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The HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) programme has completed three of five planned aircraft transects spanning the Pacific from 85 °?N to 67 °?S, with vertical profiles every approximately 2.2 ° of latitude. Measurements include greenhouse gases, long-lived tracers, reactive species, O(2)/N(2) ratio, black carbon (BC), aerosols and CO(2) isotopes. Our goals are to address the problem of determining surface emissions, transport strength and patterns, and removal rates of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols at global scales and to provide strong tests of satellite data and global models. HIPPO data show dense pollution and BC at high altitudes over the Arctic, imprints of large N(2)O sources from tropical lands and convective storms, sources of pollution and biogenic CH(4) in the Arctic, and summertime uptake of CO(2) and sources for O(2) at high southern latitudes. Global chemical signatures of atmospheric transport are imaged, showing remarkably sharp horizontal gradients at air mass boundaries, weak vertical gradients and inverted profiles (maxima aloft) in both hemispheres. These features challenge satellite algorithms, global models and inversion analyses to derive surface fluxes. HIPPO data can play a crucial role in identifying and resolving questions of global sources, sinks and transport of atmospheric gases and aerosols.  相似文献   

Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 52–53, December, 1992.  相似文献   

The continuous trend in modern CMOS technology toward smaller devices and faster clock frequency is challenging the picosecond imaging circuit analysis technique. In this paper we discuss the role of the single-photon avalanche diode with very sharp time resolution in testing CMOS circuits. Thanks to the 30 ps-time resolution, innovative measurements regarding delays and jitter are presented, along with a case study. A compact model of the luminescence is also proposed and used to compare on-chip electrical signals with optical waveforms.  相似文献   

An airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system has been developed at the NASA Langley Research Center for remote measurements of atmospheric water vapor (H(2)O) and aerosols. A solid-state alexandrite laser with a 1-pm linewidth and > 99.85% spectral purity was used as the on-line transmitter. Solid-state avalanche photodiode detector technology has replaced photomultiplier tubes in the receiver system, providing an average increase by a factor of 1.5-2.5 in the signal-to-noise ratio of the H(2)O measurement. By incorporating advanced diagnostic and data-acquisition instrumentation into other subsystems, we achieved additional improvements in system operational reliability and measurement accuracy. Laboratory spectroscopic measurements of H(2)O absorption-line parameters were perfo med to reduce the uncertainties in our knowledge of the absorption cross sections. Line-center H(2)O absorption cross sections were determined, with errors of 3-6%, for more than 120 lines in the 720-nm region. Flight tests of the system were conducted during 1989-1991 on the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Electra aircraft, and extensive intercomparison measurements were performed with dew-point hygrometers and H(2)O radiosondes. The H(2)O distributions measured with the DIAL system differed by ≤ 10% from the profiles determined with the in situ probes in a variety of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

The separation of the individual contributions of aerosol and gases to the total attenuation of radiation through the atmosphere has been the subject of much scientific investigation since remote sensing experiments first began. We describe a new scheme to account for the spectral variation of the aerosol extinction in the inversion of transmission data from occultation measurements. Because the spectral variation of the aerosol extinction is generally unknown,the inversion problem is underdetermined and cannot be solved without a reduction in the number of unknowns in the set of equations used to describe the attenuation at each wavelength. This reduction can be accomplished by a variety of methods, including use of a priori information, the parameterization of the aerosol spectral attenuation, and the specification of the form of the aerosol size distribution. We have developed and implemented a parameterization scheme based on existing empirical and modeled information about the microphysical properties of aerosols. This scheme employs the eigenvectors from an extensive set of simulations to parameterize the aerosol extinction coefficient for incorporation into the inversion algorithm. We examine the accuracy of our method using data sets containing over 24,000 extinction spectra and compare it with that of another scheme that is currently implemented in the Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) satellite experiment. In simulations using 80 wavelengths in the UV-visible-near-IR spectral range of the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE) instrument, we show that, for our optimal parameterization, errors below 1% are observed in 80% of cases, whereas only approximately 20% of all cases are as accurate as this in a quadratic parameterization employing the logarithm of the wavelength.  相似文献   

Zasetsky AY  Sloan JJ 《Applied optics》2005,44(22):4785-4790
We describe an inversion method for determining the composition, density, and size of stratospheric clouds and aerosols by satellite remote sensing. The method, which combines linear least-squares minimization and Monte Carlo techniques, is tested with pure synthetic IR spectra. The synthetic spectral data are constructed to mimic mid-IR spectra recorded by the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS-I and ILAS-II) instruments, which operate in the solar occultation mode and record numerous polar stratospheric cloud events. The advantages and limitations of the proposed technique are discussed. In brief we find that stratospheric aerosol in the size range from 0.5 to 4.0 02114 microm can be retrieved to an accuracy of 30%. We also show that the chemical composition of common stratospheric aerosols can be determined, whereas identification of their phases from mid-IR satellite remote-sensing data alone appears to be questionable.  相似文献   

