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BACKGROUND/AIMS: In vitro analyses have been demonstrated that wild type p53 and p21(waf1/cip1) proteins regulate cellular proliferation and sensitivity of anticancer agents, however, the roles of p53 and p21(waf1/cip1) expression on the response to the chemoradiation therapy for human esophageal squamous cell cancer have not been investigated. METHODOLOGY: With an immunohistochemical method using specimens before and after the chemoradiation therapy, we investigate in this report the influence of the p53 and p21(waf1/cip1) expression on the chemoradiation therapy response or alteration of these protein expressions by chemoradiation therapy in thirteen esophageal squamous cell cancer patients who received our recently developed chemoradiation therapy. RESULTS: In the biopsy specimens before the chemoradiation therapy, 82% of the responders and 71% of patients with down T-classification had either a p53-/p21+ or p53+/p21+ phenotype. Eighty two percent and 46% of the cases with these two phenotypes showed complete or partial response and down T-classification, respectively. After the chemoradiation therapy, 73% of the responders and 71% of the patients with down T-classification had either a p53-/p21+ or p53+/p21+ phenotype. Eighty eight percent and 56% of the cases with these two phenotypes showed complete or partial response and down T-classification, respectively. Comparative analysis before and after the chemoradiation therapy revealed that four patients had an alteration of p53 and p21(waf1/cip1) expression in association with the therapeutic response. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that wild type p53 or p21(waf1/cip1) expression relates with and can be altered by the chemoradiation therapy, which could influence the therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A population-based hemochromatosis screening program that uses serum transferrin saturation has been proposed, but few data exist on the number of U.S. adults that such a program would identify for further testing. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of an initially elevated serum transferrin saturation and the prevalence of concurrently elevated serum transferrin saturation and serum ferritin levels in the adult population of the United States. DESIGN: Nationally representative cross-sectional survey of the noninstitutionalized U.S. civilian population. PARTICIPANTS: 15 839 men and nonpregnant women 20 years of age and older who were examined in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988-1994). MEASUREMENTS: Single measurements of serum transferrin saturations and serum ferritin levels. Cut-off values used to define elevated serum transferrin saturation ranged from greater than 45% to greater than 62%. RESULTS: The prevalence of initially elevated serum transferrin saturation ranged from 1% to 6%. Approximately 11% to 22% of those with elevated serum transferrin saturation had concurrently elevated serum ferritin levels. The prevalence of elevated serum transferrin saturation was lower in women than in men when the same cut-off value was used to define elevated serum transferrin saturation. The prevalence of elevated serum transferrin saturation in non-Hispanic black persons and Mexican-Americans was similar to or slightly less than that in non-Hispanic white persons. The prevalence of elevated serum transferrin saturation in persons 20 to 49 years of age was as high as or higher than that in older adults. CONCLUSIONS: A hemochromatosis screening program that uses a cut-off value of greater than 60% to define elevated serum transferrin saturation would identify an estimated 1.4 to 2.5 million U.S. adults for further testing.  相似文献   

