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BACKGROUND: There is a great need to learn more about porcine islet physiology because porcine islets represent a promising source of xenogeneic tissue for beta-cell replacement therapy in humans. METHODS: We evaluated the effects of two important physiological regulators of insulin secretion, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), on insulin release and intracellular calcium ([Ca++]i) by adult porcine islet cells. RESULTS: Exposure to GLP-1 and PACAP significantly potentiated glucose-induced insulin release and improved the sensitivity to glucose as a secretagogue. About 70% of cells stimulated with 20 mmol/L glucose alone showed an increase in [Ca++]i, whereas the addition of GLP-1 and PACAP induced [Ca++]i increases in 86% and 93% of cells, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The good insulin and [Ca++]i responsiveness of porcine islet cells to both GLP-1 and PACAP provides an additional proof of their suitability for transplantation.  相似文献   

Antibody reactivity in serum to synaptic membranes from human was investigated in major depressive disorder (N = 20), paranoid schizophrenia (N = 20), schizoaffective psychosis (N = 20), and in controls (N = 20) using Western and Immunoblots and ELISA technique. None of the patients showed a significant immune response to synaptic membranes. There was a base-line activity in both controls and patients with antibodies directed to a double band of proteins at 66kD. These antibodies may represent natural autoantibodies. The authors conclude from this and other studies that there is at present no proof of antibrain antibodies in mental disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted (1) to determine in vitro placental villous cytotrophoblast secretion of prostacyclin, prostaglandin E2, and endothelin-1, (2) to examine the effect of serum from normal and preeclamptic women on secretion of these vasoactive substances, and (3) to determine whether responses to these sera by cytotrophoblasts from preeclamptic pregnancies are different from those of normal pregnancies. STUDY DESIGN: Cytotrophoblasts isolated from human placentas collected at cesarean section from normal and preeclamptic women were incubated for 20 hours in 20% (vol/vol) sera from preeclamptic or gestational age-matched normal pregnant women. Levels of prostacyclin (measured as 6-keto-prostaglandin F1alpha), prostaglandin E2, and endothelin-1 were measured in cytotrophoblast supernatants. RESULTS: In normal pregnancy sera preeclamptic cytotrophoblasts secreted significantly lower amounts of prostacyclin and prostaglandin E2 but higher amounts of endothelin-1 than did normal cytotrophoblasts. In preeclamptic sera the abnormality of prostacyclin secretion by preeclamptic cytotrophoblasts was partially corrected, but there was no effect on prostaglandin E2 or endothelin-1 secretion. Preeclamptic sera had no effect on secretion by normal cytotrophoblasts. CONCLUSIONS: The differences between normal and preeclamptic cytotrophoblasts in prostacyclin, PGE2, and endothelin-1 secretion and in response to preeclamptic serum suggest altered arachidonic acid metabolism in preeclampsia.  相似文献   

Insulin-induced increases in blood flow are hypothesized to enhance overall glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. Whether the insulin-mediated changes in blood flow are associated with altered blood flow distribution and increased capillary recruitment in skeletal muscle is not known. In the present study, the effects of insulin on hemodynamic parameters in rat skeletal muscle in vivo were investigated. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, femoral blood flow, hind leg vascular resistance, and glucose uptake were measured in control and euglycemic insulin-clamped (10 mU x min(-1) x kg[-1]) anesthetized rats. Blood flow distribution within the hind leg muscles was assessed by measuring the metabolism of 1-methylxanthine (1-MX), an exogenously added substrate for capillary xanthine oxidase. Insulin treatment had no effect on heart rate but significantly increased arterial blood pressure (12 mmHg) and femoral blood flow (80%) and decreased hind leg vascular resistance (31%). Changes were similar in magnitude and in time of onset to those reported in humans. Insulin treatment increased hind leg glucose uptake approximately fourfold and also increased hind leg 1-MX metabolism by 50%, suggesting increased exposure to endothelial xanthine oxidase. To ascertain whether the increased 1-MX metabolism was simply due to increased bulk femoral blood flow, epinephrine was infused at a dose (0.125 microg x min(-) x kg[-1]) chosen to match the insulin-induced increase in femoral blood flow. This dose of epinephrine had no significant effects on arterial blood pressure or heart rate but increased femoral blood flow and lowered hind leg vascular resistance to a similar extent as insulin. Epinephrine did not significantly alter 1-MX metabolism as compared with control animals. These results demonstrate that insulin increases total hind leg blood flow and metabolism of 1-MX, suggesting a recruitment of capillary blood flow in rat hind leg not mimicked by epinephrine.  相似文献   

