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The oxygen potentials of solid solutions of UO2, PuO2, and the oxides of selected fission-product elements simulating stages in the burnup of a mixed-oxide fuel to 10 atom per cent have been measured at temperatures from 900 to 1100°C. At a given temperature and deviation from stoichiometry, the oxygen potential increases linearly with simulated burnup.  相似文献   

The C3M irradiation test, which was conducted in the experimental fast reactor, “Joyo”, demonstrated that mixed oxide (MOX) fuel pins with austenitic steel cladding could attain a peak pellet burnup of about 130 GWd/t safely. The test fuel assembly consisted of 61 fuel pins, whose design specifications were similar to those of driver fuel pins of a prototype fast breeder reactor, “Monju”. The irradiated fuel pins exhibited diametral strain due to cladding void swelling and irradiation creep. The cladding irradiation creep strain were due to the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) as well as the internal gas pressure. From the fuel pin ceramographs and 137Cs gamma scanning, it was found that the PCMI was associated with the pellet swelling which was enhanced by the rim structure formation or by cesium uranate formation. The PCMI due to cesium uranate, which occurred near the top of the MOX fuel column, significantly affected cladding hoop stress and thermal creep, and the latter effect tended to increase the cumulative damage fraction (CDF) of the cladding though the CDF indicated that the cladding still had some margin to failure due to the creep damage.  相似文献   

The temperature measurements of mixed oxide (MOX) and UO2 fuels during irradiation suggested that the thermal conductivity degradation rate of the MOX fuel with burnup should be slower than that of the UO2 fuel. In order to explain the difference of the degradation rates, the quasi-two phase material model is proposed to assess the thermal conductivity degradation of the MIMAS MOX fuel, which takes into account the Pu agglomerate distributions in the MOX fuel matrix as fabricated. As a result, the quasi-two phase model calculation shows the gradual increase of the difference with burnup and may expect more than 10% higher thermal conductivity values around 75 GWd/t. While these results are not fully suitable for thermal conductivity degradation models implemented by some industrial fuel manufacturers, they are consistent with the results from the irradiation tests and indicate that the inhomogeneity of Pu content in the MOX fuel can be one of the major reasons for the moderation of the thermal conductivity degradation of the MOX fuel.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the OECD/NEA Expert Group on Reactor-based Plutonium disposition (TFRPD), fuel modeling code benchmarks for MOX fuel were initiated. This paper summarizes the calculation results provided by the contributors for the first two fuel performance benchmark problems. A limited sensitivity study of the effect of the rod power uncertainty on code predictions of fuel centerline temperature and fuel pin pressure also was performed and is included in the paper.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2002,29(16):1919-1932
This study is aimed at the development of a fuel cycle concept for host countries with a lack of nuclear infrastructure. Two interrelated criteria, proliferation resistance and high-burnup, form the general framework of the fuel management scenario with the highest priority given to light water reactor technology and plutonium-free fresh fuel. Logically it implies the use of uranium oxide with enrichment close to 20%, whose effective utilization forms the main subject of the present paper. A sequence of two irradiation cycles for the same fuel pins in two different light water reactors is the key feature of the advocated approach. It is found that the synergism of PWR and pressure tube graphite reactor offers fuel burnup up to 140 GWd/tHM. Being as large as 8% in the final isotopic vector, the fraction of 238Pu serves as an inherent protective measure against plutonium proliferation.  相似文献   

New thermal diffusivity data for homogeneous SBR and heterogeneous MIMAS and OCOM MOX fuels are reported. No significant difference between the thermal diffusivity of the homogeneous and heterogeneous fuels was found at the burn-up up to 44 MWd/kgHM. These measurements, combined with previously published results or correlation functions for irradiated UO2 and MOX were compared and it was found that separate correlations for these two fuels are not justified. A correlation for the thermal conductivity of irradiated UO2 and MOX as a function of burn-up and irradiation temperature is proposed.  相似文献   

