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In memoriam Professor Hugo Adrian, born 1926, deceased 1994, in Santiago, Chile. After completion of his studies in veterinary medicine, he followed a successful career in neurophysiological research. He was Research Associate (1961-1962) and Visiting Professor (1973-1976) at the Neurophysiology Department University of Wisconsin, USA. He was the first Director (1958-1960) of the Institute of Physiology at the Austral University, Valdivia, and was Professor (1963-1973; 1977-1994) and Chairman of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, where he led a group of researchers in auditory physiology, introduced the use of computer techniques to physiological studies, and developed several projects of applied neurophysiology.  相似文献   

Martin Heitzmann (1804-1889) came from the Vojvodina region in present day Serbia and received an excellent training in medicine at the Military Academy and subsequently in veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Institute of Vienna University. Until 1844 he worked as a military physician and veterinarian in the Austrian army. Then he quit his military service and settled with his family in Budapest, where he held the position of the chief veterinarian of Hungary until the 1860s. His sons Carl (1836-1896) and Julius (1847-1922), both graduates of Vienna Medical School, contributed greatly to the scientific illustrations in the 19th century. This paper represents the first complete biography of Martin Heitzmann.  相似文献   

Food produced in ecological agriculture becomes popular more and more. In the interest of consumers (to protect against deception) and of producers (to contrast with conventionally produced food) it is necessary to define the conditions and circumstances when products can be declared as ecological. Up to now definitions of housing and feeding animals in organic agriculture only are set up by private organizations and associations, but in the future we will have a direction of the European community (Nr. 2092/91 EWG), extended by directives and restrictions focussed on animal husbandry and feeding. Aim of this contribution is to give information on special restrictions on feeds and feeding of food producing animals in organic agriculture (preconditions in the case that labelling as "ecologically produced" is intended). Conventionally produced feedstuffs are restricted, common complete diets and some special feed additives (for example growth promoters) are not allowed. Feeding according to species specific requirements (herbivorous animals) as well as according to age and development (for example minimum duration of suckling periods) is intended. On the other hand there is a conscious renunciation of maximizing animals' performance (and plant yields). Consequences, risks and conflicts of different aims in feeding in accordance with ideas of organic agriculture are discussed. Various efforts at sustainability of conventional agriculture are influenced markedly by ideas and concepts established in organic agriculture primarily.  相似文献   