The LEC rat is an inbred mutant strain which spontaneously develops liver injury and subsequent liver cancer. Liver injury in LEC rats has recently been shown to be closely related to abnormal copper accumulation in the liver. Previously, we reported that LEC rat hepatocytes lose their growth potential, probably allowing selective growth of preneoplastic cells. In this study, to elucidate the effects of copper accumulation on the growth activity of LEC rat hepatocytes, we examined the growth activity and the expression of p53 and p21(waf 1/cip 1) in the livers of LEC rats fed on either a control or a low-copper diet. Potential for cell proliferation of hepatocytes obtained from normal diet fed LEC rats was almost comparable to that of the cells from age-matched Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Northern blot analysis showed that the expression of p53 and p21(waf 1/cip 1) was significantly high in the livers of LEC rats fed a control diet, while the expression of p53 and p21(waf 1/cip 1) in the LEC rats fed a low-copper diet was as low as that of SD rat livers. Western blot analysis consistently showed that the amount of p21(waf 1/cip 1) bound to the nuclear matrix scaffold of the LEC rat liver was reduced by feeding a low-copper diet. These findings suggest that abnormal accumulation of copper induced the expression of p53 and p21(waf 1/cip 1), resulting in the inhibition of cell proliferation of LEC rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Human T-cell lymphotropic/leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) is associated with T-cell transformation both in vivo and in vitro. Although some of the mechanisms responsible for transformation remain unknown, increasing evidence supports a direct role of viral as well as dysregulated cellular proteins in transformation. We investigated the potential role of the tumor suppressor gene p53 and of the p53-regulated gene, p21waf1/cip1 (wild-type p53 activated fragment 1/cycling dependent kinases [cdks] interacting protein 1), in HTLV-I-infected T cells. We have found that the majority of HTLV-I-infected T cells have the wild-type p53 gene. However, its function in HTLV-I-transformed cells appears to be impaired, as shown by the lack of appropriate p53-mediated responses to ionizing radiation (IR). Interestingly, the expression of the p53 inducible gene, p21waf1/cip1, is elevated at the messenger ribonucleic acid and protein levels in all HTLV-I-infected T-cell lines examined as well as in Taxl-1, a human T-cell line stably expressing Tax. Additionally, Tax induces upregulation of a p21waf1/cip1 promoter-driven luciferase gene in p53 null cells, and increases p21waf1/cip1 expression in Jurkat T cells. These findings suggest that the Tax protein is at least partially responsible for the p53-independent expression of p21waf1/cip1 in HTLV-I-infected cells. Dysregulation of p53 and p21waf1/cip1 proteins regulating cell-cycle progression, may represent an important step in HTLV-I-induced T-cell transformation.  相似文献   

The Bloom's syndrome gene, BLM, encodes a protein which bears homology to the RecQ helicases. It is believed to be involved in DNA replication and has been implicated in the maintenance of genomic stability. To investigate whether BLM was involved in cellular responses to DNA damage Bloom's syndrome fibroblasts were treated with either UV or ionizing radiation and the levels of p53 and two of its down stream effectors, p21waf1/cip1 and hdm2, were determined by western blot analysis. Following 20 J/m2 UVC-radiation we observed that the maximal accumulation of p21waf1/cip1 and hdm2 proteins preceded that of p53 in both a normal diploid fibroblast cell strain (GM0038) and in two Bloom's syndrome cell strains. Furthermore, the Bloom's syndrome cells demonstrated a delayed and prolonged accumulation of all three proteins and a delayed recovery of the protein levels back to pre-damage levels compared with the normal cell strain. Conversely, normal and Bloom's syndrome cell response following 2.5 Gy of ionizing radiation was quite similar for p21waf1/cip1 and hdm2, but differed significantly for p53. Maximum accumulation of p53 occurred within 2 h of damage and preceded that of p21waf1/cip1 and hdm2. These results suggest that the BLM protein may play a role in the detection of certain types of DNA damage and in the cellular response to that damage.  相似文献   

Building on earlier work by Pascual-Leone (1970) and Case (1985), Olson (1989; 1993) set out a theory showing how a series of incremental changes in capacity for "holding in mind" could account, in part, for children's acquisition of a theory of mind. Following Piaget (1951) infants were said to employ schemata for maintaining relations with objects and events in the presence of those events. At about 18 months children became capable of holding in mind an object so as to free the perceptual system to perceive a second object and form a relation between the two, allowing for what Piaget called the "symbolic function" and what Olson described as predication. At around 4 years, the period examined in the present study, children were said to acquire the ability to represent that predicative relation as a belief or as true or false. That was the stage at which children were said to possess a theory of mind. The present study tested the hypothesized relation between development of a theory of mind and increasing computational resources. Three-, four-, and five-year-old children's performance on a pair of theory of mind tasks was compared with that on a pair of dual processing tasks designed on the basis of Baddeley's (1986) model of working memory. The resulting correlations, as high as r = .64 between the tasks, suggest that changes in capacity to hold in mind allow the expression of, and arguably the formation of, a theory of mind.  相似文献   