High-resolution TEM (HRTEM) observations and nano-area EDX analyses were carried out on small intragranular bubbles in the outer region of high burnup UO2 pellets. Sample was prepered from the outer region of UO2 pellet, which had been irradiated to the pellet average burnups of 49 GWd/t in a BWR. HRTEM observations and element analyses were made with a 200 KV cold-type field emission TEM (Hitachi FE-2000) having an ultra-thin window EDX (Noran Voyager). Lattice image and nano-area EDX results indicate the presence of 4-8 nm size Xe-Kr bubbles along with fission products of five metal particles, Mo-Tc-Ru-Rh-Pd. Nano-diffraction patterns from bubbles show two different new patterns besides matrix UO2. From the Xe/U proportion obtained by nano-area EDX peak and nano-diffraction patterns from bubbles, it was concluded that Xe in the small bubbles was present in a solid or near solid state at very high pressure. Furthermore, from the results of high resolution images and diffractions obtained from recrystallized grains in rim structure region, neighboring recrystallized grains were clarified to be present with high angle grain boundaries.  相似文献   

Cladding creep rupture is thought to be the most likely and limiting failure mechanism of spent fuel in dry storage. In spite of being highly unlikely, the current trend towards high burnups is drawing further attention to the potential creep effect on cladding integrity of fuels burnt over 45 GWd/tU.This paper explores the burnup influence on cladding creep during dry storage by modelling two different high burnup scenarios (51 GWd/tU and 67 GWd/tU). In addition, sensitivity of the results to the in-reactor average power and power history has been conducted. The computation tool used in this study has been an extension of FRAPCON-3.4 capable of simulating dry storage scenarios. Burnup and average linear power have been shown to make creep grow quite substantially during the first two years in dry storage, adopting a quasi-asymptotic trend from then on. However, even though this profile seems to have a generic nature, the net creep value reached depends not just on integral and average variables, but also on magnitudes describing the entire irradiation history, like linear power history. In none of the cases explored creep approaches the 1% threshold. In-reactor FGR modelling has been highlighted as a key element to get accurate estimates of creep.  相似文献   


For 45 years TN International has been involved in the radioactive materials transportation field. Since the beginning the spent nuclear fuel transportation has been its core business. During all these years TN International, now part of AREVA, has been able to anticipate and fulfil the needs for new transport or storage casks design to fit the nuclear industry evolutions. A whole fleet of casks able to transport all the materials of the nuclear fuel cycle has been developed. This paper focuses on the casks used to transport the fresh and used mix oxide (MOX) fuel. To transport the fresh MOX boiling water reactor and pressurised water reactors fuel, TN International has developed two designs of casks: the MX 6 and the MX 8. These casks are and have been used to transport MOX fuel for French, German, Swiss and in a near future Japanese nuclear power plants. A complete set of baskets have been developed to optimise the loading in terms of integrated dose and also of course capacity. Mixed oxide used fuel has now its dedicated cask: the TN 112 which certificate of approval has been obtained in July 2008. This cask is able to transport 12 MOX spent fuel elements with a short cooling time. The first loading of the cask has been performed in September 2008 in the Electricité de France nuclear power plant of Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux. By its continuous involvement in the nuclear transportation field, TN International has been able to face the many challenges linked to the radioactive materials transportation especially talking of MOX fuel. TN International will also have to face the increasing demand linked to the nuclear renaissance.  相似文献   

The radial temperature distribution of plutonium and uranium mixed oxide powder loaded into a cylindrical vessel was measured in air and argon gas, and the effective thermal conductivity was calculated from the measured temperature distribution and the decay heat. The effective thermal conductivities were small values of 0.061-0.13 W m-1 K-1 at about 318 K, and changed significantly with O/M, bulk density and atmospheric gas. The results in this work were analyzed by the model of Hamilton and Crosser and a new model for the effective thermal conductivity of the powder was derived as functions of powder properties and thermal conductivity of atmospheric gas.  相似文献   

