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Distinct classes of sporulation-specific genes are sequentially expressed during the process of spore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The transition from expression of early meiotic genes to expression of middle sporulation-specific genes occurs at about the time that cells exit from pachytene and form the meiosis I spindle. To identify genes encoding potential regulators of middle sporulation-specific gene expression, we screened for mutants that expressed early meiotic genes but failed to express middle sporulation-specific genes. We identified mutant alleles of RPD3, SIN3, and NDT80 in this screen. Rpd3p, a histone deacetylase, and Sin3p are global modulators of gene expression. Ndt80p promotes entry into the meiotic divisions. We found that entry into the meiotic divisions was not required for activation of middle sporulation genes; these genes were efficiently expressed in a clb1 clb3 clb4 strain, which fails to enter the meiotic divisions due to reduced Clb-dependent activation of Cdc28p kinase. In contrast, middle sporulation genes were not expressed in a dmc1 strain, which fails to enter the meiotic divisions because a defect in meiotic recombination leads to a RAD17-dependent checkpoint arrest. Expression of middle sporulation genes, as well as entry into the meiotic divisions, was restored to a dmc1 strain by mutation of RAD17. Our studies also revealed that NDT80 was a temporally distinct, pre-middle sporulation gene and that its expression was reduced, but not abolished, on mutation of DMC1, RPD3, SIN3, or NDT80 itself. In summary, our data indicate that Ndt80p is required for expression of middle sporulation genes and that the activity of Ndt80p is controlled by the meiotic recombination checkpoint. Thus, middle genes are expressed only on completion of meiotic recombination and subsequent generation of an active form of Ndt80p.  相似文献   

The primary determinant for telomere replication is the enzyme telomerase, responsible for elongating the G-rich strand of the telomere. The only component of this enzyme that has been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the TLC1 gene, encoding the telomerase RNA subunit. However, a yeast strain defective for the EST1 gene exhibits the same phenotypes (progressively shorter telomeres and a senescence phenotype) as a strain deleted for TLC1, suggesting that EST1 encodes either a component of telomerase or some other factor essential for telomerase function. We designed a multitiered screen that led to the isolation of 22 mutants that display the same phenotypes as est1 and tlc1 mutant strains. These mutations mapped to four complementation groups: the previously identified EST1 gene and three additional genes, called EST2, EST3 and EST4. Cloning of the EST2 gene demonstrated that it encodes a large, extremely basic novel protein with no motifs that provide clues as to function. Epistasis analysis indicated that the four EST genes function in the same pathway for telomere replication as defined by the TLC1 gene, suggesting that the EST genes encode either components of telomerase or factors that positively regulate telomerase activity.  相似文献   

Two new yeast genes, ASF1 (Anti-Silencing Function) and ASF2, as well as a C-terminal fragment of SIR3, were identified as genes that derepressed the silent mating type loci when overexpressed. ASF2 overexpression caused a greater derepression than did ASF1. ASF1 overexpression also weakened repression of genes near telomeres, but, interestingly, ASF2 had no effect on telomeric silencing. Sequences of these two genes revealed open reading frames of 279 and 525 amino acids for ASF1 and ASF2, respectively. The ASF1 protein was evolutionarily conserved, MCB motifs, sequences commonly present upstream of genes transcribed specifically in S phase, were found in front of both genes, and, indeed, both genes were transcribed specifically in the S phase of the cell cycle. While an asf2 mutant was viable and had no obvious phenotypes, an asf1 mutant grew poorly. Neither mutant exhibited derepression of the silent mating type loci. The asf1 mutant was sensitive to methyl methane sulfonate, slightly UV-sensitive and somewhat deficient in minichromosome maintenance. It also lowered the restrictive temperature of a cdc13ts mutant. These phenotypes suggested a role for ASF1 in DNA repair and chromosome maintenance.  相似文献   