A series of 392 female breast carcinomas was analysed immunohistochemically for expression of p53 protein with special emphasis on the role of p53 as an independent prognostic factor. Altogether, 54.8 per cent of the carcinomas expressed p53 protein, with the mean [standard error (SE)] fraction of positive nuclei being 17.1 per cent (1.2 per cent). Expression of p53 protein was independent of tumour metastasis at diagnosis, axillary lymph node status, tumour diameter, histological type, tubule formation, proportion of intraductal growth, margin formation, necrosis, DNA ploidy, and S-phase fraction. A high fraction of p53-positive nuclei was significantly related to patient age under 70 years, high grade, severe nuclear pleomorphism, dense infiltration of tumour by lymphocytes, high mitotic index, and high apoptotic index (for all, P < 0.05). Impaired survival probability in the entire cohort (P = 0.05) and in the axillary lymph node-positive (ANP) tumours (P = 0.015) was associated with a fraction of p53-positive nuclei less than 25 per cent, while in the axillary lymph node-negative (ANN) tumours, expression of p53 had no prognostic value. In multivariate analysis, independent prognostic predictors included axillary lymph node status, tumour diameter, and mitotic index. In the ANN tumours, tumour diameter, fraction of p53-positive nuclei, and tumour grade were independent prognostic factors, whereas in the ANP tumours, diameter and mitotic index were the two independent prognostic factors. The results suggest that abnormal expression of p53 protein is only a weak independent prognostic factor in female breast cancer.  相似文献   

One of the major signaling pathways by which extracellular signals induce cell proliferation and differentiation involves the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs). Because calmodulin is essential for quiescent cells to enter cell cycle, the role of calmodulin on ERK2 activation was studied in cultured fibroblasts. Serum, phorbol esters, or active Ras induced ERK2 activation in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This activation was not inhibited by calmodulin blockade. Surprisingly, inhibition of calmodulin prior to fetal bovine serum addition prolonged activation of ERK2. Furthermore, inactivation of calmodulin in serum-starved cells induced ERK2 phosphorylation that was dependent on MAP kinase kinase (MEK). Inactivation of calmodulin in serum-starved cells also induced activation of Ras, Raf, and MEK. On the contrary, tyrosine phosphorylation of tyrosine kinase receptors was not observed. These results indicate that calmodulin inhibits ERK2 activation pathway at the level of Ras. Calmodulin inhibition induced overexpression of p21(cip1) which was dependent on MEK activity. We propose that inhibition of Ras by calmodulin prevents the activation of ERK2 at low serum concentration. Thus, entering into the cell cycle after serum addition would imply the overcoming of the inhibitory effect of calmodulin and consequently ERK2 activation. Furthermore, down-regulation of Ras by calmodulin may be also important to determine the duration of ERK2 activation and to prevent a high p21(cip1) expression that would lead to an inhibition of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The p21WAF1/CIP1 gene is regulated by p53 and encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)-inhibitor involved in senescence and cell quiescence. The role of p21 as a negative regulator of cell proliferation suggests that it may function as a tumor suppressor gene. However, only a few mutations of the p21WAF1/CIP1 gene have been reported to date. In order to assess potential p21WAF1/CIP1 gene alterations in human bladder cancer, we have examined this gene and its encoded product in a well-characterized cohort of 27 primary bladder tumors. Mobility shifts by single-strand conformation polymorphism in the p21WAF1/CIP1 gene were identified in 2 cases. Sequencing analyses revealed that one of these cases had point mutations in the 3' untranslated region, while the other case had a frame shift mutation at positions 322 (C to A) and a deletion of 8 nucleotides (323-->331; CCG-->ACG, codon 81 Arg-->Thr) that produced a stop signal at codon 83 (Gly--Stop). This tumor had a p21-negative phenotype by immunohistochemistry, but did not lose any allele. We further characterized these cases by the study of TP53 mutations using single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and sequencing, as well as immunohistochemical assays. Seven mobility shifts were identified and seven cases showed p53 nuclear accumulation. The two cases displaying mutated p21WAF1/CIP1 had wild-type TP53. It is concluded that p21WAF1/CIP1 gene aberrations are infrequent in bladder carcinoma but may be occasionally identified in primary bladder tumors.  相似文献   