We describe the four-laser airborne infrared (FLAIR) instrument, a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer designed for simultaneous high-sensitivity in situ measurements of four atmospheric trace gases in the troposphere. The FLAIR spectrometer was employed during the large-scale airborne research campaign on tropospheric ozone (TROPOZ II) in 1991 and was used to measure CO, H(2) O(2), HCHO, and NO(2) in the free troposphere where detection limits below 100 parts in 10(12) by volume were achieved.  相似文献   

Gordon HR  Zhang T  He F  Ding K 《Applied optics》1997,36(3):682-697
Using simulations, we determine the influence of stratospheric aerosol and thin cirrus clouds on the performance of the proposed atmospheric correction algorithm for the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data over the oceans. Further, we investigate the possibility of using the radiance exiting the top of the atmosphere in the 1.38-microm water vapor absorption band to remove their effects prior to application of the algorithm. The computations suggest that for moderate optical thicknesses in the stratosphere, i.e., tau(s) < or approximately 0.15, the stratospheric aerosol-cirrus cloud contamination does not seriously degrade the MODIS except for the combination of large (approximately 60 degrees) solar zenith angles and large (approximately 45 degrees) viewing angles, for which multiple-scattering effects can be expected to be particularly severe. The performance of a hierarchy of stratospheric aerosol/cirrus cloud removal procedures for employing the 1.38-microm water vapor absorption band to correct for stratospheric aerosol/cirrus clouds, ranging from simply subtracting the reflectance at 1.38 microm from that in the visible bands, to assuming that their optical properties are known and carrying out multiple-scattering computations of their effect by the use of the 1.38-microm reflectance-derived concentration, are studied for stratospheric aerosol optical thicknesses at 865 nm as large as 0.15 and for cirrus cloud optical thicknesses at 865 nm as large as 1.0. Typically, those procedures requiring the most knowledge concerning the aerosol optical properties (and also the most complex) performed the best; however, for tau(s) < or approximately 0.15, their performance is usually not significantly better than that found by applying the simplest correction procedure. A semiempirical algorithm is presented that permits accurate correction for thin cirrus clouds with tau(s) as large as unity when an accurate estimate of the cirrus cloud scattering phase function is provided, and as large as 0.5 when a coarse approximation to the phase function is used. Given estimates of the stratospheric aerosol optical properties, the implementation of the algorithm by using a set of lookup tables appears to be straightforward.  相似文献   

High-resolution infrared nongas absorption spectra derived from the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment are analyzed for evidence of the presence of cirrus clouds. Several nonspherical ice extinction models based on realistic size distributions and crystal habits along with a stratospheric sulfate aerosol model are fit to the spectra, and comparisons are made with different model combinations. Nonspherical ice models often fit observed transmission spectra better than a spherical Mie ice model, and some discrimination among nonspherical models is noted. The ATMOS lines of sight for eight occultations are superimposed on coincident geostationary satellite infrared imagery, and brightness temperatures along the lines of sight are compared with retrieved vertical temperature profiles. With these comparisons, studies of two cases of clear sky, three cases of opaque cirrus, and three cases of patchy cirrus are discussed.  相似文献   

As a laser pulse propagates into the atmosphere, it becomes broader in the lateral direction as a result of scattering by aerosols. The laser pulse may be described as the superposition of a central, unscattered component of reduced intensity and a surrounding scattered component. A multiple field of view lidar has been developed that makes simultaneous measurements of the backscattered power from the central pulse and multiply scattered power arising from the scattered component. Measurements from various types of atmospheric aerosols and precipitation are presented and compared with simulated returns. The results show how the multiply scattered signals are influenced by the distribution of the aerosols along the lidar path, the characteristic size of the aerosols, and the optical depth. It is shown that the multiple field of view lidar can provide meaningful, additional information about the aerosols that is not available from a conventional single field of view lidar.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization is performed to calibrate pyrgeometers, using a newly developed apparatus that contains a blackbody radiation source and the means to vary the temperatures of the pyrgeometer under testing. Calibration measurements cover the parameter space of radiation and instrument temperatures that prevail during field measurements. Dome-temperature measurements, normally provided on pyrgeometers, are inadequate for accurate corrections of the dome emission. A new temperature measurement with three sensors inside the dome at 45° elevation is proposed and has been implemented on several test instruments. This modification and the detailed characterization measurements permit an improved evaluation, based on thorough analysis of the thermal balance of the instrument, leading to a sensitivity factor C and three correction factors, k(1,2,3). Test measurements demonstrate the substantial improvement achieved on the accuracy of atmospheric and terrestrial long-wave radiation measurements, down to ±2Wm(-2).  相似文献   

A comprehensive analytical radiative transfer model for isothermal aerosols and vapors for passive infrared remote sensing applications (ground-based and airborne sensors) has been developed. The theoretical model illustrates the qualitative difference between an aerosol cloud and a chemical vapor cloud. The model is based on two and two/four stream approximations and includes thermal emission-absorption by the aerosols; scattering of diffused sky radiances incident from all sides on the aerosols (downwelling, upwelling, left, and right); and scattering of aerosol thermal emission. The model uses moderate resolution transmittance ambient atmospheric radiances as boundary conditions and provides analytical expressions for the information on the aerosol cloud that is contained in remote sensing measurements by using thermal contrasts between the aerosols and diffused sky radiances. Simulated measurements of a ground-based sensor viewing Bacillus subtilis var. niger bioaerosols and kaolin aerosols are given and discussed to illustrate the differences between a vapor-only model (i.e., only emission-absorption effects) and a complete model that adds aerosol scattering effects.  相似文献   

