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为了设计一种高品质因子的光子晶体微腔和研究单缺陷光子晶体微腔谐振模波长随晶格常数的变化规律,使用时域有限差分法(difference time-domain method)和基于Baker算法的Padé近似方法计算了半导体材料上空气孔阵列光子晶体微腔的谐振模波长和品质因子.得到的新型光子晶体微腔的品质因子达246510,单缺陷光子晶体微腔模波长随晶格常数a和孔半径r的近似为线性变化关系:当孔半径r为一常数时,表现为晶格常数改变1nm,谐振波长变化约3nm,为实际制作光子晶体微腔激光器提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

为了设计一种高品质因子的光子晶体微腔和研究单缺陷光子晶体微腔谐振模波长随晶格常数的变化规律,使用时域有限差分法(difference time-domain method)和基于Baker算法的Padé近似方法计算了半导体材料上空气孔阵列光子晶体微腔的谐振模波长和品质因子.得到的新型光子晶体微腔的品质因子达246510,单缺陷光子晶体微腔模波长随晶格常数a和孔半径r的近似为线性变化关系:当孔半径r为一常数时,表现为晶格常数改变1nm,谐振波长变化约3nm,为实际制作光子晶体微腔激光器提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

韩艳玲  王宏 《激光技术》2008,32(2):207-209
为了理解光子晶体微腔的光学传输特性,探讨微腔的折射率对缺陷模放大特性和谐振频率的影响,采用时域有限差分法计算了含洛伦兹色散介质一维光子晶体微腔的透射谱,分析、比较了不同光子晶体微腔的透射谱。结果表明,微腔折射率的大小决定缺陷模的谐振频率,而介质色散特性将导致缺陷模频率的移动。另外,当通过复介电常数的虚部引入光学增益后,缺陷模在增益介质中被放大,其阈值特性和缺陷折射率的大小密切相关。模拟结果证明通过合理的选择微腔中介质折射率的大小,可以改善微腔的光学特性,降低激光器的阈值。  相似文献   

二维光子晶体负折射现象的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用平面波展开法分析三角格子二维光子晶体中负折射现象出现的频率范围,然后用有限时域差分法模拟光在空气和二维三角格子光子晶体界面的折射行为,得到了负折射出现在群速度为负的频段的结论,并且详细比较了光子晶体中不同频率的负折射行为.  相似文献   

刘文楷  孙耀  董小伟 《激光技术》2017,41(4):591-595
为了设计能够传输宽带低色散慢光的光子晶体波导,以三角晶格圆形介质柱光子晶体结构为基础,使用圆形散射元和椭圆形散射元进行周期性排列,采用平面波展开法对所设计的耦合腔波导进行了仿真分析。结果表明,调整缺陷行椭圆形散射元长轴Ra可以使导模最大群速度从0.035c降低到0.01c,调节缺陷行短轴Rb的值,可以再次降低导模群速度;通过改变微腔周围第1排两种散射元的面积比,能够得到最大群速度0.0065c,波长范围为3.25nm的低色散慢光;将所设计的耦合腔应用于光缓存中,计算得出缓存时间为76.82ps,存储容量达到了15.56bit。这项研究对新型光子晶体慢光器件的设计和应用具有参考意义。  相似文献   

给出了基于SOI晶片、带隙中心位于1550nm的光子带隙材料及光子晶体波导器件的设计方法。采用基于超原胞的平面波展开法和基于完美匹配层边界条件的三维时域有限差分法,对二维光子晶体平板的带隙结构及光波传输进行仿真。在大量计算和优化的基础上,设计了适于248nm深紫外曝光和0.18μm离子束刻蚀工艺的光子晶体带隙材料及波导器件,得到了初步的工艺实验结果和样品SEM测试结果。  相似文献   

黄小琴  陈鹤鸣 《光电子技术》2007,27(4):243-245,249
首先用平面波展开法(PWM)计算了二维光子晶体的能带结构,然后提出了适合THz 波传输的光子晶体波导模型,并采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)研究了THz波在这种波导中的传输特性.在波导的输入输出口采样场值经过傅立叶变换以后进行比较,结果很合理.分析结果表明,位于光子晶体禁带内的THz波在这种波导中的传输是几乎没有损耗的,这为开发性能优良的THz 器件提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

一种新型多模干涉型光子晶体波分解复用器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于二维光子晶体中多模干涉效应(MMI)设计了一种新型的三波长波分解复用器,该结构能有效分离1310/1500/1550nm三个波段的波长。并且,当我们改变该波分解复用器的相关结构参数时,该结构能拓展至其他波段。除此之外,该结构也能单独作为两波长波分解复用器对1310/1550nm实现分离。通过计算,该波分解复用结构三个波长的透射率均在91%以上。与此同时,借助于平面波展开法及时域有限差分法,我们对光波在该结构的传播效率及传播行为进行了计算及模拟。  相似文献   

二维光子晶体波导微腔传输特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用时域有限差分(FDTD)法和快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法计算了二维正方格子光子晶体的点缺陷的谐振频率,研究了点缺陷的半径和背景材料折射率的变化对谐振频率的影响.研究结果表明,谐振归一化频率随点缺陷的半径或背景材料折射率增大而减小,当点缺陷半径增大到0.45r时,谐振中心归一化频率为0.336,波导微腔传输系数最大为9...  相似文献   