The effects of pharmacological manipulations of dopaminergic transmission on appetitive and consummatory aspects of male sexual behavior were investigated in castrated male Japanese quail treated with exogenous testosterone. Appetitive male sexual behavior was assessed by measuring a learned social proximity response and consummatory behavior was assessed by measuring copulatory behavior per se. The nonselective dopamine receptor agonist, apomorphine, inhibited in a dose-dependent manner both components of male sexual behavior. Two indirect dopamine agonists were also tested. Nomifensine, a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor, decreased appetitive sexual behavior but increased the frequency of mount attempts, a measure of consummatory sexual behavior. Amfonelic acid, a compound that enhances dopaminergic tone by a complex mechanism, increased aspects of both appetitive and consummatory behaviors. These data suggest that, in quail, as in rodents, increases in dopaminergic tone facilitate both appetitive and consummatory aspects of male sexual behavior. Apomorphine may be inhibitory in quail because it acts primarily on D2-like receptors, unlike in rats, where it stimulates sexual behavior and acts primarily on D1-like receptors at low doses but interacts with D2-like receptors at higher doses. This is supported by the observation that stereotyped pecking, a behavior stimulated selectively in quail by D2 agonists, was increased by apomorphine but not by the two indirect agonists. The observed partial dissociation between the effects of these dopaminergic agonists on appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors suggests that these two components of male sexual behavior may be controlled by the action of dopamine through different neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Inclusion body myopathy is a progressive muscle disorder characterized by nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions and vacuolation of muscle fibers. Affected muscle fibers contain deposits of congophilic amyloid, amyloid-beta immunoreactive filaments, and paired helical filaments, all of which are pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease in brain. Accumulations of amyloid-beta and its precursor are thought to play important roles in the pathogenesis of both inclusion body myopathy and Alzheimer's disease. Overexpression of mutant forms of beta protein precursor in transgenic mice by neuron-specific promoters has been reported to cause amyloid deposits in the brain. Here we report that overexpression in transgenic mice of the signal plus 99-amino acid carboxyl-terminal sequences of beta protein precursor, under the control of a cytomegalovirus enhancer/beta-actin promoter, resulted in vacuolation and increasing accumulation of the 4-kd amyloid-beta and the carboxyl-terminus in skeletal muscle fibers during aging. These deposits in transgenic muscle only rarely showed Congo red birefringence. Thus, overexpression of part of beta protein precursor in transgenic mice led to development of some of the characteristic features of inclusion body myopathy. These mice may be a useful model of inclusion body myopathy, which shares a number of pathological markers with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

13C and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) was used to investigate the metabolism of L-lactate and D-glucose in C6 glioma cells. The 13C enrichment of cell metabolites was examined after a 4-h incubation in media containing 5.5 mM glucose and 11 mM lactate, each metabolite being alternatively labelled with either [1-13C]D-glucose or [3-13C]L-lactate. The results indicated that exogenous lactate was the major substrate for oxidative metabolism. They were consistent with the concept of the existence of 2 pools of both lactate and pyruvate, of which 1 pool was closely connected with exogenous lactate and oxidative metabolism, and the other pool was closely related to glycolysis and disconnected from oxidative metabolism. The molecular basis of this behaviour could be related to different locations for the lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes, as suggested by their immunohistochemical labelling.  相似文献   

