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With the number of people with visual impairments (e.g., low vision and blind) continuing to increase, vision loss has become one of the most challenging disabilities. Today, haptic technology, using an alternative sense to vision, is deemed an important component for effectively accessing information systems. The most appropriately designed assistive technology is critical for those with visual impairments to adopt assistive technology and to access information, which will facilitate their tasks in personal and professional life. However, most of the existing design approaches are inapplicable and inappropriate to such design contexts as users with visual impairments interacting with non-graphical user interfaces (i.e., haptic technology). To resolve such design challenges, the present study modified a participatory design approach (i.e., PICTIVE, Plastic Interface for Collaborative Technology Initiatives Video Exploration) to be applicable to haptic technologies, by considering the brain plasticity theory. The sense of touch is integrated into the design activity of PICTIVE. Participants with visual impairments were able to effectively engage in designing non-visual interfaces (e.g., haptic interfaces) through non-visual communication methods (e.g., touch modality).  相似文献   

The Internet has become an extremely popular source of entertainment and information. But, despite its growing popularity, most websites today are accessed by keyword search via web browsers, making it difficult for home consumers to locate Internet content of interest on their TVs or other devices that lack keyboards. In this paper, we present assistive technologies, enabling users to easily locate Internet content related to the TV program they are watching. Access is enabled via an intuitive user interface on the TV screen or by using a secondary personal device, and thus avoiding disrupting the viewing experience of the other TV users.  相似文献   

Existing context-aware applications are limited in their support of user personalisation. Nevertheless, the increase in the use of context-aware technologies has sparked the growth in assistive applications resulting in a need to enable adaptation to reflect the changes in user behaviours. This paper introduces a systematic approach to service personalisation for mobile users in pervasive environments and presents a service-oriented distributed system architecture. The developed approach makes use of semantic technologies for user modelling and personalisation reasoning. In the paper we characterise user behaviours and needs in pervasive environments upon which ontological user models are created with special emphasis being placed on ontological modelling of dynamic and adaptive user profiles. We develop a rule-based personalisation mechanism that exploits semantic web rule mark-up language for rule design and a combination of semantic and rule-based reasoning for personalisation. We use two case studies focusing on providing personalised travel assistance for people using Help-on-Demand services deployed on a smart-phone to contextualise the discussions within the paper. The proposed approach is implemented in a prototype system, which includes Help-on-Demand services, content management services, user models and personalisation mechanisms in addition to application specific rules. Experiments have been designed and conducted to test and evaluate the approach with initial results demonstrating the functionality of the approach.  相似文献   

The emergence and widespread adoption of the World Wide Web offers a great deal of potential in supporting cross-platform cooperative work within widely dispersed working groups. The Basic Support for Cooperative Work (BSCW) project at GMD is attempting to realize this potential through development of web-based tools which provide cross-platform collaboration services to groups using existing web technologies. This paper describes one of these tools, theBSCW Shared Workspace system—a centralized cooperative application integrated with an unmodified web server and accessible from standard web browsers. The BSCW system supports cooperation through “shared workspaces”; small repositories in which users can upload documents, hold threaded discussions and obtain information on the previous activities of other users to coordinate their own work. The current version of the system is described in detail, including design choices resulting from use of the web as a cooperation platform and feedback from users following the release of a previous version of BSCW to the public domain.  相似文献   

Throughout a person’s life they are likely to experience some degree of impairment. What must be ensured is that these individuals can benefit from the opportunities afforded by technology in the same way as those who are able bodied. With the Internet becoming an increasingly popular medium for organizations to deliver information and services to the public many of these technological benefits are provided through web applications. However, due to possible visual, physical or cognitive impairments, older users and those with disabilities are more likely to experience difficulties. This paper addresses issues relating to usability of web applications for elderly and disabled users and investigates ways in which it can be improved, and whether doing so will affect usability for younger and more able users. Results from experiments undertaken indicated that it was possible to develop a web application for elderly and disabled users without degrading usability for other users.  相似文献   

Web sites become more powerful when they can adjust to their users’ needs. Web personalisation refers to adapting both the content and the presentation of web sites, so that to deliver the maximum effect to the user in the most appropriate way. A main objective of web personalisation is to adapt the presentation of the web content in a manner that increases the user’s perceived quality. This paper focuses on the applicability of fuzzy logic techniques to content presentation and media adaptation. More specifically, it applies Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) in order to highlight the services features that are most preferred by the customer and to adapt presentation media and layout. Fuzzy logic is utilised to deal with the subjectivity inherent in web design choices and in customers’ perception of services priorities. FDM is used to capture the experts’ knowledge regarding media adaptation with respect to hotel service quality. A prototype that adapts the web site presentation according to customer preferences has been developed and evaluated.  相似文献   

该文通过对DIV和CSS技术的特点与CSS盒子模型的介绍,解析了采用DIV+CSS进行网页布局能使网页的表现和内容相分离、代码简洁、方便搜索引擎搜索、提高网页传输速率和易于网页的更新与维护等优势。而且通过具体实例给出了DIV+CSS网页布局技术的流程和方法。  相似文献   