Three glucanase-extractable cell wall proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were purified, and their N-terminal amino acid sequences were determined. With this information, we were able to assign gene products to three known open reading frames (ORFs). The N-terminal sequence of a 55-kDa mannoprotein corresponded with the product of ORF YKL096w, which we named CWP1 (cell wall protein 1). A 80-kDa mannoprotein was identified as the product of the TIP1 gene, and a 180-kDa mannoprotein corresponded to the product of the ORF YKL444, which we named CWP2. CWP1, TIP1, and CWP2 encode proteins of 239, 210, and 92 amino acids, respectively. The C-terminal regions of these proteins all consist for more than 40% of serine/threonine and contain putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol attachment signals. Furthermore, Cwp1p and Tip1p were shown to carry a beta 1,6-glucose-containing side chain. The cwp2 deletion mutant displayed an increased sensitivity to Congo red, calcofluor white, and Zymolyase. Electron microscopic analysis of the cwp2 deletion mutant showed a strongly reduced electron-dense layer on the outside of the cell wall. These results indicate that Cwp2p is a major constituent of the cell wall and plays an important role in stabilizing the cell wall. Depletion of Cwp1p or Tip1p also caused increased sensitivities to Congo red and calcofluor white, but the effects were less pronounced than for cwp2 delta. All three cell wall proteins show a substantial homology with Srp1p, which also appears to be localized in the cell wall. We conclude that these four proteins are small structurally related cell wall proteins.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid genome includes six copies of the gene encoding tRNATrp which are scattered on five chromosomes. Other, non-functional tDNATrp fragments also occur in the genome. The segments of all six genes which encode the 72-nucleotide mature tRNATrp, as well as a 34-nucleotide intervening sequence, are identical. However, the 5' and 3' flanking sequences diverge virtually at the boundaries of the coding region. We have used an assay based on suppression of UGA mutations by multi-copy clones of tDNATrp to search for functional differences among these genes. Previous studies with one tDNATrp had demonstrated that moderate suppression of a UGA mutation, leu2-2, resulted from introduction of a multi-copy clone of the gene. Attempts to use this assay to select tDNATrp clones from a yeast genomic library yielded only four of the six different clones. The other two genes were amplified by PCR and cloned in pRS202, a 2 mu vector also used for the genomic library. Plasmids bearing the six tRNA genes were transformed into S. cerevisiae strain JG369.3B and scored for their ability to suppress the leu2-2 mutation as well as his4-260, another UGA marker. Two of the six tRNATrp clones were unable to suppress either marker, two evidenced weak suppression of the Leu auxotrophy, and two were able to suppress both markers. Growth rates in liquid media requiring suppression were measured for cell lines carrying each of the clones. Differences greater than 50-fold were observed in media lacking histidine. An evolutionary tree based on 5'-flanking sequence corresponds reasonably well with suppressor activity, while a similar analysis of 3'-flanking sequence does not. This suggests that the functional differences are based on divergence in the 5'-flanking sequences of the tRNATrp genes.  相似文献   

Assembly of functional cytochrome oxidase in yeast requires Cox17, which has been postulated to deliver copper ions to the mitochondrion for insertion into the enzyme. This role for Cox17 is supported by the observation that it binds copper as a binuclear cuprous-thiolate cluster. X-ray absorption spectroscopy, together with UV-visible absorption and emission spectroscopy, indicates the presence of bound cuprous ions, trigonally coordinated by thiolate ligands. Analysis of the EXAFS shows three Cu-S bonds at 2.26 A, plus a short Cu-Cu distance of 2.7 A, indicating a binuclear cluster in Cox17. The cuprous-thiolate cluster in Cox17 is substantially more labile than structurally related clusters in metallothioneins.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between parental adjustment and family adjustment during the period after the children's diagnosis of cancer and the psychological adjustment of children 2 years after their diagnosis. METHOD: The study used a prospective design. Children aged 2 to 5 years with cancer and their parents and families (n = 38) were assessed immediately after the children's diagnosis and again 2 years after the diagnosis. Path analysis was used to investigate the relationship between parental and family adjustment during the period after diagnosis and the psychological adjustment of the children 2 years after their diagnosis. RESULTS: Maternal adjustment during the period after the children's cancer was diagnosed had a significant relationship with the children's psychological adjustment 2 years after diagnosis. In contrast, the adjustment of fathers and family adjustment appeared to have a more limited impact on the later psychological adjustment of the children. CONCLUSION: The level of distress experienced by mothers after the children's diagnosis may have an important influence on the later psychological adjustment of the children. It is possible that this is due to the impact of maternal distress on the capacity of mothers to care for their children during the children's treatment for cancer.  相似文献   

To isolate a gene that can be used as an internal control in studies on gene expression in Aplysia californica neurons, we have characterized a cDNA clone (pKRP-A) isolated on the basis of its high expression in A. californica neurons. This cDNA is of 850 nucleotides and codes for a putative 29-kDa lysine-rich protein. Blotting experiments revealed that the gene is expressed in all tested A. californica tissues, and in individually identified neurons of the abdominal ganglion, suggesting that this gene can be efficiently used as internal control in studies of gene expression. We have also isolated one cDNA and two different genomic clones from yeast libraries that show 59% identity with pKRP-A. Sequence comparison of genomic clones, as well as PCR and Southern blotting experiments, revealed that at least two homologous genes are present in yeast. Northern blotting experiments revealed that the expression of the gene is strongly repressed at 39 degrees C.  相似文献   

