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基于表面粗糙度对雷达目标电磁散射特性的影响,为真实地模拟实际自然场境,提出了三类粗糙环境中表面粗糙度不同的新型分区域复合随机粗糙面模型.采用在同一粗糙面上使用不同均方根高度和相关长度的方法进行建模,替代了传统的单一谱函数模型.应用稀疏矩阵平面迭代/规范网格法快速计算了此三类新型随机粗糙面模型的电磁散射特性,重点分析了不同表面粗糙度模型对于环境电磁散射特性的影响,为研究、分析和探测符合实际自然环境的地形、地貌提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

基于Kirchhoff近似,推导两束波束散射强度相关系数的表达式,数值计算漫射强度及散射强度相关系数随角度差、相关长度及粗糙度变化情况。结果表明:散射角对粗糙表面相干散射强度与光滑表面相干散射强度的比值有影响,当两束波束的入射角、方位角均相等,意味着两束波束相互重合且散射强度比值为单波束比值的四倍;当两束波束的入射角、方位角中有一个角度不相等,由散射场干扰效应的影响,相干散射强度比值都会减小。相关长度的变化与漫射强度和散射强度相关系数均成正比;随着入射角度差增大,漫射强度的后向散射效应增强,且散射强度相关系数变小,说明两束波束的干扰越严重;随着散射角的增大,总散射强度受干扰项散射强度影响较大,则后向散射效应增强。  相似文献   

一维随机粗糙表面散射特征的数值分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文在Kirchhoff近似基础上,利用数值积分方法分析了一维随机粗糙表面的散射特征。结果显示随着粗糙度的增大,单次散射峰值由连续地向后向移动,其强度不断降低。峰值宽度增加。在一个较窄的粗糙度范围内,散射场对称于表面法线呈近似余弦分布而接近于理想朗伯体。当粗糙度超过这一范围时,散射峰值将由线向后向移动,并在粗糙度很大时稳定在后向附近。  相似文献   

本文从Phillip海谱出发。分别应用MonteCarlo方法和分形函数建立了海面的统计模型和分形模型,并应用Kirchhoff近似分别计算了这两种模型的后向散射系数随入射角的变化以及双站散射系数随散射角的变化。结果表明,两种模型的电磁散射系数随入射角和散射角的变化曲线均符合较好。说明用分形模型可很好地说明具有Phillip海谱的实际海面电磁散射回波的幅度特征。  相似文献   

对现有的粗糙度比较样块和其他典型粗糙目标进行了后向光散射特性的实验。实验结果表明,当入射光为632.8 nm波长时,随着入射角的增大,不同的被测目标的散射强度变化得比较明显。如果被测目标的表面斜率均方根比较接近,可以发现它们整体的散射光强度变化趋势几乎一样,而且它们的偏振度也相差不大。表面斜率很小的被测目标,相对其他被测目标,其散射光光强明显大很多,其偏振度也是最大的,说明相对光滑的表面探测到的后向散射光强度比相对粗糙表面探测到的散射光强度大得多。文中关于典型粗糙表面后向散射偏振特性的研究结果对于探讨进行目标识别的理论及应用方面有一定的价值。  相似文献   

本文研究粗糙面球面波近场散射效应,分析计算了理想条件下由于路径相关引起的干涉效应;用带限分形函数来模拟二维粗糙表面,从动态和表态角度,揭示在许多不同条件下粗糙面单站近场散射的物理机理。  相似文献   

为了研究电介质随机表面散射特性的物理产生机制,采用基于Kirchhoff近似的Monte-Carlo方法进行了数值计算,得到了一组不同粗糙程度的电介质随机表面在s线偏振光入射时的散射光强度空间分布.所有表面自相关长度相同.结果表明,随均方根高度的增加,散射光强度空间分布呈现峰值衰减、展宽和向后向移动的特征.对这些散射特...  相似文献   

为了研究激光散斑对目标探测的影响,采用物理光学近似方法,进行了平面波激光照射在粗糙球体和圆锥体目标时对散射场统计特性的理论分析,推导了粗糙体目标散射场量的二阶统计矩, 数值计算了粗糙球体和锥体的非相干散射分量比随粗糙度、散射角、半径及目标材料的变化情况。结果表明,散射角的变化对粗糙球体散射非相干分量比有影响,粗糙度变大,目标的非相干分量占总散射分量的比重越大;随着粗糙球体半径变小,球体表面越粗糙;圆锥体目标散射非相干分量比的峰值位置随粗糙度变化而不同,但其峰值均位于镜反射方向上;金属类材料比非金属抛光铝材料的非相干分量比小,且半径变化与非相干分量比成正比。该研究结果可为更复杂目标激光散射特性和激光散斑探测、识别的研究提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

fBm随机粗糙面电磁散射的微扰法近似   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用二维fBm分形函数来模拟二维实际粗糙面,利用微扰法给出了fBm粗糙面的归一化散射截面的计算公式。数值计算了不同分维下的实际粗糙面的后向散射截面,并与有关实验测试结果和高斯相关分布及指数相关分布粗糙面的散射结果作了比较。  相似文献   

本文研究粗糙面球面波近场散射效应,分析计算了理想条件下由于路径相关引起的干涉效应;用带限分形函数来模拟二维粗糙表面,从动态和静态角度,揭示在许多不同条件下粗糙面单站近场散射的物理机理。  相似文献   

Xia  M.Y. Chan  C.H. 《Electronics letters》2003,39(9):710-712
An efficient approach for simulation of random rough surface scattering is developed based on using a single integral equation formulation and a multilevel sparse-matrix canonical-grid method. Merits of the scheme are demonstrated using two wind-driven ocean surfaces, one which is very rough and the other large in size.  相似文献   

