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非线性格值逻辑系统W6   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛晓东 《工程数学学报》2000,17(B05):100-102
研究赋值格为非线性序格,非运算不同于Boole的初运算,蕴涵算子取R0的一种新的6值逻辑系统W6。讨论了其语义MP规则,语义HS规则;重言式,∑-(d-重言式),得到若干结果。  相似文献   

G(o^)del逻辑系统中广义语义HS规划和广义语义MP规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将修正的Kleene逻辑系统中语义MP规则和语义HS规则推广后应用于Goedel逻辑系统中,讨论了Goedel逻辑系统中广义重言式理论的语义([α]-MP)规则,语义([α]-HS)规则,语义([α^ ]-MP)规则,语义([α^ ]-HS)规则的性质,使得对Goedel系统中的广义重言式有了更进一步的认识,为Goedel逻辑系统的应用和研究提供一个有益的工具。  相似文献   

为了克服船舶航向控制模糊规则确定过程中的盲目性,引入一种与之相适应的遗传算法,以使结果成为某种意义下的最优解,从而从根本上解决这一重要问题.文中运用Matlab的C语言MEX—文件技术,将遗传算法源代码与Matlab直接结合起来,利用后者的强大建模能力,建立起完整的仿真模型.仿真结果表明,船舶的航向控制能力得到明显改善.  相似文献   

防污漆中使用的有毒防污活性物质对海洋生物和人类健康存在的持久性负面影响一直受到高度关注,国际上已经将风险评估方法引入到对防污活性物质的管理中。本文综述了国际和国内在船舶防污漆防污活性物质管理中引入风险评估方法的发展历史、相关法规标准以及应用现状,着重分析了未来我国在船舶防污漆防污活性物质管理方面的调整思路。  相似文献   

Goedel逻辑系统中F(S)中的一个分划及其应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将王国俊教授于1997年以来在逻辑系统W∧-、W、Wk中引入的广义重言式理论加以扩充、推广,引入α-矛盾式等概念并应用于Goedel逻辑系统G∧-、G、Gn中,得到了(1)在逻辑系统G∧-、G中,重言式不可能由对非重言式进行有限次升级算法得到;(2)在逻辑系统Gn中,对任一公式最多进行n-1次升级算法即可得到重言式;(3)在逻辑系统Gn中,{C(Gn),[i/n-1-C(Gn),][i/n-1]-T(Gn),T(Gn)|i∈{1,2,…,n-2}}是F(S)的一个关于→同余的分划,在逻辑系统G∧-中,{C(G∧-),[(1/2)-]-C(G∧-),[1/2]-C(G∧-),[1∧-]-C(G∧-),[0∧ ]-T(G∧-),[1/2]-T(G∧-),[(1/2∧ ]-T(G∧-),T(G∧-)}是F(S)的一个关于→同余的分划,(4)在[0]-T(R)(R∈{G∧-,G,Gn})中引入了一种降级算法并讨论了其性质。  相似文献   

高源  戚珺 《中国科技博览》2013,(34):220-220
在市场竞争日益加剧的情况下,作为修造船核心环节的船舶涂装工程,应采用标准化的质量管理流程,在人员、设备和原料、流程和现场、质量和等方面加强管理,增强企业核心竞争力.文章分析了质量管理体系在船舶涂装工程中的应用.  相似文献   

将修正的Kleene逻辑系统中语义MP规则和语义HS规则推广后应用于G¨odel逻辑系统中,讨论了G¨odel逻辑系统中广义重言式理论的语义([α]-MP)规则,语义([α]-HS)规则,语义([α+]-MP)规则,语义([α+]-HS)规则的性质,使得对G¨odel系统中的广义重言式有了更进一步的认识,为G¨odel逻辑系统的应用和研究提供一个有益的工具。  相似文献   

于GA-BP模糊神经网络的商业银行信用风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了商业银行信用风险评估的现状,针对单独应用BP神经网络评估信用风险时存在的缺陷,提出了基于遗传算法优化模糊BP神经网络的信用风险评估新模型.通过遗传算法训练模糊BP神经网络,克服网络建模中产生的局部极小的缺点,提高了风险评估的准确性.最后,利用Matlab软件对样本数据进行训练和测试,仿真结果表明所构造的评估模型预测误差非常小.  相似文献   

在赋值格为[0,1]的模糊逻辑系统L~*中,本文利用序结构和赋值函数的性质研究公式的积分真度和伪距离,导出了积分真度和伪距离的若干性质,并且给出了在逻辑度量空间中逻辑运算关于伪距离均连续这一重要定理的简洁证明。该方法避开了多重积分的复杂计算;研究结果不仅可以用于公式的积分真度和伪距离的简化计算或合理估值,而且拓宽了逻辑度量空间理论的发散度与相容度以及近似推理的研究思路。  相似文献   

灰关联法在企业并购风险度量中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用灰色系统理论中的灰关联度分析技术 ,对不同并购方案的风险程度进行比较 ,可以找到风险较低的并购方案 .通过案例分析可知灰关联度量法较模糊度量法更加实用有效  相似文献   

提出了一种从故障树分析的角度进行舰船拖带安全评估的方法。采用专家评估和模糊集理论相结合的原理得到故障树中基本事件发生的模糊概率,然后进行故障树定性和定量分析。该方法能合理和有效地预测作业系统的安全性及其薄弱环节。以断缆事件分析为例,对该安全评估方法做了概要阐述。  相似文献   

