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In the present work, thermal expansion behavior of lower valent sodium uranium molybdates, i.e., Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were studied under vacuum in the temperature range of 298-873 K using high temperature X-ray diffractometry (HTXRD). Expansion behaviors of UMoO5 and UMoO6 were also studied in vacuum from 298 to 873 K and 773 K, respectively. UMoO5 was synthesized by reacting UO2 with MoO3 in equi-molar proportion in evacuated sealed quartz ampoule at 1173 K for 14 h. Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were prepared by reacting UMoO5 and MoO3 with 1 and 2 moles of Na2MoO4, respectively, at 873 K in evacuated sealed quartz ampoule. XRD data of UMoO5 and UMoO6 were indexed on orthorhombic and monoclinic systems, respectively, whereas, the data of Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were indexed on tetragonal system. The lattice parameters and cell volume of all the four compounds, fit into polynomial expression with respect to temperature, showed positive thermal expansion (PTE) up to 873 K.  相似文献   

The quaternary Tl-Pu-Mo-O system was investigated for the first time and two new quaternary compounds Tl2Pu(MoO4)3 and Tl4Pu(MoO4)4 were synthesized by solid state reactions of Tl2MoO4 with Pu(MoO4)2 in 1:1 and 2:1 molar proportions at 773 K and 823 K, respectively. X-ray powder diffraction data of these compounds were indexed on orthorhombic system. Thermogravimetric (TG) curves of Tl2Pu(MoO4)3 and Tl4Pu(MoO4)4 were recorded in air and no significant weight changes were observed up to 973 K and 1033 K, respectively. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) curves of Tl2Pu(MoO4)3 and Tl4Pu(MoO4)4 showed endothermic peaks due to the melting of the compounds at 838 K and 1013 K, respectively. Non-isothermal kinetics of decomposition of Tl2Pu(MoO4)3 and Tl4Pu(MoO4)4 in air was studied using thermogravimetric technique. Tl2Pu(MoO4)3 and Tl4Pu(MoO4)4 when heated up to 1673 K decomposed to Tl2O and MoO3 in the gaseous form, giving solid PuO2 as an end product. The reactions followed unimolecular nucleation and growth mechanism with activation energies of 106 kJ/mol and 157 kJ/mol, respectively.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the pre-dose effect was carried out for natural white mica. A pre-dose of 1 kGy of γ-radiation followed by thermal activation to 550 °C of fired mica (heated at 800 °C for 10 h) leads to a large increase in the TL sensitivity. The TL response to γ-rays of sensitized aliquots was found to be linear-sublinear while that of unsensitized aliquots was linear-superlinear referring specifically to graphs drawn on a linear-linear scale. The change in the TL sensitivity of mica was explained by using the recombination during heating model. This study is of importance in dating and retrospective dosimetry.  相似文献   

Irradiation of IR Free Electron Laser at Tokyo University of Science (FEL-TUS) to t-butyl isonitrile ((CH3)3CNC) in the gas phase induced the isomerization reaction to trimethylacetonitrile ((CH3)3CCN). From the kinetic analyses, the isomerization reaction was attributed to the IR multiphoton activated unimolecular process. The wide frequency tunability of FEL-TUS enabled us to reveal that the excitation of the NC as well as the CN stretching motion efficiently drove the isomerization.  相似文献   

离子液体具有独特的物理化学性质,可以参与或影响两亲分子自组装。离子液体介质中的自组装研究所涉及的两亲分子多为有机化合物,而金属配合物在离子液体中的组装鲜有报道。另外,萃取剂正辛基苯基-N,N-二异丁基胺基甲酰基甲基氧化膦(CMPO)在1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑双三氟甲基磺酰亚胺盐(C2mimNTf2)中萃取UO2+2时形成的萃合物结构组成有待深入研究。本工作探究了UO2(CMPO)3(NO3)2在C2mimNTf2中的组装行为。原位透射电镜(原位TEM)研究表明:UO2(CMPO)3(NO3)2在C2mimNTf2(含70μL水)中形成聚集体,冷冻刻蚀电镜(FF-TEM)显示该聚集体是胶束。此外,研究了CMPO-C2mimNTf2体系萃取UO2+2时形成的萃合物组成。离子色谱结果表明:萃取前后水相中NO-3浓度变化不大,电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)上均为UO2(CMPO)3(NTf2)2的碎片离子峰,这些结果说明:CMPO-C2mimNTf2体系萃取UO2+2时形成的萃合物组成为UO2(CMPO)3(NTf2)2而非UO2(CMPO)3(NO3)2。这有助于深入了解金属配合物在离子液体中的组装行为,并对理解CMPO-C2mimNTf2体系萃取UO2+2的机理提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

