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A new chlorination method using ZrCl4 in a molten salt bath has been investigated for the pyrometallurgical reprocessing of nuclear fuels. ZrCl4 has a high reactivity with oxygen but is not corrosive to refractory metals such as steel. Rare earth oxides (La2O3, CeO2, Nd2O3 and Y2O3) and actinide oxides (UO2 and PuO2) were allowed to react with ZrCl4 in a LiCl-KCl eutectic salt at 773 K to give a metal chloride solution and a precipitate of ZrO2. An addition of zirconium metal as a reductant was effective in chlorinating the dioxides. When the oxides were in powder form, the reaction was observed to progress rapidly. Cyclic voltammetry provided a convenient way of establishing when the reaction was completed. It was demonstrated that the ZrCl4 chlorination method, free from corrosive gas, was very simple and useful.  相似文献   

The composition of oxides formed on steel surfaces within power reactors may influence heat transfer efficiency. Previous studies have indicated that carbon is deposited on spinal-type oxides containing manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel and chromium. In this investigation, characterised manganese oxides have been subjected to γ-irradiation under conditions similar to those experienced in reactors in an effort to understand the catalytic processes involved in deposit initiation and growth. Mn3O4 and Mn2O3, under the conditions present in the γ-cell, were reduced to MnO during the time of exposure. Relative carbon deposition rates were observed to follow the trend MnO>Mn3O4≈Mn2O3.  相似文献   

The knowledge of thermophysical properties of the rare earth uranium ternary oxides of the type RE6UO12 (RE=La, Gd and Dy) is essential to understand the fuel performance during reactor operation and for modeling fuel behavior. Literature on the high temperature properties of this compound is not available and there is no report at all on the thermal conductivity of these compounds. Hence a study of thermal conductivity of this compound has been taken up. The compounds were synthesized by a solution combustion method using metal nitrates and urea. Thermal diffusivity of these compounds was measured by the laser flash method in the temperature range 673-1373 K. The specific heat data was computed using Neumann-Kopp’s law. Thermal conductivity was calculated using the measured thermal diffusivity value, density and specific heat data for different temperatures. The temperature dependence of thermal conductivity and the implication of structural aspects of these compounds on the data are discussed here.  相似文献   

Single crystals of the ABO3 phases CaTiO3, SrTiO3, BaTiO3, LiNbO3, KNbO3, LiTaO3, and KTaO3 were irradiated by 800 keV Kr+, Xe+, or Ne+ ions over the temperature range from 20 to 1100 K. The critical amorphization temperature, Tc, above which radiation-induced amorphization does not occur varied from approximately 450 K for the titanate compositions to more than 850 K for the tantalates. While the absolute ranking of increasing critical amorphization temperatures could not be explained by any simple physical parameter associated with the ABO3 oxides, within each chemical group defined by the B-site cation (i.e., within the titanates, niobates, and tantalates), Tc tends to increase with increasing mass of the A-site cation. Tc was lower for the Ne+ irradiations as compared to Kr+, but it was approximately the same for the irradiations with Kr+ or Xe+. Thermal recrystallization experiments were performed on the ion-beam-amorphized thin sections in situ in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). In the high vacuum environment of the microscope, the titanates recrystallized epitaxially from the thick areas of the TEM specimens at temperatures of 800–850 K. The niobates and tantalates did not recrystallize epitaxially, but instead, new crystals nucleated and grew in the amorphous region in the temperature range 825–925 K. These new crystallites apparently retain some ‘memory' of the original crystal orientation prior to ion-beam amorphization.  相似文献   

Swift gold ions (185 MeV) were used to systematically investigate the radiation damage response of delta phase compounds Sc4Zr3O12 and Lu4Zr3O12 in the electronic energy loss regime. Ion irradiation-induced microstructural modifications were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD investigations indicate a phase transformation from ordered rhombohedral to disordered fluorite (O-D) in both compounds, with the Sc compound transforming at a higher ion fluence compared with the Lu compound. This result is consistent with our previous study on Sc4Zr3O12 and Lu4Zr3O12 under displacive radiation environment in which the nuclear energy loss is dominant. High resolution TEM revealed that individual ion tracks maintain crystalline structure, while the core region experiences an O-D phase transformation. TEM observations also suggest that for the doses in which the tracks overlap, the O-D phase transformation occurs across the entire ion range.  相似文献   