When spent Light Water Reactor fuels are processed by the standard Purex method of reprocessing, plutonium (Pu) and uranium (U) in spent fuel are obtained as pure and separate streams. The recovered Pu has a fissile content (consisting of 239Pu and 241Pu) greater than 60% typically (although it mainly depends on discharge burnup of spent fuel). The recovered Pu can be recycled as mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel after being blended with a fertile U makeup in a MOX fabrication plant. The burnup that can be obtained from MOX fuel depends on: (1) isotopic composition of Pu, which is closely related to the discharge burnup of spent fuel from which Pu is recovered; (2) the type of fertile U makeup material used (depleted U, natural U, or recovered U); and (3) fraction of makeup material in the mix (blending ratio), which in turn determines the total fissile fraction of MOX. Using the Non-linear Reactivity Model and the code MONTEBURNS, a step-by-step procedure for computing the total fissile content of MOX is introduced. As was intended, the resulting expression is simple enough for quick/hand calculations of total fissile content of MOX required to reach a desired burnup for a given discharge burnup of spent fuel and for a specified fertile U makeup. In any case, due to non-fissile (parasitic) content of recovered Pu, a greater fissile fraction in MOX than that in fresh U is required to obtain the same burnup as can be obtained by the fresh U fuel.  相似文献   

修改并验证了分析程序FEMAXI-IVM,增加了程序的适用范围。对采用M5合金包壳的FA300-4高性能燃料组件中的燃料棒在稳态和瞬态运行工况下的燃料性能进行了分析。结果表明,此种燃料棒在稳态和瞬态工况下都能保持其完整性,能保证反应堆的安全运行。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition and amount of plutonium (Pu) in spent fuel from a high burnup boiling water reactor (HB-BWR) and a high burnup pressurized water reactor (HB-PWR), each with an average discharge burnup of 70 GWd/t, were estimated, in order to evaluate fast breeder reactor (FBR) fuel composition in the transition period from LWRs to FBRs.  相似文献   


The current uncertainty surrounding the licensing and eventual opening of a long term geologic repository for the nation’s civilian and defense spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste has shifted the window for the length of time spent fuel could be stored to periods of time significantly longer than the current licensing period of 40 years for dry storage. An alternative approach may be needed to the licensing of high burnup fuel for storage and transportation based on the assumption that spent fuel cladding may not always remain intact. The approach would permit spent fuel to be retrieved on a canister basis and could lessen the need for repackaging of spent fuel. This approach is being presented as a possible engineering solution to address the uncertainties and lack of data availability for cladding properties for high burnup fuel and extended storage time frames. The proposed approach does not involve relaxing current safety standards for criticality safety, containment, or permissible external dose rates.  相似文献   

Conclusions The results of testing in a multipurpose reactor and post-irradiation examinations indicate satisfactory performance of the fuel element for the VVÉR-1000, which is designed for a 3-year run. In addition to the computational data, the experimental data were used to substantiate the performance of fuel elements when fuel burnup is increased and atomic power plants are switched from the VVÉR-1000 to a 3-year cycle (with an average burnup of 40 MW-day/kg).I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 116–120. February, 1992.  相似文献   

A simulated burnup UO2 based fuel (150 GWd/t) was prepared by solid-state reactions. The phase equilibria of the simulated fuel were evaluated by XRD and SEM/EDX analysis. Nanoindentation tests were performed for the simulated fuel at room temperature in air. The modulus and hardness of the matrix phase and oxide precipitates that exit in the simulated fuel were directly evaluated by the nanoindentation.  相似文献   

In light water commercial reactors, extensive change of grain structure was found at high burnup ceramic fuels. The mechanism is driven by bombardment of fission energy fragments and studies were conducted by combining accelerator based experiments and computer-science. Specimen of CeO2 was used as simulation material of fuel ceramics. With swift heavy ion (Xe) irradiation on CeO2, with 210 MeV, change of valence charge and lattice deviation of cations were observed by XPS and XRD. Combined irradiations of Xe implantation and swift heavy ion irradiation successfully produced sub-micrometer sized sub-grains, similar as that observed in commercial fuels. Studying components of mechanism scenarios, with first principle calculations using the VASP code, we found stable hyper-stoichiometric defect structures of UO2+x. Molecular dynamics studies revealed stability of Xe planar defects and also found rapid transport mode of oxygen-vacancy clusters.  相似文献   

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