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This research is motivated by a scheduling problem found in the diffusion and oxidation areas of semiconductor wafer fabrication, where the machines can be modeled as parallel batch processors. We attempt to minimize total weighted tardiness on parallel batch machines with incompatible job families and unequal ready times of the jobs. Given that the problem is NP-hard, we propose two different decomposition approaches. The first approach forms fixed batches, then assigns these batches to the machines using a genetic algorithm (GA), and finally sequences the batches on individual machines. The second approach first assigns jobs to machines using a GA, then forms batches on each machine for the jobs assigned to it, and finally sequences these batches. Dispatching and scheduling rules are used for the batching phase and the sequencing phase of the two approaches. In addition, as part of the second decomposition approach, we develop variations of a time window heuristic based on a decision theory approach for forming and sequencing the batches on a single machine.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a scheduling problem for parallel batch machines where the jobs have ready times. Problems of this type can be found in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities (wafer fabs). In addition, we consider precedence constraints among the jobs. Such constraints arise, for example, in scheduling subproblems of the shifting bottleneck heuristic when complex job shop scheduling problems are tackled. We use the total weighted tardiness as the performance measure to be optimized. Hence, the problem is NP-hard and we have to rely on heuristic solution approaches. We consider a variable neighborhood search (VNS) scheme and a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) to compute efficient solutions. We assess the performance of the two metaheuristics based on a large set of randomly generated problem instances and based on instances from the literature. The obtained computational results demonstrate that VNS is a very fast heuristic that quickly leads to high-quality solutions, whereas the GRASP is slightly outperformed by the VNS approach. However, the GRASP approach has the advantage that it can be parallelized in a more natural manner compared to VNS.  相似文献   

Scheduling jobs on parallel machines with setup times and ready times   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this research we are interested in scheduling jobs with ready times on identical parallel machines with sequence dependent setups. Our objective is to minimize the total weighted tardiness. As this problem is NP-Hard, we develop a heuristic to solve this problem in reasonable time. Our approach is an extension of the apparent tardiness cost with setups (ATCS) approach by [Lee, Y. H., Pinedo, M. (1997). Scheduling jobs on parallel machines with sequence dependent setup times. European Journal of Operational Research, 100, 464–474.] to allow non-ready jobs to be scheduled – meaning we allow a machine to remain idle for a high priority job arriving at a later time. To determine the scaling parameters for our composite dispatching rule (called ATCSR), we first develop a ‘grid approach’ that considers multiple values for the scaling parameters, generates multiple schedules, and chooses the best schedule for the solution. This experimentation was then used to develop regression equations to predict the values of the scaling parameters that would yield the highest quality solution. The grid and regression versions of ATCSR provide better performance than grid and empirically based formula versions of ATCS, BATCS, and X-RM which are the prominent algorithms in the literature.  相似文献   

This research analyzes the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs with arbitrary job sizes and non-zero ready times on a set of m unrelated parallel batch processing machines so as to minimize the makespan. Unrelated parallel machine is a generalization of the identical parallel processing machines and is closer to real-world production systems. Each machine can accommodate and process several jobs simultaneously as a batch as long as the machine capacity is not exceeded. The batch processing time and the batch ready time are respectively equal to the largest processing time and the largest ready time among all the jobs in the batch. Motivated by the computational complexity and the practical relevance of the problem, we present several heuristics based on first-fit and best-fit earliest job ready time rules. We also present a mixed integer programming model for the problem and a lower bound to evaluate the quality of the heuristics. The small computational effort of deterministic heuristics, which is valuable in some practical applications, is also one of the reasons that motivates this study. The results show that the heuristic proposed in this paper has a superior performance compared to the heuristics based on ideas proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling n identical jobs with unequal ready times on m parallel uniform machines to minimize the maximum lateness. This paper develops a branch-and-bound procedure that optimally solves the problem and introduces six simple single-pass heuristic procedures that approximate the optimal solution. The branch-and-bound procedure uses the heuristics to establish an initial upper bound. On sample problems, the branch-and-bound procedure in most instances was able to find an optimal solution within 100,000 iterations with n≤80 and m≤3. For larger values of m, the heuristics provided approximate solutions close to the optimal values.  相似文献   

