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Self-routing optical crossbar switch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A self-routing optical crossbar switch in which wavelengths of tag light represent the information of destination address by using an optically addressable spatial light modulator as the 3-D crossbar switch along with a wavelength filter for tag light. A BSO (Bi12SiO 20) spatial light modulator was used to perform a 1×2 self-routing switching experiment with two different wavelengths of tag light. The implementation to scale-up the throughput of the switch is also presented  相似文献   

A monolithic electro-optical 2 × 2 crossbar has been developed. The multimode network consists of channel waveguides and four crosspoint switches integrated in a LiTaO3 plate. Matrix switching loss was 11 dB and crosstalk was ?16 dB for TM-polarised 0.07-n.a. light.  相似文献   

An optoelectronic crossbar switch has been fabricated and tested at 100-175 Mbit/s. The optoelectronic switching is achieved using bias switched detectors  相似文献   

高速交换机是高带宽应用中的关键设备。面对不断变化的网络标准,FPGA为交换机设计人员提供了极大的灵活性和适应能力。FPGA配备了扩展存储器,如Virtex-EM器件,适用于设计具有高度可扩展性的快速交换机。Internet和Intranet的爆炸性增长对带宽提出了极高的要求,在局域网(LAN)市场上,千兆以太同日益成为首选的标准。另一个崭露头角的标准是公共交换接口标准(CSIX),它为来自不同厂商的不同交换机定义了一个公共的接口。一般来说,对标准不断变化的应用;FPGA是最佳选择,尤其哪些具有扩…  相似文献   

A packet having a crossbar architecture with M inputs and N outputs is considered. Following earlier work, the theoretical capacity of such a switch is found in terms of the throughput of a closed queueing network. A state-dependent server model that approximates the rate at which the switch is transferring packets as a function of the work backlog (the number of packets queued at the switch inputs) is then developed. In this way, the model reflects the fact that such a switch tends to function more efficiently as the work backlog increases. This model yields an accurate method for approximating the entire distribution of the work backlog, as well as mean queue lengths and waiting times  相似文献   

The authors demonstrate the operation of an 8×8 optoelectronic crossbar switch consisting of integrated arrays of eight 1×8 GaAs metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM photodiodes connected in a current summing network to the input of Si bipolar transimpedance amplifiers. The MSM devices are also connected to TTL transistor-transistor logic) driven CMOS analog multiplexers which, in the `off' state, switch the detectors into an open-circuit mode. This particular combination of detectors and switching network gives a very high interchannel isolation, reduced circuit complexity, and low input noise. Data rates of 200 Mbit's and switch reconfiguration times of -100 ns are achieved. System noise is calculated and measured, and the advantages of using fully integrated GaAs crossbar switch arrays are quantitatively discussed  相似文献   

A multicasting photonic space switch reconfigurable in 50 ns is demonstrated utilising commercially available acousto-optic Bragg cells at lambda =0.83 mu m. Insertion loss of 15 dB, extinction ratio of 33 dB, crosstalk of -24 dB and polarisation difference of 0.8 dB are reported.<>  相似文献   

A switch matrix operating on baseband or microwave signals is a critical element of communications satellites employing multiple beam antennas and on-board switching. Optical switching by spatial light modulators (SLMs) offers a means of implementing large and highly flexible switch arrays capable of routeing signals at baseband or microwave frequencies. This approach offers potential mass, power and size advantages compared to alternative technologies. The paper reviews the essential features of optical crossbar switch architectures based on SLMs and discusses options for the lasers, SLMs, interface optics and photodetectors. Proof-of-concept demonstrators for optical crossbar switches operating on both baseband and microwave signals are described. Finally, an outline design for a compact switch module is described and the critical component developments needed to realize this are identified.  相似文献   

The experimental operation of a terabit-per-second scale optoelectronic connection to a silicon very-large-scale-integrated circuit is described. A demonstrator system, in the form of an optoelectronic crossbar switch, has been constructed as a technology test bed. The assembly and testing of the components making up the system, including a flip-chipped InGaAs-GaAs optical interface chip, are reported. Using optical inputs to the electronic switching chip, single-channel routing of data through the system at the design rate of 250 Mb/s (without internal fan-out) was achieved. With 4000 optical inputs, this corresponds to a potential aggregate data input of a terabit per second into the single 14.6 /spl times/ 15.6 mm CMOS chip. In addition 50-Mb/s data rates were switched utilizing the full internal optical fan-out included in the system to complete the required connectivity. This simultaneous input of data across the chip corresponds to an aggregate data input of 0.2 Tb/s. The experimental system also utilized optical distribution of clock signals across the CMOS chip.  相似文献   

