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A new communication mode, quantum simultaneous secret distribution (QSSD) is put forward, where one sender distributes different classical secret message to multiparty receivers simultaneously. Based on the properties of the one-dimensional four-qubit cluster states, a three-party QSSD protocol is proposed, and then it is extended to the case that there are many receivers. Owing to the idea of quantum dense coding, each receiver can receive two bits of classical message by the sender only using a cluster state. In order to check security of quantum channels, a strategy which can prevent common attacks efficiently is put forward. QSSD is distinct from quantum secret sharing (QSS) and quantum broadcast communication (QBC), but it can be easily converted into QSS and QBC. QSSD is also different from the multiple-QKD communication mode where the sender shares a private key with each receiver at first, while in QSSD the sender doesn’t; in addition, only one round of one-to-many communication is performed in QSSD, while in multiple-QKD communication mode many rounds of one-to-one communication are performed.  相似文献   

Bennett et al. showed that allowing shared entanglement between a sender and receiver before communication begins dramatically simplifies the theory of quantum channels, and these results suggest that it would be worthwhile to study other scenarios for entanglement-assisted classical communication. In this vein, the present paper makes several contributions to the theory of entanglement-assisted classical communication. First, we rephrase the Giovannetti–Lloyd–Maccone sequential decoding argument as a more general “packing lemma” and show that it gives an alternate way of achieving the entanglement-assisted classical capacity. Next, we show that a similar sequential decoder can achieve the Hsieh–Devetak–Winter region for entanglement-assisted classical communication over a multiple access channel. Third, we prove the existence of a quantum simultaneous decoder for entanglement-assisted classical communication over a multiple access channel with two senders. This result implies a solution of the quantum simultaneous decoding conjecture for unassisted classical communication over quantum multiple access channels with two senders, but the three-sender case still remains open (Sen recently and independently solved this unassisted two-sender case with a different technique). We then leverage this result to recover the known regions for unassisted and assisted quantum communication over a quantum multiple access channel, though our proof exploits a coherent quantum simultaneous decoder. Finally, we determine an achievable rate region for communication over an entanglement-assisted bosonic multiple access channel and compare it with the Yen-Shapiro outer bound for unassisted communication over the same channel.  相似文献   

An efficient bidirectional quantum secure communication protocol is proposed with two-photon entanglement. Compared with the previous protocol proposed by Shi et al., our protocol can achieve higher efficiency. Meanwhile, for the same length secret messages, only half of entangled photon pairs need to be prepared in our protocol. And the number of classical bits in public classical communication is also a half of that in the previous protocol. Moreover, the information leakage does not exist in our scheme.  相似文献   

Transmission of quantum entanglement will play a crucial role in future networks and long-distance quantum communications. Quantum key distribution, the working mechanism of quantum repeaters and the various quantum communication protocols are all based on quantum entanglement. On the other hand, quantum entanglement is extremely fragile and sensitive to the noise of the communication channel over which it has been transmitted. To share entanglement between distant points, high fidelity quantum channels are needed. In practice, these communication links are noisy, which makes it impossible or extremely difficult and expensive to distribute entanglement. In this work, we first show that quantum entanglement can be generated by a new idea, exploiting the most natural effect of the communication channels: the noise itself of the link. We prove that the noise transformation of quantum channels that are not able to transmit quantum entanglement can be used to generate distillable (useable) entanglement from classically correlated input. We call this new phenomenon the Correlation Conversion property of quantum channels. The proposed solution does not require any non-local operation or local measurement by the parties, only the use of standard quantum channels. Our results have implications and consequences for the future quantum communications and for global-scale quantum communication networks. The discovery also revealed that entanglement generation by local operations is possible.  相似文献   

In quantum teleportation, the role of entanglement has been much discussed. It is known that entanglement is necessary for achieving non-classical teleportation fidelity. Here we focus on the amount of classical communication that is necessary to obtain non-classical fidelity in teleportation. We quantify the amount of classical communication that is sufficient for achieving non-classical fidelity for two independent 1-bit and single 2-bits noisy classical channels. It is shown that on average 0.208 bits of classical communication is sufficient to get non-classical fidelity. We also find the necessary amount of classical communication in case of isotropic transformation. Finally we study how the amount of sufficient classical communication increases with weakening of entanglement used in the teleportation process.  相似文献   

Quantum key agreement protocol is a key establishment technique whereby a classical shared secret key is derived by two or more specified parties equally and fairly based on quantum mechanics principles. In this paper, we presented two novel quantum key agreement protocols for two parties and more parties based on entanglement swapping. The proposed protocols utilize Bell states as the quantum resources, and further perform Bell measurements as the main operations. In addition, they don’t require the help of a trusted center or third party, but could ensure fairness, security and efficiency.  相似文献   