Despite the recent development of analytical and numerical techniques for problems of scattering from two-dimensional rough surfaces, very few experimental studies were available for verification. The authors present the results of millimeter-wave experiments on scattering from two-dimensional conducting random rough surfaces with Gaussian surface roughness statistics. Machine-fabricated rough surfaces with controlled roughness statistics were examined. Special attention was paid to surfaces with large rms slopes (ranging from 0.35 to 1.00) for which enhanced backscattering is expected to take place. Experimentally, such enhancement was indeed observed in both the copolarized and cross-polarized returns. In addition, it was noticed that at moderate angles of incidence, the scattering profile as a function of observation angle is fairly independent of the incident polarization and operating frequency. This independence justifies the use of the geometric optics approximation embodied in the Kirchhoff formulation for surfaces with large surface radius of curvature. When compared with the experimental data, this analytical technique demonstrates good agreement with the experimental data  相似文献   

大粗糙度表面激光散射特性实验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩香娥  吴振森 《激光技术》1997,21(3):151-155
本文利用激光散射自动测量系统,对经喷丸处理后的钢基粗糙表面及其喷漆表面的后向激光雷达散射截面(LRCS)进行了测量。测量波长分别为λ=633nm和λ=904nm.在λ=904nm,利用粗糙面电磁散射理论的基尔霍夫方法对上述样片进行了理论计算,其中将粗糙表面视为双尺度模型,根据驻留相位法和标量近似法理论计算双尺度模型随机粗糙表面的散射强度角分布,其理论值与实验测量结果有较好的吻合。  相似文献   

The fast multipole method fast Fourier transform (FMM-FFT) method is developed to compute the scattering of an electromagnetic wave from a two-dimensional (2-D) rough surface. The resulting algorithm computes a matrix-vector multiply in O(N log N) operations. This algorithm is shown to be more efficient than another O(N log N) algorithm, the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA), for surfaces of small height. For surfaces with larger roughness, the MLFMA is found to be more efficient. Using the MLFMA, Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to compute the statistical properties of the electromagnetic scattering from 2-D random rough surfaces using a workstation. For the rougher surface, backscattering enhancement is clearly observable as a pronounced peak in the backscattering direction of the computed bistatic scattering coefficient. For the smoother surface, the Monte Carlo results compare well with the results of the approximate Kirchhoff theory  相似文献   

Wave propagation and scattering in random media and rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author presents a comprehensive review highlighting historical as well as new developments in the area of random media. Both discrete and continuous media are considered as well as rough surfaces. The author discusses wave propagation in turbulence and in a random continuum where the refractive index is a random function of space and time. Examples are optical propagation in the atmosphere, microwaves in the troposphere, ionosphere, planetary atmosphere, and solar wind, and acoustic scattering in ocean turbulence. The author describes multiple scattering by random distributions of discrete scatterers. Examples are optical and microwave scattering by rain, fog, smog, snow, ice particles, and vegetation, optical and ultrasound scattering by tissues and blood, optical and acoustic scattering in the ocean, and scattering in composite materials. Scattering by rough surfaces and interfaces is discussed. Examples are acoustic scattering by ocean surfaces, microwave and optical scattering by vegetation, terrain, and snow cover, and ultrasound scattering by rough interfaces in biological media  相似文献   

A three-dimensional polarimetric analysis of the two-layered rough ground with and without buried objects is investigated here. A rigorous electromagnetic surface integral-equation-based model is used in this analysis. The statistical average of the polarimetric scattering matrix elements is computed based on the Monte Carlo simulations for both the vertically and horizontally polarized incident waves. The results show a significant impact on the scattered intensities due to the two-layer nature of the ground. However, these intensities show almost no difference between the ground signature with or without the object. On the other hand, the statistical average of the covariance matrix elements shows a distinct difference between these two signatures despite the small size of the buried object.  相似文献   

Bistatic scattering from three-dimensional layered rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical method to calculate the bistatic-scattering coefficients of a three-dimensional layered dielectric structure with slightly rough interfaces is presented. The interfaces are allowed to be statistically distinct, but possibly dependent. The waves in each region are represented as a superposition of an infinite number of up- and down-going spectral components whose amplitudes are found by simultaneously matching the boundary conditions at both interfaces. A small-perturbation formulation is used up to the first order, and the scattered fields are derived. The calculation intrinsically takes into account multiple scattering processes between the boundaries. The formulation is then validated against known solutions to special cases. New results are generated for several cases of two- and three-layer media, which will be directly applicable for modeling of the signals from radar systems and subsequent estimation of a layered medium subsurface properties, such as moisture content and layer depths.  相似文献   

Bistatic specular scattering from rough dielectric surfaces   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the nature of bistatic scattering from rough dielectric surfaces at 10 GHz. This paper focusses specifically on the dependence of coherent and incoherent scattered fields on surface roughness for the specular direction. The measurements, which were conducted for a smooth surface with ks<0.2 (where k=2π/λ and s is the RMS surface height) and for three rough surfaces with ks=0.5, 1.39, and 1.94, included observations over the range of incidence angles from 20° to 65° for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. For the coherent component, the reflectivity was found to behave in accordance with the prediction of the physical optics model, although it was observed that the Brewster angle exhibited a small negative shift with increasing roughness. The first-order solution of physical optics also provided good agreement with observations for hh-polarized incoherent scattering coefficient, but it failed to predict the behavior of the vv-polarized scattering coefficient in the angular range around the Brewster angle. A second-order solution is proposed which appears to partially address the deficiency of the physical optics model  相似文献   

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