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介绍了高炉炉渣在建材工业中的应用。  相似文献   

众所周知,水泥生产每年要消耗大量的矿产资源。如何做好循环经济这篇文章,充分利用各种工业废弃物来生产符合国家标准要求的产品,是摆在每一个水泥企业面前的重大课题。  相似文献   

高钛高炉渣在混凝土材料中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高钛高炉渣是攀钢公司炼铁后产生的特有矿渣,由于TiO2含量较高,矿渣的综合利用率低,近年来不断开发高钛矿渣在混凝土中的应用。从高钛矿渣的物理力学性能、高钛渣混凝土的配合比设计和使用性能等方面,对高钛矿渣混凝土的应用进行介绍。实践表明,高钛矿渣混凝土性能优良,综合经济指标好。  相似文献   

The use of ladle furnace basic slag (LFS) as a cementitious material in industrial applications requires an in-depth knowledge of its characteristics. This paper presents the data characterizations of several kinds of LFS, setting out referential values for their use in construction and civil engineering applications that refer to chemical, mineralogical and microstructural data as well as to thermal and infrared analytical results. The aim is to provide a detailed overview of this material for anyone with an interest in gaining further knowledge of its specific properties for application as a construction material.  相似文献   

The quality and material properties of Denizli travertine as a natural building stone have been investigated. The Denizli region is one of the world’s major travertine deposits and production basins. Travertine blocks are extracted from over fifty quarries in the region. In this study, investigations and evaluations of experimental test results of travertine samples from six areas (Kakl?k–Kocaba?, Honaz–Emirazizli, A?a??da?dere, Akköy, Karaçay and Çivril), which represent the entire Denizli basin, are presented. Kakl?k–Kocaba? is the biggest production area in the region, and therefore most of the quarries are located in this area. Physical, mechanical, micro-structural and macro-structural properties of the travertine samples are evaluated within the scope of stone quality assessment. Variations of test results by area are presented, and correlations between them are proposed. Test results are also compared with the results of various studies from Turkey and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

以不锈钢渣和矿渣为主要原料,配加脱硫石膏、粉煤灰、矿物激发剂制备胶凝材料,通过试验确定了原料的最佳质量配比:33%不锈钢渣、35%矿渣、5%脱硫石膏、5%粉煤灰、22%矿物激发剂,利用该配比制备的胶凝材料达到32.5级普通硅酸盐水泥的标准要求.同时,采用XRD分析了胶凝材料的矿相组成,采用扫描电镜对胶凝材料不同龄期水化产物的显微结构进行了分析.  相似文献   

铬渣微晶玻璃建筑装饰板的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍以铬渣为主要原料制造微晶玻璃建筑装饰板.对工艺流程、铬渣除毒,板材的物化指标等进行了阐述.认为本法除毒彻底,处理渣量大.板材造价低廉,性能好,是一种高档建筑装面板.  相似文献   

高炉水淬渣替代河砂制建筑砂浆的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对安钢高炉水淬渣的各项物理性能的测试分析,研究用其替代河砂制建筑砂浆的可行性,试验表明,高炉水淬渣完全可以替代河砂用于配制M10及其以下的建筑砂浆。  相似文献   

Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag media were studied as a potential treatment material in on-site sanitation systems. Batch and column studies were conducted to evaluate attenuation of the bacteriophage PR772 and 0.190 μm diameter microspheres by BOF media, and to delineate the relative contributions of two principle processes of virus attenuation: inactivation and attachment. In the batch studies, conducted at 4°C, substantial inactivation of PR772 did not occur in the pH 7.6 and 9.5 suspensions. At pH 11.4, bimodal inactivation of PR772 was observed, at an initial rate of 2.1 log C/C0 day−1 for the first two days, followed by a much slower rate of 0.124 log C/C0 day−1 over the following 10 days. Two column studies were conducted at 4°C at a flow rate of 1 pore volume day−1 using two slag sources (Stelco, Ontario; Tubarão, Brazil) combined with sand and pea gravel. In both column experiments, the effluent microsphere concentration approached input concentrations over time (reductions of 0.1-0.2 log C/C0), suggesting attachment processes for microspheres were negligible. Removal of PR772 virus was more pronounced both during the early stages of the experiments, but also after longer transport times (0.5-1.0 log C/C0). PR772 reduction appeared to be primarily as a result of virus inactivation in response to the elevated pH conditions generated by the BOF mixture (10.6-11.4). On-site sanitation systems using BOF media should be designed to maintain sufficient contact time between the BOF media and the wastewater to allow sufficient residence time of pathogens at elevated pH conditions.  相似文献   