利用文献报道的Th(NO3)4-UO2(NO3)2-HNO3-H2O/30%TBP-正十二烷体系各组分的分配比实验数据对现有的分配比模型进行分析和比对,提出了一个计算该体系各组分分配比的新模型。利用34组实验数据对新模型进行了验证,符合情况良好。计算结果表明,本文提出的模型明显优于原模型,可作为Th(NO3)4-UO2(NO3)2-HNO3-H2O/30%TBP-正十二烷萃取体系中Th(Ⅳ)、U(Ⅵ)和HNO3萃取行为计算机模拟的基础。模型建立的条件为:温度,25℃;U(Ⅵ)浓度,0~100g/L;Th(Ⅳ)浓度,0~232g/L;硝酸浓度,0~4.5mol/L。  相似文献   

The heats of formation of (U,Mo)Al3 intermetallic compounds were obtained by measuring the reaction heats of U-Mo/Al dispersion samples by differential scanning calorimetry. Based on literature data for the reaction heats of U3Si/Al and U3Si2/Al dispersion samples, the heats of formation of U(Al,Si)3 as a function of the Si content were calculated. The heat of formation of (U,Mo)Al3 becomes less negative as the Mo content increases. Conversely, the heat of formation of U(Al,Si)3 becomes more negative with increasing Si content.  相似文献   

Thermoanalytical (TG-DTA-EGA) and X-ray diffraction measurements have been used to study the reaction between uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and strontium nitrate. The results confirmed the absence of a direct interaction between the two compounds. The presence of strontium nitrate, however, ensured that the extent of hydrolysis and polymerisation of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate during its dehydration and decomposition to UO3 is significantly reduced. DTA curves recorded in both heating and cooling modes gave evidence to the occurrence of a reaction between molten strontium nitrate and uranium trioxide to form nitrato-complexes of uranium and strontium. X-ray diffraction data on reaction residues obtained at different temperatures and cooled to room temperature also showed evidence for the formation of such complexes. The results obtained indicated an increase in thermal stability of these nitrato-complexes with increase in Sr/U ratio. The complex with an Sr/U ratio of 2.0 is stable up to 660 °C and the complex with Sr/U ratio of 4.0 is stable up to 680 °C. These complexes decompose at higher temperatures to give strontium uranates.  相似文献   

Previous knowledge states that (U,Zr)Al3 and U(Al,Si)3 phases with Zr and Si content higher than 6 at.% (7.7 wt%) and 4 at.% (1.4 wt%), respectively, does not partially transform to UAl4 at 600 °C. In this work, four alloys within the quaternary system U-Al-Si-Zr were made with a fixed nominal 0.18 at.% (0.1 wt%) Si content in order to assess the synergetic effect of both Zr and Si alloying elements to the thermodynamic stability of the (U,Zr)(Al,Si)3 phase. Heat treatments at 600 °C were undertaken and samples were analyzed by means of XRD, EPMA and EDS techniques. A remarkable conclusion is that addition of 0.3 at.% Si in the (U,Zr)(Al,Si)3 phase reduces in 2.7 at.% the necessary Zr content to inhibit its transformation to U(Al,Si)4.  相似文献   

The linear differential scattering coefficients at 60 keV have been measured for UO2(C2H3O2)2 · 2H2O (uranyl-acetate) and Th(NO3)4 · 5H2O (thorium-nitrate) radioactive compounds at seven angles ranging from 60° to 120° at intervals 10°. The obtained results have been compared with relativistic and non-relativistic theoretical values.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence properties of nanocrystalline K2Ca2(SO4)3:Eu prepared by ball milling technique have been studied and the nanophosphor’s suitability as an effective gamma radiation and proton beam dosimeter material has been examined. It is found that the nanophosphor is suitable for dosimetry over a very wide range of doses ∼1 Gy to 1 kGy for gamma radiation. And for proton beam the same nanophosphor shows a more or less linear response for the dose range 0.1-100 Gy. A comparative study of this nanophosphor with its corresponding microcrystalline form (prepared by solid-state diffusion method) as well as the nanocrystalline form prepared by (the more conventional) co-precipitation technique has shown that the nanophosphor prepared by the ball milling technique is in almost all respects better than the other two forms reported earlier.  相似文献   