闪烁探测器在射线能量与时间的探测中发挥着重要作用。针对国产新型溴化铈(CeBr3)闪烁晶体,本文建立实验系统和方法对其关键性能指标进行了测试,具体包括:建立了快符合时间分辨系统测量装置,测试得到新型闪烁探测器对于60Co源的时间分辨率为142 ps;建立了单光子计数法测量装置,测试得到溴化铈晶体的衰减时间为16.8 ns,上升时间为0.18 ns;建立了相对光输出测量装置,测试得到其相对于同规格NaI(Tl)闪烁体探测器对于661.66 keV射线的光输出为161%;同时针对其能量响应性能进行了测试,测得对于661.66 keV射线其能量分辨率为4.7%。将国产新型溴化铈闪烁晶体的性能测试结果与国际上同类晶体以及氟化钡、溴化镧、碘化钠等常用无机闪烁体的性能进行了比较,对其应用前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Thermoanalytical (TG-DTA-EGA) and X-ray diffraction measurements have been used to study the reaction between uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and strontium nitrate. The results confirmed the absence of a direct interaction between the two compounds. The presence of strontium nitrate, however, ensured that the extent of hydrolysis and polymerisation of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate during its dehydration and decomposition to UO3 is significantly reduced. DTA curves recorded in both heating and cooling modes gave evidence to the occurrence of a reaction between molten strontium nitrate and uranium trioxide to form nitrato-complexes of uranium and strontium. X-ray diffraction data on reaction residues obtained at different temperatures and cooled to room temperature also showed evidence for the formation of such complexes. The results obtained indicated an increase in thermal stability of these nitrato-complexes with increase in Sr/U ratio. The complex with an Sr/U ratio of 2.0 is stable up to 660 °C and the complex with Sr/U ratio of 4.0 is stable up to 680 °C. These complexes decompose at higher temperatures to give strontium uranates.  相似文献   

First-principle calculations in the framework of the full-potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave method (FLAPW, as implemented into the WIEN-2k code) have been performed to understand the structural, elastic, cohesive and electronic properties of the meta-stable cubic strontium thorate SrThO3. The optimized lattice parameters, elastic parameters, formation energies, densities of states, band structures and charge density distributions are obtained and discussed in comparison with those of cubic SrZrO3 and ThO2.  相似文献   

The incorporation of gadolinium directly into nuclear fuel is important regarding reactivity compensation, which enables longer fuel cycles. The incorporation of Gd2O3 powder directly into the UO2 powder by dry mechanical blending is the most attractive process, because of its simplicity. Nevertheless, processing by this method leads to difficulties while obtaining sintered pellets with the minimum required density. This is due to the bad sintering behavior of the UO2-Gd2O3 mixed fuel, which shows a blockage in the sintering process that hinder the densification process. Minimal information exists regarding the possible mechanisms for this blockage and this is restricted to the hypothesis based on the formation of a low diffusivity Gd rich (U,Gd)O2 phase. The objective of this investigation was to study the phase formation in this system, thus contributing to clarifying the causes of the blockage. Experimental evidence indicated the existence of phases in the (U,Gd)O2 system that revealed structures different from the fluorite-type UO2 structure. These phases appear to be isostructural to the phases observed in the rare earth-oxygen system.  相似文献   

ThO2 containing around 2-3% 233UO2 is the proposed fuel for the forthcoming Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). This fuel is prepared by powder metallurgy technique using ThO2 and U3O8 powders as the starting material. The densification behaviour of the fuel was evaluated using a high temperature dilatometer in four different atmospheres Ar, Ar-8%H2, CO2 and air. Air was found to be the best medium for sintering among them. For Ar and Ar-8%H2 atmospheres, the former gave a slightly higher densification. Thermogravimetric studies carried out on ThO2-2%U3O8 granules in air showed a continuous decrease in weight up to 1500 °C. The effectiveness of U3O8 in enhancing the sintering of ThO2 has been established.  相似文献   

