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广播语音的音频分割   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文的广播电视新闻的分割系统分为三部分:分割、分类和聚类。分割部分是采用本文提出的基于检测熵变化趋势的分割算法来检测连续语音音频信号的声学特征跳变点,从而实现不同性质的音频信号的分割。这种检测方法不同于传统的需要门限的跳变点检测方法,它是以检测一定窗长的信号内部的每一个可能的分割点所分割的两段信号的信号熵的变化趋势来检测音频信号声学特征跳变点的,可以避免由于门限的选择不当所带来的分割错误。分类部分是采用传统的基于高斯混合模型(GMM)的高斯分类器进行分类,聚类部分采用基于矢量量化(VQ)的说话人聚类算法进行说话人聚类。应用此系统分割三段30分钟的新闻,成功的实现了连续音频信号的分割,去除掉了所有的背景音乐,以较高的精度把属于同一个人的说话语音划归为一类,为广播语音的分类识别打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

广播型网格   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网格研究正在得到学术界的广泛重视,其体系结构研究是网格技术重要的研究内容。本文研究了目前网格技术研究现状,根据万维网的“无尺度”特性,从实际的应用需求出发,提出了广播网格的拓扑模型,建立了广播网格的沙漏模型。最后以远程教育网格为应用对象,进行了实验室的缩比实验。实验结果证明了广播型网格的可行性。  相似文献   

计算机技术和互联网的发展给许多行业带来了猛烈冲击,广播电视便是深受影响的其中之一。日常生活中的电视广播系统对信号传输要求非常高,信号传输质量与电视信号模拟程度为正比关系。目前,传统广播电视系统已难以满足新时代人们的需求,顺应计算机网络化才是正确发展途径。基于此,探讨计算机网络技术下的广播电视播出系统。  相似文献   

安全播出是广播电视的生命线,该制播网络系统利用先进的网络安全技术,建设功能完善、技术领先的软、硬件支撑平台,保障电台各项业务的安全运行,网络系统的安全性设计大大保障了广播音频制播网络系统的安全。  相似文献   

Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we study a well-known broadcasting heuristic for heterogeneous networks of workstations, called fastest node first. We show that this heuristic produces an optimal solution for minimizing the sum of all completion times and, in addition, produces a 1.5 approximation for the problem of minimizing the maximum completion time. We also develop a polynomial-time approximation scheme for this problem. We extend these results to show that the same bounds can be obtained for the multicast operation on such heterogeneous networks. In addition we show that the problem of minimizing the maximum completion time is NP-hard, which settles the complexity of this open problem.  相似文献   


江民新科技 1、W32/Lavehn.A蠕虫病毒:危害级别为中。近日,英文名为W32/Lavehn.A的蠕虫病毒传入国内,这个蠕虫病毒会删除被感染主机上的以.xls,.doc,.mdb,.mp3,.rpt,或.dwg等为扩展名的所有文件。当这个病毒运行时,它会发送自己到被感染主机上的Microsoft Outlook地址簿中的所有联系人。  相似文献   

CMMB是英文China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting(中国移动数字多媒体广播)的简称。目前CMMB的主要业务为视频广播业务,因为受终端硬件的约束,目前只能在配有CMMB模块的设备上观看CMMB视频节目。提出了一种基于CMMB系统的数字电视转播系统,阐述了系统架构以及各部分的设计与实现,并对H.264、AAC的RTP传输、解码、同步表现等关键技术与算法进行了详细的说明。经实验证明,该系统能够完成CMMB数字电视转播,并且能够使多个用户在Windows,Linux,Symbian三类操作系统的终端下共享收看到数字电视节目。扩展了通用终端的功能,节约了用户的经济投入,并且解决了CMMB室内覆盖不足的缺点。  相似文献   

李磊  贾惠文  班学华  何宇帆 《计算机科学》2017,44(Z11):329-333, 352
基于Lin等人于2016年提出的不可区分混淆,提出了一个新的广播多重签名方案,其使用混淆后的验证电路作为验证密钥,对部分签名和多重签名进行验证。在本方案中,每个签名成员生成自己的部分签名,签名收集方只需要将每个成员的部分签名进行模乘,即可得到多重签名。每个签名方的部分签名的长度、签名算法和验证算法的复杂度不随签名人数的多少而变化。本方案满足不可伪造性和不可否认性等性质,同时可以抵抗外部量子攻击。  相似文献   

We study the shared processor scheduling problem with a single shared processor to maximize total weighted overlap, where an overlap for a job is the amount of time it is processed on its private and shared processor in parallel. A polynomial-time optimization algorithm has been given for the problem with equal weights in the literature. This paper extends that result by showing an \(O(n \log n)\)-time optimization algorithm for a class of instances in which non-decreasing order of jobs with respect to processing times provides a non-increasing order with respect to weights—this instance generalizes the unweighted case of the problem. This algorithm also leads to a \(\frac{1}{2}\)-approximation algorithm for the general weighted problem. The complexity of the weighted problem remains open.  相似文献   