Solid state reactions between uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and nickel nitrate hexahydrate in mixtures of various ratios have been studied at elevated temperatures. The binary system of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and nickel nitrate hexahydrate was found to form a eutectic of composition 53 mol% uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and 47 mol% nickel nitrate hexahydrate at 40 °C. The overlap of evolution of nitric oxide (NO) and water vapour above 230 °C confirmed the presence of hydroxynitrates of uranium and nickel as intermediate products. These hydroxynitrates began to react above 280 °C to form nickel uranate, NiU3O10, in the case of mixtures containing 75 mol% uranyl nitrate hexahydrate. When the proportion of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate in the mixture was higher than 75 mol%, U3O8 formed along with nickel uranate. For the mixtures containing uranyl nitrate hexahydrate lower than 75 mol%, NiO was observed to form along with NiU3O10.  相似文献   

The high-temperature specific heat of solid UO2, ThO2, and Al2O3 can be represented by an equation of the form Cp(s) = 3nRF(?D/T) + dT3, (1) where ?D is the Debye temperature, F(?D/T) is the Debye function, d represents contributions of the anharmonic vibrations within the lattice, and n denotes the number of atoms per molecule. In the liquid the corresponding equation is Cp(1) = 3nRF(?D/T) + hT2, (2) where h is the anharmonic term. It is shown that for Al2O3 and UO2, where experimental data for the liquid phase are also available, dh has the same value, Indicating that both materials behave identically. If we compare the thermodynamic relationship Cp ? Cv = Vα2KT, (3) where V is the volume, α the volume expansion coefficient, and K the bulk modulus, with equation (1), It follows that d must be equal to 2KT2; the value of 2KT2 is calculated in the temperature region where d was obtained; within experimental error they are equal.  相似文献   

The amorphous behaviour of (Sb0.1Ge0.3Se0.6) and Ag5(Sb0.1Ge0.3Se0.6)95 chalcogenide thin film materials deposited at room temperature onto glass substrates by thermal evaporation process was investigated using X-ray diffraction technique. The surface morphology as well as the elemental chemical composition of the as-deposited films was investigated via scanning electron microscopy. The optical transmission and reflection spectra of as-deposited films and that exposed for different γ-dose were recorded at room temperature in the wavelength range of 600-2500 nm. Systematic studies of the refractive index, extinction coefficient and optical band gap have been presented as a function of the γ-dose. The dispersion of the refractive index for such films is discussed in terms of the single-oscillator Wemple-DiDomenico model, which was presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, the thermoluminescence (TL) dosimetric characteristics of Al-doped LiB3O5 compounds are presented. The powder samples were prepared by the solid-state reaction method and the formation of the compounds were confirmed by an X-ray diffraction study. The TL studies of undoped and Al-doped LiB3O5 samples showed similar glow curve structures. They have three TL glow peaks at about 60, 130 and 200 °C after heating at a constant heating rate of 1 °C/s. Their comparative TL studies indicated that 5 wt% Al-doped LiB3O5 compound was approximately 240 times more sensitive than undoped compound. The TL emission spectra of Al-doped LiB3O5 showed a maximum band at around 520 nm. The main dosimetric characteristics, which are namely the TL dose response, TL sensitivity, fading, minimum detectable dose, reproducibility, precision of dose measurement and annealing procedure, indicated that Al-doped LiB3O5 sample, can be used in dosimetric applications. The trap parameters namely order of kinetics (b), activation energy (E) and frequency factor (s) associated with the glow peaks in beta irradiated undoped and Al-doped LiB3O5 samples were obtained by glow curve deconvolution (GCD) program.  相似文献   

Iodine-131 is one of the most important volatile fission product elements with respect to radiobiological impact, and the characterisation of its chemical state and distribution on reactor surfaces is required for reactor safety assessments. To this end, duplicate samples of Type 316 (17%Cr/12% Ni) stainless steel oxidised in CO2/CH3I gas mixtures and previously characterised using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been examined using Raman spectroscopy. The aim is to improve our understanding of the way in which iodine is distributed throughout the oxide scale and to identify its chemical state. In this paper we present Raman spectra recorded from a series of stainless steel specimens together with spectra recorded from a number of standard iodine compounds. It is demonstrated that the technique is well suited as a fingerprint method of species identification, can differentiate between the chemical state of iodine as iodide and iodate and can analyse thin oxide films (5–50 nm). Identification of iodine deposits in these oxide films at concentrations of 2 at% was not achieved however, there being insufficient iodine present to distinguish any peaks present from the background signal. It is concluded that local concentrations of iodine in oxide inclusions of different composition/morphology on the steel surface does not occur to any extent.  相似文献   