为提高UO3活性、降低铀转化生产成本,以硝酸铀酰溶液为原料、丙烷燃烧产生的高温气体为热源,采用高压喷雾技术制备了高活性UO3粉末。探讨了硝酸铀酰溶液中的铀浓度和反应温度对UO3活性的影响,并分析了高压喷嘴结构对UO3粉末粒度分布的影响。实验结果表明,在反应温度400 ℃、反应压力-100 Pa等控制条件下,采用雾化干燥技术制备的UO3比表面积可达18 m2/g,粉末粒径在15~50 μm之间,说明制备的UO3活性较好。其原因是高温高速气流与雾化液滴横向接触时,不仅发生了高速气体对液滴的撕裂作用,也存在高温条件下水气化导致液滴破裂的过程。同时也显示该工艺具有潜在的工业应用价值。  相似文献   

The phase diagrams of the LiF-LnF3 series, where Ln = La-Sm, and of LiF-AnF3, where An = U, Pu, have been optimized using Redlich-Kister functions. The phase diagrams of LiF-AmF3 and LiF-PuF3-AmF3 have been calculated. The necessary Gibbs energy functions for americium trifluoride were defined by use of a semi-empirical method. The excess Gibbs energy terms, which are expressed as Redlich-Kister polynomials and describe the effect of interaction between the two fluoride components in the liquid phase, were obtained by translating the trends observed in the lanthanide trifluoride series into the actinide series. A single eutectic has been found in the LiF-AmF3 system with the eutectic point at ?33 mole% AmF3 and at ?951 K.  相似文献   

建立了一种快速降低萃取系统压力的静态络合萃取实验装置。在此装置上研究了含TBP-HNO3超临界CO2静态络合U3O8的快速气化测量方法,探索了含TBP-HNO3超临界CO2静态络合萃取U3O8的行为规律。  相似文献   

The release of tritium from Li2TiO3 and Li2ZrO3 pebbles, in batch experiments, is studied by means of temperature programmed desorption. Data reduction focuses on the analysis of the non-oxidized and oxidized tritium components in terms of release limited by diffusion from the bulk of ceramic grains, or by first or second order surface desorption. By analytical and numerical methods the in-furnace tritium release is deconvoluted from the ionization chamber transfer functions, for which a semi-empirical form is established. The release from Li2TiO3 follows second order desorption kinetics, requiring a temperature for a residence time of 1 day (T1dRes) of 620 K, and 603 K, of the non-oxidized, and the oxidized components, respectively. The release from Li2ZrO3 appears as limited by either diffusion from the bulk of the ceramic grains, or by first order surface desorption, the first possibility being the more probable. The respective values of T1dRes for the non-oxidized component are 661 K, according to the first order surface desorption model, and 735 K within the bulk diffusion limited model.  相似文献   

Irradiation of IR Free Electron Laser at Tokyo University of Science (FEL-TUS) to t-butyl isonitrile ((CH3)3CNC) in the gas phase induced the isomerization reaction to trimethylacetonitrile ((CH3)3CCN). From the kinetic analyses, the isomerization reaction was attributed to the IR multiphoton activated unimolecular process. The wide frequency tunability of FEL-TUS enabled us to reveal that the excitation of the NC as well as the CN stretching motion efficiently drove the isomerization.  相似文献   

Bulk-compositional changes of Ni2Al3 and NiAl3 in a Ni-50 wt% Al alloy during ion etching have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analyses. After etching with 7, 5 and 3 keV Ar+ ions for 15, 24 and 100 h nickel contents in both Ni2Al3 and NiAl3 exceeded greatly those in the initial compounds and increased with the decrement of the sputtering energy. After 100 h etching with 3 keV Ar+ ions the compositions of these two compounds reached a similar value, about Ni80-83Al12-15Fe3-4Cr1-2 (at%). A synergistic action of preferential sputtering, radiation-induced segregation and radiation-enhanced diffusion enables the altered-layers at the top and bottom of the film extend through the whole film. The bulk-compositional changes are proposed to occur in the unsteady-state sputtering regime of ion etching and caused by an insufficient supply of matter in a thin film.  相似文献   

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