光子晶体波导具有传输速率大、损耗率低、稳定性好等特点,在光集成、光信息传输等领域具有十分广阔的应用前景.然而作为亚波长波导,由于存在衍射极限,光子晶体波导的出射光会发散到各个方向,影响出射光集束.为解决光子晶体波导出射端光场控制问题,提出了一种新型的二维正方晶格光子晶体出射光集束的结构.该结构通过在波导出射端表面引入锯...  相似文献   

By inserting an air cavity into a one-dimensional photonic crystal of LiF/GaSb, a tunable filter covering the whole visible range is proposed. Following consideration of the dispersion of the materials, through modulating the thickness of the air cavity, we demonstrate that a single resonant peak can shift from 416.1 to 667.3 nm in the band gap at normal incidence by means of the transfer matrix method. The research also shows that the transmittance of the channel can be maximized when the number of periodic LiF/GaSb layers on one side of the air defect layer is equal to that of the other side. When adding a period to both sides respectively, the full width at half maximum of the defect mode is reduced by one order of magnitude. This structure will provide a promising approach to fabricate practical tunable filters in the visible region with ultra-wide tuning range.  相似文献   

Local radiative density of optical states (LDOS) offers a tool to control the radiative rate of spontaneous emission from molecules,atoms,and quantum dots,which is proportional to LDOS.This paper prese...  相似文献   

Degeneracy of resonant modes in two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystal cavities are investigated using the symmetry relations. The 2-D photonic crystal cavity tends to have either a pair of doubly degenerate modes or nondegenerate modes. We derive simple relations between degenerate modes without using a rigorous group theory. These relations are useful for classifying the resonant modes into degenerate pairs and nondegenerate ones.  相似文献   

首次在无DBR结构的商业外延波导晶片上实现了电泵横向腔光子晶体面发射激光器(LC-PCSEL)。深孔刻蚀技术使光子晶体深达2.6μm,穿透有源区,对有源区的模式直接调制。通过较小区域的光子晶体与FP腔的融合集成,利用带边模式Γ2-1的横向振荡垂直输出特性,室温下获得了1553.8 nm的面发射激光,线宽0.4 nm。超低阈值电流密度为667 A/cm2,纵向和横向的远场发散角分别为7.5°和5.5°。LC-PCSEL的设计为电注入面发射激光器的研制提供了新的思路,为该类激光器的批量生产提供了可能。  相似文献   

Coupled-defect photonic crystal vertical cavity surface emitting lasers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photonic crystal patterns containing two defects were fabricated within a large gain area in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers. By designing effective refractive index changes in the region between the defects through cavity shifts caused by photonic crystals, it was possible to coherently couple laser light output from the defects. This enables a novel way to fabricate coherently coupled laser arrays.  相似文献   

Micro-fluidic photonic crystal vertical cavity surface emitting laser   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first monolithic micro-fluidic photonic crystal vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL), wherein the horizontal and vertical micro-fluidic channels lie within the VCSEL, is reported. The micro-fluidic photonic crystal VCSEL is created with two principal steps after fabrication of the VCSEL. The first step is integrating the two-dimensional photonic crystal with the VCSEL structure. The photonic crystal creates singlemode operation, and acts as the vertical micro-channels. After creating the photonic crystal pattern in the VCSEL, the oxide layer is selectively wet etched to form the horizontal channel. Preliminary results obtained from the introduction of fluid into the micro-channels are presented.  相似文献   

We present a novel mechanism,which is formed by periodically changing the radii of dielectric rods in the middle row of a photonic crystal,to control and stop light.Using the Bloch theory and coupled-mode theory,the dispersion characteristic of such a photonic crystal coupled cavity optical waveguide is obtained.We also theoretically demonstrate that the group velocity of a light pulse in this system can be modulated by dynamically changing the refractive index or radii of the selected dielectric rods,and the light stopping can be achieved.  相似文献   

A kinematic analysis of refraction at the boundary between the (1 1 1) surface of a 200 nm close-packed fcc-SiO2-based opal and vacuum is presented. The dispersion relation and the equi-frequency surface (EFS) of the photonic band structure are calculated using the plane wave expansion method (PWEM) in order to obtain, in a specific case of polarization, the frequency-dependent relation between the incident and propagation angles. From these refraction properties, one can deduce that the system inhibits the transmission of waves, with frequencies in the visible range, in a wide range of incident angles.  相似文献   

Baba  T. Shiga  M. Inoshita  K. Koyama  F. 《Electronics letters》2003,39(21):1516-1518
A 1.43-/spl mu/m-GaInAsP photonic crystal slab with a point defect cavity and line defect waveguides has been fabricated. A /spl sim/1.5 /spl mu/m-wavelength light is inserted into the waveguide and the cavity resonant spectrum observed. A 5.6 nm blue shift in the resonant peak arising from the carrier plasma effect by photopumping is also observed. These results will be applicable to all-optical switches and tunable devices.  相似文献   

InP-based short cavity lasers with 2D photonic crystal mirror   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors have successfully fabricated in-plane emitting InP-based microlasers with cavity lengths of 600-100 μm. The required high reflectivity mirrors consist of a 2D ΓM-oriented triangular photonic crystal of air rods with a lattice constant of 350 nm. The lasers operate CW at room temperature with a threshold current of 29 mA and output power up to 4 mW for the shortest devices  相似文献   

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