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LANDSCAPE IN THE ARTS AND THE SCIENCES by J. H. Appleton. University of Hull, 1980.


THE COUNTRYSIDE: PLANNING AND CHANGE by Mark Blacksell and Andrew Gilg. Resource Management Series Volume 2. Allen and Unwin, London, 1981.

COUNTRYSIDE PLANNING YEARBOOK edited by Andrew Gilg. Volume 2, 225 pages. Geo Books, Norwich, 1981. £9.50 (paperback); £12.50 (hardback).

NATURAL ECONOMY: AN ECOLOGICAL APPROACH TO PLANTING AND MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN URBAN AREASby Kirklees Metropolitan Council, Directorate of Technical Services, 1981.  相似文献   

Landscape assessment

Values, Perceptions, and Resources.

Edited by Ervin H. Zube, Robert O. Brush and Julius Gy Fabos.

Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. Stroudsberg, Penn.

1975.367 + xii pp £18.95.

Future landscapes

Edited by Malcolm MacEwan: Chatto and Windus Ltd. 1976. (224 pp. illustrated). Price: £6.00  相似文献   

Right Before Your Eyes: Penetrating The Urban Environment, by Grady Clay, Chicago: Planners Press, 1987 (American Planning Association, 1313 E 60th Street, Chicago, II. 60637 hb $45.95 pb $24.95 241 pp

Signs of Hope: Working Towards Our Common Future by Linda Starke (1990) Oxford/Oxford University Press; Out of Place: Restoring Identity to the Regional Landscape by Michael Hough (1990) New Haven and London/Yale University Press.

Transatlantic Manners: Social patterns in nineteenth-century Anglo-American travel literature, by Christopher Mulvey, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. pp. xii + 244. £27.50 hb. ISBN 0 521 30366 4

Mountain Environments: An examination of the physical geography of mountains, by A.J. Gerrard, London: Belhaven Press, 1990. £30.00 hb.

Roads in Upland Areas — A Design Guide by the Highways Directorate, Welsh Office  相似文献   

WILDERNESS MANAGEMENT by John C. Hendee. George H. Stankey, and Robert Lucas. 381 pages illustrated U.S. Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication No. 1365, 1978. Available from U.S. Government Printing Office. $10.50, hardcover edition.

WILDERNESS ECONOMICS AND POLICY by Lloyd C. Irland. 225 pages. D.C. Heath and Company, 1979.

STATE AGRICULTURAL LAND ISSUES by Leonard U. Wilson 75 pages. Council of State Governments, Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A. $4.00  相似文献   

Landscape and Memory Simon Schama, 1995, London: Harper Collins, 652pp, 228 b+w illustrations, 45 colour plates, ISBN 0 00 215897 3. hb £30.00

Interpretations on Behalf of Place: Environmental Displacements and Alternative Responses Robert Mugerauer, 1994, State University of New York Press, 237pp., ISBN 0 7914 1943 6, hb $18.95

Derek Jarman's Garden Derek Jarman, with photographs by Howard Sooley, 1995, London, Thames and Hudson, 144 pp., 150 illustrations, 90 in colour. ISBN 0-500-01656-9, hb £14.95

Cultural Landscape Special Issue of TOPOS, European Landscape Magazine, No 6. March 1994, £24

Historical Ecology: cultural knowledge and changing landscapes Edited by Carole L. Crumley, 1994, Santa Fe, SAR Press, 284pp ISBN 0 933452 85 3, $22.50

The Gardens of California N Power, photographs by Mick Hales, 1995, London, Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0500 01 6593, £25  相似文献   

RECREATION AND RESOURCES: LEISURE PATTERNS AND LEISURE PLACES by J. Allan Patmore. 270 pages. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1983. £22.50 (hardback).

VISUAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT by Richard C. Smardon and John P. Felleman (eds) Theme Issue of Coastal Zone Management Journal (Vol 9, No 3/4, 164 pp). Crane, Russak and Company, New York, 1982. $26.00 (paperback).

ECOLOGICAL PLANNING AND FARMLANDS PRESERVATION by Frederick Steiner, 122 pages, American Planning Association, 1981.

COUNTRYSIDE SPORTS: THEIR ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE by Cobham Resource Consultants, 45 pp, Standing Conference on Countryside Sports, Reading 1983 (£3.00 summary report).

OXFORD GARDENS by Mavis Batey. Avebury, 1982. £5.95 (paperback)  相似文献   


RATIONAL LANDSCAPES AND HUMANISTIC GEOGRAPHY by E. Reiph, Croom Helm, 1981. £14.95 (hardback).

COUNTRYSIDE CONSERVATION by Bryn Green. Resource Management Series No. 3, Editors Richard Munton and Judith Rees, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1981. £6.95 (paperback), £13.00 (hardback).

HISTORY OF THE FARMSTEAD: THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY SOURCES by John Weller. 248 pages. Faber & Faber, London, 1982. £5.95 (paperback).

JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY edited by David V. Canter. Vol. 1 (4 numbers) Academic Press.  相似文献   

WILDERNESS MANAGEMENT by John C. Hendee. George H. Stankey, and Robert Lucas. 381 pages illustrated U.S. Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication No. 1365, 1978. Available from U.S. Government Printing Office. $10.50, hardcover edition.

WILDERNESS ECONOMICS AND POLICY by Lloyd C. Irland. 225 pages. D.C. Heath and Company, 1979.

STATE AGRICULTURAL LAND ISSUES by Leonard U. Wilson 75 pages. Council of State Governments, Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A. $4.00  相似文献   



THE IMPROVEMENT OF LONDON'S GREEN BELT — A SECOND REPORT (SC 860R) Green Belt Working Group, Standing Conference on London and South East Regional Planning

THE SCHOOL OUTDOOR RESOURCE AREA School Council Project Environment 1970-73 (Longmans 1974: Price £2.95) University of Newcastle Upon Tyne Director — R W Coleton, Deputy Director — R F Morgan

URBAN WASTELAND A report on land lying dormant in cities, towns and villages in Britain by Timothy Cantell 1977 56pp. CIVIC TRUST.  相似文献   

VALUED ENVIRONMENTS edited by John R. Gold and Jacquelin Burgess. 203 pages. George Allen and Unwin, 1982. £15.00 (hardback).

HANDBUCH STADTGRUN Landschaftsarchitektur im Stadtischen Freiraum by Gerhard Richter. 319 pages. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich, 1981. DM 115.

RESEARCH AND PLANNING FOR NATURE CONSERVATION AND AMENITY IN WOODLANDS edited by Katherine Hearn. Recreation Ecology Research Group, 1981.

BROADLEAVES IN BRITAIN edited by D. C. Malcolm, J. Evans and P. N. Edwards. 253 pages. Edinburgh University Press, 1982. £8.00 (hardback).  相似文献   

CONSERVATION IN PERSPECTIVE edited by A. Warren and F. B. Goldsmith, 474 pages, John Wiley, London, 1983. £25 (hardback); £12.50 (paperback).

INVESTING IN RURAL HARMONY by Clive Potter, World Wildlife Fund, 1983, £1.25 (paperback).

Ken Parker, Peak Park Joint Planning Board,-Bakewell.

NATURE'S IDEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE by Kenneth Olwig, 115 pages, Allen and Unwin, London. £15 (hardback).  相似文献   

BRITAIN OBSERVED — THE LANDSCAPE THROUGH ARTISTS EYES by Geoffrey Grigson. 280 pages. illustrated. Phaidon Press Ltd., 1975. £10.95.

ASSESSING AMENITY RESOURCE VALUES by Terry C. Daniel, Ervin H. Zube and B. L. Driver: General Technical Report RM-68. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture, 1979.

ECOLOGY AND DESIGN IN AMENITY LAND MANAGEMENT edited by S. E. Wright and G. P. Buckley. 244 pages. Wye College and Recreation Ecology Research Group, 1979. £3.75.

CLIMATIC CHANGE, AGRICULTURE AND SETTLEMENTby M. L.Parry. 214 pages. Wm Dawson and Sons Ltd., Folkestone, 1978. £9.00.

>THE AESTHETICS OF LANDSCAPEedited by Jay Appleton. 94 pages. Rural Planning Services and Landscape Research Group, 1979.

CRC AND THE COUNTRYSIDE HERITAGE edited by Ian Brotherton, Rural Planning Services and the Landscape Research Group, 1980. £3.00.

THE THEFT OF THE COUNTRYSIDE by Marion Shoard. 272 pages. Maurice Temple Smith, 1980. £4.95 (paperback), £9.00 (cased).

AMENITY GRASSLAND : AN ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE edited by I. H. Rorison and Roderick Hunt, John Wiley & Sons, 1979. £12.00.

THE WHITE PEAK : A STUDY IN LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION by Rachel Berger, in association with Ann and Malcolm MacEwen. Bartlet School of Architecture & Planning, University College, London. £2.00.  相似文献   


Charles Bridgeman and the English Landscape Garden

by Peter Willis 1977

£50 Studies in Architecture XVII A Zwemmer Ltd

Alexander Pope and the Arts of Georgian England by Morris R Brownell 1978

£16 Oxford University Press


An Inquiry into the Nature of Scenic Values

pp 196 (illus.) $15.00


A framework for land use decisions in the Peak District.

M. L. Parry: Peak District National Park. 1977  相似文献   

The Endless Village

The wildlife of Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton by W. G. Teagle Published by Nature Conservancy Council, West Midlands Region, Attingham Park, Shrewsbury (1978).

After the Elm ...

Edited by Brian Clouston and Kathy Stansfield Heinemann 1979 (pp. 186 illus) £7.50

The Assessment of Ecological and Recreational Resources at the Regional and National Scales

An account of the meeting of the Recreation Ecology Research Group held at the Battleby Centre, Redgorton, Perth, March 31 - April 2nd 1978

Nature in Cities

(a collection of 18 papers) Edited by Ian C Laurie John Wiley, London 1978 (pp. 428. Illus) £17.50  相似文献   

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