经过十几年的艰苦努力.利用热电厂旋风炉液态渣的熔融显热生产矿棉的技术已经取得了可喜的进展以及试产的成功.但由于在生产环节中还存在种种问题.始终未见形成正常的、持续的生产能力.从矿棉生产技术的角度出发.对目前旋风炉矿棉试产中存在的问题进行分析.并提出解决的措施。  相似文献   

The cementitious performance of a coarse granulated blast furnace slag, 2900 cm2/g, was investigated in concretes of 230, 280 and 330 kg binder/m3. First, the slag partially replaced 30%, 50% and 70% of Portland cement, the strength reduced as the amount of slag increased; however, for high binder contents, similar strengths were attained for lower Portland cement contents. Second, the slag was alkali activated with sodium silicate (moduli 1.7 and 2) at 4%, 6% and 8% %Na2O, the strength increased with the amount of slag in the concrete and developed faster as %Na2O increased. The microstructures of both type of concretes were dense; however, the strengths of activated slag were superior at similar binder loads, indicating that the hydration products of activated slag are of higher intrinsic strength.  相似文献   

Stones have been used as a construction material in Greece, since the 7th century B.C. Most of the public and other important buildings in ancient greek cities were made of stones. Various types of rocks have been used, from soft rock like travertine, soft sandstone, marl limestone, etc., to hard rocks like maarble, hard limestone, schist, etc. Some of these rocks, especially the soft ones, created problems of deterioration, through the time. One such a case, the deterioration of a soft sandstone used in Ancient Abdera, N. Greece, is examined in this paper. This sandstone is a molassic origin rock, used both as a building and decorative material since the antiquity. Sampling were made both from modern quarries (fresh rock) and the ancient settlement. The mineralogy, the granulometry, the physical and technical properties, the salt resistance and durability of the rock were examined in order to elucidate the possible causes of its deterioration in construction works. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the rock varies much in the field: in composition, in texture, and in coarseness. It consists of sand with remnants of rock fragments coming from the nearby metamorphic rocks of Rodope range. Petrographically the rock varies from lithic wacke (conglomerate, breaccia) (rock fragments >15%), to arkosic (feldspathic) wacke (feldspars>25%), to greywacke (clay>20%). According to its coarseness it varies from very coarse (mean grain size >4 mm) to very fine (grain size <0.2 mm). Its feldspars are in different stage of weathering, from intact to completely kaolinized. The matrix material, in most cases is more than 15% (>15%) and consists mainly of silica and clay in different proportions; ferrous oxides and/or hydroxides are present too. The CaCO3 is usually low or non existant. The rock porosity is medium to high. The physical and technical properties of the rock in the field varies according to its mineralogy, texture (coarseness, matrix material, porosity), water content, etc. In general, the coarse grained members, with low clay content, low porosity and low water content are the most hard and durable. The water content places an important role in the strength of the rock mostly in clay reach members. The amount of matrix material, the porosity, and the strength of the rock decrease as its grain size (coarseness) increase. The main cause of the rock deterioration, in the construction sites is considered to be the water absorption and the salt crystallization (sea and/or ground water salts) near or under the rock surface. This is due to high clay content and the weak matrix material. Consequently, when the rock is far from the sea and/or from the foundation of the structure or in dry environments, it is quite durable with no problem of deterioration. Problems are created when the rock has been used in structures near the sea or in foundation. The possible remedial measures to be taken, in the ancient sites, are the protection of the rock from ground and/or sea water absorption and the related salts, by sheltering, water repelant coatings, and/or stabilizing agents.  相似文献   

由浦东新区建材管理署、质量协会、消费者协会和建材专业委员会联合组织开展的2005年“质量信得过建材商店(柜台)”创建活动日前落下帷幕。20家2005年度浦东新区质量信得过建材商店(柜台)集体亮相,并通过新闻媒体联合向社会、向消费  相似文献   