The oxygen potentials over the phase field: Cs4U5O17(s)+Cs2U2O7(s)+Cs2U4O12(s) was determined by measuring the emf values between 1048 and 1206 K using a solid oxide electrolyte galvanic cell. The oxygen potential existing over the phase field for a given temperature can be represented by: Δμ(O2) (kJ/mol) (±0.5)=−272.0+0.207T (K). The differential thermal analysis showed that Cs4U5O17(s) is stable in air up to 1273 K. The molar Gibbs energy formation of Cs4U5O17(s) was calculated from the above oxygen potentials and can be given by, ΔfG0 (kJ/mol)±6=−7729+1.681T (K). The enthalpy measurements on Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) were carried out from 368.3 to 905 K and 430 to 852 K respectively, using a high temperature Calvet calorimeter. The enthalpy increments, (H0TH0298), in J/mol for Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) can be represented by, H0TH0298.15 (Cs4U5O17) kJ/mol±0.9=−188.221+0.518T (K)+0.433×10−3T2 (K)−2.052×10−5T3 (K) (368 to 905 K) and H0TH0298.15 (Cs2U2O7) kJ/mol±0.5=−164.210+0.390T (K)+0.104×10−4T2 (K)+0.140×105(1/T (K)) (411 to 860 K). The thermal properties of Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) were derived from the experimental values. The enthalpy of formation of (Cs4U5O17, s) at 298.15 K was calculated by the second law method and is: ΔfH0298.15=−7645.0±4.2 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

The γ spectrometry analysis method for 228Ra in water based on Fe(OH)3-CaCO3 carrier was developed, which is suitable for the analysis of 228Ra in environmental water. The enrichment method of 228Ra in water was carried out by Fe(OH)3-CaCO3 co-precipitation method. The enriched 228Ra was further loaded by Ba(Ra)SO4 co-precipitation method, and 228Ra was determined by 133Ba tracer method. The full recovery rate was measured using high-purity Ge γ spectrometer to measure the characteristic γ energy of the decaying daughter 228Ac, which reached the radioactive equilibrium with 228Ra, thereby obtaining the analysis result of 228Ra. Through the calibration of 5 L water sample, it is known that the recovery rate of 228Ra is in the range of 81.8%-87.5%. The relative deviation of the water sample measurement is 1.7%-5.3%, and the detection limit of this method is 57.2 mBq/L.  相似文献   

The kinetics of CRUD oxidation by H2O2 has been studied using aqueous suspensions of metal oxide powder. Fe3O4, Fe2CoO4 and Fe2NiO4 were used as model compounds for CRUD. In addition, the activation energies for the reaction between H2O2 and the three CRUD models were determined. The rate constants at room temperature were determined to 6.6 (±0.4) × 10−9, 3.4 (±0.4) × 10−8 and 1.6 × 10−10 m min−1 for Fe3O4, Fe2CoO4 and Fe2NiO4, respectively. The corresponding activation energies are 52 ± 4, 44 ± 5 and 57 ± 7 kJ mol−1, respectively. The mechanism of the reaction is briefly discussed indicating that the final solid product in all three cases is Fe2O3. In addition to the experimental studies, the theoretical grounds for kinetics of reactions in particle suspensions are discussed. The theoretical discussion is also used to explain the somewhat unexpected trends in reactivity observed experimentally.  相似文献   

最常用的吸碘用浸渍剂三乙烯二胺(TEDA)存在着蒸汽压高、闪点低等缺点,使得TEDA浸渍炭仅能在390K下使用,而六亚甲基四胺(HMTA)具有高闪点和低挥发性的优点,可作为TEDA的替代材料。在27℃、相对湿度介于95%~96.5%的条件下,测试了HMTA浸渍活性炭富集碘过程中几项参数的影响。结果表明:对于本实验所使用的煤质活性炭,w=5%的HMTA浸渍量和30min的烘干时间是最适宜的,pH值的降低以及活性炭与空气接触则会降低吸附效率。本工作为进一步研究HMTA作为除碘用浸渍剂提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

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