The presence of any one of the five unlinked MAL loci (MAL1, MAL2, MAL3, MAL4 and MAL6) confers the ability to ferment maltose on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Each locus is composed of three genes encoding maltose permease, alpha-glucosidase and MAL activator. Chromosomal DNA of seven representative baking strains has been separated by pulse-field gel electrophoresis and probed with three genes in MAL6 locus. The DNA bands to which all of the three MAL-derived probes simultaneously hybridized were chromosome VII carrying MAL1 in all of the strains tested, chromosome XI carrying MAL4 in six strains, chromosome III carrying MAL2 in three strains and chromosomes II and VIII carrying MAL3 and MAL6, respectively, in the one strain. The number of MAL loci in baking strains was comparable to those of brewing strains.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that switching of the alpha v-associated beta1 and beta5 integrin subunits during differentiation of myelin-forming oligodendrocytes may regulate important aspects of cell behaviour such as migration (Milner et al., 1996: J Neurosci 16:7240-7252). In this study we have examined the developmental regulation of other alpha v-associated beta subunits in oligodendroglial cell cultures and also the control of their expression by neurons, using xenocultures to distinguish glial and neuronal integrins. We have found that oligodendroglia express alpha vbeta8 in addition to the previously-described alpha vbeta1, alpha vbeta3, and alpha vbeta5. Beta8 and beta3 together comprise the 80kD band seen in alpha v immunoprecipitations that represents the most abundant alpha v-associated beta subunit and show reciprocal patterns of expression during development. Alpha vbeta8 is expressed at high levels on oligodendrocyte precursors and differentiated oligodendrocytes but diminishes during the intermediate stages of differentiation. Alpha vbeta3, in contrast, shows an opposite pattern of expression, with the highest levels seen at the intermediate stages of differentiation and little expression on either oligodendrocyte precursors and differentiated oligodendrocytes. The expression of alpha vbeta3 is not altered by coculture with neurons, unlike that of alpha vbeta8, in which the decrease seen at the intermediate stages of differentiation is less marked in the presence of neurones. Our results confirm that switching of alpha v-associated beta subunits is an important feature of oligodendrocyte differentiation and suggest that alpha vbeta8 and alpha vbeta3 have distinct functions during myelination.  相似文献   

The sequenced yeast genome offers a unique resource for the analysis of eukaryotic cell function and enables genome-wide screens for genes involved in cellular processes. We have identified genes involved in cell surface assembly by screening transposon-mutagenized cells for altered sensitivity to calcofluor white, followed by supplementary screens to further characterize mutant phenotypes. The mutated genes were directly retrieved from genomic DNA and then matched uniquely to a gene in the yeast genome database. Eighty-two genes with apparent perturbation of the cell surface were identified, with mutations in 65 of them displaying at least one further cell surface phenotype in addition to their modified sensitivity to calcofluor. Fifty of these genes were previously known, 17 encoded proteins whose function could be anticipated through sequence homology or previously recognized phenotypes and 15 genes had no previously known phenotype.  相似文献   

In response to an external source of adenine, yeast cells repress the expression of purine biosynthesis pathway genes. To identify necessary components of this signalling mechanism, we have isolated mutants that are constitutively active for expression. These mutants were named bra (for bypass of repression by adenine). BRA7 is allelic to FCY2, the gene encoding the purine cytosine permease and BRA9 is ADE12, the gene encoding adenylosuccinate synthetase. BRA6 and BRA1 are new genes encoding, respectively, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenylosuccinate lyase. These results indicate that uptake and salvage of adenine are important steps in regulating expression of purine biosynthetic genes. We have also shown that two other salvage enzymes, adenine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenine deaminase, are involved in activating the pathway. Finally, using mutant strains affected in AMP kinase or ribonucleotide reductase activities, we have shown that AMP needs to be phosphorylated to ADP to exert its regulatory role while reduction of ADP into dADP by ribonucleotide reductase is not required for adenine repression. Together these data suggest that ADP or a derivative of ADP is the effector molecule in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

A 3.6 kb DNA fragment from Saccharomyces douglasii, containing the ARG4 gene, has been cloned, sequenced and compared to the corresponding region from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The organization of this region is identical in both yeasts. It contains besides the ARG4 gene, another complete open reading frame (ORF) (YSD83) and a third incomplete one (DED81). The ARG4 and the YSD83 coding regions differ from their S. cerevisiae homologs by 8.1% and 12.5%, respectively, of base substitutions. The encoded proteins have evolved differently: amino acid replacements are significantly less frequent in Arg4 (2.8%) than in Ysc83 (12.4%) and most of the changes in Arg4 are conservative, which is not the case for Ysc83. The non-coding regions are less conserved, with small AT-rich insertions/deletions and 20% base substitutions. However, the level of divergence is smaller in the aligned sequences of these regions than in silent sites of the ORFs, probably revealing a higher degree of constraints. The Gcn4 binding site and the region where meiotic double-strand breaks occur, are fully conserved. The data confirm that these two yeasts are evolutionarily closely related and that comparisons of their sequences might reveal conserved protein and DNA domains not expected to be found in sequence comparisons between more diverged organisms.  相似文献   

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