An optical-fiber crossbar switch has been constructed using fully integrated GaAs optoelectronic receivers, custom monolithic GaAs laser drivers, and an electrical 32×32 silicon crossbar switch. 470 Mb/s operation has been achieved with a bit error rate of less than 10-12. The approach uses a monolithic GaAs optoelectronic integrated receiver to convert optical signals into electrical signals that are fed into an Si 32×32 electronic crossbar switch. The switch outputs are used to drive laser transmitters consisting of a custom monolithic GaAs IC laser driver and a 0.85 μm GaAs/AlGaAs laser. The system could be reconfigured in 1 μm, limited by the control logic, with the switch chip capable of reconfiguration in 35 ns. No errors are induced by reconfiguration  相似文献   

The processing steps to build and the operation of a novel complementary device structure are discussed. The device achieves both a six times improvement ing_{m}/C_{g}figure of merit by a 2.5-to-1 reduction in channel length and a packing density on the order of 1 × 105gates/in2as a result of its vertical construction.  相似文献   

An integrated optical bistable device based on a waveguide directional coupler switch is demonstrated. The device has four optical ports, and the power incident on the two input ports exists from two distinct output ports so that all-optical data processing or remote optical switching can be performed. On/off ratios as high as 12 dB have been observed. A switching time ofsim300 mus and switching energy of ∼3 pJ have been achieved.  相似文献   

介绍了三级Clos网络拓扑,在此基础上设计了基于Clos网络的大容量光纤通道交换机体系结构.针对三级Clos网络存在的信元调度和路由分配问题,提出了一种新颖的采用流水线并行处理方式的双重匹配帧调度策略.该设计和策略对大容量光纤通道交换机的研制具有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

本文设计一个要求高通道密度的系统时,例如在测试仪器仪表中,电路板上通常需要包括大量开关.当使用并行接口控制的开关时,控制开关所需的逻辑线路以及用于生成GPIO控制信号的串行转并行转换器会占用很大比例的板空间.本文介绍了新一代SPI控制开关及其架构,以及相对于并行控制开关,它在提高通道密度上有何优势.  相似文献   

A highly compact quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier based crossbar switch is proposed, fabricated and demonstrated at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Power penalty measurements at 10 Gbit/s show minimal path dependence with values of 0.15 to 0.25 dB and an extinction ratio of 24 dB.  相似文献   

Inversion channel technology provides a straightforward way to integrate lasers with detectors and transistors. One inversion channel laser is the double heterostructure optoelectronic switch VCSEL which is reported here with a 2.1 mA threshold for a 10 μm diameter device. A deposited stack of SiO2/TiO2 was used with post-growth etching of the cavity. Excellent electrical switching parameters or Vsh=13 V, Vh=2.1 V and Ih=0.5 mA were obtained, making the device suitable for the digital optoelectronic sensing of small optical inputs  相似文献   

随着企业数据存储量的迅猛增长,对光纤通道交换机的数据转发速率要求越来越高.高速的交换机首先需要高速的接口.设计了一种基于FPGA的、通道速率达到2Gb/s的光纤通道交换机接口.对设计进行功能仿真,测试了其逻辑功能,并通过16×16光纤通道交换机的FPGA实现,验证了接口的功能和数据传输速率.  相似文献   

Charge storage characteristics of a vertically stacked multiple p-n layer Si structure, under fully depleted condition, are investigated analytically and the feasibility of operating such structure as the multiple buried channel charge-coupled device (MBCCD) is discussed. Fabrication requirements of the device are outlined and the infleunce of parameter variations on its operational characteristics are described.  相似文献   

An analysis of the scattering of surface acoustic waves at a region of periodic surface mass loading is presented. Experimental measurements of the scattered-wave amplitudes show close agreement with theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

概述 我们正经历着包括电信、互联网和企业环境在内的数字世界的大融合。这种融合的复杂性决定了在实现通信通用的标准协议或方式之前还有很多事情需要处理。例如,在存储网络方面,各个公司都正在探索新一代的智能存储网络交换机,它把存储区域网络(SAN)和网络附属存储(NAS)的功能和优势  相似文献   

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