The dynamic capacity theorem characterizes the reliable communication rates of a quantum channel when combined with the noiseless resources of classical communication, quantum communication, and entanglement. In prior work, we proved the converse part of this theorem by making contact with many previous results in the quantum Shannon theory literature. In this work, we prove the theorem with an ??ab initio?? approach, using only the most basic tools in the quantum information theorist??s toolkit: the Alicki-Fannes?? inequality, the chain rule for quantum mutual information, elementary properties of quantum entropy, and the quantum data processing inequality. The result is a simplified proof of the theorem that should be more accessible to those unfamiliar with the quantum Shannon theory literature. We also demonstrate that the ??quantum dynamic capacity formula?? characterizes the Pareto optimal trade-off surface for the full dynamic capacity region. Additivity of this formula reduces the computation of the trade-off surface to a tractable, textbook problem in Pareto trade-off analysis, and we prove that its additivity holds for the quantum Hadamard channels and the quantum erasure channel. We then determine exact expressions for and plot the dynamic capacity region of the quantum dephasing channel, an example from the Hadamard class, and the quantum erasure channel.  相似文献   

The squashed entanglement is a fundamental entanglement measure in quantum information theory, finding application as an upper bound on the distillable secret key or distillable entanglement of a quantum state or a quantum channel. This paper simplifies proofs that the squashed entanglement is an upper bound on distillable key for finite-dimensional quantum systems and solidifies such proofs for infinite-dimensional quantum systems. More specifically, this paper establishes that the logarithm of the dimension of the key system (call it \(\log _{2}K\)) in an \(\varepsilon \)-approximate private state is bounded from above by the squashed entanglement of that state plus a term that depends only \(\varepsilon \) and \(\log _{2}K\). Importantly, the extra term does not depend on the dimension of the shield systems of the private state. The result holds for the bipartite squashed entanglement, and an extension of this result is established for two different flavors of the multipartite squashed entanglement.  相似文献   

We first consider quantum communication protocols between a sender Alice and a receiver Bob, which transfer Alice’s quantum information to Bob by means of non-local resources, such as classical communication, quantum communication, and entanglement. In these protocols, we assume that Alice and Bob may have quantum side information, not transferred. In this work, these protocols are called the state transfer with quantum side information. We determine the optimal costs for non-local resources in the protocols and study what the effects of the use of quantum side information are. Our results can give new operational meanings to the quantum mutual information and the quantum conditional mutual information, which directly provide us with an operational interpretation of the chain rule for the quantum mutual information.  相似文献   

This study presents the first authenticated semi-quantum key distribution (ASQKD) protocols without using authenticated classical channels. By pre-sharing a master secret key between two communicants, a sender with advanced quantum devices can transmit a working key to a receiver, who can merely perform classical operations. The idea of ASQKD enables establishment of a key hierarchy in security systems that also eases the key management problem. The proposed protocols are free from several well-known attacks  相似文献   

Gisin  Renner  Wolf 《Algorithmica》2008,34(4):389-412
Abstract. After carrying out a protocol for quantum key agreement over a noisy quantum channel, the parties Alice and Bob must process the raw key in order to end up with identical keys about which the adversary has virtually no information. In principle, both classical and quantum protocols can be used for this processing. It is a natural question which type of protocol is more powerful. We show that the limits of tolerable noise are identical for classical and quantum protocols in many cases. More specifically, we prove that a quantum state between two parties is entangled if and only if the classical random variables resulting from optimal measurements provide some mutual classical information between the parties. In addition, we present evidence which strongly suggests that the potentials of classical and of quantum protocols are equal in every situation. An important consequence, in the purely classical regime, of such a correspondence would be the existence of a classical counterpart of so-called bound entanglement, namely ``bound information' that cannot be used for generating a secret key by any protocol. This stands in contrast to what was previously believed.  相似文献   

We propose two controlled quantum secure communication schemes by entanglement distillation or generalized measurement. The sender Alice, the receiver Bob and the controllers David and Cliff take part in the whole schemes. The supervisors David and Cliff can control the information transmitted from Alice to Bob by adjusting the local measurement angles \(\theta _4\) and \(\theta _3\). Bob can verify his secret information by classical one-way function after communication. The average amount of information is analyzed and compared for these two methods by MATLAB. The generalized measurement is a better scheme. Our schemes are secure against some well-known attacks because classical encryption and decoy states are used to ensure the security of the classical channel and the quantum channel.  相似文献   

Semiquantum communication permits a communication party with only limited quantum ability (i.e., “classical” ability) to communicate securely with a powerful quantum counterpart and will obtain a significant advantage in practice when the completely quantum world has not been built up. At present, various semiquantum schemes for key distribution, secret sharing and secure communication have been proposed. In a quantum dialogue (QD) scenario, two communicants mutually transmit their respective secret messages and may have equal power (such as two classical parties). Based on delegated quantum computation model, this work extends the original semiquantum model to the authenticated semiquantum dialogue (ASQD) protocols, where two “classical” participants can mutually transmit secret messages without any information leakage and quantum operations are securely delegated to a quantum server. To make the proposed ASQD protocols more practical, we assume that the quantum channel is a collective noise channel and the quantum server is untrusted. The security analysis shows that the proposed protocols are robust even when the delegated quantum server is a powerful adversary.  相似文献   

