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《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):5714-5722
Dry malt extract (DME) has been used in animal nutrition as an alternative source of rapidly fermentable carbohydrate. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the partial replacement of ground corn with DME in diets of dairy cows on apparent digestibility, ruminal fermentation, predicted rumen microbial protein supply, N excretion, serum urea-N concentration, and milk yield and composition. Twenty-eight Holstein cows (35.3 ± 5.88 kg/d milk yield and 148 ± 78 d in milk), 4 of which were rumen cannulated, were blocked according to the presence of rumen cannulas, parity, milk yield, and days in milk and enrolled into a crossover design experiment. Experimental periods lasted 21 d, of which the first 14 d were allowed for treatment adaptation and 7 d were used for data collection and sampling. Treatment sequences were composed of control (CON) or DME from barley (Liotécnica Tecnologia em Alimentos) replacing ground corn at 7.62% diet dry matter (~2 kg/d). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc.) modeling the fixed effects of treatment, period, and their interaction, in addition to the random effect of animal. Ruminal fermentation data were analyzed as repeated measures including time and its interaction with treatment in the previous model as fixed effects. Treatments did not affect nutrient intake or feed sorting. Dry malt extract increased apparent digestibility of CP. Feeding DME decreased ruminal pH and molar percentage of butyrate and increased molar percentage of acetate. No treatment effects were detected for predicted rumen microbial protein supply or N excretion. Cows fed DME had lower serum urea-N concentration than CON cows. Dry malt extract increased yields of actual milk, 3.5% fat-corrected milk, fat, and protein, and improved feed efficiency (fat-corrected milk ÷ dry matter intake). Cows fed DME had lower milk urea nitrogen content in comparison with CON cows. Dry malt extract can partially replace ground corn in the diet while improving milk yield and feed efficiency.  相似文献   

The working hypothesis was that postpartum anovulatory intervals (PPAI) of grazing dairy cows are shortened by inclusion of concentrates that increase the nonstructural carbohydrate content of the transition diet. Dietary treatments were arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial, with 68 multiparous cows assigned to isoenergetic diets (114 MJ of metabolizable energy/cow per day) of pasture and pasture silage (PreP) or pasture and pasture silage supplemented with 3 kg of dry matter/cow per day a corn- and barley-based concentrate for 36 d prepartum (PreC). After calving, cows within each prepartum diet group were managed on isoenergetic diets (179 MJ of metabolizable energy/cow per day) of either pasture and pasture silage (PostP) or pasture and pasture silage supplemented with 5 kg of dry matter/cow per day a corn- and barley-based concentrate (PostC) for at least 35 d and until reestablishment of ovulatory cycles. Relative to day of calving (d 0), blood samples were collected at least weekly from d −28 to 35 and milk samples were collected twice weekly for progesterone determination to diagnose ovulatory status. The main variable of interest was PPAI, defined as the interval between calving and the first detected increase in milk progesterone (>3 ng/mL), followed by a pattern of progesterone concentrations consistent with onset of an ovulatory cycle. Subsequent mating records, pregnancy testing, and recalving data were also examined. Prepartum diet did not affect reproduction. The PPAI was 8 d shorter and the 6-wk pregnancy rate was 17% greater in PostC cows compared with PostP cows. Measured indicators of metabolic state and energy balance were poorly related to PPAI. The results support the existence of nutritional signals associated with nonstructural carbohydrates in the postpartum diet, independent of energy balance; these signals benefit the physiological mechanisms underlying the timing of first ovulation and possibly subsequent breeding performance.  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effects of, and interactions between, level of dietary ruminally fermentable carbohydrate (RFC) and forage particle size on milk production, nutrient digestibility, and microbial protein yield for dairy cows fed one level of dietary NDF. Eight cows (61 days in milk) were assigned to four treatments in a double 4 x 4 Latin square. Treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial design; finely chopped alfalfa silage (FS) and coarse alfalfa silage (CS) were combined with concentrates based on either dry cracked shelled corn (DC; low RFC) or ground high-moisture corn (HMC; high RFC). Diets were fed ad libitum as a total mixed rations with a concentrate to forage ratio of 61:39. Diets based on DC had a predicted NEL content of 1.73 Mcallkg dry matter (DM), while HMC diets contained 1.80 Mcal/kg DM. Diets averaged 18.7% CP, 24.0% NDF, 18.3% ADF, and 27.4% starch on a DM basis. Mean particle size of the four diets was 6.3, 2.8, 6.0, and 3.0 mm for DCCS, DCFS, HMCCS, and HMCFS, respectively. Increasing level of RFC decreased dry matter intake (DMI) from 25.0 to 23.8 kg/ d and organic matter intake from 22.3 to 21.1 kg/d, but intake was not affected by particle size. Milk production averaged 44.0 and 