This study examines the neonatal response to graded hypoxia and determines the arterial PO2 (PaO2) threshold for oxygen-restricted metabolism as confirmed by the development of lactic acidosis and altered oxygen handling. Anesthetized, intubated, and ventilated 3-day-old pigs (n = 56) were randomly assigned to one of five predetermined acute (120 min) graded hypoxia groups: normoxia (PaO2 = 80 Torr) or mild (60 Torr), moderate (40 Torr), moderately severe (30 Torr), or severe (20 Torr) hypoxia. In moderate hypoxia, lactate and acid-base homeostasis were unaltered due to a significant increase in oxygen extraction (P < 0.05) that was sufficient to maintain the arteriovenous oxygen content difference (oxygen uptake). In moderately severe hypoxia, increased arterial lactate and decreased HCO3- and base excess were evidence of anaerobic metabolism, yet pH was unaltered, indicating adequate buffering. In this group, despite the increase in oxygen extraction, oxygen uptake was reduced, indicating the onset of oxygen-restricted metabolism. The severe hypoxia group had significantly increased lactate (21.7 +/- 3.9 mmol/l), decreased pH (7.01 +/- 0.07) and base excess (-21.5 +/- 3.0 mmol/l), and depletion of HCO3- (9.7 +/- 1.6 mmol/l) (P < 0.0001). Here, increases in oxygen extraction were severely limited by availability, resulting in significantly reduced oxygen uptake, anaerobic metabolism, and profound lactic acidosis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the prognostic significance of immunohistochemically detected p53 and Bcl-2 proteins in colorectal cancer, tissue sections from 238 paraffin-embedded colorectal carcinomas were immunostained for p53 (MAb DO-7 and CM-1 antiserum) and Bcl-2 (MAb Bcl-2:124). Staining patterns were assessed semiquantitatively and correlated with each other and with sex, age, tumour site, Dukes' classification, tumour differentiation, mucinous characteristics, lymphocyte and eosinophilic granulocyte infiltration, and patient survival. In our series, 35% of carcinomas showed no nuclear staining and 34% (DO-7) to 40% (CM-1) showed staining in over 30% of tumour cell nuclei. A majority of carcinomas that had been immunostained with CM-1 showed cytoplasmic staining, but this was not observed with DO-7. With respect to Bcl-2, 51% of tumours were completely negative, 32% displayed weak and 15% moderate staining; only 3% showed strong positive staining. No evidence was found for reciprocity between Bcl-2 expression and nuclear p53 accumulation. From 13 cases containing tumour-associated adenoma, four were Bcl-2 negative in premalignant and malignant cells, in another four cases these cells showed similar staining intensities and in the remaining cases only the malignant colorectal cells were Bcl-2 negative. Therefore, our data indicate that Bcl-2 is dispensable in the progression towards carcinoma. Except for an association between nuclear p53 accumulation and mucinous tumours (P = 0.01), no significant correlation was found between the clinicopathological parameters mentioned above and immunostaining pattern of (nuclear or cytoplasmic) p53 or Bcl-2.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old boy with Leber's congenital amaurosis, hypotonia, depressed myotatic reflexes, and delayed motor development had numerous foci of broadened or smeared A bands, loss of distinct I bands, and near-normal Z lines in biopsied muscle. The thick filaments in these lesions appeared misaligned, suggesting an abnormality of the M line or of the structural protein connectin. This unique alteration represents the first described morphologic abnormality of muscle in a patient with Leber's congenital amaurosis.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the function of type VI collagen, the col6a1 gene was inactivated by targeted gene disruption in the mouse. The homozygous mutants lacked collagen VI in the tissues and showed histological features of myopathy such as fiber necrosis and phagocytosis and a pronounced variation in the fiber diameter. Muscles also showed signs of stimulated regeneration of fibers. Necrotic fibers were particularly frequent in the diaphragm at all ages examined. Similar, although milder, alterations were detected in heterozygous mutant mice, indicating haploinsufficiency of the col6a1 gene function. The data led us to conclude that collagen VI is necessary for maintenance of the integrity of muscle fibers and that the col6a1 -deficient mouse can be considered an animal model of Bethlem myopathy.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that immunostaining with PC10, a monoclonal antibody against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), is of prognostic value in gastric carcinoma. Gastric carcinomas from a series of 90 patients in whom survival data were known have been studied. There was no relation between the degree of PC10 immunostaining assessed semiquantitatively and survival.  相似文献   