A good design is the Elderado in any systems area. The elements of good design include efficiency, simplicity, and flexibility for use. While we make no pretense that the ideas described in this paper are essential to good computer design, it seems to us that it does meet many of the criteria and avoids a number of the pitfalls associated with high performance computers.  相似文献   

It is reasonable to claim that almost all major questions related to radio broadcasting can be considered closed as far as static networks are considered: the network never changes during the entire protocol's execution. On the other hand, theoretical results on communication protocols in any scenario where the network topology may change during protocol's execution (i.e. a dynamic radio network) are very few.In this paper, we present a theoretical study of broadcasting in radio networks having dynamic unknown topology. The dynamic network is modeled by means of adversaries: we consider two of them. We first analyze an oblivious, memoryless random adversary that can be seen as the dynamic version of the average-case study presented by Elsässer and Gasieniec in JCSS, 2006. We then consider the deterministic worst-case adversary that, at each time slot, can make any network change (thus the strongest adversary). This is the dynamic version of the worst-case study provided by Bar-Yehuda, Goldreich and Itai in JCSS, 1992.In both cases we provide tight bounds on the completion time of randomized broadcast protocols.  相似文献   

Broadcasting on Networks of Workstations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Broadcasting and multicasting are fundamental operations. In this work we develop algorithms for performing broadcast and multicast in clusters of workstations. In this model, sending a message to a machine in the same cluster takes 1 time unit, and sending a message to a machine in a different cluster takes C(≥1) time units. The clusters may have arbitrary sizes. Lowekamp and Beguelin proposed heuristics for this model, but their algorithms may produce broadcast times that are arbitrarily worse than optimal. We develop the first constant factor approximation algorithms for this model. Algorithm LCF (Largest Cluster First) for the basic model is simple, efficient and has a worst case approximation guarantee of 2. We then extend these models to more complex models where we remove the assumption that an unbounded amount of communication may happen using the global network. The algorithms for these models build on the LCF method developed for the basic problem. Finally, we develop broadcasting algorithms for the postal model where the sending node does not block for C time units when the message is in transit.  相似文献   

We consider broadcasting a message from one node of a tree to all other nodes. In the presence of up to k link failures the tree becomes disconnected, and only nodes in the connected component C containing the source can be informed. The maximum ratio between the time used by a broadcasting scheme B to inform C and the optimal time to inform C, taken over all components C yielded by configurations of at most k faults, is the k-vulnerability of B. This is the maximum slowdown incurred by B due to the lack of a priori knowledge of fault location, for at most k faults. This measure of fault tolerance is similar to the competitive factor of on-line algorithms: in both cases, the performance of an algorithm lacking some crucial information is compared to the performance of an “off-line” algorithm, one that is given this information as input. It is also the first known tool to measure and compare fault tolerance of broadcasting schemes in trees. We seek broadcasting schemes with low vulnerability, working for tree networks. It turns out that schemes that give the best broadcasting time in a fault-free environment may have very high vulnerability, i.e., poor fault tolerance, for some trees. The main result of this paper is an algorithm that, given an arbitrary tree T and an integer k, computes a broadcasting scheme B with lowest possible k-vulnerability among all schemes working for T. Our algorithm has running time O(kn2+n2 log n), where n is the size of the tree. We also give an algorithm to find a “universally fault-tolerant” broadcasting scheme in a tree T: one that approximates the lowest possible k-vulnerability, for all k simultaneously.  相似文献   

The WK-recursive networks, which were originally proposed by Vecchia and Sanges, have suffered from a rigorous restriction on the number of nodes. Like other incomplete networks, the incomplete WK-recursive networks have been proposed to relieve this restriction. In this paper, broadcasting on the incomplete WK-recursive networks is discussed. The proposed broadcasting algorithm is optimal with respect to message complexity. Besides, extensive experiments are made to evaluate its performance. Experimental results show that (1) the heights of the broadcasting trees do not exceed the diameters, (2) a high percentage of the nodes can receive the message from the source node via the shortest paths, (3) for those nonshortest transmission paths, the deviations are small, and (4) a high percentage of the broadcasting trees are of minimum height.  相似文献   

广播电视数字视频分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在广播电视制作领域,视频信号数字化是发展的趋势,本文对各种数字视频格式进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

A cryptosystem which can securely broadcast secret messages in a public access distributed system is proposed. Comparing with the existing broadcasting schemes, this scheme always requires fewer broadcasting messages. Furthermore, when a new user is inserted into the distributed system, the corresponding secret and public keys can be determined without changing any existing keys.  相似文献   

数据处理不是Flash的强项。商用的Flash应用(如游戏)如果涉及到收集和整理客户定单、反馈意见或个人信息时,一般都要借助第3方软件(如SQL数据库和文本服务器)实现。而对小型或个人的Flash应用,处于安全考虑或条件限制,大多没有连接网络,只是本地使用。要实现诸如游戏用户得分统计、登录、信息汇总等基本功能,没有必要搭建完善的数据处理系统。SharedObject是Flash中一个功能强大的类,利用它可以在本地创建数据文件,轻易地实现数据的读和写。通过分析SharedObject类常用的函数,详细介绍了其使用方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

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