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Philippe Lorino 《电信纪事》2007,62(7-8):753-771
Organization sciences are interested in the “community “ concept, particularly to overcome the opposition between “methodological individualism “ focused upon the subject and “methodological holism” focused upon the organization. “Communities of practice”, based upon practices common to a group of actors, provide a useful frame to study professional craft communities. They are not so useful to study the cooperation between actors who are involved in a “conjoint activity” — an activity which is not characterized by similar practices, but by their heterogeneous complementarity -, for which we propose to recur to the concept of “community of inquiry “ owed to the pragmatist philosophers Peirce and Dewey. First we examine the “community of inquiry” concept and its specificities in studying collective activity: heterogeneity and complementarity of activities and knowledge, dialogical sense making in the interactions between actors, need for mutual intelligibility in a context which makes it difficult, key role of semiotic and instrumental mediations of activity, cooperativeness/reflexivity coupling in the inquiry frame. Then we describe how communities of inquiry work as a group committed to create knowledge to achieve conjoint actions with shared practical purposes. The inquiry articulates exploratory abduction-deduction-induction cycles, with a structure of roles, exploration instruments which stress abductive reasoning and collective agreement upon some process to validate results. Finally we shall mention communities of project and process as examples of communities of inquiry in firms. In one case study, we shall see that situations of change may require the simultaneous construction of communities of practice and communities of inquiry so that actors can take the control of their own collective activity.  相似文献   

Advances in media technologies allow people to restructure their relations across a broad range of time and space. As a result, modern communities are organized on local, national, and global bases. These communities are sustained and developed by media technologies their members adopt and characteristic media contents they consume. This article explores the relations between technology adoption, content consumption, and modern communities in Chinese television. The results indicate that the space-biased feature of television is enhanced by a combination of space-biased technologies and ritualized contents (i.e., drama and popular entertainment). Meanwhile, the over-emphasized space-biased feature is counterbalanced by a combination of time-biased technologies and instrumental contents (i.e., knowledge/information programs). Of more importance, the study supports three development trajectories of modern communities and media: (1) the larger scale the community has, the more the community relies on media to organize and coordinate; (2) the larger scale the community has, the less the community is tied to the traditional sources; and (3) the larger scale the community has, the less the community has shared cultural practices.  相似文献   

Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) plays an important role in the production of high quality software products. As CKM in Enterprise Software (ES) development is still immature, this raises questions on how CKM enablers can be used to help ES development companies improve their software quality. In this study, Human, Organizational and Technological CKM enablers were identified from the literature. The weights of these factors were determined by experts from the ES development companies. Based on the most important factors, a theoretical model was developed. The proposed model was evaluated by distributing a survey questionnaire to decision-makers in ES development companies. The results showed that “Customer Involvement” together with “Trust” were the most influential factors, followed by “CRM Technology Infrastructure” and “Cross-Functional Cooperation”. In addition, there was no impact from “Organizational Training”, “Customer Knowledge Map”, and “CKM Strategy Development”. The results also revealed that the impact of CKM on software quality is significant. The proposed model in this study can be used as a guideline for the successful application of CKM in ES development companies to improve the software quality.  相似文献   

Today, more and more physical communities of practice, a concept that describes a group of people that share a passion and interact regularly at events to exchange knowledge, utilize social media, such as Twitter. Brotaru, for instance, is such a physical community of practice for media professionals in Brussels. It is a monthly meet-up of videogame developers in various locations in Brussels. Furthermore, Twitter becomes widely acknowledged as important instrument for learning and community formation in the virtual world. But, do these communities of practice use Twitter only to promote their physical activities of learning? Or, are the activities of the physical communities further extended into the virtual world meaning that virtual communities of practice emerge from them? This article suggests a novel mixed-methods approach based on qualitative and quantitative data to measure the role of Twitter for physical communities of practice. The method applies different statistical measures and analysis on harvested Twitter data and additionally brings two of the most used methods in Twitter analysis together, social network analysis and text data analysis (a.k.a., content analysis). Four different communities of practice in Brussels’ media industry and their activities and followers on Twitter have been analysed. The findings showed that the activities of the communities of practice extend into the Twitter sphere as the online communities are characterised by a shared domain, a lively community and shared practices. The analysis further revealed that Twitter offers three main opportunities for the activities of communities of practice: it offers geographical extension; it gives temporal autonomy; and, it can be used to diversify the practices.  相似文献   

This paper discusses Circuits and Systems (CAS) education, its strengths and shortcomings, and areas that need improvement from the perspective of two GOLD (graduates of the last decade) members and one industry member. The GOLD members highlight the need for hardware experiments, and active education methods such as self-learning through practices, and the importance of lab work to relate theory to practice, and also discuss the impact of new emerging technologies on educational reforms, also suggesting ways to get industry involved in the formulation of a new multidiscipline education curriculum. The GOLD members also discuss the impact of globalization on the CAS education in less- developed countries and the role of the IEEE CAS Society on the subject matter. The author from industry discusses the importance of CAS education, and contrary to the general belief, points out the importance of understanding the fundamentals of electrical engineering in industry. The author also discusses the importance of being flexible in a work environment, and establishing a broad knowledge in engineering to have a positive impact in the company.  相似文献   