26.8 kg/d solids corrected milk (SCM) and was not affected by diet, but increasing level of RFC tended to increase milk yield. Efficiency of milk production, expressed as SCM/DMI, increased from 1.06 to 1.14 when level of RFC was increased. Milk composition or yield of milk components was not affected by diet, and averaged 3.53% fat, 3.11% protein, 1.55 kg/d fat, and 1.36 kg/d protein. Total tract digestibility of DM and OM increased from 71.4 to 73.0% and 72.4 to 76.1% for DM and OM, respectively, when level of RFC was increased. Total tract digestibility of fiber was unaffected by diet, but total tract starch digestibility increased from 93.1 to 97.4% when HMC replaced DC. Total urinary excretion of the purine derivatives uric acid and allantoin increased from 415 to 472 mmol/d when level of RFC was increased, and calculated microbial N supply increased from 315 to 365 g/d. When expressed as per kilogram of digestible OMI, increasing level of RFC tended to increase microbial N supply (20.4 vs. 22.2 g/kg). Cow productivity was not affected by forage particle size and ruminally fermentable carbohydrates in this study.  相似文献   

Nine Holstein dairy cows were fed diets with increasing proportions of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates (RFCH) to investigate the effect on reticular pH, milk fat content (MFC), 18-carbon fatty acid proportions in blood plasma and milk, and bacterial community in buccal swab samples. Inter-animal variation was expected in terms of reticular pH response upon higher RFCH proportions, which would be reflected in the occurrence or not of milk fat depression (MFD). Moreover, this variation in occurrence of MFD was hypothesized to be related to differences in blood and milk fatty acid proportions and in the bacterial community in buccal samples. Cows were fed a total mixed ration throughout the experiment, which consisted of 4 periods: adaptation (d 0–4) and low (d 5–18), increasing (d 19–24), and high RFCH (d 25–28). During the increasing RFCH period, the standard concentrate (211 g of starch/kg of dry matter) was gradually and partly replaced by a concentrate high in RFCH (486 g of starch/kg of dry matter). The reticular pH was measured using a bolus and the time below pH 6.00 was calculated on a daily basis. On d 13, 14, 25, 27, and 28, plasma and milk samples were collected and analyzed for 18-carbon fatty acid proportions, and buccal swabs were collected for bacterial community analysis based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Inter-animal variation was observed in terms of reticular pH, which allowed us to divide the cows into 2 groups: tolerant (time below pH 6.00 ≤ 0.1 h/d) and susceptible cows (time below pH 6.00 ≥ 1.26 h/d). The lower reticular pH of susceptible cows was accompanied by lower MFC. Both groups already differed in reticular pH and MFC during the low-RFCH period. Furthermore, higher RFCH amounts did not decrease the reticular pH in either of the 2 groups. Nevertheless, MFD was observed in both groups during the high-RFCH period compared with the low-RFCH period. Lower MFC in animals with lower reticular pH or during the high-RFCH period was associated with a shift in 18-carbon fatty acids toward trans-10 at the expense of trans-11 intermediates, which was observed in plasma as well as in milk samples. Moreover, lower MFC was accompanied by shifts in the relative abundance of specific bacteria in buccal samples. Genera Dialister, Sharpea, Carnobacterium, Acidaminococcus, and uncultured genera belonging to the Betaproteobacteria were more abundant in situations with greater trans-10 proportions.  相似文献   

There is interest in knowing if the source of nonfibrous carbohydrates (NFC) influences milk production and composition. Our objective was to determine the effects of source (starch or sugar) and level of NFC in the diet on these parameters. A 4 x 4 Latin square replicated five times using early-lactation (56 +/- 9 DIM) Holstein cows was used; cows were offered one of two levels of NFC and either no added sucrose or sucrose substituting for 10% of the corn. Diets were balanced to meet National Research Council requirements for total protein, energy, and minerals. Tall fescue silage was included at one of two levels (0.95 or 1.25% of BW as forage NDF), resulting in diets with 40 and 30% NFC. The remaining ingredients consisted of high-moisture corn, soybean meal, SoyPlus, minerals, and vitamins. Megalac (0.45 kg) was used in the low NFC diets. High NFC diets were lower (P < 0.01) in neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 31.5%) and crude protein (CP; 19.6%) than the low NFC diet (35.8% NDF and 21.0% CP). Sucrose containing diets were somewhat lower (P < 0.01) in NDF (33.1%) than the no sucrose added diets (34.3%), but diets did not differ in CP%. Cows offered the high NFC level produced more milk (39.6 kg/d; P < 0.05) than those offered the low level (38.3 kg/d), primarily due to higher dry matter intake (P < 0.05). Cows consuming the high NFC diet also had lower (P < 0.05) milk fat (3.25%) and milk urea nitrogen (MUN; 13.7 mg/dl), and higher (P < 0.05) milk protein (2.58%) and milk lactose (4.81%) concentrations than cows offered the low NFC level (3.46% milk fat, 17.5 mg/dl MUN, 2.51% milk protein, and 4.74% milk lactose). Fat yield was higher (P < 0.05) for cows fed low NFC diets than cows fed high NFC diets, whereas protein and fat yield were lower (P < 0.05) for cows fed low NFC diets than those fed high NFC diets. The NFC source did not influence dry matter intake or milk production or milk component yield (P > 0.05). Milk lactose (4.79%) and MUN (16.0 mg/dl) concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) for cows offered sucrose as a portion of the NFC compared with those not offered sucrose (4.76% milk lactose and 15.2 mg/dl MUN). Results suggest that cows fed sucrose may utilize diet nitrogen less efficiently than those not fed sucrose, when sucrose is replacing a portion of the high-moisture corn in the diet.  