Cold atmospheric plasma: Sources, processes, and applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L. Bárdos 《Thin solid films》2010,518(23):6705-1136
Atmospheric pressure gas discharge plasmas, especially those operated at energy non-equilibrium and low gas temperatures, have recently become a subject of great interest for a wide variety of technologies including surface treatment and thin-film deposition. A driving force for these developments is the avoidance of expensive equipment required for competing vacuum-based plasma technologies. Although there are many applications where non-equilibrium (cold) plasma at atmospheric and higher pressures represents a substantial advantage, there are also a number of applications where low-pressure plasmas simply cannot be replaced due to specific properties and limitations of the atmospheric plasma and related equipment. In this critical review, the primary principles and characteristics of the cold atmospheric plasma and differences from vacuum-based plasma processes are described and discussed to provide a better understanding of the capabilities and limits of emerging atmospheric plasma technologies.  相似文献   

Beyerle G 《Applied optics》2000,39(27):4994-5000
The derivation of backscatter ratio profiles from polarization lidar measurements is discussed. The method is based on differences in depolarization between molecular backscattering and backscattering from spherical aerosol particles. Simulations show that the polarization algorithms yield backscatter ratios with uncertainties comparable with those obtained by Klett's method, provided that the backscattering process is dominated by molecular scattering. The technique could be utilized for monitoring the stratospheric sulfuric acid aerosol layer during periods of background conditions. The polarization analysis method is discussed in light of simulation results and is applied to polarization lidar profiles observed during the ALBATROSS 1996 field measurement campaign.  相似文献   

For the investigation of two-component aerosols, one needs to know the refractive indices of the two aerosol components. One problem is that they depend on temperature and pressure, so one needs for their determination a robust measurement instrument such as the FASP device, which can cope with rigid environmental conditions. In this article, we show that the FASP device is capable of measuring the needed refractive indices, if monodisperse aerosols of the pure components are provided. We determine the particle radii of the monodisperse aerosols needed for this task and investigate how accurate the measurements have to be in order to retrieve refractive indices in a sufficient quality, such that they are suitable for investigations of two-component aerosols.  相似文献   

We describe an operational, self-contained, fully autonomous Raman lidar system that has been developed for unattended, around-the-clock atmospheric profiling of water vapor, aerosols, and clouds. During a 1996 three-week intensive observational period, the system operated during all periods of good weather (339 out of 504 h), including one continuous five-day period. The system is based on a dual-field-of-view design that provides excellent daytime capability without sacrificing nighttime performance. It is fully computer automated and runs unattended following a simple, brief (~5-min) start-up period. We discuss the theory and design of the system and present detailed analyses of the derivation of water-vapor profiles from the lidar measurements.  相似文献   

We have examined the light-scattering properties of inhomogeneous biological cells through a combination of theoretical simulations and goniometric measurements. A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique was used to compute intensity as a function of scattering angle for cells containing multiple organelles and spatially varying index of refraction profiles. An automated goniometer was constructed to measure the scattering properties of dilute cell suspensions. Measurements compared favorably with FDTD predictions. FDTD and experimental results indicate that scattering properties are strongly influenced by cellular biochemical and morphological structure.  相似文献   

In order to determine the performance of standoff sensors against agents, there is a need to develop methods to characterize the optical properties of biological warfare agents. The goal of this work is to develop a methodology that would allow the characterization of agent optical cross sections from the UV to the longwave IR. The present work demonstrates an optical measurement architecture based on lidar technology, allowing the measurement of backscatter and depolarization ratio from biological aerosols (either simulants or agents) released in a refereed, 1m3 chamber. Measured results on simulant materials are calibrated and compared to theoretical simulations of the cross sections.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of a substance distributed as discrete particles in suspension is less than that of the same material dissolved uniformly in a medium—a phenomenon commonly referred to as the flattening effect. The decrease in the absorption coefficient owing to flattening effect depends on the concentration of the absorbing pigment inside the particle, the specific absorption coefficient of the pigment within the particle, and on the diameter of the particle, if the particles are assumed to be spherical. For phytoplankton cells in the ocean, with diameters ranging from less than 1 µm to more than 100 µm, the flattening effect is variable, and sometimes pronounced, as has been well documented in the literature. Here, we demonstrate how the in vivo absorption coefficient of phytoplankton cells per unit concentration of its major pigment, chlorophyll a, can be used to determine the average cell size of the phytoplankton population. Sensitivity analyses are carried out to evaluate the errors in the estimated diameter owing to potential errors in the model assumptions. Cell sizes computed for field samples using the model are compared qualitatively with indirect estimates of size classes derived from high performance liquid chromatography data. Also, the results are compared quantitatively against measurements of cell size in laboratory cultures. The method developed is easy-to-apply as an operational tool for in situ observations, and has the potential for application to remote sensing of ocean colour data.  相似文献   

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