen-stored high fat, or low-fat-soy extended beef patties.  相似文献   

Ground beef patties with combinations of 0 and 10% added water and 0 and 0.25% added phosphate were compared with controls (22% fat and 0% added water and phosphate). Added water increased thaw and cooking losses but improved objective texture measurements and sensory panel ratings (P < 0.05). Added water and phosphate increased the percentage of water, decreased protein and did not affect fat. Added water and/or phosphate resulted in higher (P < 0.05) juiciness, tenderness and overall palatability scores. Low fat patties with added water were similar to 22% fat patties. Water and/or phosphate also improved sensory ratings for texture and flavor of 10% fat patties to equal those for 22% fat patties.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine effects of two targeted fat levels (6, 20%) and two freezing temperatures (?43, ?20°C) on sensory, shear, cooking and compositional properties of beef patties. Select grade beef rounds (IMPS 161) were used as the lean source for patties with U.S. Choice plates as the fat source. The 20% fat formulation had increased beef flavor and initial tenderness (?20°C frozen patties only) scores, but had higher instrumental shear values compared to the 6% fat patties. Freezing patties (especially those of 6% fat) at ?43°C greatly improved sensory and instrumental tenderness. Faster freezing reduced fat retention of 20% fat patties during cooking. Use of Select grade beef rounds coupled with rapid freezing is suggested for producing acceptable low-fat ground beef patties.  相似文献   

冷冻牛骨肉末经热-压浸提、酶解、发酵和美拉德反应后制成发酵牛肉调味基料(fermented beef flavoring,FBF),以新鲜牛前肩肉为原料,加入不同比例腌制剂制成牛肉饼,分别为阴性对照(negative control,NC)组(既不添加NaNO2又不添加FBF)、阳性对照(positive control,PC)组(添加不同比例的NaNO2)及实验组。对牛肉饼进行感官评价后于20 ℃条件下贮藏,测定贮藏期间牛肉饼的红度值(a*)、pH值、硫代巴比妥酸反应物(thiobarbituric acid reactive substance,TBARs)值及亚硝酸盐残留量。结果表明:与NC组相比,PC组和实验组牛肉饼色泽红润,口感香嫩,风味得到明显改善;只添加FBF的实验组牛肉饼a*较高,TBARs值和亚硝酸盐残留量较低;同时添加NaNO2和FBF的牛肉饼口感、色泽及风味等品质均有所提高,且20 g/kg FBF和0.05 g/kg NaNO2复配制成的牛肉饼品质最好。  相似文献   

Low-fat beef sausages with 23% added water, 1 or 2.5% NaCl, 0.5% polysaccharide gums, and pH adjusted to 5.2, 5.6 or 6.2, were analyzed for textural properties. The l - and k -car-rageenans increased (P<0.05) cooking yield, hardness, and bind strength for 1%-salt sausage, but had little effect on the 2.5%-salt sausage. Sausages containing alginate, locust bean gum, and xanthan gum were softer, more deformable, crumbly and slippery (P<0.05), when compared to nongum controls. An increase in pH sharply enhanced the bind strength in all gum treatments. Both the instrumental and sensory panel results suggested that α- and k -carrageen-ans were the only acceptable gums for use in low- or high-salt beef sausage products.  相似文献   

海藻酸钠分子质量对低脂乳化肠凝胶特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以低脂(10%)乳化肠为研究对象,在0%~0.75%添加水平下,研究3 种分子质量(2660、3890、4640 kDa)海藻酸钠(sodium alginate,SA)对其凝胶特性(持水与质构)的影响及机理。结果表明:3 种分子质量的SA均显著改善了低脂乳化肠的持水性(P<0.05),且SA分子质量越大,凝胶持水性越强;但对低脂乳化肠质构的改善作用不显著(P>0.05);随着SA分子质量的增大,静电排斥和空间位阻作用增强,降低了肉蛋白的表面疏水性,形成了具有更大孔隙的微结构,可截留更多的水分,进而显著改善了凝胶的持水性。  相似文献   

Low-fat patties containing water, carrageenan, encapsulated salt and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (carrageenan-based patties) with 0, 1, 2 or 3% potassium lactate were compared to low-fat all-beef patties with no additives. Carrageenan-based patties had enhanced (P<0.05) sensory properties (juiciness, tenderness, mealiness and beef flavor intensity) compared to all-beef patties. The bacterial populations of low-fat, carrageenan-based patties did not differ (P<0.05) from low-fat all-beef patties. Bacterial growth in low-fat, carrageenan-based patties was reduced through the use of 2 or 3% potassium lactate with no deleterious effects on the sensory properties of the low-fat, ground beef. However, low-fat, carrageenan-based patties underwent greater (P<0.5) discoloration and lipid oxidation during aerobic refrigerated storage than all-beef patties.  相似文献   