This distributed network computer lets users access and run engineering tools anytime, anywhere via web browsers. It is the enabling technology for Netcare, an Internet resource that is now freely available for computer architecture education and research  相似文献   

WEB technology--the future of teleradiology?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the widespread use of the Internet, standard browsers are widely available in radiological and clinical departments. So far the limited speed of the Internet has made teleradiology via the Internet too slow for practical use, but many hospital LANs are now connected to the World Wide Web through high speed access. The new JavaScript technology has made it possible to view examinations with web browsers as simple images instead of sending the full examination data. The full data from the examination remains on the server in the radiology department. If changes in window, level, size, zoom factor etc. are required, corrections are made locally in the web browser with JavaScript, and a new simple image is sent from the server. Web browser technology is now offered by most PACS companies and a new de facto standard for image viewing is emerging.  相似文献   

该文阐述了W3C标准制订的意义与内容,以及W3C为标准的DIV CSS、XML、DOM网页开发技术,XHTML与HTML的区别,提出了基于W3C技术的网页校验方法。  相似文献   

His paper presents a tool facilitating developers of user interfaces (UIs) to experience accessibility limitations that can be posed from various disabilities during the interaction of impaired users with their developments. In this respect, various aspects of visual, hearing, physical and cognitive impairments have been modelled through filters providing approximate, yet, realistic simulations over them. These filters have formed the basis for the developed tool, which can be used either on its own (as a standalone application), or be embedded in the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment. The tool, named DIAS, allows for impairment simulations to be performed over Java, mobile and web applications. Moreover, it integrates two of the most common assistive technologies (ATs), namely a screen reader and a magnifier. As a result, developers of UIs can not only experience how interaction would be affected from various impairments, but they can also understand how their developments would be perceived by impaired users through an AT. This work aims to provide an integrated, practical solution for impairment simulation, which could be easily adopted by developers, thus realistically increasing the possibilities for the future development of interactive applications that are more accessible to users with disabilities.  相似文献   

In their seminal article “Why Johnny Can't Encrypt” [Whitten A, Tygar JD. Why Johnny can't encrypt: a usability case study of PGP 5.0. In: Proceedings of the eighth USENIX security symposium; August 1999.], Whitten and Tygar showed that usability weaknesses of encryption software may result in failure to protect users, in spite of good cryptography. A similar situation happens, on a huge scale, on the Web: the widely deployed SSL/TLS protocols provide good cryptography, yet there is a growing amount of successful attacks on web users, causing massive damages. In this article, we focus on password theft via fake websites, to which we refer as phishing. We believe that phishing is currently the most severe threat facing web users.We begin with a brief review of SSL/TLS. Many sensitive sites do not use SSL/TLS, or use it incorrectly (e.g. to encrypt password, filled into an unprotected login form); we explain why.Even if sites use SSL/TLS (correctly), this may not be enough to prevent phishing – at least, using the basic security and identification indicators of most browsers (URL, padlock and HTTPS). We discuss basic and advanced indicators, and their usability problems. We review recent usability studies, whose results are rather alarming, and put in question the ability of users to avoid phishing sites based on security and identification indicators.  相似文献   

In web browsers, a variety of anti-phishing tools and technologies are available to assist users to identify phishing attempts and potentially harmful pages. Such anti-phishing tools and technologies provide Internet users with essential information, such as warnings of spoofed pages. To determine how well users are able to recognise and identify phishing web pages with anti-phishing tools, we designed and conducted usability tests for two types of phishing-detection applications: blacklist-based and whitelist-based anti-phishing toolbars. The research results mainly indicate no significant performance differences between the application types. We also observed that, in many web browsing cases, a significant amount of useful and practical information for users is absent, such as information explaining professional web page security certificates. Such certificates are crucial in ensuring user privacy and protection. We also found other deficiencies in web identities in web pages and web browsers that present challenges to the design of anti-phishing toolbars. These challenges will require more professional, illustrative, instructional, and reliable information for users to facilitate user verification of the authenticity of web pages and their content.  相似文献   

In this paper, an empirical based study is described which has been conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the visually impaired community when accessing the Web. The study, involving 30 blind and partially sighted computer users, has identified navigation strategies, perceptions of page layout and graphics using assistive devices such as screen readers. Analysis of the data has revealed that current assistive technologies impose navigational constraints and provide limited information on web page layout. Conveying additional spatial information could enhance the exploration process for visually impaired Internet users. It could also assist the process of collaboration between blind and sighted users when performing web-based tasks. The findings from the survey have informed the development of a non-visual interface, which uses the benefits of multimodal technologies to present spatial and navigational cues to the user.  相似文献   