We study the online batch scheduling problem on parallel machines with delivery times. Online algorithms are designed on m parallel batch machines to minimize the time by which all jobs have been delivered. When all jobs have identical processing times, we provide the optimal online algorithms for both bounded and unbounded versions of this problem. For the general case of processing time on unbounded batch machines, an online algorithm with a competitive ratio of 2 is given when the number of machines m=2 or m=3, respectively. When m≥4, we present an online algorithm with a competitive ratio of 1.5+o(1).  相似文献   

This paper studies the online scheduling of equal-length jobs with incompatible families on multiple batch machines which can process the jobs from a common family in batches, where each batch has a capacity b with b= in the unbounded batching and b< in the bounded batching. Each job J has an equal-length integral processing time p>0, an integral release time r(J)?0, an integral deadline d(J)?0 and a real weight w(J)?0. The goal is to determine a preemptive schedule with restart which maximizes the weighted number of early jobs. When p=1, we show that a simple greedy online algorithm has a competitive ratio 2, and establish the lower bound 2?1/b. This means that the greedy algorithm is of the best possible for b=. When p is any positive integer, we provide an online algorithm of competitive ratio 3+22 for both b= and b<. This is the first online algorithm for the problem with a constant competitive ratio.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a scheduling problem for jobs on identical parallel machines. Ready times of the jobs, precedence constraints, and sequence-dependent setup times are considered. We are interested in minimizing the performance measure total weighted tardiness that is important for achieving good on-time delivery performance. Scheduling problems of this type appear as subproblems in decomposition approaches for large scale job shops with automated transport of the jobs as, for example, in semiconductor manufacturing. We suggest several variants of variable neighborhood search (VNS) schemes for this scheduling problem and compare their performance with the performance of a list based scheduling approach based on the Apparent Tardiness Cost with Setups and Ready Times (ATCSR) dispatching rule. Based on extensive computational experiments with randomly generated test instances we are able to show that the VNS approach clearly outperforms heuristics based on the ATCSR dispatching rule in many situations with respect to solution quality. When using the schedule obtained by ATCSR as an initial solution for VNS, then the entire scheme is also fast and can be used as a subproblem solution procedure for complex job shop decomposition approaches.  相似文献   

A model for scheduling grouped jobs on identical parallel machines is addressed in this paper. The model assumes that a set-up time is incurred when a machine changes from processing one type of component to a different type of component, and the objective is to minimize the total earliness-tardiness penalties. In this paper, the algorithm of soft computing, which is a fuzzy logic embedded Genetic Algorithm is developed to solve the problem. The efficiency of this approach is tested on several groups of random problems and shows that the soft computing algorithm has potential for practical applications in larger scale production systems.  相似文献   

We study the problem of scheduling on parallel batch processing machines with different capacities under a fuzzy environment to minimize the makespan. The jobs have non-identical sizes and fuzzy processing times. After constructing a mathematical model of the problem, we propose a fuzzy ant colony optimization (FACO) algorithm. Based on the machine capacity constraint, two candidate job lists are adopted to select the jobs for building the batches. Moreover, based on the unoccupied space of the solution, heuristic information is designed for each candidate list to guide the ants. In addition, a fuzzy local optimization algorithm is incorporated to improve the solution quality. Finally, the proposed algorithm is compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms through extensive simulated experiments and statistical tests. The comparative results indicate that the proposed algorithm can find better solutions within reasonable time than all the other compared algorithms.  相似文献   