Lorrin Andrews Riggs was a leading scholar in the field of visual psychophysics and physiology. His research brought new understanding to the functioning of the visual system, and his numerous students have continued to make notable contributions to visual science. Although he received an extraordinary number of professional honors during his lifetime, he remained a humble scientist and congenial colleague and friend. Lorrin Riggs died on April 10, 2008, in Hanover. He was 95. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This item presents an obituary for W. Horsley Gantt (1892-1980). He first studied medicine at the University of North Carolina and received his medical degree in 1920 from the University of Virginia. John Dewey was especially influential in helping Horsley obtain a position at the Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore in 1929, where he immediately started the first Pavlovian laboratory in the US. physiology. In 1950, while still at Hopkins, he started a second Pavlovian laboratory at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Perry Point, Maryland; he continued as director there until 1974. Horsley continued as professor emeritus at Hopkins, where, until three weeks before his death, he lectured, attended conferences, and participated in symposia. He was also a professor of psychiatry at the University of Maryland Medical School, where he taught each spring semester. Simultaneously, he was research professor at the Performance Research Laboratory of the University of Louisville, collecting data until two months before he died. Horsley was widely honored for the research and theories he developed over the past 50 years, and he personally regarded his theories of schizokinesis and autokinesis as his most important contributions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Obituary of Dael Wolfle (1906-2002). In the early part of his career, he contributed to mainstream experimental psychology in the learning tradition of his time. Wolfle then spent the middle years of his career as a science administrator, both in psychology and in the larger scientific community. At the end of his career, he returned to academia, where he fostered a sense of public service as a professor of public administration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Animal models of human psychology: Critique of science, ethics, and policy by Kenneth J. Shapiro (see record 1998-06437-000). The principle focus of most of this text is on the present-day use of animals in psychological research. In particular, Shapiro examines contemporary animal models of eating disorders, showing how psychology came to rely so heavily on animal models in the first place and how prevalent scientific attitudes about the use of animals in the laboratory have taken shape over the past several decades. In addition, he traces the recent rise of the animal rights movement and highlights the several philosophies upon which it is based. Drawing upon certain historical and empirical analyses, as well as certain themes in contemporary sociology of knowledge, Shapiro attempts to navigate his reader through the twin minefields of impassioned rhetoric and insufficiently examined conceptual commitment to a better understanding of the core issues surrounding the role of animals in scientific psychological investigation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents and obituary for Francis Irwin. For almost 60 years, Irwin devoted himself to learning, creating, and transmitting knowledge at the distinguished level worthy of a person of science and integrity. He labored assiduously to fashion a lasting contribution to his field, producing results and ideas which constitute a major addition to the structure required for a genuine science of behavior. His substantive contributions to psychophysics centered on the many changes occurring in subjects due to their experience in making the required judgments. His research also focused on methods in the psychology of motivation, and he developed his own theory of motivation, an elegant and carefully woven structure based on a clear philosophy of the nature of psychological science, relevant experimental results, and persistent confrontation of the complexities of animal and human motivation. Using the established tools of symbolic logic, as well as inventing a new operation required by an empirical science, Irwin built an inclusive theory of motivation solidly based on past data and theory. Among his many professional activities, Irwin served twice on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Psychological Association. He was also a member of the Society of Experimental Psychologists and served on its Warren Medal Committee. In addition, he had a distinguished career as an editor, editing the Journal of Experimental Psychology from 1942 to 1950 and contributed greatly to the achievement of its eminent status. Irwin died on July 8, 1985. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Psychology and History" was H. Münsterberg's presidential address at the 1898 American Psychological Association conference (see also PA, Vol 81:27847). After a short academic career in Germany, Münsterberg had accepted a chair at Harvard University. In his address, he presented to his American colleagues his conception of psychology as unitary science of the individual human mind. However, this conception that endeavored to import idealistic philosophy from Germany was skeptically received in America where pragmatism prevailed. Münsterberg adapted to his new environment. During the following decade, he incorporated into his theory what he had objected to before: purposive, social, and applied psychology. Yet, Münsterberg's initial conception was a sophisticated design for psychology as a cognitive science. In retrospect, it can be evaluated as a road taken much later. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Irving S. Cooper (1922-1985), the son of a salesman, worked his way through high school, college, and medical school to become one of the pioneers in functional neurosurgery. He developed several novel techniques for the surgical management of Parkinson's disease and other crippling movement disorders. A keen interest in the physiology of movement disorders was kindled by his doctoral research and continued during his neurosurgical training. He began to apply this knowledge to surgical practice in 1952 when he began his faculty career as Assistant Professor of Surgery at New York University. At the time, surgical treatment of parkinsonian tremor focused on various techniques used to interrupt the pyramidal tract. During a subtemporal approach for a cerebral pedunculotomy, he inadvertently injured and, subsequently, was forced to occlude the anterior choroidal artery. Much to Cooper's surprise, following emergence from anesthesia the patient's tremor and rigidity were abolished without any residual hemiparesis. This serendipitous observation, together with Meyer's earlier work on the role of the basal ganglia in motor control, helped focus surgical efforts on targets within the basal ganglia and, subsequently, within the thalamus to alleviate the movement disorders associated with Parkinson's disease. While at New York University, Cooper developed chemopallidectomy and, later at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx (1954-1977), he used cryothalamectomy as a surgical technique for primary control of tremor in patients with Parkinson's disease. Cooper authored many original papers on surgical techniques and several textbooks on the lives of patients afflicted with Parkinson's disease and other crippling movement disorders. Although considered controversial, this fascinating and complex neurosurgeon made significant contributions to this field.  相似文献   