Ground beef patties were cooked to 63, 66, 68 and 71°C and 25g meat from the center of each patty was extracted. Changes in protein composition of extracts were monitored by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polya-crylamide gel electrophoresis, Western blotting and enzyme activity. Acid phosphatase, bovine serum albumin, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate mutase, and tri-ose phosphate isomerase concentration or activity decreased (P < 0.05) as endpoint temperatures increased. None of the enzymes was completely inactivated or insolubilized at 71°C. These proteins might be useful in assays to verify processing temperatures of ground beef patties.  相似文献   

Patties from 6 commercial formulations were cooked to 71°C from either the frozen state or after thawing for 24 to 27 h at 4 °C to eliminate the pink/red color exhibited when cooked to 71 °C from the frozen state. Thawed patties had shorter cooking times, higher cooking yields, and lower shear force peak load and peak energy values. Patties cooked from the thawed state increased in thickness during cooking, while patties cooked from the frozen state decreased in thickness during cooking. Thawing prior to cooking increased sensory evaluation scores except for patties made with carrageenan. Thawing not only eliminated the problem of pink/red color after cooking but also improved sensory, shear force, and cooking properties of beef patties.  相似文献   

Ground beef patties at two ascorbic acid (Asc) levels (0 and 1,000 ppm) and three mechanically recovered neck bone lean (MRNL) levels (0, 15 and 30%) were analyzed for percentage surface metmyoglobin (metMb) and HunterLab L* and a* values over 6 days of retail display. Data were collected for two replications. Patties made with Asc had less (P < 0.01) surface metMb than patties made without Asc on days 1-4 of retail display. Ascorbic acid and MRNL acted synergistically to improve surface color. Patties made with Asc showed a linear decrease (P < 0.05) in surface metMb as MRNL level increased from 0 to 30%. Patties made without Asc showed no change in surface metMb as MRNL level increased.  相似文献   

Dietary fibers, starches, and Polydextrose® were incorporated unhydrated into 5 and 10% fat hamburger for texture modification and comparison to 5, 10, 20, and 30% fat controls. Levels for individual and total ingredients ranged from 0.5 to 4% and 3.5 to 6%, respectively. Treatments containing Polydextrose, starch, and fiber had cooking losses 20–40% less than controls. Patties containing three-way combinations of ingredients were more similar to 20% fat controls for texture traits than were those containing 1 or 2 ingredients: Patties with ingredients had less oily coating of the mouth, but were less juicy than controls. Beef flavor intensity scores were reduced slightly for low-fat patties with ingredients. Texture modification of low-fat ground beef is possible with food-grade ingredients.  相似文献   

Three levels of bovine plasma (BP; 1.5, 2.5, 3.5%), red cell (RC; 0.5, 0.75, 1.0%) and decolorized red cell (DC; 0.75, 1.5, 2.25%) proteins were substituted for lean in ground beef patties. Increased RC decreased HunterLab L* and b* values and DC increased L* values, b* values, nonheme iron, and heme iron in uncooked and cooked patties. Soy-type flavors with BP, bloody and metallic flavors with RC and sour flavors with DC increased compared with control patties. Color, iron, cooking loss, and oxidative stability were minimally changed in ground beef with 0.5% RC, 0.75% DC, or 3.5% BP.  相似文献   

Ground beef patties containing either 4 or 20% fat were cooked by electric grill (G) alone or in combination with overhead broiler unit (BG) to be (visually) either medium or well-done. Patties with 20% fat had higher beef flavor intensity, juiciness and tenderness scores, lower Instron shear and compression values, and lower cooking yields than 4% fat patties. However, 4% fat patties cooked to medium, had similar sensory ratings to 20% fat patties cooked well-done. About 20% of patties cooked to medium did not reach recommended internal temperatures and holding times for food safety.  相似文献   

Quality of Broiled Beef Patties Supplemented with Wheat Germ Protein Flour   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Quality characteristics of ground beef patties, supplemented with hydrated wheat germ protein flour (WGPF) at levels 2.0, 3.5, and 5.0% were studied. Water-holding capacity decreased and pH increased with addition of WGPF. Water activity was not affected. Supplemented beef patties had lower cooking losses and changes in diameter and higher yields than control patties. Supplemented beef patties exhibited lower shear force and compression values than all-meat patties. No differences were found in wheat-like aroma and flavor. WGPF has potential for use as an extender in ground meat products.  相似文献   

Ten polysaccharide gums at two levels (0.5 and 1.0%) were individually incorporated into algin/calcium (AC) and salt/phosphate (SP) structured beef rolls (<6% fat) prepared with 15 and 30% added water. Cook yield, pH, bind and textural properties were evaluated. Each gum had specific effects on properties of beef rolls. For example, kappa-carrageenan improved (P<0.001) cook yields and maintained or improved bind and texture of raw and cooked samples of both meat binding systems. Cook yields of AC products were improved with gellan gum, while yields of SP products were improved with iotacarrageenan. Other gums (xanthan, guar, pectin, carboxymethyl cellulose) improved water holding (cook yields) but had detrimental effects on product texture.  相似文献   

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