新型高炉矿渣基尾矿胶结材料的制备试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要探讨以炼铁高炉矿渣为原料,通过添加活化剂,制备新型尾矿胶结材料,用于矿山胶结充填。针对某炼铁高炉矿渣,通过试验筛选了合适的激发剂和早强剂,确定了对应的最佳添加量,提出了新型高炉矿渣基尾矿胶结材料的优化配合比,为高炉矿渣高附加值开发利用开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

利用工业熔渣及其显热生产节能型建筑材料可能性探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,工业炉渣熔融显热未能得到利用。本文回顾了工业熔渣显热利用的历史及现状,探讨了工业熔渣显热利用的必要性和利用工业熔渣及其显热生产节能型建筑材料的可能性。  相似文献   

刘亮  王超  许涛  余长荣 《矿产勘查》2020,11(3):596-603
川西北龙门山地区泥盆系中-上统碳酸盐岩分布广泛,作为水泥原料及治金工业原料的石灰岩利用较多;而传统白云石的利用对MgO等组分要求较高,限制了资源的利用,研究拓展白云岩的用途尤为必要。泥盆纪白云岩MgO含量12. 59%~21. 12%,平均值18. 72%,SO3含量0. 12%~0. 83%,饱和抗压强度35~75 MPa,压碎指标8. 2%~10. 9%,坚固性指标2%~4%,碱集反应14d,膨胀率0. 013%~0. 017%,C(α)值为3. 50×102Bq/kg,C(β)值为1. 76×102Bq/kg,IRa为0. 08、Ir为0. 06,所有指标均符合建筑石料用标准,且大部分指标达到Ⅰ类石料用要求,储量高达60000万t以上。而建筑石料在基础建设中拥有不可替代的作用且用量巨大,其开发应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

朱嘉伊 《山西建筑》2012,38(2):104-105
借助美学的审美方法,确立了我们欣赏木材作为建筑材料之美的方法,借助人类历史,侧面体现木材运用的发展,从多角度欣赏与论证木制材料之美,方法与依据两者结合,正可构成木材作为建筑材料是美的观点。  相似文献   

王建秋 《中国建材》2002,(12):73-74
我们看到许多的建筑,外墙石材经过一段时间后,出现各种各样的“毛病”,看不到自然的色彩。客观地讲,问题的原因是多方面的,但是有一点,如果最初在石材选择和安装上下点功大,讲点学问,多数问题是可以避免的。  一、正确选择石材  正确选择石材,一方面要考虑建筑设计风格、美学、力学的整体性,另一方面还要根据石材的具体应用场合和环境,选择相应质地和特点的石材。  1.石材颜色的选样。  在建筑设计时,设计师会根据建筑整体设计风格和业主的意见确定建筑物各部分所应用石材的主色调。石材色调的确定应该是建筑美学、…  相似文献   


Lefke stone is a sandstone that has been widely used in mosques, madrasas, churches, and houses as building stone. The geological features and engineering properties of Lefke stone outcropped in the southern part of Osmaneli/Bilecik were investigated in field and laboratory studies. Samples acquired during the fieldwork were tested to determine the physical, mechanical, durability, and hygrothermal properties in the laboratory. The mean physico-mechanical properties of Lefke stone yielded apparent density of 2.38 g/cm3, specific gravity of 2.68 g/cm3, total porosity of 11.26%, 2.93% water absorption by weight, uniaxial compressive strength of 94 MPa, flexure strength of 11.45 MPa, a 3.90 MPa point load strength, 4.5–5 Mohs hardness, and field Schmidt hammer rebound value of 36. According to durability tests, Lefke stone is resistant to CaCl2 salt mist but has low resistance to SO2 aging. Salt crystals placed in the discontinuities of the rock caused slight crack growth. The stone’s resistance to crystallization of sodium sulphate salt is low, and an increase in the volume of salts crystallized in the rock results in low corner strengths. A capillary water-absorption value of 0.0016 kg/m2.h places Lefke stone into the category of very low water absorption capacity and permeability. The water vapor diffusion resistance factor (μ) less than 1 indicates that the sandstone has high breathability. Its performance in historical buildings, field observations, and values obtained through laboratory tests confirm that Lefke sandstone can be used as a building stone.


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