求解可重入并行机调度的混合禁忌搜索算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵月  胡玉梅 《计算机应用》2012,32(9):2451-2454
为解决带有一台远程服务设备的可重入并行机调度问题,设计了一种混合禁忌搜索算法。针对传统禁忌搜索算法只从单起始点搜索、容易陷入局部最优等缺点,混合禁忌搜索算法设计了一种Restart策略。当传统禁忌搜索算法陷入局部最优时,用Restart策略重新产生初始解以进行禁忌搜索,将传统的禁忌搜索算法从单起始点搜索改进成多起始点搜索。数值实验中将混合禁忌搜索算法与启发式算法CS相比,结果表明该算法具有较高的求解质量,且其计算时间是可接受的。  相似文献   

We study the problem of scheduling a set of N jobs with non-identical job sizes from F different families on a set of M parallel batch machines; the objective is to minimize the makespan. The problem is known to be NP-hard. A meta-heuristic based on Max–Min Ant System (MMAS) is presented. The performance of the algorithm is compared with several previously studied algorithms by computational experiments. According to our results, the average distance between the solutions found by our proposed algorithm and the lower bounds is about 4% less than that of the best of all the compared algorithms, demonstrating that our algorithm outperforms the previously studied algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a scheduling problem motivated by scheduling of diffusion operations in the wafer fabrication facility. In the target problem, jobs arrive at the batch machines at different time instants, and only jobs belonging to the same family can be processed together. Parallel batch machine scheduling typically consists of three types of decisions—batch forming, machine assignment, and batch sequencing. We propose a memetic algorithm with a new genome encoding scheme to search for the optimal or near-optimal batch formation and batch sequence simultaneously. Machine assignment is resolved in the proposed decoding scheme. Crossover and mutation operators suitable for the proposed encoding scheme are also devised. Through the experiment with 4860 problem instances of various characteristics including the number of machines, the number of jobs, and so on, the proposed algorithm demonstrates its advantages over a recently proposed benchmark algorithm in terms of both solution quality and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

基于到达时间两台并行机上在线批调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑两台同构并行机上在线批调度问题.每个批具有不确定的到达时间,一旦机器可以利用,要在当前可以利用的批中选择出合适的批,并将其中的工件调度到机器上,且工件在加工过程中不允许中断.目标函数是使调度的最大完成时间最小.给出了一个批在线调度RBLPT算法,即选择当前批中加工时间之和最大的批按LPT 规则调度.另外,利用反证法,对算法的最坏情况进行了分析.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling a set of non-preemptable jobs on two identical parallel machines such that the makespan is minimized. Before processing, each job must be loaded on a machine, which takes a given setup time. All these setups have to be done by a single server which can handle at most one job at a time. For this problem, we propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation based on the idea of decomposing a schedule into a set of blocks. We compare the results obtained by the model suggested with known heuristics from the literature.  相似文献   

This study considers the problem of scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines with machine-dependent and job sequence-dependent setup times. In this study, a restricted simulated annealing (RSA) algorithm which incorporates a restricted search strategy is presented to minimize the makespan. The proposed RSA algorithm can effective reduce the search effort required to find the best neighborhood solution by eliminating ineffective job moves. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed RSA algorithm is compared with the basic simulated annealing and existing meta-heuristics on a benchmark problem dataset used in earlier studies. Computational results indicate that the proposed RSA algorithm compares well with the state-of-the-art meta-heuristic for small-sized problems, and significantly outperforms basic simulated annealing algorithm and existing algorithms for large-sized problems.  相似文献   

贾兆红  杨洋  张以文 《控制与决策》2018,33(8):1363-1372
研究动态到达的差异工件在容量不同的平行批处理机环境下,最小化制造跨度的调度问题,并提出一种有效的元启发式算法.给出一个下界以评价算法的性能,针对所构建批的第1个工件的选择提出弱约束标准及两个基于弱约束的首工件选择策略,并引入到蚁群优化算法.最后通过仿真实验将所提出的改进蚁群算法与已有算法和使用传统选择策略的蚁群算法进行比较,实验结果表明,在建批过程中使用首工件弱约束策略和弱约束下工件尺寸大高概率选择策略是有效的,所提算法的搜索性能较其他算法具有明显优势.  相似文献   

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