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effects of, and interactions between, forage particle size, level of dietary ruminally fermentable carbohydrate (RFC), and level of dietary starch on performance, chewing activity, and ruminal pH for dairy cows fed one level of dietary NDF. Twelve cows (48 DIM) were assigned to six treatments in a replicated 6 x 6 Latin square. Treatments were arranged in an incomplete 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. Factors were: dry cracked shelled corn (DC, low RFC) or ground high-moisture corn (HMC; high RFC), finely chopped or coarse silage, and alfalfa silage as the only forage or a 50:50 ratio (DM basis) of alfalfa and corn silage. Diets combining HMC with only alfalfa silage were not included in the experiment. Diets were fed for ad libitum intake as a TMR with a concentrate:forage ratio of 61:39. Diets based on only alfalfa silage and diets based on a mix of alfalfa and corn silage averaged 18.6 and 15.8% CP, 25.8 and 24.7% NDF, 17.7 and 14.8% ADF, and 29.1 and 37.3% starch, respectively. Mean particle sizes were 5.3, 2.7, 5.6, and 2.8 mm for coarse alfalfa, fine alfalfa, coarse corn silage, and fine corn silage, respectively. Decreasing forage particle size decreased DMI (23.3 vs. 21.6 kg) and organic matter intake (22.0 vs. 20.2 kg). Increasing RFC decreased DMI (22.8 vs. 21.0 kg) and organic matter intake (21.5 vs. 20.0 kg). Decreasing forage particle size increased energy-corrected milk for alfalfa based diets (34.9 vs. 37.4 kg). Percentage of milk fat decreased with decreasing forage particle size (3.07 vs. 2.90%) and increased level of RFC (3.04 vs. 2.57%). Percentage of protein increased when corn silage partially replaced alfalfa silage (2.84 vs. 2.90%) but decreased when HMC replaced DC (2.90 vs. 2.84%). Apparent total tract digestibility of DM (66.7 vs. 68.5%), OM (65.9 vs. 70.7%), and starch (88.9 vs. 93.4%) increased when level of RFC was increased. Increasing level of RFC decreased mean ruminal pH from 5.82 to 5.67 and decreased minimum pH. Hours per day at which pH was <5.8, and area <5.8, increased when corn silage partially replaced alfalfa silage (2.6 vs. 4.4 h and 8.9 h x pH vs. 11.4 h x pH) and decreased further when level of RFC was increased (4.4 vs. 6.4 h and 11.4 h x pH vs. 14.3 h x pH). Decreasing forage particle size in HMC diets increased hours and area <5.8, but for DC diets, the effect of forage particle size depended on forage source. Interactions were found between level of physically effective fiber, forage source, and level of RFC on production and pH, complicating the inclusion of these effects in dairy ration formulation and evaluation.  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effects of, and interactions between, level of dietary ruminally fermentable carbohydrate (RFC) and forage particle size on rumen pH and chewing activity for dairy cows fed one level of dietary NDF. Also, correlations between intake, production, chewing, and ruminal pH parameters were investigated. Eight cows (61 days in milk) were assigned to four treatments in a double 4 x 4 Latin square. Treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial design; finely chopped alfalfa silage (FS) and coarse alfalfa silage (CS) were combined with concentrates based on either dry, cracked-shelled corn (DC; low RFC) or ground, high-moisture corn (HMC; high RFC). Diets were fed ad libitum as a total mixed rations with a concentrate:forage ratio of 60:40. Diets averaged 18.7% crude protein, 24.0% neutral detergent fiber, 18.3% , acid detergent fiber and 27.4% starch on a DM basis. Mean particle size of the four diets were 6.3, 2.8, 6.0, and 3.0 mm for DCCS, DCFS, HMCCS, and HMCFS, respectively. Decreasing forage particle size decreased ruminal pH from 6.02 to 5.81, and increasing level of RFC decreased pH from 5.99 to 5.85. Minimum daily ruminal pH decreased from 5.66 to 5.47 when level of RFC was increased, and decreased from 5.65 to 5.48 when forage particle size decreased. Time below pH 5.8 per day increased from 7.4 h to 10.8 h when level of RFC increased, and increased from 6.4 h to 11.8 h when forage particle size was decreased. Area below 5.8 showed the same relationship with RFC and forage particle size. Also, forage particle size affected the postprandial pH pattern. Cows spent more time eating when fed CS compared with FS (274 vs. 237 min/d), and time spent eating decreased when level of RFC was increased (271 vs. 241 min/d). Decreasing forage particle size decreased time spent ruminating (485 vs. 320 min/d), rumination periods (15.3 vs. 11.7), and duration of rumination periods (29 vs. 26 min). Increasing level of RFC increased time spent ruminating per kg NDF intake (68.5 vs. 79.5 min/kg). Milk fat percentage was correlated to mean ruminal pH (r = 0.41), time spent below pH 5.8 (r = -0.55), and area below 5.8 (r = -0.57), but not to intake or chewing variables. DMI of particles retained on a screen equivalent in size to the top screen of the Penn State particle separator was the intake parameter explaining most of the variation in mean ruminal pH (r = 0.27) and was correlated to time spent ruminating (r = 0.61) and chewing (r = 0.61).  相似文献   

