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通过高真空直流磁控溅射的方法制备了结构为//Ta(5nm)/Co75 Fe25(5nm)/Cu(2.5nm)/Co75Fe25(5nm)/Ir20 Mn80(12nm)/Ta(8nm)的顶钉扎自旋阀结构多层膜,研究了磁场循环次数、反向饱和场等待时间和磁场变化率对自旋阀结构多层膜磁化反转过程的影响.结果表明,磁场循环次数和反向饱和场等待时间对自由层的磁化反转过程没有影响,而在被钉扎层中出现了练习效应和时间效应;磁场变化率对被钉扎层和自由层的前、后支反转场的影响变化趋势相似,但反铁磁层对被钉扎层的反转有一定的影响.  相似文献   

We report a detailed investigation of the magnetization reversal by minor loops in Co75Fe25 (t) single layer and Ir22Mn78(10 nm)/CoFe(t) exchange-biased bilayers with different CoFe thicknesses. With increasing CoFe layer thickness in IrMn/CoFe bilayers, the magnetization reversal process shows a transition from the coherent rotation to the domain-wall motion, which is attributed to the competition among the antiferromagnetic domain wall energy, ferromagnetic domain wall energy, and the interface coupling between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic layers.  相似文献   

The microstructures of epitaxial deposits of (111) Cu/(111) Au and (111) Au/(111) Cu at various stages of interdiffusion are described. The most prominent microstructural features of Au/Cu films (where gold deposition occurred at temperatures less than 400 °C) were (Matthews) coincidence lattice misfit dislocations lying along < 110 > directions in the film plane with |b| = a2 < 110 > directed out of the film plane. Their spacings, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) hot stage behavior and generation mechanisms are discussed. For more severe diffusion anneals, the coincidence dislocation density decreased and hexagonal networks identified as ( van der Merwe) natural lattice misfit dislocations became resolvable. They are edge type (lying along <112> directions in the film plane) with |b| = a2 < 110 >. For the case of Cu/(111) Au bilayers, copper deposited at and below 315 °C with a 20 min anneal again showed coincidence misfit networks. Higher temperature deposition of copper (or hot stage annealing) resulted in natural lattice misfit dislocations in the microstructure. The densities of both types of dislocations were determined and their TEM hot stage behavior was investigated. The method by which the two networks contribute to the relief of misfit strain in both bilayers is discussed.  相似文献   

采用Monte Carlo模拟方法,通过反铁磁层中非磁性掺杂方式调节铁磁层与反铁磁层界面微结构,讨论了其界面微结构对体系的磁滞回线的不对称性、交换偏置场及矫顽场的影响.模拟结果显示:在同一掺杂浓度下,体系的磁滞回线的不对称性及交换偏置场强烈地依赖于掺杂方式,但矫顽场几乎不受影响,其相应的温度特性亦依赖于掺杂方式.它表明铁磁/反铁磁双层膜体系中的磁滞回线的不对称性以及交换偏置场与其界面微结构密切相关,同时实验上人们可通过界面微结构的改变获得交换偏置场大、矫顽场小且热稳定性好的自旋阀结构.  相似文献   

Some information on how to use in-situ determined diffusion coefficient of Cu to make barrier layer of Cu metallization in ultra large scale integrations (ULSIs) was provided. Diffusion coefficients of Cu in Co at low temperature were determined to analyze Cu migration to Co surface layer. The diffusion depths were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profile to investigate the diffusion effect of Cu in Co at different temperatures. The possible pretreatment temperature and time of barrier layer can be predicted according to the diffusion coefficients of Cu in Co.  相似文献   

The effect of layer thicknesses on the magnetic properties and mechanism of magnetization reversal in exchange-coupled NiFe/CoP film structures has been studied. The process of magnetization reversal was studied by analysis of the magnetic-induction and magneto-optical hysteresis loops. It is established that, as the thicknesses of layers in the NiFe/CoP film structure are increased, the system exhibits a transition from homogeneous magnetization reversal in the structure to exchange spring formation in the soft magnetic layer.  相似文献   

