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综合利用地震、测井、岩心及地化资料,对梨树断陷苏家屯地区沉积体系及油藏特征进行了研究。分析认为,本区发育有辫状河三角洲—湖泊与水下扇—湖泊两套沉积体系,可进一步识别出沉积亚相5种、微相10种,两套沉积体系的沉积特征差异显著且具有完全不同的演化过程。油藏特征研究显示,本区主要发育自生自储的原生油气藏,营一段和沙河子组湖相泥岩为主力烃源岩,干酪根类型以Ⅱ1型为主并普遍处于成熟阶段,储层与烃源岩直接接触,发育透镜状岩性油气藏和构造-岩性复合油气藏。  相似文献   

为了预测十屋断陷登娄库组碎屑岩成岩阶段横向展布,本文将传统的成岩作用研究和数值模拟技术相结合,选取对成岩作用反应敏感、成岩阶段划分常用的成岩指标古地温、镜质组反射率、甾烷异构化指数、伊/蒙混层中蒙皂石含量和石英加大含量这5项参数,分别在时空领域内进行单项成岩作用数值模拟,构建成岩作用数值模拟综合模型,进而预测十屋断陷登娄库组成岩阶段横向展布。  相似文献   

梨树断陷十屋油田地层对比划分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地层划分与对比是油气田开发的基础工作,本文以沉积学、石油地质学理论为指导,以地震、测井、钻井录井为手段,利用测井电性特征,结合录井资料,综合考虑构造、沉积旋回、沉积微相等多种因素,对松辽盆地梨树断陷十屋油田地层对比划分研究,建立了全区的地层标准层序,为该油田开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

受构造和沉积的控制,该区标志层不明显,层序划分难度较大。本文借助于地震资料的等时性和横向连续性,遵循井震合一,采用"地震卡大层,测井卡小层"思路,通过层位的标定与反标定,首次完成了以段为规模的小层划分。  相似文献   

在结合现有资料和前人成果的基础上对双辽断陷的烃源岩进行综合评价.研究表明双辽断陷以营城组为主力源岩,类型为Ⅱ型,不排除其他类型存在,处于成熟阶段,沙河子组和火石岭组处于高熟阶段.双辽断陷大约在1840-1900m处进入成熟阶段,在2630-2700m处进入高熟阶段.  相似文献   

松辽盆地梨树断陷构造特征及有利区带分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据松辽盆地梨树断陷地震、地质资料综合解释成果,总结了断裂特征,开展了构造演化研究,认为梨树断陷的构造演化可归结为三个阶段。根据烃源岩条件、储层展布及连通性、油气藏的圈闭及保存情况,对油气勘探有利区带进行了分析,指出了一个有利勘探区带,为梨树断陷北部斜坡带。  相似文献   

通过对十屋油田营五段岩心的详细观察与描述,结合测井曲线、单井沉积相分析、联井剖面分析和平面相分析研究,表明研究区岩性粗,块状层理、滑塌变形构造发育,粒度概率曲线多呈弧形和一段式,属典型的扇三角洲沉积特征。研究区划分出2种沉积相、5种亚相、13种微相类型,其中扇三角洲水下分流河道微相最发育。联井剖面和平面特征表明,营五段下部主要发育水下分流河道微相,上部发育席状砂、河口坝微相和湖泊相。平面上其北部和东南部发育水下分流河道微相,西部发育半深湖-深湖相。  相似文献   

松辽盆地是我国油气资源最丰富的陆相含油气盆地,盆地范围内分布着大大小小的断陷50多个,区内的徐家围子断陷勘探成果显著、勘探程度高,是目前松辽盆地的重点勘探区块。徐家围子断陷发育的四套储层包括火石岭组二段储层、营城组一段储层、营城组四段储层和登娄库组储层,其中火石岭组二段和营城组一段储层均属火山岩储层,因此对徐家围予断陷火山岩储层特征及其影响因素进行研究对徐家围子断陷断陷层的油气勘探具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着勘探开发技术的日益完善,人们对中国东北等地区的二叠纪地层油气资源远景和勘探开发的潜力越来越重视。主要研究了松辽盆地东缘地区的二叠纪地层沉积充填特征,对比和研究区二叠纪地层,识别沉积环境。  相似文献   

以层序地层学为指导,运用综合地层学研究方法,依据岩石地层学、地震地层学、古生物地层学、测井地层学、地球化学等资料对松辽盆地南部深层地层进行划分,建立等时性层序地层格架.  相似文献   

通过分析松辽盆地内深大断裂展布、基本特征及其对盆地演化、构造发育的控制作用,以及天气然中非生物成因天然气的形成、模式,阐述了松辽盆地天然气藏分布规律及其与深大断裂的关系.得出盆地内非生物成因天然气的形成与分布受深大断裂控制的结论.  相似文献   