Holstein cows (n = 72) entering second or later lactation were used to determine whether productive performance and dry matter intake (DMI) are affected by carbohydrate source in the prepartum diet and chromium-L-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation throughout the periparturient period. Cows were fed either a TMR with the concentrate portion based on starch-based cereals [high nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC); 1.59 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 14.4% crude protein (CP), 40.3% NFC] or a TMR with the concentrate portion based on nonforage fiber sources (low NFC; 1.54 Mcal/kg NEL, 14.5% CP, 33.6% NFC) from 21 d before expected parturition until parturition. After parturition all cows were fed a lactation TMR (1.74 Mcal/kg NEL, 16.5% CP, 40.0% NFC). The Cr-Met was supplemented once daily via gelatin capsule at dosages of 0, 0.03, or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of metabolic body weight. Thus, treatments were in a 2 (carbohydrate source) x 3 (Cr-Met) factorial arrangement. Neither prepartum nor postpartum DMI was affected by prepartum dietary carbohydrate source. Administering increasing amounts of Cr-Met linearly increased milk yield and, subsequently, postpartum DMI. Prepartum carbohydrate source did not affect postpartum milk yield; however, cows fed the low NFC diet tended to yield milk with a lower content of total solids. These data indicate that prepartum carbohydrate source has little influence on performance during the immediate peripartal period, and that increases in milk yield for cows supplemented with Cr-Met are independent of prepartum dietary carbohydrate source.  相似文献   

Holstein cows (n = 72) entering second or later lactation were used to determine whether metabolic indices and hepatic capacities for oxidation and gluconeogenesis from propionate are affected by source of carbohydrate in the prepartum diet and chromium-l-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation throughout the periparturient period. Cows were fed prepartum diets as total mixed rations with the concentrate portion based either on starch-based cereals [high nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC); 1.59 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 14.4% crude protein (CP), 40.3% NFC] or nonforage fiber sources (low NFC; 1.54 Mcal/kg of NEL, 14.5% CP, 33.6% NFC) from 21 d before expected parturition until parturition. After parturition all cows were fed a common lactation total mixed ration (1.74 Mcal/kg of NEL, 16.5% CP, 40.0% NFC). The Cr-Met was supplemented once daily via gelatin capsule at dosages of 0, 0.03, or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of BW0.75. Thus, treatments were in a 2 (carbohydrate source) × 3 (Cr-Met) factorial arrangement. There was no effect of prepartum carbohydrate source on pre- and postpartum plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), insulin, glucagon, or insulin to glucagon ratio. However, cows fed the low NFC diet during the prepartum period tended to have greater plasma NEFA and lower BHBA concentrations postpartum. Liver glycogen concentrations tended to be greater on d 1 postpartum for cows fed low NFC prepartum. Supplementing 0.03 mg/kg of BW0.75 of Cr as Cr-Met increased prepartum plasma glucose and glucagon concentrations and tended to decrease prepartum plasma NEFA concentrations compared with either 0 or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of BW0.75. Postpartum plasma glucose concentrations decreased linearly and glucagon concentrations were increased quadratically by administering increasing amounts of Cr-Met. Supplementing Cr-Met did not affect prepartum plasma concentrations of insulin or BHBA, postpartum NEFA or BHBA, or liver composition. There was an interaction of prepartum carbohydrate source and Cr-Met supplementation such that in vitro hepatic conversion of [1-14C]propionate to both CO2 and glucose was similar or increased when Cr-Met was supplemented to cows fed the low NFC diet but decreased when Cr-Met was supplemented to cows fed the high NFC diet. Insulin addition in vitro did not affect hepatic metabolism of propionate on d 1 postpartum. Overall, both the NFC content of the prepartum diet and Cr-Met had only modest effects on metabolic indices in this experiment.  