本文阐述了知识管理对企业战略、组织结构、人力资源以及企业文化建设等方面管理所提出的变革要求,并就如何以知识管理为中心实施企业管理创新进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Concept Lattices for Knowledge Management   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The aim of the method presented in this paper is to support the acquisition of new knowledge and to enhance the interactions between knowledge workers. The approach chosen is to facilitate the sharing of those retrieval terms, which members of a community of practice have used to retrieve valuable information. The nature of information-seeking behaviour in on-line information sources is discussed and then the theory of formal concept analysis is introduced. It is subsequently shown how this theory can be applied to analyse the relations between documents and the retrieval terms that people use to access these documents.The result is a concept lattice that contains information on a community's information-seeking behaviour. The concept lattice uncovers relational and contextual information. Retrieval phrases are put into relational context depending on how they are associated by the documents that are of interest to a community of users. The contention made here is that such 'usage-based' structures will provide natural and intuitive access to information sources for communities of users. It is shown how this approach can be used to facilitate the sharing of the retrieval vocabulary to support the acquisition of new knowledge and to enhance the interactions within a community of practice.  相似文献   

At NASA Goddard, the role of the command management system (CMS) is to transform general requests for spacecraft operations into detailed operational plans to be uplinked to the spacecraft. The CMS is part of the NASA Data System which entails the downlink of science and engineering data from NASA near-earth satellites to the user, and the uplink of command and control data to the spacecraft. Presently, it takes one to three years, with meetings once or twice a week, to determine functional requirements for CMS software design. As an alternative approach to the present technique of developing CMS software functional requirements, an expert system prototype was developed to aid in this function. Specifically, the knowledge base was formulated through interactions with domain experts, and was then linked to an existing expert system application generator called “Knowledge Engineering System.” Knowledge base development focused on four major steps: (1) develop the problem-oriented attribute hierarchy; (2) determine the knowledge management approach; (3) encode the knowledge base; and (4) validate, test, certify, and evaluate the knowledge base and the expert system prototype as a whole. Backcasting was accomplished for validating and testing the expert system prototype. Knowledge refinement, evaluation, and implementation procedures of the expert system prototype were then transacted.  相似文献   

微课作为新型的课程形态已成为全球教育界关注的教学模式,微课内容的设计尚处于不断深入探索的阶段。文章针对微课内容设计这一关键问题,在借鉴国内外现有的微课资源和活动基础上,结合“数字图像处理”课程的教学实践提出如何构建微课内容并合理有效地实施于课堂教学中。  相似文献   

高松生 《科普研究》2007,2(5):19-23
本文基于对中国城市科普状况、社区组织形态及其成员的行为倾向的分析基础,就目前中国城区科普主流模式——"科普社区"进行分析,结合实例阐述了科普社区组织形式、创建活动的目的意义、实施过程、创建模式及评价体系。对科普社区在建立一种能调动社会广泛参与的机制,形成社区科普凝聚力,传播科学,实现基本知识资源的普惠配置,提高公众科学素质等方面取得的实践成果和作用,进行了研究与探索。  相似文献   

创新教学模式作为“信息安全技术”课程构建的重要组成部分,如何有效教学模式和课程知识体系协调统一是当前所关注的重点。文章通过“信息安全技术”的知识体系、涉及范围两方面显著特点入手,探讨了教学模式面临困境及现状,构建了“目标-内容-方法-机制”创新教学模式,讨论了“信息安全技术”课程优化途径,创新性引入了校企合作模式,为“信息安全技术”课程教学模式的良性发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

“报关业务技能”是报关与国际货运专业的一门专业课程,政策性和实践性都非常强,合适的教学模式对学生专业技能的掌握至关重要。随着“互联网+”越来越多地应用于教育领域,“即时互动”也在教学中成为一种趋势。文章以“超星学习通”作为信息化教学平台,探索即时互动教学模式,并将其应用于教学实践,不断提升教学成效。  相似文献   

With the advent of globalization, the movement of immigrants has crossed the borders and the question of identity has been more and more salient in the modern society. Struggling in different cultural frames, Diasporas’ cultural identities are constructed through the interaction between what Hall called similarity and difference in the process of displacement and relocation.

The deterritorialization in the era of globalization calls the traditional notion of “community” into question. Scattered across the western hemisphere, the new Chinese Diaspora are gathering in the virtual communities to grab news, to comment on issues, and to negotiate their identities in an alien culture.

