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从我国墙体材料的发展现状出发,分析我国现有墙体材料工业技术发展现状,说明了我国具备多种墙体材料发展的技术条件,讨论了我国生产墙体材料的资源储量与分布状况,充分论证了我国因地制宜发展墙体材料具备充足的原料条件,提出各地要结合本地资源、地理环境和建筑结构等具体条件,因地制宜的发展我国墙体材料工业。 相似文献
受诸如片面强调一次性造价,不注意房屋建筑功能,对生产和使用黏土砖瓦的危害性认识不足等因素的制约,传统的墙体材料实心黏土砖仍占据着墙材市场的主导地位,在大中城市占到75%以上,在小城市及广大农村则占到95%以上,墙改工作仍任重道远。因而,各级地方政府应注重不断加大墙改工作力度。笔者认为,结合墙改工作,办好新型墙材展示厅,是一个行之有效的办法。所谓新型墙材展示厅,就是在相关部门的配合和墙改部门的指导下,展列出各种替代传统墙体材料黏土砖瓦的新型墙体材料,并辅助以文字、图片、模型、实物,同时展示厅及所属… 相似文献
Today, protection of natural mineral resources depends on their reasonable use and management. Environment management is essential in understanding the complex actions between the present earth surface and the control of production in the extractive field. All branches of extractive activities and competitiveness on the global market are closely connected with the application of coherent and unitary programs for the protection of natural resources and the environment by economic agents. As in other European countries, Romania has adopted standards, laws, norms or settlements concerning not only the quality of products but also an integrated system of quality and environment management. 相似文献
简要介绍了复合材料产品使用现状,详细阐述了轨道交通用复合材料的分类以及复合材料产品的优异性能,并说明了复合材料产品在轨道交通方面的运用实况,解决了区间金属构件腐蚀、设备安装维护等技术难题。 相似文献
Because energy efficiency in buildings will be evaluated not only based upon heating demand, but also according to the primary energy demand, the ecological properties of the building materials for the whole assessment has become essential. The demand for green building materials is rising sharply, especially insulating materials from renewable resources. The application of natural materials has become increasingly important as a consequence of the increasing need to conserve energy, use natural materials, incorporate architecture and construction into sustainable development processes, and the recently promulgated discussions on appropriate disposal of used insulation materials such as polystyrene (EPS).Due to the fact that natural materials are more sensitive to moisture, decomposition factors such as temperature, material moisture content, attacks by microorganisms, and possible decomposition of the material or shorter durability, it is necessary to evaluate the degradation rate of built-in materials and also determine their real in situ hygrothermal properties according to their moisture content, and volume changes.This paper describes the results of a research project carried out at the Vienna University of Technology and Brno University of Technology. The objective is to use jute, flax, and hemp to develop a new insulating material from renewable resources with comparable building physics and mechanical properties to commonly used insulations materials. All input components are varied in the tests. The impact of moisture content changes in relation to the rate of change of other properties was the focus of the investigation. The tests results show that the correct combination of natural materials is absolutely comparable with convectional materials. 相似文献
B. Gouia 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2006,65(4):423-434
As large quantities of materials are needed in the building and construction industry, the location of such resources is always
important. To satisfy the increasing needs for these materials, it is necessary to constantly find new deposits which can
be exploited. The search for such deposits can be guided by an analysis of existing data. The paper discusses the development
of a bank of such data regarding local raw materials in Tunisia. Vast volumes of data are available from geological maps,
quarries, academic institutions, research laboratories, ministries, etc, but it is heterogeneous in character and scattered.
In order to provide quick access to the information, the data bank was created to collate the factual information from the
various sources and store it in an organised and secure manner for access by the public. The domains of the data are the geographical
information, geological characteristics, details of infrastructure, economic importance, geochemical tests, mineralogical
studies, physical and mechanical properties, malleability of clayey materials and a bibliography. In general the information
is displayed in tables relating the various topics/information. A search facility is available such that data on a number
of topics can be accessed and the results provided pertinent to the specific topic. For example, the analysis of grain size
would automatically be provided for sands, the Atterberg limits for clay and the mechanical properties of rocks, without the
necessity to specifically request the results of individual tests. The search can be for a geographical region a geological
formation, or materials, which meet specific construction standards. In this first phase, the collection/collating work has
been undertaken under the auspices of the National Office of Mines. It is hoped that in the future it can be incorporated
into a GIS system and that it will be possible to arrange for the ongoing storage of new information as it becomes available. 相似文献
祥细分析了云南省楚雄州建材及非金属矿产资源的分布情况特点,勘查及开发利用情况,对存在问题进行讨论并提出建议。 相似文献
Off-gas toxicity data on materials commonly found in the kitchen are presented to provide a practical perspective on relative
Product Safety Corporation 相似文献
The smoke-producing characteristics of various materials are discussed with particular attention to thermal insulation. The
different methods of measuring smoke density are described, and selected data are presented.
