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《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(4):495-506
AbstractTypical thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems consist of a nickel-base superalloy substrate coated with a MCrAlY or diffusion aluminide bond coat, onto which is deposited a yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) TBC. The bond coats are usually deposited via diffusion aluminizing processes or low pressure plasma spray processes (LPPS). The YSZ can be deposited by air plasma spraying (APS) or electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD). A layer of thermally-grown oxide (TGO), which is usually alumina, forms between the bond coat and YSZ during TBC deposition and subsequent high-temperature exposure. The conventional wisdom is that APS coatings tend to fail in the YSZ and that EBPVD coatings tend to fail at the interface between the TGO and bond coat. However, current research has shown that the situation is much more complex and that the actual fracture path can be a function of the type of bond coat, the type of high-temperature exposure, and coating process parameters. This paper describes the results of a study of the failure of state-of-the-art EBPVD TBCs deposited on NiCoCrAlY and platinum-modified diffusion aluminide bond coats. The failure times and fracture morphology are described as a function of bond coat type. The failure times were found to be a strong function of temperature for both bond coats. The failure for NiCoCrAlY bond coats was found to initiate at defects in the coating, particularly at the TGO/YSZ interface, but the fracture propagated primarily along the TGO–bond coat interface. The failure times and morphologies for platinum-modified diffusion aluminide bond coats depended strongly on bond coat surface preparation. The mechanisms for failure of the two bond coats are described. Also, the effects of modifications to the bond coats and variations in processing parameters on these mechanisms are presented. 相似文献
The cooling rates of gas-atomized Stellite 6 powders range from 103 to 106 K sec–1 for 400 to 10m diameter powder particles, respectively. The microstructures vary from the equiaxed type in the coarser particles to dendritic and finally microcrystalline in the finer particles. In the melt-spun ribbons, the microstructure along a cross-section of the ribbon changes from microcrystalline at cooling rates higher than 107 K sec–1 to columnar dendritic at cooling rates of the order of 106 K sec–1. 相似文献
无限长铁路声屏障对运行列车噪声降噪模型研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用国家标准GB/T172 47.2— 1998中声屏障对点声源插入损失的计算公式 ,得到无限长声屏障对线声源的降噪模型 ,并针对一个特定问题在MATLAB软件中编制计算程序 ,计算结果和实测结果以及经典图表进行比较 ,证明模型是正确可行的。 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(11):1247-1254
AbstractPolycrystalline nickel based superalloys are prone to grain boundary attack by atmospheric oxygen either in the form of time dependent intergranular cracking during dwell time within a low cycle fatigue loading spectrum, known as hold time cracking, or in the form of intercrystalline oxidation at higher temperatures. In the case of hold time cracking of IN718 it has been shown that the crack propagation velocity is determined by local microstructure and environmental conditions, reaching values up to 10 μm s?1 under four-point bending conditions at 650°C in air. The governing mechanism for this kind of time dependent quasi-brittle intergranular failure has been recognised to be 'dynamic embrittlement', i.e. diffusion of the embrittling element into the elastic stress field ahead of the crack tip, followed by stepwise decohesion. In a very similar way to intercrystalline oxidation, this damage mechanism seems to depend on the local microstructure. Assuming that oxygen grain boundary diffusivity is particularly slow for special coincident site lattice (CSL) grain boundaries, bending and oxidation experiments were carried out using specimens that underwent successive steps of deformation and annealling, i.e. grain boundary engineering. It has been shown that an increase in the fraction of special CSL grain boundaries yields a higher resistance to both intercrystalline oxidation and hold time cracking by dynamic embrittlement. 相似文献
The surface impedance of a type II superconductor plate occurring in the mixed state was calculated. In the case when a constant external magnetic field is perpendicular to the plate surface, the real part of the impedance (considered as a function of the magnetic field strength) exhibits a maximum, which is a manifestation of the dimensional effect. Behavior of the maximum was followed depending on the plate thickness and the alternating field frequency. On the passage to a planar geometry, an allowance for the Bean-Livingston barrier explains the formation of vortex-free regions near the plate surface, which leads to a decrease in the surface resistance and suppression of the size effect. 相似文献
This report features the recent progress in understanding the behaviour of atoms and valence electrons involved in the process of oxidation, and some technological development driven by the new knowledge. It is initiated and verified that a chemical bond contracts spontaneously at a surface associated with magnitude rise of the bond energy due to the coordination imperfection and that an oxygen atom hybridizes its sp orbitals upon reacting with a solid surface. The former leads to the bond order–length–strength (BOLS) correlation for the physical aspect of a surface and a nano-solid and the latter to a bond–band–barrier (BBB) correlation for chemical reaction. In the process of oxidation, non-bonding lone pairs, anti-bonding dipoles and hydrogen-like bonds are involved, which add corresponding density-of-states (DOS) features to the valence band of the host. Bond forming also alters the sizes and valencies of the involved atoms and causes a collective dislocation of these atoms, which corrugate the morphology or the potential barrier of the surface. Based on the above premises, the oxidation of the low-index surfaces of transition metals Cu, Co, Ag and V, noble metals Rh, Ru, and Pd and non-metallic diamond has been consistently analyzed. Identities probed with various techniques, such as STM, LEED, XRD, STS, PES, TDS, EELS and Raman, have been systematically defined in terms of atomic valencies, bond geometry, valence DOS, bond strength and bond forming kinetics. It is understood that formation of the basic oxide tetrahedron, and consequently, the four discrete stages of bond forming kinetics and the oxygen-derived DOS features, are intrinsically common for all the analyzed systems though the patterns of observations may vary from situation to situation. What differs one oxide surface from another in observations are: (i) the site selectivity of the oxygen adsorbate, (ii) the order of the ionic bond formation and, (iii) the orientation of the tetrahedron at the host surfaces. The valencies of oxygen, the scale and geometrical orientation of the host lattice and the electronegativity of the host elements determine these specific differences extrinsically. Extending the premise of sp-orbital hybridization to the reactions of (C, N)–Ni(001) surfaces has led to a novel approach neutralizing the diamond–metal interfacial stress and hence strengthening the diamond–metal adhesion substantially. The BOLS correlation has provided consistent insight into the shape-and-size dependence of a number of properties for nano-solids. The BBB correlation has led to new findings in designing and fabricating materials for photoluminescence, electron emission and ultrahigh elasticity, etc. 相似文献