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effect of a linear increase in level of ruminally fermentable carbohydrate, at a constant level of dietary starch and fiber, on performance, microbial N yield, chewing activity, and ruminal pH of midlactation dairy cows. Eight cows (53 DIM) were assigned to four treatments in a double 4 x 4 Latin square. Diets consisted of increasing levels of refined cornstarch (0, 5.9, 11.9, and 17.9% of diet dry matter) replacing dry cracked, shelled corn so that increasing amounts of dietary starch originated from refined cornstarch. Corn gluten feed was used to balance diets for similar NDF content. The four diets averaged 17.9% CP, 27.2% NDF, 18.7% ADF, and 31.1% starch (dry matter basis). Diets were fed for ad libitum intake and had a forage to concentrate ratio of 40:60. Forage was coarsely chopped (13.7 mm mean particle size) alfalfa silage. Daily dry matter intake averaged 26.0 kg and tended (P = 0.08) to increase quadratically with increasing level of refined cornstarch. Milk production averaged 38.9 kg/d and milk fat percentage tended (P = 0.08) to decrease linearly, whereas percentage of protein increased quadratically, with increasing level of refined cornstarch. Yield of components and energy corrected milk was similar across diets. Total tract digestibility of starch increased linearly from 85.1% to 92.4% with increasing level of refined cornstarch. Microbial yield was unaffected by diet and averaged 371.1 g N/d. Time spent eating decreased linearly from 329 to 308 min/d when level of refined cornstarch was increased, but rumination time was unaffected. Ruminal concentration and proportion of acetate decreased linearly while concentration and proportion of propionate increased linearly with increasing level of refined cornstarch. Mean ruminal pH, time spent below pH 5.8 (h), and area below pH 5.8 (h x pH units/d) were unaffected by level of refined cornstarch and averaged 5.97, 8.4, and 2.9, respectively. Increasing the level of carbohydrates fermented in the rumen by replacing dry cracked corn with refined cornstarch (up to 57% of dietary starch) did not compromise rumen fermentation or affect performance of midlactation dairy cows.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of carbohydrate source and processing on serum progesterone (P4) and insulin concentrations of nonlactating dairy cows. In experiment 1, 12 ovariectomized grazing Gir × Holstein cows were stratified by body weight and body condition score, and randomly assigned to receive a supplement containing either finely ground corn or citrus pulp in a Latin square crossover design. Diets were fed individually, twice daily at a rate of 10.9 kg of dry matter per cow. Cows received a controlled intravaginal P4-releasing insert before the beginning of the study, and inserts were replaced every 7 d. During the first experimental period, cows were adapted to treatments from d 0 to 13 and blood was collected on d 14, whereas during the second experimental period cows were adapted to treatments from d 0 to 6 and blood samples were collected on d 7. In both periods, blood samples were collected immediately before and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 h after the first supplement feeding of the collection day. In experiment 2, the cows utilized in experiment 1 were randomly assigned to receive a supplement based on finely ground corn, coarsely ground corn, or high-moisture corn in a Latin square crossover design. Cows were fed and received the controlled intravaginal P4-releasing insert as in experiment 1. Within each of the 3 experimental periods, cows were adapted to diets from d 0 to 6, and blood samples were collected on d 7 as in experiment 1. Time effects were detected in experiments 1 and 2 because insulin concentrations increased by 1 h (4.6 ± 0.90 vs. 7.4 ± 0.91 μIU/mL for 0 and 1 h, respectively) and P4 concentrations decreased by 3 h (1.8 ± 0.12 vs. 1.2 ± 0.11 ng/mL for 0 and 3 h, respectively) after supplements were offered. In experiment 2, insulin concentrations were greater in cows fed high-moisture corn compared with those fed coarsely or finely ground corn (8.8 ± 1.05, 5.7 ± 1.05, and 6.1 ± 1.05 μIU/mL, respectively). Data combined from both experiments indicated that cows with median insulin ≥4.5 μIU/mL before supplement feeding had greater P4 concentrations at 1 h, but lesser P4 concentrations at 5 h compared with cows with insulin <4.5 μIU/mL. Carbohydrate processing, but not carbohydrate source, affected serum insulin of nonlactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Replacing dietary starch with sugar has been reported to improve production in dairy cows. Two sets of 24 Holstein cows averaging 41 kg/d of milk were fed a covariate diet, blocked by days in milk, and randomly assigned in 2 phases to 4 groups of 6 cows each. Cows were fed experimental diets containing [dry matter (DM) basis]: 39% alfalfa silage, 21% corn silage, 21% rolled high-moisture shelled corn, 9% soybean meal, 2% fat, 1% vitamin-mineral supplement, 7.5% supplemental nonstructural carbohydrate, 16.7% crude protein, and 30% neutral detergent fiber. Nonstructural carbohydrates added to the 4 diets were 1) 7.5% corn starch, 0% sucrose; 2) 5.0% starch, 2.5% sucrose; 3) 2.5% starch, 5.0% sucrose; or 4) 0% starch, 7.5% sucrose. Cows were fed the experimental diets for 8 wk. There were linear increases in DM intake and milk fat content and yield, and linear decreases in ruminal concentrations of ammonia and branched-chain volatile fatty acids, and urinary excretion of urea-N and total N, and urinary urea-N as a proportion of total N, as sucrose replaced corn starch in the diet. Despite these changes, there was no effect of diet on microbial protein formation, estimated from total purine flow at the omasum or purine derivative excretion in the urine, and there were linear decreases in both milk/DM intake and milk N/N-intake when sucrose replaced dietary starch. However, expressing efficiency as fat-corrected milk/DM intake or solids-corrected milk/DM intake indicated that there was no effect of sucrose addition on nutrient utilization. Replacing dietary starch with sucrose increased fat secretion, apparently via increased energy supply because of greater intake. Positive responses normally correlated with improved ruminal N efficiency that were altered by sucrose feeding were not associated with increased protein secretion in this trial.  相似文献   