We propose a novel quantum dialogue protocol by using the generalized Bell states and entanglement swapping. In the protocol, a sequence of ordered two-qutrit entangled states acts as quantum information channel for exchanging secret messages directly and simultaneously. Besides, a secret key string is shared between the communicants to overcome information leakage. Different from those previous information leakage-resistant quantum dialogue protocols, the particles, composed of one of each pair of entangled states, are transmitted only one time in the proposed protocol. Security analysis shows that our protocol can overcome information leakage and resist several well-known attacks. Moreover, the efficiency of our scheme is acceptable.  相似文献   

针对光纤量子通信网络,提出一种基于中继器的量子通信网络路由选择协议方案.在现有光纤通信网络的基础上利用基于纠缠交换和纠缠纯化的中继器来构建量子通信网络,然后在中继器的基础上采用嵌套纯化方案进行实际量子通信网络系统信道的建立.针对量子通信网络的特点,提出并分析了量子通信网络路由的评价指标,在路由选择协议方案中重点考虑量子信道建立过程中达到目标保真度值所需消耗的纠缠资源和路由建立时间,并从这些指标分析过程中择优选择量子通信信道.所提出的路由选择协议是基于解析计算及优化设计的,与实际量子通信系统相关联,仿真结果表明这种协议方案具有较强的可操作性.  相似文献   

文章针对量子计算机可能带来的危机,重点分析了用多变量公钥密码体制(MPKC)作为能够抵御未来基于量子计算机攻击的候选者之一.文章结合多变量的性质,尝试使用有限域上的二次多变量多项式构造代理签名体制,利用多变量同构问题(IP),选取以Rainbow结构的多项式作为中心映射,并且基于安全性的考虑,在签名方案基础上增加了秘密仿射变换的性质,使公钥多项式并非像其在原模型当中一样为私钥的直接合成,而是隐藏部分私钥,减少攻击者获得的信息量,同时签名验证是对中间过程某结果的验证,提出了一个基于多变量签名体制的代理保护型签名方案.  相似文献   

The dynamics of classical and quantum correlations under nondissipative and dissipative decoherences are analytically and numerically investigated with both one-side measures and two-side measures. Specifically, two qubits under local amplitude damping decoherence and depolarizing decoherence channels are considered. We show that, under the action of amplitude damping decoherence, both the entanglement and correlations of the different types of initial states with same initial values, suffer different types of dynamics. Moreover, the transfers of the entanglement and correlations between the system and the environment for different types of initial states are also shown to be different. While for the action of depolarizing decoherence, there does not exist sudden change in the decay rates of both the classical and quantum correlations, which is different from some other nondissipative channels. Furthermore, the quantum dissonance can be found to keep unchanged under the action of depolarizing decoherence. Such different dynamic behaviors of different noisy quantum decoherence channels reveal distinct transmission performance of classical and quantum information.  相似文献   

针对开放环境中秘密通信的安全性问题,提出一种基于信息隐藏技术的秘密通信方案。首先,将信息明文用私钥加密,然后将密文以数字水印的形式嵌入到载体数据库中,通过开放网络传送。接收者需要从载体数据库中提取信息密文,再用发送方的公钥解密。给出了秘密通信的系统模型以及相应的信息嵌入、提取算法。实验和分析表明该模型隐蔽性强、安全性好,有一定的实用性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

We consider three different communication tasks for quantum broadcast channels, and we determine the capacity region of a Hadamard broadcast channel for these various tasks. We define a Hadamard broadcast channel to be such that the channel from the sender to one of the receivers is entanglement-breaking and the channel from the sender to the other receiver is complementary to this one. As such, this channel is a quantum generalization of a degraded broadcast channel, which is well known in classical information theory. The first communication task we consider is classical communication to both receivers, the second is quantum communication to the stronger receiver and classical communication to other, and the third is entanglement-assisted classical communication to the stronger receiver and unassisted classical communication to the other. The structure of a Hadamard broadcast channel plays a critical role in our analysis: The channel to the weaker receiver can be simulated by performing a measurement channel on the stronger receiver’s system, followed by a preparation channel. As such, we can incorporate the classical output of the measurement channel as an auxiliary variable and solve all three of the above capacities for Hadamard broadcast channels, in this way avoiding known difficulties associated with quantum auxiliary variables.  相似文献   

在处理某些大规模并行问题时,量子计算因量子位独特的叠加态和纠缠态特性,相比经典计算机在并行处理方面具有更明显的优势。现阶段,物理量子比特计算机受限于可扩展性、相干时间和量子门操作精度,在经典计算机上开展量子计算模拟成为研究量子优越性和量子算法的有效途径。然而,随着量子比特数的增加,模拟所需的计算机资源呈指数增长。因此,研究大规模量子计算模拟在保证计算准确度、精度及效率的情况下减少模拟所需资源具有重要意义。从量子比特、量子门、量子线路、量子操作系统等方面展开,阐述量子计算的基本原理和背景知识。同时总结基于经典计算机的量子计算模拟基本方法,分析不同方法的设计思路和优缺点,列举目前常见的量子计算模拟器。在此基础上,针对量子计算模拟的通信开销问题,从节点拆分和通信优化2个方面出发,讨论基于超级计算机集群的量子计算模拟优化方法。  相似文献   

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