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颜色传递是获得夜视图像自然彩色的一种方法,以红外和微光图像为研究对象,提出了一种基于颜色传递和目标增强的夜视图像彩色融合方法。首先结合红外和微光图像各自的特点,采用TNO法生成伪彩色融合图像(目标图像),很好地保留了图像的细节信息,然后选取一幅相近的参考图像,把目标图像和参考图像转换到YCbCr颜色空间进行各个通道一阶(均值)和二阶(标准差)统计量匹配的颜色传递,同时在Cr通道引入一个对比度增强因子来增强图像中的兴趣目标。实验结果表明,文中方法不仅使得夜视图像获得了如白天参考图像般自然、真实的色彩,而且提高了图像的细节,目标也更加突出,更有利于观察者对场景的理解。 相似文献
提出一种基于小波和色彩传递的夜视图像的彩色融合方法,使观察者更容易获取图像的场景信息。结合红外图像和微光图像各自的特点,利用NRL法把红外图像和微光图像映射到彩色空间形成假彩色图像(源图像),然后通过小波变换对源图像和参考图像进行多分辨率分解,计算不同分辨率下的均值和标准方差,将各分量根据参考图像和源图像的标准方差比进行缩放,把参考图像的色彩分布传递给源图像。实验结果表明,通过与传统方法的比较,本文算法不仅获得真实场景色彩,还可以提高图像的细节信息,改善场景感知。 相似文献
立体图像匹配对于自由立体重建、三维测量以及立体显示中图像压缩来说是非常重要的。针对区域灰度互相关图像匹配的计算量大、速度慢的情况,运用了一组快速灰度互相关计算公式,提出了用视差限制搜索空间。同时,针对彩色图像的特点,将彩色图像的色彩信息考虑进图像的匹配过程中,将彩色图像的R、G、B三单色图像分别进行灰度相关匹配,定义并采用了颜色分量权重系数来抑制误匹配点。实验表明,该方法有效地减少了计算量,加快了计算速度,提高了图像匹配精度,具有较好的实时性。该方法将应用于三维立体显示中基于视差图的视差进行图像压缩。 相似文献
A regional image fusion based on similarity characteristics 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, we propose an image-driven regional fusion method based on a specific region partition strategy according to the redundant and complementary correlation of the input images. Different from the traditional regional fusion approaches dividing one or more input images, our final region map is generated from the similarity comparisons between source images. Inspired by the success of structural similarity index (SSIM), the similarity characteristics of source images are represented by luminance, contrast, and structure comparisons. To generate redundant and complementary regions, we over segment the SSIM map using watershed, and merge the small homogeneous regions with close correlation based on the similarity components. In accordance with the concentrated similarity of different regions, the fusion principles for special regions are constructed to combine the redundant or complementary property. In our method, the redundant and complementary regions of input images are distinguished effectively, which can aid in the sequent fusion process. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieve superior results in the different fusion applications. Compared with the existing work, the proposed approach outperforms in both visual presentation and objective evaluation. 相似文献
幸运区域融合技术通过挑选、配准、拼接短曝光 序列图像中具有一定概率的清晰度 高的“幸运区域”获得一幅高分辨率的重构图像,目前该技术处理对象通常是单色图像。根 据彩色图像成像过程及其数据特点,结合经典的幸运区域融合算法,提出了一种针对彩色短 曝光图像序列的幸运区域融合算法。该算法分别对彩色图像红、绿、蓝3个通道数据进行选 图、配准和拼接,最后合成一幅高分辨率的彩色图像。通过连续拍摄的2200帧短曝光图像, 对所提出的算法进行了多角度验证。红、绿、蓝三通道的选图结果表明,大气湍流确实对光 学场景中不同区域、不同波段光的成像产生随机的干扰,这从一个方面证明红、绿、蓝三通 道分别处理在理论上是成立的。对实测彩色图像融合结果的主观感受和客观指标也证明该算 法可以提高因大气湍流而退化的图像的分辨率。 相似文献
This paper proposes an image fusion method based on an improved Stagewise OMP algorithm (ApStOMP), which is more efficient than StOMP in finding the sparest solution of large-scale underdetermined problem. Multiple atoms can be selected at each stage, and only a fixed number of stages are required. Unlike StOMP, we restrict the mutual coherence of selected atoms to be as low as possible at each stage, and atoms with high coherence are excluded. In this way, we can obtain a more accurate estimated support set than with StOMP. The advantages of the proposed fusion method are demonstrated experimentally with different groups of pre-registered source images, for which we can carry out image denoising and fusion simultaneously. The experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method is competitive with other methods in terms of several objective fusion metrics, as well as in visual quality. 相似文献
Very recently, with the widespread research of deep learning, its achievements are increasingly evident in image inpainting tasks. However, many existing methods fail to effectively reconstruct vivid contents and refine structures. In order to solve this issue, in this paper, a novel two-stage generative adversarial network based on the fusion of edge structures and color aware maps is proposed. In the first-stage network, edges with missing regions are employed to train an edge structure generator. Meanwhile, the input image with missing regions is transformed into a global color feature map after the content aware fill algorithm and a large kernel size Gaussian filtering. In the second-stage network, the image fused from the edge map and the color map is used as a label to guide the network to reconstruct the refined image. Qualitative and quantitative experiments conducted on multiple public datasets demonstrate that the method proposed in this paper has superior performance. 相似文献
针对红外与可见光彩色融合图像中目标与背景间的低对比度的问题,提出一种基于HSI空间颜色对比度增强的红外和可见光图像融合方法.首先对输入的可见光与红外图像进行直方图均衡和中值滤波加强处理,然后对加强的红外图像模糊阈值分割得到红外目标,最后把分割的红外目标图像和加强的可见光和红外图像在HSI空间的三通道线性融合和色彩传递,为了增强目标与背景间的颜色对比度,在色彩传递阶段, H通道的色彩传递方程中引入一个比例因子.实验结果表明:与其他算法相比,该方法得到的彩色融合图像热目标和低温物体与背景间的颜色对比度明显加强,同时背景的细节信息呈现白天类似的自然彩色,更加符合人眼视觉感知. 相似文献