随着大跨径桥梁运营监测系统的不断发展,有效地利用监测数据对大桥的运营状态进行预警和评估分析,已成为世界各国桥梁工程界研究的热点问题之一。在已有研究成果的基础上,依托舟山连岛工程西堠门金塘大桥运营期监测系统,构建了全面的结构预警和评估体系,将前沿理论与实际需求相结合,力求为养护管理决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In this study, it is aimed to compare traditional and fuzzy FMEA in identifying areas that may pose risks and need improvement in Test and Calibration Laboratories. Within this scope, FMEA is used in ranking the possible risks. One hundred ninety-nine failures are detected in 91 inspections, carried out in the Test and Calibration Laboratories. Since FMEA uses experts’ evaluations, which are considered subjective, fuzzy logic is implemented to the approach where the evaluations are presented with linguistic variables. The comparison of FMEA and fuzzy FMEA showed that there exists a high correlation between these two analyses and the order of priority based on the Fuzzy Risk Priority Number calculation is overlapping with the Risk Priority Number sequence. Fuzzy FMEA can also be considered when the evaluations are not trustworthy or incomplete. Therefore, this study can be addressed as an example of how fuzzy implementation to FMEA substantially be used instead of traditional FMEA when there exist qualitative, subjective or incomplete evaluations, or in cases where traditional FMEA has troubles in practice.  相似文献   

Manufacturing organisations have been witnessing a transition from mass manufacturing to lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is focused on the elimination of obvious wastes occurring in the manufacturing process, thereby enabling cost reduction. The quantification of leanness is one of the contemporary research agendas of lean manufacturing. This paper reports a study which is carried out to assess the leanness level of a manufacturing organisation. During this research study, a leanness measurement model has been designed. Then the leanness index has been computed. Since the manual computation is time consuming and error-prone, a computerised decision support system has been developed. This decision support system has been designated as FLBLA-DSS (decision support system for fuzzy logic based leanness assessment). FLBLA-DSS computes the fuzzy leanness index, Euclidean distance and identifies the weaker areas which need improvement. The developed DSS has been test implemented in an Indian modular switches manufacturing organisation.  相似文献   

水下隧道盾构法施工安全风险评估探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着地铁、公路等交通隧道的不断发展,隧道往往穿越江河湖泊等水体,大直径泥水平衡盾构广泛应用于水下隧道施工。大直径盾构施工风险高、控制难度大,加上水下施工不确定因素多,风险因素具有不断动态变化的特点,使得施工过程中存在较大的风险。风险评估越来越多的应用于水下隧道施工安全管理中。文章介绍了大直径泥水盾构的几个特点,并对这几个特点引起风险增大的机理进行了分析,针对风险评估常用的几中方法中存在的不足,提出了一种改进的指数法,给出了该方法的评估流程及基本计算模型,并将该方法初步应用于某水下隧道施工风险评估。该方法能够适应风险因素的变化,并且不拘泥于真实概率,通过进一步的细化和完善,能够更好地适用于水下隧道施工安全风险评估。  相似文献   

结合地下工程的特点,建设性地提出了地下工程风险评估准则,其成果成功地应用于北京市城市地下道路系统规划设计的研究中.  相似文献   

Formal safety assessment based on relative risks model in ship navigation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Formal safety assessment (FSA) is a structured and systematic methodology aiming at enhancing maritime safety. It has been gradually and broadly used in the shipping industry nowadays around the world. On the basis of analysis and conclusion of FSA approach, this paper discusses quantitative risk assessment and generic risk model in FSA, especially frequency and severity criteria in ship navigation. Then it puts forward a new model based on relative risk assessment (MRRA). The model presents a risk-assessment approach based on fuzzy functions and takes five factors into account, including detailed information about accident characteristics. It has already been used for the assessment of pilotage safety in Shanghai harbor, China. Consequently, it can be proved that MRRA is a useful method to solve the problems in the risk assessment of ship navigation safety in practice.  相似文献   

In the last decades, the air traffic system has been changing to adapt itself to new social demands, mainly the safe growth of worldwide traffic capacity. Those changes are ruled by the Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) paradigm , based on digital communication technologies (mainly satellites) as a way of improving communication, surveillance, navigation and air traffic management services. However, CNS/ATM poses new challenges and needs, mainly related to the safety assessment process. In face of these new challenges, and considering the main characteristics of the CNS/ATM, a methodology is proposed at this work by combining “absolute” and “relative” safety assessment methods adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in ICAO Doc.9689 [14], using Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets (FSPN) as the modeling formalism, and compares the safety metrics estimated from the simulation of both the proposed (in analysis) and the legacy system models. To demonstrate its usefulness, the proposed methodology was applied to the “Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcasting” (ADS-B) based air traffic control system. As conclusions, the proposed methodology assured to assess CNS/ATM system safety properties, in which FSPN formalism provides important modeling capabilities, and discrete event simulation allowing the estimation of the desired safety metric.  相似文献   

魏利强  郑恒 《高技术通讯》2007,17(6):628-632
在故障树分析法(FTA)基础上提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络(BN)的核电站应急电力系统安全评价方法,比较了FTA和BN在建立安全评价模型和评价能力上的不同.该方法在应对众多影响因素上有很大优势,能进行更多有意义的分析:既能进行前向的预测推理,又能进行后向的诊断推理,可以找出影响故障的组合模式,从而能够找出系统的薄弱环节.同时采用基于Matlab的BNT软件包,大大简化了计算过程.通过对10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)应急电力系统的安全评价实例的分析,证明该方法是对传统的基于故障树分析的安全评价方法的有益改进.  相似文献   

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