Comments on the article Proverbs as psychological theories...or is it the other way around by Tim Rogers (see record 1991-03999-001). Since Rogers cites the author's own investigation of proverbs (1988)--later expanded into a book-length treatment of popular beliefs (1990)--the author shares his bemuscinent over his continued admiration for oftrepeated beliefs that are demonstrably false and, in some instances (e.g., "Spare the rod and spoil the child"), dangerous. Because he cannot defend the truth value of proverbs, Rogers decides instead to challenge truth as the relevant criterion for judging them. Similarly, even though proverbs A and B may well contradict one another (e.g., Absence makes the heart grow fonder vs. Out of sight, out of mind), he denies that this is troubling since, after all, A will apply in one situation and B in another. Anyone who is not satisfied with this defense is said to be a partisan of "a natural science model of psychology" (p. 200), "logical empiricism," or something he calls "eliminative materialism." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A growing awareness of the biological context of learning and revelations of long-delay learning in the feeding system have stimulated psychologists' interests in the areas of poison avoidance and food aversion. However, relatively little attention has been given to the intimately related area of dietary self-selection. This review covers the literature on dietary selection from various fields including psychology, nutrition, physiology, and agriculture. It is organized methodologically along 2 lines: the method of diet presentation and the method of inducing a nutritional need. The bulk of the existing literature consists of demonstrations of dietary selection. Future studies should proceed beyond simple demonstration to elucidation of underlying mechanisms and factors effecting food selection by animals. Suggestions are made for research on dietary selection by psychologists from such areas as comparative, perceptual, and physiological psychology. (51/2 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The rapid expansion and improvement in poultry production began during the mid-1930s. These enhanced by innovation in technology, science and management on different levels such as on artificial incubation, genetics, breeding, rearing, nutrition, disease control and processing technology. During the past 30 years the total egg production as well as poultry meat production has increased tremendously. The modern poultry industry oriented for high production and better quality at low cost, together with increasing claim of consumers for poultry meat and products, demand continuous efficient and goal oriented veterinary care. For this purpose, in many countries poultry health services supervised by veterinarians in co-operation with a central veterinary diagnostic laboratory, are established. Today the main duties of the poultry veterinarians have changed from therapeutic to prevention objectives. The tasks of the modern veterinary poultry specialists are described.  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by Beach (American Psychologist, 1966[Oct], Vol 21[10], 943-949). On page 943, Footnote 1 should have read "the official opening of three new science buildings at McGill University." (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1967-03566-001.) Students should be trained for the future rather than the present and increasing emphasis should be placed on increasing the understanding of human behavior. "The social environment in which biological science exists and to which it must adapt is currently in a state of rapid and complex change." The environment is ripe for the rapid diversification and expansion of behavioral studies. "All of the conditions are propitious for prompt evolutionary radiation of the parent species biological science.... Various combinations of neurology, endocrinology, microbiology, and psychology have been tried, and some of them have yielded promising results. New permutations must be devised and the resulting strains of biology must be given a chance to survive, to reproduce, and to evolve still further.... Man's greatest problem... is not to understand and exploit his physical environment, but to understand and govern his own conduct.... If he is to survive he must proceed to explore himself and to control his own activities." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gallbladder bile stasis during long-term continuous enteral feeding may contribute to the high prevalence of gallstones in patients with Crohn's disease. We therefore examined the effects of continuous enteral nutrition on gallbladder motility and cholecystokinin (CCK) release in six patients. METHODS: Gallbladder volume was measured ultrasonographically for 12 h on days 1 (start), 8, 22 (6-h interruption of enteral feeding), 36, and 43 (end) of enteral feeding. Plasma CCK was assessed at several time points. RESULTS: Initial fasting gallbladder volume was 19.3 +/- 4.5 (mean +/- SEM) ml, which decreased to 4.9 +/- 3.6 ml after start of feeding. CCK increased from 1.5 +/- 0.3 to 3.9 +/- 1.1 pmol/l. On days 8 and 36 the gallbladder was almost completely contracted, and CCK increased to 7.5 +/- 2.7 and 8.3 +/- 2.6 pmol/l, respectively. On days 22 and 43 gallbladder volume increased, and CCK decreased rapidly to fasting concentrations after interruption of feeding. CONCLUSIONS: During continuous enteral nutrition the gallbladder is completely contracted, and CCK concentrations remain elevated. It is therefore unlikely that long-term enteral nutrition contributes to the increased prevalence of gallstones in patients with Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

John Thibaut died on February 19, 1986, after a five month bout with lung cancer. Characteristically, he lived his last months with dignity and with deep love for his wife and children. With an extensive circle of students, colleagues, and friends he was one of the most loved and respected figures in psychology. Professionally, he had made major contributions to his science and university and had received recognition through election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1978), receipt of the Distinguished Senior Scientist Award from the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (1981), and receipt of the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the American Psychological Association (1983). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Beyond the therapeutic relationship: Behavioral, biological, and cognitive foundations of psychotherapy by Frederic J. Leger (see record 1997-36714-000). Leger has tackled the very large task of presenting an integrative, eclectic theory of psychotherapy which specifies the behavioural, biological, and cognitive processes that underlie psychotherapeutic change. In doing so, he follows in the tradition of other integrationists who have strived to outline frameworks that can encompass the diversity of explanatory emphases and practices in the dozens of present-day psychological therapies. In part, Leger's goal in proposing a "higher-order theory" is to lessen the "confusion which threatens to overwhelm the field" and to hasten a "convergence of scientific opinion." Leger supports his higher-order theory by drawing from a massive amount of literature in areas as seemingly diverse as nonverbal interaction, cognitive science, physiology, neurology, and discursive psychology, as well as from his own clinical experience. And it is the scope of his knowledge and his attempt to focus the reader's attention on the importance of the often ignored influence of therapists' nonverbal behaviours and the frequently taken-for-granted effects of maximal client self-disclosure that are the most impressive features of the book. However, the reviewer feels that the book may not have much impact, first because there have been several previous attempts by other writers to propose models of eclectic psychotherapy or to develop frameworks for integrating diverse forms of psychotherapy, and second because the style in which it is written quickly becomes rather tiresome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors comment on Kinglsey Ferguson's "Forty Years of Useless Research?" (see record 2007-03833-001). Ferguson has raised an important issue for all readers to consider. He has taken a courageous stand and is attempting to stimulate us, as he does his undergraduate students, to explore nondefensively where we stand as a science and what we need to do to improve the quality of our work. It it is only through the respectful marriage of the art and science of psychology that our field will prosper. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on "Social psychology in an era of social change" by K.E. Weick (American Psychologist, 1969, Vol. 24, 990-998). If I interpret Weick correctly, his understanding of the relevance of social psychology to the present era of social change will necessarily be fragmentary. To me the fragment he supplies is enlightening but represents "science as usual" in the face of the uniquely menacing quality of current social change. Domestic and international crises will multiply at an exponential rate if our attitude remains "science as usual." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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