Harris JM 《Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences》2004,362(1825):2721-2739
Vision science is a truly interdisciplinary field of research, lying at the interface between psychology, computer science and neurobiology. It spans a broad range of research questions, from what visual neurons in the brain do, to the design and use of virtual reality technology. Here, I will take one well-researched area of human vision binocular depth perception, as an exemplar of the various ways in which the processes of human perception can be studied: from basic questions about the sensitivity of binocular vision to understanding how having two eyes helps us function in the natural environment. 相似文献
Ming-Yang Liu Hong-Gang Zhu Naveed A. Siddiqui Christopher K.Y. Leung Jang-Kyo Kim 《Composites Part A》2011,42(12):2051-2059
Coatings made from neat vinyl ester and nanoclay reinforced vinyl ester composites are applied onto individual glass fibers as well as rovings to evaluate their barrier resistance against alkali and moisture attack. The fibers coated with clay nanocomposites present a significantly less damage caused by the diffusing alkali ions, giving rise to a much higher residual tensile strength after aging than the fibers without coating or those with a neat polymer coating. The static fatigue test performed on individual fibers verifies the advantage of using nanoclay composite to retard the corrosion process under the combined stress and alkaline environment. Similar beneficial effects of incorporating nanoclay on residual strength are identified for impregnated fiber bundles. The above observations confirm the excellent barrier characteristics of intercalated/exfoliated nanoclay in polymer that are applied in composite structures on both the microscopic and macroscopic scales. 相似文献
《Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science》2003,7(4-5):283-288
Recent advances in the production and use of natural bioceramics for applications in hard and soft tissue replacement are discussed. The synthesis of complex inorganic forms, which are based on natural structures that can mimic natural scaffold, upon which the cells are seeded, offers an exciting range of avenues for the construction of a new generation bone analogs for tissue engineering. The use of natural and synthetic calcium phosphate bioceramics as bone grafts in orthopaedics and dentistry is considered. Issues affecting the use of different materials in vivo are outlined, of particular importance are osteoconductivity (ability to support tissue ingrowth and bone formation) and osteogenicity (formation of bone from cells within a bone graft). A variety of other natural alternatives including sol–gel coated coralline apatite are evaluated, and other key success factors (strength, longevity and stability) are reviewed. Several treatments for improving performance are outlined, and speculation on future advances, including combination of traditional bioceramic implants with more recent advances in stem cell research is made. 相似文献
Systems biology is an approach to understanding the workings of whole biological systems. The various methods used for systems analyses range from experimental to computational. In this paper, we describe basic concepts of systems biology, modeling challenges that arise from the massively parallel interaction among components in biological systems, and what lies beyond integration of modular knowledge. 相似文献
《Virtual and Physical Prototyping》2013,8(1):31-42
This paper discusses the current status of layer-based manufacturing rapid prototyping (RP) technology and how it is currently being implemented as a tool for product development (PD). A discussion on RP for PD is given, focusing on the limitations of existing technology. The paper then goes on to discuss the specific application field of medicine, explaining how this application may influence changes in the technology. Future trends for RP development are then discussed with further consideration for software issues in future applications and how the technology is being accepted worldwide. 相似文献
Ian Gibson 《Virtual and Physical Prototyping》2006,1(1):31-42
This paper discusses the current status of layer-based manufacturing rapid prototyping (RP) technology and how it is currently being implemented as a tool for product development (PD). A discussion on RP for PD is given, focusing on the limitations of existing technology. The paper then goes on to discuss the specific application field of medicine, explaining how this application may influence changes in the technology. Future trends for RP development are then discussed with further consideration for software issues in future applications and how the technology is being accepted worldwide. 相似文献
H.-E. Wagner R. BrandenburgK.V. Kozlov A. SonnenfeldP. Michel J.F. Behnke 《Vacuum》2003,71(3):417-436
Barrier discharges (BDs) produce highly non-equilibrium plasmas in a controllable way at atmospheric pressure, and at moderate gas temperature. They provide the effective generation of atoms, radicals and excited species by energetic electrons. In the case of operation in noble gases (or noble gas/halogen gas mixtures), they are sources of an intensive UV and VUV excimer radiation. There are two different modes of BDs. Generally they are operated in the filamentary one. Under special conditions, a diffuse mode can be generated. Their physical properties are discussed, and the main electric parameters, necessary for the controlled BD operation, are listed. Recent results on spatially and temporally resolved spectroscopic investigations by cross-correlation technique are presented. BDs are applied for a long time in the wide field of plasma treatment and layer deposition. An overview on these applications is given. Selected representative examples are outlined in more detail. In particular, the surface treatment by filamentary and diffuse BDs, and the VUV catalyzed deposition of metallic layers are discussed. BDs have a great flexibility with respect to their geometrical shape, working gas mixture and operation parameters. Generally, the scaling-up to large dimensions is of no problem. The possibility to treat or coat surfaces at low gas temperature and pressures close to atmospheric once is an important advantage for their application. 相似文献