张号  金晶  刘帅  路遥  张传美  蒋杰 《化工进展》2013,32(1):104-107,113
采用小型流化床反应器,研究了Ni基载氧体在不同还原气氛(CH4、CO+H2)和不同反应温度(650 ℃、750 ℃、850 ℃、950 ℃)下的反应特性。结果表明:Ni基载氧体在两种气氛下均表现出较高的反应活性,CO+H2气氛下的还原反应比CH4气氛下的还原反应更完全,两个还原过程中均有积炭的产生,CH4气氛下的积炭比CO+H2气氛下的积炭更为严重;在CH4气氛下,温度的升高有利于Ni基载氧体还原反应的进行,同时还原过程中产生的积炭量也随着温度的升高有所增加,但当温度升高到850 ℃后,温度的增加对还原反应的影响不大。另外,相比于Cu基载氧体,Ni基载氧体虽然有更好的反应活性,但在还原过程中更容易产生积炭。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2015,41(4):5937-5944
A room-temperature dry-deposition method with TiO2 powder was used to deposit NiO particles onto a fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate. Initially, in the absence of TiO2 powder, we observed that the NiO particles did not adhere to the substrate; however, the addition of TiO2 particles facilitated NiO deposition. The volume percentage (vol%) deposition of NiO particles increased with the TiO2 particle concentration. The inability of the NiO particles to adhere to the FTO substrate was attributed to the absence of deformation and fragmentation in the substrate. This is related to the lower hardness of the FTO substrate, compared with that of the NiO particles. However, the addition of the TiO2 particles at different vol% during NiO deposition induced deposition, possibly due to the lower hardness of the TiO2 particles compared with the FTO substrate. The minimum TiO2 fraction that enabled NiO powder deposition was ~4.8 vol%. Microstructural analysis revealed that TiO2 powder agglomerates tended to break up as the NiO particles impacted the substrate surface, creating a “deposition complement” from the excess kinetic energy. The deposition mechanism was investigated using microstructural analysis, electron probe microanalysis, and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) measurements; the results confirmed the influence of the TiO2 powders on NiO powder deposition, specifically, an improvement in the adhesion and density of the NiO powder and a decrease in the surface roughness of the coating. Therefore, we demonstrated NiO deposition with TiO2 particles at room temperature, providing potential applications to the supercapacitor and battery industries.  相似文献   

秦建芳  姚陈忠  孙鸿 《应用化工》2012,41(6):952-954,957
研究了化学镀铜溶液中稳定剂对铜沉积速率的影响,着重考虑主配位剂、副反应的抑制剂、甲醛捕获剂对化学镀铜的影响。结果表明,在基本配方8 g/L CuSO4.5H2O,3 g/L HCHO2,8 g/L EDTA7,.5 g/L NaOH,工艺参数pH=12.5,温度50℃,时间40 min的基础上,各种稳定剂的适宜用量为6 mL/L CH3OH、8 mg/L K4Fe(CN)6、6 mg/L 22,’-bipy。在最佳工艺下得到的镀层外观红亮,表面平整,晶粒细致,化学镀铜液稳定。  相似文献   

鲁南化肥厂水煤浆加压气化装置灰水为高硬、高碱度、高pH值严重结垢型水质,且工艺过程为高温、高压,故灰水系统存有严重结垢障碍,严重影响了合成氨的生产。化工部天津化工研究院工业水处理工程技术中心采用本中心研制生产的阻垢分散剂TS—1213有效地解决了灰水系统的结垢问题。  相似文献   

绪磊 《云南化工》2019,(7):160-161
双城断陷位于松辽盆地东南断陷带,近几年在双城南洼漕相继发现营四段、登娄库组含油储层,揭示了松辽盆地新的勘探方向。作为全新的勘探领域,该含油层系的成藏特征尚不清楚,制约了勘探部署。系统分析源岩、储层等要素研究其成藏特征,为勘探部署提供理论支持。研究认为:营四段暗色泥岩为本区的重要源岩层系,砂岩、砂砾岩、火山岩均发育好储层,具有三种成藏组合类型。  相似文献   

The mechanism of the deposition of pyrolytic carbons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The changes in crystallite-preferred orientation, distribution of 0.1–1.0-μm diameter pores, density, growth feature shape, and crystallite arrangement that occur with changes in the conditions of pyrolytic carbon deposition in a fluidized bed of particles are studied. Based on these changes a deposition mechanism is proposed wherein changes in the crystallite-preferred orientation and the pore distribution are controlled by the relative concentrations of two depositing components, which are solid particles and molecular species. Changes in the crystallite arrangement, and thereby the density, are controlled by changes in the reaction probability of the planar hydrocarbon molecules with the carbon surface.  相似文献   

The controlled deposition of electrospun fibers means that the electrospun fibers can be collected in a limited and specified area and can present better applications in the fields of medical treatment, garment making, and 3D printing. In order to study the mechanism of the controlled deposition of electrospun fibers, simulation and experimental methods were used. Specifically, in the electrospinning experiment, circular copper sheets of different diameters were used as collectors. The effect of different collector areas on the morphology of fiber deposition was discussed. The electric field distribution of electrospinning with different specifications of collectors was simulated correspondingly. The experimental results show that, as compared to the traditional large flat collector, the area where the electrospun fibers are deposited is significantly reduced when a smaller circular copper plate was used as a collector. The smaller the area of the collector, the more the fibers tend to deposit at the center area of the collector, and the more likely the morphology of the product formed by the fiber deposition to exhibit a center protrusion shape. The controlled deposition of the electrospun fiber technology can provide more opportunities for the application of the electrospinning technology.  相似文献   

天然气成因类型判识是整个天然气成藏研究的核心内容之一。本文利用天然气组分特征、碳同位素特征等测试资料,对长岭断陷登娄库组天然气的成因类型进行了综合判断。长岭断陷深层(K 1yc+K 1d)天然气以来自营城组和沙河子组的高-过成熟煤型气为主,并混有部分油型气,不同成因类型天然气的混合导致碳同位素系列的倒转。此外,少数构造可见纯度较高的幔源二氧化碳气藏。因此,综合天然气的地化特征及该区的石油地质条件判断,长岭断陷登娄库组天然气既有有机成因气,也不排除无机成因的可能。  相似文献   

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