The in vitro cumulative gas production technique can be used to assess microbial activity of a complex community, in relation to fermentation of a particular energy source. Therefore, in combination with an in vivo study to examine the effects of two different diets for weaning piglets, microbial activities of faeces were compared from animals on the two different diets. The two diets were: CHO diet [containing added fermentable carbohydrates, including sugarbeet pulp (SBP) and wheat starch (WST)], and control diet without any added fermentable carbohydrates. Neither diet contained antibiotics or extra added copper. Twenty‐four piglets were selected from 12 litters (two per litter), weaned at 4 weeks of age (neither creep feeding nor any antibiotic treatment before and during the study), and introduced to one of the two diets. After 9 days on the diet, faecal samples were collected from selected animals, and tested for their activity in terms of gas production kinetics, and end‐products such as volatile fatty acids, ammonia and dry matter disappearance of the two test substrates SBP and WST. The bacterial diversity was also analysed before and after in vitro fermentation using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of amplified 16S rRNA genes. There were differences both in kinetics and end‐products of the substrates. More interestingly, significant differences were detected between inocula, although mainly in terms of fermentation kinetics of the two substrates. With the CHO inoculum, SBP was fermented faster than with the control, while this effect was reversed for WST. Significantly higher diversity, as measured by DGGE fingerprint analysis, was detected in the microbial community enrichment on SBP as compared with WST at the end of fermentation. The difference between the kinetics of SBP compared with WST fermentation by faecal microbiota from the CHO diet fed piglets suggests better adaptation to SBP fermentation than to WST fermentation. The WST fermentation was more unexpected, given that a significant amount of starch is known to be fermentable by the small intestinal microbiota. It was concluded that the microbial community composition and activity in the GIT may be changed in response to diet, and that this change can be detected in vitro. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

王君  李磊  谢冰  左琦  吕雅楠  寇晓虹 《食品科学》2010,31(18):390-393
以黄冠梨为试材,研究采后梨果实糖代谢及相关酶活性的变化规律。果实采后即贮于温度0℃、相对湿度85%~95% 的冷库中,分别测定贮藏过程(0~240d)中果实中葡萄糖、蔗糖、总可溶性固形物(TSS)和可滴定酸(TA)的含量以及酸性转化酶(AI)、中性转化酶(NI)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)的活性。结果表明:在采后贮藏期间,黄冠梨果实中葡萄糖含量与AI、NI 活性均呈先升后降的趋势,且AI 活性出现明显高峰,而蔗糖含量与SS、SPS 活性均逐渐降低。TA 和TSS 含量是果实风味的重要指标,随着贮藏期的延长,TA 含量逐渐下降,而TSS 含量呈升- 降- 升的趋势。果实中蔗糖代谢参与酶的净合成活性与果实中蔗糖的积累密切相关,在采后贮藏期间其活性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine differences in the in vitro fermentability of four carbohydrate‐rich feed ingredients and two weaning piglet diets with and without these ingredients, using both the ileal contents and the faeces of unweaned piglets as inocula. In the first part of the experiment, cumulative gas production was measured over time, using faecal inocula mixed from nine specially raised crossbred piglets (no creep feed or antibiotics) at 3 weeks of age. Inulin, lactulose, unmolassed sugar beet pulp, wheat starch and the two diets were used as substrates and fermented in vitro for 72 h. Gas production was measured as an indicator of the kinetics of fermentation. Fermentation end‐products, including volatile fatty acids and ammonia, and organic matter loss, were also measured. For the fermentations of feed ingredients, samples were also collected for polymerase chain reaction/denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses initially and after the fermentation process, to study changes in the composition of the bacterial community. This procedure was repeated 1 week later, using ileal contents from the same piglets as inoculum. There were significant differences between the inocula, in terms of both overall fermentation characteristics and composition and between the substrates. There was also a significant interaction between inocula and substrates, which suggests that there were potentially important differences in the microbial activity occurring in these two areas of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). For the two diets, one with and one without addition of these fermentable ingredients, there were significant differences in terms of the kinetics, but less so in terms of the end‐products of fermentation. It was concluded that inocula from both the small and large intestine should be used to obtain a more accurate assessment of potential feed ingredients which will stimulate fermentation in the piglet GIT. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Disparities between nutrient intake and demand often result in a state of negative energy balance (EB) in the early-lactation dairy cow. Reducing dietary crude protein (CP) content and providing glucogenic nutrients may overcome this issue. This study evaluates whether or not offering a diet lower in CP and higher in nonfiber carbohydrates (LP-NFC) can improve EB and the metabolic status of the early-lactation dairy cow compared with a diet higher in CP and fibrous carbohydrates (HP-FC). Twenty Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were assigned to 1 of 2 dietary treatments in a randomized block design. Diets were isoenergetic (6.57 MJ of net energy for lactation) and formulated to contain 15% CP and 6% starch (HP-FC), or 12% CP and 28% starch (LP-NFC) and were offered for the first 63 d of lactation. Intake and milk yield were determined daily, whereas milk and blood samples, weights, and body condition scores were collected weekly. Intakes (mean ± standard errors of the mean, SEM) of dry matter (17.4 ± 0.6 kg/d) and energy (113.0 ± 4.6 MJ of net energy for lactation) were not different between treatments. However, the HP-FC group had a higher milk yield (31.8 vs. 28.9 ± 1.4 kg/d) and a lower EB compared with the LP-NFC group. Blood urea N concentration (3.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.2 mmol/L) was higher, whereas bilirubin (6.0 vs. 6.7 ± 0.2 mmol/L) and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations (0.7 vs. 0.8 ± 0.05 mmol/L) were lower in the HP-FC group compared with the LP-NFC group. These data suggest that EB can be improved during early lactation through the manipulation of milk output by offering a lower CP, higher NFC diet.  相似文献   

A trial with four ruminally and duodenally cannulated, late-lactation dairy cows was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary carbohydrate (CHO) composition and availability on ruminal ammonia N utilization and transfer into milk protein. Two diets were fed at 8-h intervals in a crossover design. The diets differed in CHO composition: the ruminally fermentable non-structural carbohydrates (RFSS) diet (barley and molasses) contained a larger proportion of ruminally available CHO in the nonstructural carbohydrate fractions and the ruminally fermentable fiber (RFNDF) diet (corn, beet pulp, and brewer's grains) contained a larger proportion of CHO in ruminally available fiber. Nitrogen-15 was used to label ruminal ammonia N and consequently microbial and milk N. Fermentation acids, enzyme activities, and microbial protein production in the rumen were not affected by diet. Ruminal ammonia concentration was lowered by RFNDF. Ruminal and total tract digestibility of nutrients did not differ between diets except that apparent ruminal degradability of crude protein was lower for RFNDF compared with RFSS. Partitioning of N losses between urine and feces was also not affected by diet. Milk yield and fat and protein content were not affected by treatment. Average concentration of milk urea N was lower for RFNDF than for RFSS. Proportion of milk protein N originating from ruminal microbial N (based on the areas under the 15N-enrichment curves) was higher for RFNDF than for RFSS. Cumulative recovery of 15N in milk protein was 13% higher for RFNDF than for RFSS indicating enhanced transfer of 15N-ammonia into milk protein with the former diet. The results suggested that, compared to diets containing higher levels of ruminally fermentable starch, diets providing higher concentration of ruminally fermentable fiber may enhance transfer of ruminal ammonia and microbial N into milk protein.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether haptoglobin (Hp) could be used as a predictive measure for metritis. Cattle were grouped into 3 health categories based on the condition of vaginal discharge and body temperature after calving: severe metritis (n = 12), mild metritis (n = 32), and healthy (n = 23). Blood was collected and analyzed for Hp concentration on d −20 ± 5, −6 ± 2, −2 ± 1, and d 0 relative to calving, and then every 3 d after calving until d +21. Cows with mild and severe metritis had greater Hp concentrations than healthy cows between d 0 and d +12. Mean (±SE) Hp concentrations peaked on d +3 in the cows with mild metritis (1.06 ± 0.15 g/L) and on d +6 in cows with severe metritis (1.62 ± 0.47 g/L). Mean concentrations for the healthy group were 0.58 ± 0.12 g/L and 0.31 ± 0.08 g/L on d +3 and d +6, respectively. Clinical signs of pathological discharge for the mildly and severely metritic cows did not occur until, on average, 8.6 ± 3.9 d and 5.3 ± 1.9 d after calving, respectively. Cows with Hp concentrations ≥1 g/L on d +3 were 6.7 times more likely to develop severe or mild metritis; this predictive threshold has a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 87%. These results indicate that an acute phase inflammatory response precedes clinical metritis and that Hp screening may assist in the early detection of metritis, providing increased opportunities for early treatment and prevention.  相似文献   