NiFe/Co/Cu/Co结构自旋阀GMR效应及Co夹层的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱进军  卢志红 《功能材料》1999,30(3):258-260
用射频磁控溅射发射法成功制备了NiFe/Cu/Co自旋阀多层膜材料,改变Cu层的厚度,研究材料的GMR效应与Cu层厚度的关系,结果表明Cu为2.5nm时样品的MR值最大,其磁电阻效应MR可达1.6%,在NiFe和Cu之间插入一Co薄夹层,通过对不同温度厚度Co夹层的样品的MR曲线及磁滞回线的研究,讨论了Co夹层对样品磁电阻的影响并分析了原因,结果表明插入适当的Co层将提高材料的磁电阻效应,可达2.  相似文献   

The impact of cooling rates on the microstructure of Cu–Co and Cu–Fe–Co alloys was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The high cooling rates entailed in the electron beam surface melting of the alloys result in bulk supercooling of at least 150 K, which in turn causes three microstructural effects: (i) melt separation into two liquids, namely copper poor, L1, and copper rich, L2; (ii) microstructural refinement; (iii) enhanced solute trapping of Cu in the Fe- or Co-rich phases. No evidence of metastable liquid separation was found for Cu–50 wt% Co. There are indications that similar dynamic supercooling exists in copper-quenched or arc-melted samples near the splat contact.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the magnetic moment of a circular ring system of spherical magnetic bodies has been numerically simulated. Conditions necessary for the cyclic magnetization reversal in this system by means of the sequential excitation of various oscillatory regimes (including a phase with zero total magnetic moment) are determined using bifurcation diagrams.  相似文献   

采用超高真空电子束蒸发方法在硅单晶衬底上制备了Co/Cu/Co三明治膜,研究了衬底晶向、过渡工层材料和生长室温度对三明治膜中巨磁电阻效应的影响;结合原子力显微镜表面形貌观察,探讨了三明治膜表面(界面)组糙度与其巨磁电阻效应的内在关系;还分析了三明治膜经高温热退火后巨磁电阻效应退化的物理机制。  相似文献   

研究了覆盖层为铁磁性的Fe和非铁磁性的Ti、Cu的Co/Cu/Co三明治在室温和低温下的巨磁电阻效应。实验结果表明,室温下有覆盖层时,Co/Cu/Co三明治的巨磁电阻效应值没有明显变化,但以Fe为覆盖层的样品的矫顽力和饱和场明显减小,而Ti、Cu覆盖层对三明治样品的矫顽力和饱和场无太大的影响。温度降低时,覆盖层使Co/Cu/Co三明治的巨磁电阻值显著增加,表明样品的巨磁电阻效应与覆盖层及其与上层Co所形成的界面密切相关。  相似文献   

The magnetization of ultrathin multilayer systems depends in a very sensitive way on their composition. We consider the temperature dependence of magnetization and its orientation in three types of trilayers: 2ML Co/2ML Cu/4ML Ni/Cu(001), 1ML Co/2ML Cu/4ML Ni/Cu(001) and 1ML Co/2ML Cu/3ML Ni/Cu(001). The composition of each system leads to different interdependence of ordering temperatures characterizing the ferromagnetic films. It is shown that in all cases the sublayer magnetizations change gradually their directions as a function of temperature. The use of Néel sublattices concept in Valenta approach allows us to present all dependences in a layer resolved mode which leads to the conclusion that the spin reorientation process runs through non collinear magnetic superstructures.  相似文献   