Interviews with Chinese Diaspora in the North America show that the negotiation of different cultural values and practices results in the fragmented and hybridized cultural identity among them in virtual communities. This exploration of interpersonal experiences also shows that the symbiotic relationship between the physical community and the virtual community forges and strengthens such discursive cultural identity.  相似文献   

The size and complexity of the biomaterials literature makes systematic data analysis an excruciating manual task. A practical solution is creating databases and information resources. Implant design and biomaterials research can greatly benefit from an open database for systematic data retrieval. Ontologies are pivotal to knowledge base creation, serving to represent and organize domain knowledge. To name but two examples, GO, the gene ontology, and CheBI, Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology and their associated databases are central resources to their respective research communities. The creation of the devices, experimental scaffolds, and biomaterials ontology (DEB), an open resource for organizing information about biomaterials, their design, manufacture, and biological testing, is described. It is developed using text analysis for identifying ontology terms from a biomaterials gold standard corpus, systematically curated to represent the domain's lexicon. Topics covered are validated by members of the biomaterials research community. The ontology may be used for searching terms, performing annotations for machine learning applications, standardized meta‐data indexing, and other cross‐disciplinary data exploitation. The input of the biomaterials community to this effort to create data‐driven open‐access research tools is encouraged and welcomed.  相似文献   

Through the National Grid for Learning (NGfL) the government is calling for new thinking about the potential of current educational institutions to support lifelong learning. One aspect of the reform is the creation and connection of a learning 'community'. However, knowledge of best practice for implementing reform will only come about through understanding the processes that occur in communities of learning, and, from this, developing an infrastructure to support these processes. The BT Laboratories (BTL) research project, 'HomeLearn', examined the impact of an on-line educational service on a community of parents, children and teachers. The creation of a home/school network was the first step in involving the wider community in the learning process. The three-month trial demonstrated that children were enthusiastic and creative in their use of communications technologies in the home. They were extremely confident communicating with adults over a network; they learnt to organise meetings, to manage their own time and to resolve conflicts. Some of the families integrated the information communications technologies into their everyday lives. They gradually built up knowledge of the technology though experience and through learning from other members of the family. From a service provider perspective we learnt that the critical concept in the development of a learning infrastructure is the support of 'relationships', a concept which entails more than simply providing a communications link or displaying static information. The widespread availability of new technologies means that people have an ever-increasing choice about how they want to communicate and with whom. An infrastructure to support learning must provide choice, be dynamic and be personalised. It is only by passing control of the system over to the users that a truly living system will exist.  相似文献   

The earlier CBT (Computer Based Training) has turned into WBT (Web Based Training). The initial attempts to use the WWW for educational purposes by just offering a sequence of WWW pages with some email or chat support have not turned out to be overly successful. It has become clear in the meantime that much more is needed, something that we call a GEneral Networked Training and Learning Environment with the nice acronym GENTLE. A system of this kind has been developed at the speaker’s institute, see http://wbt.iicm.edu. However, even such general environments can only be properly understood and can only develop their full potential if they are seen as pieces of a more general concept called “Knowledge Management”: part of general Knowledge Management (KM) is Knowledge Transfer (KT) and this is exactly what WBT is all about. In this talk we will first explain KM and its relation to KT, and how systems such as GENTLE fit into this general picture.  相似文献   


Building supportive communities and improving programming for incarcerated persons can be difficult due to stereotypes derived from culture, media, and personal upbringing. Such stereotypes, like the narratives from which they are derived, are socially constructed. To develop an understanding of how those narratives construct “others” and to transform stereotypes of incarcerated “others,” we adopted a communication perspective on the problem of overcoming stigma, designed a course to promote transformative learning, and employed service-learning as a way to bring students into contact with incarcerated men in a regional prison facility. Students’ reflections over two semesters in the service-learning course revealed that interaction with people who were incarcerated transformed their beliefs and values about those with whom they worked, resulting in an attitude of “just mercy” toward people who were incarcerated and making possible a more humane understanding of themselves and those members of our communities who are incarcerated.  相似文献   

为了更好地适应新的社会需求发展变化,将应用型人才要求的实际工程技能训练与本科教育规格要求的学科理论深度及知识体系的有机融合方面应体现出“理实结合”的培养理念,在网络虚拟化环境的背景下,将专业人才培养与新技术人才需求对接及专业课程知识体系与新技术岗位群技能对接,构建“通识教育模块”+“学科基础模块”+“专业模块”课程体系,构建协同创新的校企互动与科教融合内涵建设的培养模式。实践表明,该模式具有一定的推广价值,专业建设达到预期目标,初步形成了“网络基础能力扎实,应用开发能力突出”的人才培养特色。  相似文献   

There is a tendency to view education on the Internet as simply a more efficient way to access information and to communicate, but the Internet is much more than just another tool. The Internet has the potential to create communities where students participate in robust discourse and rituals of communication, establish their identities, and traverse community boundaries. We believe we need to design on-line courses with sound pedagogical frameworks and with a sense of promoting community values of diversity, connectedness, and civic responsibility. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to describe a framework that we use to design virtual learning communities. We explain community activities to consider, describe how we used our framework for designing three classes, and pose issues that arose when using this framework. We hope our thoughts will direct discussion toward the creation of innovative learning communities  相似文献   

本文根据职业院校学生“厌理论,喜实践”的特点,结合我院多年来从事“单片机”课程的教学实践中的若干改革探索,综合了“多维学习法”教学,通过理论与实训一体化,改变传统教学的缺陷,结合项目,既锻炼了学生实践创新能力又学习了理论知识点,有利于调动学生学习的动力,让学生由“要我学”变为“我要学”。  相似文献   

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