Postpartum dietary supplementation of gluconeogenic precursors may improve the plasma metabolite profile of dairy cows, reducing metabolic disorders and improving lactation performance. The objective of this trial was to examine the effects of supplementation with fermented ammoniated condensed whey (FACW) postpartum on lactation performance and on profile of plasma metabolites and hormones in transition dairy cows. Individually fed multiparous Holstein cows were blocked by calving date and randomly assigned to control (2.9% dry matter of diet as soybean meal; n = 20) or FACW (2.9% dry matter of diet as liquid GlucoBoost, Fermented Nutrition, Luxemburg, WI; n = 19) dietary treatments. Treatments were offered from 1 to 45 d in milk (DIM). Cows were milked twice a day. Dry matter intake and milk yield were recorded daily and averaged weekly. Individual milk samples from 2 consecutive milkings were obtained once a week for component analysis. Rumen fluid was collected (n = 3 cows/treatment) at 4 time points per day at 7 and 21 DIM. Blood samples were collected within 1 h before feeding time for metabolite analysis and hyperketonemia diagnosis. Supplementation of FACW improved feed efficiency relative to control; this effect may be partially explained by a marginally significant reduction in dry matter intake from wk 3 to 7 for FACW-supplemented cows with no detected FACW-driven changes in milk yield, milk protein yield, and milk energy output compared with control. Also, there was no evidence for differences in intake of net energy for lactation, efficiency of energy use, energy balance, or body weight or body condition score change from calving to 45 DIM between treatments. Supplementation of FACW shifted rumen measures toward greater molar proportions of propionate and butyrate, and lesser molar proportions of acetate and valerate. Cows supplemented with FACW had greater plasma glucose concentrations in the period from 3 to 7 DIM and greater plasma insulin concentrations compared with control. Plasma nonesterified fatty acid and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were decreased in cows supplemented with FACW compared with control cows in the period from 3 to 7 DIM. These findings indicate that FACW may have improved the plasma metabolite profile immediately postpartum in dairy cows. Additionally, supplementation of FACW resulted in improved feed efficiency as accessed by measures of milk output relative to feed intake.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(7):4559-4579
Feeding supplemental choline and Met during the periparturient period can have positive effects on cow performance; however, the mechanisms by which these nutrients affect performance and metabolism are unclear. The objective of this experiment was to determine if providing rumen-protected choline, rumen-protected Met, or both during the periparturient period modifies the choline metabolitic profile of plasma and milk, plasma AA, and hepatic mRNA expression of genes associated with choline, Met, and lipid metabolism. Cows (25 primiparous, 29 multiparous) were blocked by expected calving date and parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: control (no rumen-protected choline or rumen-protected Met); CHO (13 g/d choline ion); MET (9 g/d DL-methionine prepartum; 13.5 g/d DL-methionine, postpartum); or CHO + MET. Treatments were applied daily as a top dress from ∼21 d prepartum through 35 d in milk (DIM). On the day of treatment enrollment (d −19 ± 2 relative to calving), blood samples were collected for covariate measurements. At 7 and 14 DIM, samples of blood and milk were collected for analysis of choline metabolites, including 16 species of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and 4 species of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). Blood was also analyzed for AA concentrations. Liver samples collected from multiparous cows on the day of treatment enrollment and at 7 DIM were used for gene expression analysis. There was no consistent effect of CHO or MET on milk or plasma free choline, betaine, sphingomyelin, or glycerophosphocholine. However, CHO increased milk secretion of total LPC irrespective of MET for multiparous cows and in absence of MET for primiparous cows. Furthermore, CHO increased or tended to increase milk secretion of LPC 16:0, LPC 18:1, and LPC 18:0 for primi- and multiparous cows, although the response varied with MET supplementation. Feeding CHO also increased plasma concentrations of LPC 16:0 and LPC 18:1 in absence of MET for multiparous cows. Although milk secretion of total PC was unaffected, CHO and MET increased secretion of 6 and 5 individual PC species for multiparous cows, respectively. Plasma concentrations of total PC and individual PC species were unaffected by CHO or MET for multiparous cows, but MET reduced total PC and 11 PC species during wk 2 postpartum for primiparous cows. Feeding MET consistently increased plasma Met concentrations for both primi- and multiparous cows. Additionally, MET decreased plasma serine concentrations during wk 2 postpartum and increased plasma phenylalanine in absence of CHO for multiparous cows. In absence of MET, CHO tended to increase hepatic mRNA levels of betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase and phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1 choline, α, but tended to decrease expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase 2 and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α irrespective of MET. Although shifts in the milk and plasma PC profile were subtle and inconsistent between primi- and multiparous cows, gene expression results suggest that supplemental choline plays a probable role in promoting the cytidine diphosphate-choline and betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase pathways. However, interactive effects suggest that this response depends on Met availability, which may explain the inconsistent results observed among studies when supplemental choline is fed.  相似文献   

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