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Moore  M.M. 《Software, IEEE》2003,20(3):112-113
The enduring effort to infuse more engineering discipline into software development has brought several issues to the forefront: standards, best practices, and, perhaps the most controversial, licensing and certification. To get an update on this area, I spoke with an expert: Leonard Tripp, Boeing Technical Fellow and past president of the IEEE Computer Society.  相似文献   

Toward trustworthy software systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hasselbring  W. Reussner  R. 《Computer》2006,39(4):91-92
Organizations such as Microsoft's Trusted Computing Group and Sun Microsystems' Liberty Alliance are currently leading the debate on "trustworthy computing." However, these and other initiatives primarily focus on security, and trustworthiness depends on many other attributes. To address this problem, the University of Oldenburg's TrustSoft Graduate School aims to provide a holistic view of trustworthiness in software - one that considers system construction, evaluation/analysis, and certification - in an interdisciplinary setting. Component technology is the foundation of our research program. The choice of a component architecture greatly influences the resulting software systems' nonfunctional properties. We are developing new methods for the rigorous design of trustworthy software systems with predictable, provable, and ultimately legally certifiable system properties. We are well aware that it is impossible to build completely error-free complex software systems. We therefore complement fault-prevention and fault-removal techniques with fault-tolerance methods that introduce redundancy and diversity into software systems. Quantifiable attributes such as availability, reliability, and performance call for analytical prediction models, which require empirical studies for calibration and validation. To consider the legal aspects of software certification and liability, TrustSoft integrates the disciplines of computer science and computer law.  相似文献   

工程教育专业认证是为了构建我国高等工程教育质量监控体系,提高工程专业教学质量而推行的一项重要措 施。基于工程教育认证,软件工程专业应从招生、专业培养目标、毕业要求、教学质量评价监控机制、课程设置等方面进行全面 改革与实践,明确专业定位,凸显专业特色,确立一套行之有效的人才培养制度。  相似文献   

在教育部推行师范类专业认证背景下,数学与应用数学专业依照我院办学理念和办学特色,围绕新版人才培养方案的专业培养目标,构建全程化教学实践能力培养新体系,提升人才培养质量以期为地方本科院校数学专业开展师范类专业认证工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为积极倡导和投入教学改革以及专业国际工程认证,黑龙江职业学院建立了包括软件技术、计算机网络技术、物联网应用技术、移动通信技术、动漫制作技术5个专业的现代信息技术专业群。在专业群内,以计算机网络技术专业开展悉尼协议认证为引领,逐步规范专业建设,不断探索人才培养新模式,建立了“需求导向,目标引导,连贯统整,成果驱动”持续改进“三回圈”人才培养改进机制。本文将介绍基于“三回圈”的现代信息技术专业群持续改进机制及其在专业群中的实践。  相似文献   

Agents of change: educating software engineering leaders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Garlan  D. Gluch  D.P. Tomayko  J.E. 《Computer》1997,30(11):59-65
Most professional degree programs for software engineering focus on solving today's problems with today's technologies. Carnegie Mellon's Master of Software Engineering program takes a different approach, preparing engineers to work with new science and technology throughout their careers and helping them become agents of change in the industry. The approach aims to cultivate future leaders in software engineering. It combines a long-term, mentored software development project with an unusual core curriculum that stresses broad-based models and problem-solving skills  相似文献   

郑广成  刘慧 《软件》2020,(4):286-288
根据《国家职业教育改革实施方案》(职教20条)高质量发展要求,对照“1+X”职业技能证书制度,以保障复合型技能人才培养质量为目的,提出了“行业化、标准化”现代学徒制认证体系,首先对“行业化、标准化”进行内涵解读,以软件技术为例,探讨了“1+1+4”的人才认证体系,结合认证体系进一步分析了“行业化、标准化”现代学徒学分银行制度,详细论述了弹性学分认定的保障措施,为推进“1+X”复合型人才培养质量提供认定方案。  相似文献   

In recent years, it is the general trend to adopt the standards of international engineering education certification to construct curriculum. "Software Process and Tools" is one of the core courses of Harbin Institute of Technology's software engineering undergraduate training program. Focusing on the construction work and practical exploration of the course in the process of reforming the software engineering professional curriculum system, and how to achieve the standards of engineering education certification, This paper makes a review and summary. This paper focuses on the status and the role of the course in the whole curriculum system, as well as project-driven teaching content design and practical teaching methods.And summarizes the experience and results of 3 rounds of teaching practice.  相似文献   

本文在分析计算机专业人才市场需求定位基础上,结合我校实施的以全面人才培养为核心的通识教育课程体系,提出了计算机专业大一通识教育和后三年专业教育的课内和课外培养方案改革,并重点探讨了以学习结果为导向的通识教育与专业教育的课外培养评价思路,为探索通识教育背景下创新人才的培养提供了较好的实践平台和基础。  相似文献   

There's a generally accepted maxim in the software industry: a well-managed software organization, staffed by qualified software engineering professionals in a mature software engineering environment, can repeatedly deliver software systems that meet their requirements, on time and within budget. But what does it mean to be professionally qualified? The IEEE Computer Society's Certified Software Development Professional program offers a solid path to certification that helps to establish software engineering professionals' credentials.  相似文献   