AIMS/BACKGROUND: The construction and validation of an instrument for the assessment of subjective visual disability in the cataract patient is described. This instrument is specifically designed for measuring the outcome of cataract surgery with respect to visual disability. METHODS: Visually related activities thought to be affected by cataract were considered for the questionnaire. These were reduced by pilot study and principal components analysis to 18 items. A patient's assessment of his/her ability to perform each task was scored on a four point scale. Scores were averaged to create an overall index of visual disability, as well as subscale indices for mobility related disability, distance/lighting/reading related disability, and near and related tasks visual disability. The questionnaire, administered verbally is entitled "The Visual Disability Assessment (VDA)". Reliability testing included test-retest reliability, interobserver reliability (p, the intraclass correlation coefficient), and internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha). Construct validation, the process for proving that a test measures what it is supposed to measure, included consideration of content validity, comparison with the established Activities of Daily Vision Scale (ADVS) and empirical support with factor analysis. RESULTS: For the four indices, interobserver reliability varied from 0.92 to 0.94, test-retest reliability varied from 0.96 to 0.98, and internal consistency reliability varied from 0.80 to 0.93. The VDA compared favourably with the ADVS by correlation, but Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated that the two instruments were not clinically interchangeable. Factor analysis suggests that all test items measure a common theme, and the subgroupings reflect common themes. CONCLUSIONS: The VDA is easy to administer because it has a short test time and scoring is straightforward. It has excellent interobserver, test-retest, and internal consistency reliability, and compares favourably with the ADVS, another test of visual disability. Factor analysis demonstrated that the 18 items measure a related theme, which can be assumed to be visual disability. The VDA is a valid instrument which provides a comprehensive assessment of visual disability in cataract patients and is designed to detect changes within a patient over time.  相似文献   

The Elav-like proteins are specific mRNA-binding proteins that regulate mRNA stability. The neuronal members of this family (HuD, HuC, and Hel-N1) are required for neuronal differentiation. In this report, using purified HuD protein we have localized a high affinity HuD binding site to a 42-nucleotide region within a U-rich tract in the 3'-untranslated region p21(waf1) mRNA. The binding of HuD to this site is readily displaced by an RNA oligonucleotide encoding the HuD binding site of c-fos. The sequence of this binding site is well conserved in human, mouse, and rat p21(waf1) mRNA. p21(waf1) is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases and proliferating cell nuclear antigen and induces cell cycle arrest at G1/S, a requisite early step in cell differentiation. The identification of an Elav-like protein binding site in the 3'-untranslated region of p21(waf1) provides a novel link between the induction of differentiation, mRNA stability, and the termination of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Transitional cell tumours of the bladder from a total of 228 patients were histologically classified as papillomas, papillomatous carcinomas and non-papillomatous carcinomas. Each group was subdivided into four grades of dysplasia. Papillomas and papillomatous carcinomas occurred in younger patients at a higher rate than non-papillomatous carcinomas. The 5-year-survival of patients with papillomas and carcinomas was 70 per cent and 26 per cent, respectively. Among patients with papillomas with dysplasia grades 1 and 2 the survival rate was almost identical. In the group of patients with papilloma thrombo-embolic diseases were the most common cause of death. Carcinoma of the bladder developed in about 30 per cent of the patients in this group. Recurrence of the papilloma only rarely changed the grade of dysplasia. If the recurrence was in the form of a carcinoma, an increase in the grade of dysplasia was common. The survival was more favourable among patients with carcinoma dysplasia grade 2 than among those with dysplasia grade 3. The rate of survival was higher in the group of patients with papillomatous carcinoma than among patients with non-papillomatous carcinomas. Among the decreased patients with primary carcinomas, 77 per cent died with carcinoma of the bladder. To a certain degree, the grade of tumour cell dysplasia seems to be an expression of the malignancy of the tumours. The duration of the disease and the appearance of tumours (papillomatous, non-papillomatous) may have relation to the patients' "defence" system. At autopsy, the papillomatous and non-papillomatous carcinomas were found to be similarly disseminated regardless of the difference in survival rate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study is the evaluation of the prognostic importance of p21 protein in superficial bladder cancer. METHODS: One hundred and fourteen patients with an initial diagnosis of monofocal bladder cancer (stage Ta-T1) following TUR were investigated. On the tissue removed by TUR, besides the usual pathological evaluation, an immuno-histochemical investigation was carried out in order to ascertain the presence of c-ras oncogene product (protein p21). The actuarial curves concerning the time free from the first recurrence were computed, comparing different subgroups in regard to protein p21 presence, grade and stage of the tumour. RESULTS: The analysis of the results shows the importance of tumour stage as a predictor of recurrence, as well as that of the presence of c-ras products. This last factor increases the risk of recurrence almost 2-fold, in the same time lag, for c-ras-positive patients (p < 0.001). The prognostic significance of c-ras is independent of stage. CONCLUSION: Our data underline the possibility of acquiring important information on the prognosis of superficial bladder cancer patients, pointing out the significance of c-ras oncogene product.  相似文献   

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