Although exertional myopathies are commonly recognized in horses, specific etiologies have not been identified. This is the first report in the horse of a deficiency of Complex I respiratory chain enzyme associated with profound exercise intolerance. Physical examination, routine blood tests, endoscopy, and ultrasonograms of the heart and iliac arteries were unremarkable. With slow, incremental exercise (speeds 1.5-7 m/s), the Arabian mare showed a marked lactic acidosis, increased mixed venous PVO2, and little change in oxygen consumption. Muscle biopsies contained large accumulations of mitochondria with bizarre cristae formations. Biochemical analyses revealed a very low activity of the first enzyme complex in the mitochondrial respiratory chain (NADH CoQ reductase). The exercise intolerance and muscle stiffness in this horse were attributed to a profound lactic acidosis resulting from impaired oxidative energy metabolism during exercise.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is known to be associated with HLA-DR2, but it is possible that additional major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes confer disease susceptibility. The most recent candidate genes for MHC-encoded susceptibility are the TAP genes, which are located between the HLA-DQ and DP loci, and encode for proteins believed to transport antigenic peptides from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. We studied TAP 1 and TAP 2 gene polymorphisms in 65 chronic progressive MS patients and 66 healthy subjects. No significant differences in the frequencies of TAP polymorphisms were observed between both groups. These data suggest that TAP is not a susceptibility gene for MS and that the disease-predisposing haplotype does not extend as far as TAP.  相似文献   

Heterotaxy is the failure of the developing embryo to establish normal left-right asymmetry, which is often associated with multiple malformations. Previous studies have identified different mutations in the cytoplasmic tail of the connexin 43 (cx 43) gene in six patients from a series of six sporadic cases with defects of laterality and severe heart malformations. These cases showed that of the genes involved in lateralization defects with autosomal recessive transmission, cx 43 was the most important. This result was challenged by two different teams, which, on sequencing only the carboxyl terminal end of the cx 43 gene in 30 patients, found no mutations. To assess the responsibility of the cx 43 gene in human autosomal recessive lateralization defects, we tested its involvement in a selected group of 25 patients (19 familial cases) with a wide variety of lateralization defects and cardiovascular malformations. The whole coding sequence and direct flanking sequences were screened for mutations, both by single strand conformation analysis and direct fluorescent sequencing. We could only detect a single base pair insertion in the 3' untranslated region of one patient. To test the possibility of mutations in other parts of the cx 43 gene, the gene was located onto the physical map of chromosome 6, and flanking polymorphic markers were genotyped. Haplotype analysis excluded the cx 43 gene locus in nearly all of the familial cases of lateralization defects. Thus, our results do not support the suggestion that this gene is implicated in human autosomal recessive lateralization defects.  相似文献   

The effect of rapid-repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rr-TMS) on the immediate verbal and visuospatial memory span was assessed by computerized neuropsychological testing in 11 healthy volunteers. The objective was to test whether rr-TMS may be utilized as a non-invasive tool for evaluation of memory function. The subjects had to memorize series of numbers (Digit-Span test) or the position of cubes (Corsi-Block test) shown to them on a computer screen and actively reproduce them immediately after the presentation. Synchronous with the appearance of each item an rr-TMS train of 550 ms duration was delivered to the left or right anterolateral parietal as well as superior and posterior lateral temporal region at 50 Hz and with approximately 1.0 T stimulation intensity. Statistical comparison of memory performance during rr-TMS and baseline testings without stimulation revealed no significant changes. No adverse effects were observed. Thus, rr-TMS does not affect short-term memory performance in healthy individuals under the stimulation conditions described above.  相似文献   

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