When hard-to-use computers cause users to become frustrated, it can affect workplace productivity, user mood and interactions with other co-workers. Previous research has examined the frustration that students and their families face in using computers. To learn more about the causes and measure the severity of user frustration with computers in the workplace, we collected modified time diaries from 50 workplace users, who spent an average of 5.1 hours on the computer. In this exploratory research, users reported wasting on average, 42 - 43% of their time on the computer due to frustrating experiences. The largest number of frustrating experiences occurred while using word processors, email and web browsers. The causes of the frustrating experiences, the time lost due to the frustrating experiences, and the effects of the frustrating experiences on the mood of the users are discussed in this paper. Implications for designers, managers, users, information technology staff and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

When hard-to-use computers cause users to become frustrated, it can affect workplace productivity, user mood and interactions with other co-workers. Previous research has examined the frustration that students and their families face in using computers. To learn more about the causes and measure the severity of user frustration with computers in the workplace, we collected modified time diaries from 50 workplace users, who spent an average of 5.1 hours on the computer. In this exploratory research, users reported wasting on average, 42 – 43% of their time on the computer due to frustrating experiences. The largest number of frustrating experiences occurred while using word processors, email and web browsers. The causes of the frustrating experiences, the time lost due to the frustrating experiences, and the effects of the frustrating experiences on the mood of the users are discussed in this paper. Implications for designers, managers, users, information technology staff and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

The Web has evolved into a dominant digital medium for conducting many types of online transactions such as shopping, paying bills, making travel plans, etc. Such transactions typically involve a number of steps spanning several Web pages. For sighted users these steps are relatively straightforward to do with graphical Web browsers. But they pose tremendous challenges for visually impaired individuals. This is because screen readers, the dominant assistive technology used by visually impaired users, function by speaking out the screen’s content serially. Consequently, using them for conducting transactions can cause considerable information overload. But usually one needs to browse only a small fragment of a Web page to do a step of a transaction (e.g., choosing an item from a search results list). Based on this observation this paper presents a model-directed transaction framework to identify, extract and aurally render only the “relevant” page fragments in each step of a transaction. The framework uses a process model to encode the state of the transaction and a concept model to identify the page fragments relevant for the transaction in that state. We also present algorithms to mine such models from click stream data generated by transactions and experimental evidence of the practical effectiveness of our models in improving user experience when conducting online transactions with non-visual modalities.  相似文献   

一种基于Web浏览器的分布式应用系统的构造方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章提出了一种利用Web浏览器插入程序(Plug-in)构造紧耦合的分布式应用系统的方法.该 方法适合于开发在因特网上或企业网内部运行的以数据处理为主的分布式应用系统.它充分 利用Web浏览器的功能,使得用户可以利用本地结点计算资源,方便地访问并加工远程结点或 本地结点的数据.文章通过举例说明了构造这类系统的方法.  相似文献   

HTML is being massively used as an interface to provide services to users. Web developers are producing and changing sites at a high pace while trying to support the latest HTML standards. In this context, it is common to find websites that do not comply with the standards and fail to be correctly processed by browsers. Considering this dynamic environment and the increasingly large diversity of browsers with frequent updates, the appearance of problems in web pages is a common, sometimes severe, and hard‐to‐track problem. In this short communication, we describe the initial design of an approach that will be used to obtain information regarding the characteristics of HTML documents on the Web and extract indicators of representative errors made by their developers. Preliminary results show nearly 90% of the pages analyzed having at least one type of error and the prevalence of a small number of error types.  相似文献   

Increasingly, computers are becoming tools of communication, information exploring and studying for young people, regardless of their abilities. Scientists have been building knowledge on how blind people can substitute hearing or touch for sight or how the combination of senses, i.e., multimodalities, can provide the user with an effective way of exploiting the power of computers. Evaluation of such multimodal user interfaces in the right context, i.e., appropriate users, tasks, tools and environment, is essential to give designers accurate feedback on blind users’ needs. This paper presents a study on how young blind people use computers for everyday tasks with the aids of assistive technologies, aiming to understand what hindrances they encounter when interacting with a computer using individual senses, and what supports them. A common assistive technology is a screen reader, producing output to a speech synthesizer or a Braille display. Those two modes are often used together, but the research studied how visually impaired students interact with computers using either form, i.e., a speech synthesizer or a Braille display. A usability test has been performed to assess blind grade-school students’ ability to carry out common tasks with the help of a computer, including solving mathematical problems, navigating the web, communicating with e-mail and using word processing. During the usability tests, students were allowed to use either auditory mode or tactile mode. Although blind users most commonly use a speech synthesizer (audio), the results indicate that this was not always the most suitable modality. While the effectiveness of the Braille display (tactile user interface) to accomplish certain tasks was similar to that of the audio user interface, the users’ satisfaction rate was higher. The contribution of this work lies in answering two research questions by analysing two modes of interaction (tactile and speech), while carrying out tasks of varying genre, i.e., web searching, collaboration through e-mail, word processing and mathematics. A second contribution of this work is the classification of observations into four categories: usability and accessibility, software fault, cognitive mechanism and learning method. Observations, practical recommendations and open research problems are then presented and discussed. This provides a framework for similar studies in the future. A third contribution of this work is the elaboration of practical recommendations for user interface designers and a research agenda for scientists.  相似文献   

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