Electron beam evaporation was used to produce Nb/Cu and Cu/Nb bilayers on silicon. The phase sequence and morphology were investigated as a function of annealing temperature in the temperature range between 200 °C and 800 °C, using Auger electron spectroscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. Independently of the sequence of deposition, the phases Nb3Si and Nb5Si3 are the two first niobium phases to be formed as a very thin layer at the Nb---Si interface. However, there is evidence that the reaction between niobium and silicon depends strongly on the presence of copper at the Nb---Si interface. The unusual coexistence of Nb5Si3, NbSi2 and niobium phases was also observed. The formation of the ternary phase Nb5Cu4Si4 was detected after annealing Cu/Nb at 700 °C and Nb/Cu at 800 °C. In the latter case the NbSi2 and Cu3Si+Cu4Si phases were formed through a layered growth process.  相似文献   

We report an effective medium theory of magnetization reversal and hysteresis in magnetically interacting particles, where the intergranular magnetostatic interaction is accounted for by an effective medium approximation. We introduce two dimensionless parameters, /spl lambda/ and h/sub 0/, that completely characterize the hysteresis in a ferromagnetic polycrystal when the grain size is much larger than the exchange length so that the exchange coupling can be ignored. The competition between the anisotropy energy and the intergranular magnetostatic energy is measured by /spl lambda/, while the competition between the anisotropy energy and Zeeman's energy is measured by h/sub 0/. The hysteresis loop, magnetostatic energy density, and anisotropy energy density calculated by using this theory agrees well with micromagnetic simulations. The calculations also reveal that the subnucleation field switching due to the magnetic field fluctuation is important when the magnet is not very hard, and that has been accounted for by a probability-based switching model.  相似文献   

用超高真空电子束蒸发方法成功制备了以不同厚度Fe为过渡层的Co/Cu/Co三明治巨磁电阻样品,与以Cr为过渡层的Co/Cu/Co三明治巨磁电阻样品比较,样品的矫顽力大大减小,因而样品的磁灵敏度有了较大地提高。当Fe过渡层的厚度为7nm时样品的磁电阻值最大。另外,温度更强烈地影响以Fe为过渡层样品的磁电阻值,在77K下样品的磁电阻曲线表现出明显的不对称性,它来源于低温下fcc Fe过渡层的反铁磁性转变。  相似文献   

Optical studies of nanoscale magnets promise access to ultrafast magnetization dynamics but are challenging because of limited spatial resolution. We demonstrate that cavity enhancement of the magnetooptical Kerr effect increases the sensitivity in nanomagnetooptics significantly. Magnetization switching in individual single-domain magnets in both far-field and near-field Kerr microscopy is observed, and scaling laws are determined. Near-field signals remain nearly constant with reduced magnet diameter, indicating favorable scaling of near-field magnetooptics into the deep nanometer range.  相似文献   

We have studied the process of magnetization reversal in a thin-film Fe/Sm2Co7 exchange coupled bilayer structure under the action of an in-plane external field. An analysis of the local magnetization changes, as measured using the magnetooptical indicator film technique, showed that the magnetization reversal proceeds by inhomogeneous rotation of the magnetic moments in Fe and SmCo layers, both in plane and in the perpendicular direction. It is established that, because of the exchange interaction between layers, the magnetization reversal along the easy axis in the entire structure is determined primarily by the formation of exchange-induced spin helices and domain walls in the magnetically soft layer, whereas the magnetization reversal at an angle of α with respect to the easy axis plays a significant role in the magnetically hard layer and becomes dominating for α=90°.  相似文献   

We report here nanotwin-core-shell Ni(core)NiO(shell) spheres of average size 25 nm prepared through polyol method. They exhibit high coercive field at 2 K, sharp peak at approximately 20 K in magnetization curve and magnetization reversal. Interestingly, exchange bias due to antiferromagnetic NiO shell is absent. Among other possibilities, anisotropy variations due to particle size distribution and twinning associated with disorder appear to play an important role. Further, magnetic interactions of twinned bigger spheres, which may also act as superferrimagnetic-like Ni multilayer cores, with superparamagnetic Ni of smaller spheres, might be the additional causes. These nanostructures therefore seem to have potential interest in memory effect.  相似文献   

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