Product Safety Corporation 相似文献
众所周知,目前市场环境已经发生了较大变化,传统粗放的建筑材料供应链模式已经不能满足当前建筑材料的运作需求,因此必须及时对传统的经营模式进行改变。改变传统在一定程度上是对新经营模式的检验,在此种基础上产生了物流服务外包。物流服务外包已经成为提高物流行业的主要操作方法,对物流行业经济效益及市场地位的提升具有很大作用。同时还要加强机制整合,构建长期合作的战略关系,提高与第三方的整理力度,营造和谐统一的市场竞争氛围。建筑材料供应链的工作效率以及其实际运作水平在很大程度上决定着工程施工及项目建设成本,严重时还会影响整个工程链中所有人员的实际经济利益。对建筑材料的物流资源整合的研究和探讨俨然成为一个热门的话题。 相似文献
广西新型墙材原料资源利用状况分析及探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
墙体材料是一种低值大宗建材产品.占据建筑材料体积总用量的50%以上.在房屋建筑中所占比例更大。广西墙体材料产品包括砖、板、块三大类。具体有:页岩多孔砖、煤矸石多孔砖、粉煤灰砖、混凝土多孔砖、蒸压灰砂砖、普通混凝土小型空心砌块、砖渣混凝土小型空心砌块、陶粒(页岩)混凝土小型空心砌块、粉煤灰小型空心砌块、加气混凝土砌块、住宅内隔墙轻质隔条板(GRC板)、工业灰渣混凝土空心隔墙条板等。构成上述产品的主要资源是页岩、石灰石、砂和工业固体废弃物。随着广西经济建设的高速发展. 相似文献
依据日本相关标准及研究方法,参考我国电力行业标准<水下不分散混凝土的试验规程>要求设计试验方案.探讨羟丙基甲基纤维素对水下不分散混凝土性能的影响.研究表明:掺入羟丙基甲基纤维素的新拌水泥砂浆具有很好的黏聚性能,几乎无泌水现象.水泥砂浆表现出的缓凝现象对水下混凝土泵送有利,减水剂的掺人降低了砂浆需水量,但必须合理控制其掺量,否则有时会使新拌水泥砂浆的水下抗分散性有所降低.工程试验表明,合理的羟丙基甲基纤维素掺量对强度更为有利,其28d水中成型的强度与空气中成型强度比为84.8%. 相似文献
Dr. S. G. Lipsett 《Fire Technology》1966,2(2):118-126
The causes of certain types of explosions are known and understood. But what of the explosions that occur when molten materials come in contact with water? Are they caused by a mechnical reaction or a chemical reaction? Using an explosion that took place in a foundry as an example, the author explains the phenomenon as a mechanical reaction. 相似文献
厦门有着丰富且极具影响的桥梁工程实例及其他相关人才和技术资源,城市交通规划和建造将实用性、艺术性、生态性较好地结合,是最生动和最直观的教学素材。文章对厦门特色桥梁工程和道路工程进行了概述,对厦门理工学院桥梁工程人才培养进行研究,初步探索了厦门理工学院本科生桥梁工程素质教育的教学模式,旨在培养具备工程师基本素质和工程美学素养的应用型技术人才。 相似文献
面向地方经济建设培养建筑环境与设备工程专业应用型人才 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
本文根据对安徽省建筑设备人才市场进行的调研 ,提出了地方院校面向 2 1世纪建筑环境与设备专业人才的培养方案 相似文献
A regional forecasting technique is developed which combines national and local indicators to provide forecasts of local business activity. A regional business index is first developed to provide a time series from which the historical pattern of local business activity may be evaluated. The relationship between this time series and a similarly constructed national indicator series are first examined with cross-spectral analysis. The information from this analysis is used to guide the formulation of a transfer function time series model. Out-of-sample forecasts are then generated with the transfer model and a univariate ARMIA model. A comparison of these two forecasts to the actual regional index reveals that the transfer model provides a superior forecast. 相似文献
5月27日,《江西省促进发展新型墙体材料条例》经省十届人大常委会第九次会议审议表决。全票通过,将于2004年9月1日起施行。该《条例》是我国第一部关于墙材革新的省级地方性法规。它的颁布不仅使江西省墙材革新工作有法可依。而且对于探讨我国墙材革新工作如何适应社会主义市场经济发展新形势,建立和完善能够支撑墙材革新工作持续健康发展的法规体系和机制,具有重要的示范和促进作用。 相似文献