水泵性能计算机数据采集系统程序设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了水泵性能计算机数据采集系统硬件、软件设计的基本原理,以及用MATLAB完成程序设计的方法。结果 表明:系统运行良好,数据采集与处理结果可靠;利用计算机采集泵性能数据,自动绘制泵的性能曲线,可以提高数 据采集精度和效率,显著降低劳动强度。用MATLAB编程能很好地解决端口访问、用户界面、数据处理、图像表征等 问题。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术以及通信技术的发展,计算机网络成为当今世界发展最为迅速、应用最为广泛、普及程度最高的技术之一。目前,计算机网络是高等学校计算机专业及相关专业(例如计算机科学与技术、信息与计算科学、软件工程)学生必修的一门专业基础课和核心课程。本课程的任务是使学生充分掌握和理解计算机网络的基本概念、基本理论、网络体系结构和网络协议、网络应用技术等知识,为将来从事计算机网络应用和研究打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

工程教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,工程教育认证已成为中国高校新的风向标,也成为高考生选择报考专业的一项重要指标。设计模式是计算机科学与技术专业的一门核心课程,包含了面向对象的精髓,是软件体系结构的基础,在工程教育认证所评估的课程设置中起着承上启下的关键作用。本文基于工程教育专业认证理念,以及山东农业大学申请认证所用的《计算机科学与技术专业培养方案》,从教学内容、教学方式、课程目标与毕业要求对应关系、解决复杂工程问题能力、教学进度安排等方面,对设计模式课程开展了教学研究,并将该教学方案应用于本科教学。  相似文献   

The issues associated with the accreditation, certification, and licensure of software engineers are, or at least should be, of great concern to the software engineering community. Perhaps as a result of publicity about safety-critical software disasters in the news media, some state legislatures have considered regulating the practice of software engineering, and some professionals believe that accreditation, certification, and licensure are inevitable. Yet there is no agreed-upon body of knowledge for software engineering on which to base accreditation, certification, or licensure, which makes implementing them difficult at best. In addition, it is not clear that these processes and possible mechanisms to support them are well understood within the software engineering community. This paper surveys how these three processes are conducted in other professions, summarizes the processes as they currently exist for computing in general, identifies some issues that are involved in implementing the processes for software engineering, and suggests possible actions that can be taken by the software engineering profession. The implications of accreditation, certification, and licensure for education are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文阐述软件技术专业人才培养方案的制定与实施过程,提出把软件技术专业人才培养目标划分成层次递进的四个模块——计算机专业文化、网页美工、ASP.NET程序员、软件实施工程师,其中每一个模块融合若干个相关课程,每一个模块采用导师负责制,通过项目化的方式实施教学,从而达到传授知识与技能的目的,培养企业所需要的高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   

This paper explores the certification of properties of an efficient functional program in the area of symbolic computation: the calculation of Gröbner basis of a set of multivariate polynomials. Our experience in the development of industrial systems and the certification of some of its relevant properties has led us to use a methodology consisting of functional programs to write the code and the formal verification of fundamental properties. The functional language objective caml has been chosen to implement the program. To verify the properties two approaches are explored: manual proofs that reason directly over the source code of the algorithms, applying techniques like equational reasoning, and theorem provers that are used as a tool to help us certify a model of the real system. The chosen proof assistant is coq. Not only will the certification of the software be taken into consideration but also its efficiency. In addition, we present a graphical interface which eases the use of the program.  相似文献   

This article discusses how modern technology, such as electronic response systems, PeerWise system, data collection and analysis tools, computer simulations, and modeling software can be used in physics methods courses to promote teacher-candidates' professional competencies and their positive attitudes about mathematics and science education. We show how modeling technology-enhanced deliberate pedagogical thinking in physics methods courses can improve teacher-candidates' subject-specific pedagogical knowledge and their positive attitudes about science learning. We also discuss potential challenges that must be addressed in order to help teacher-candidates successfully implement these pedagogies during the practicum and in their early years of teaching.  相似文献   

关于软件测试的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聂长海 《计算机科学》2011,38(2):1-3,27
近些年来,软件测试越来越受到产业界、教育界和学术界的重视。结合作者在软件测试领域的教学和科研积累,对软件测试从课程、职业和科学三个层面进行思考,分别探讨了软件测试作为一门课程时,它的知识体的构成;作为一个职业时,它的职业技能和素养所包括的内容;作为一门科学时,它的主要科学问题有哪些。  相似文献   

针对当前独立学院计算机专业学生毕业设计的现状,以某独立学院计算机专业学生的毕业设计为例,提出面向过程思维开展毕业设计的教学过程的解决方案。该方案首先确定通过专业综合知识和专业基本能力考核的学生才能够开展毕业设计,然后定义毕业设计的选题、开题、中期检查、答辩材料提交和毕业答辩等子过程的要素。最后对过程的检查与验证提出适合的建议。实践表明:该方案可以有效地培养应用型本科学校计算机专业学生的专业综合实践能力。  相似文献   

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