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IPTV中的组播通信技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王明生 《中国有线电视》2005,(12):1136-1142
简单介绍了IPTV的发展现状,详细描述了IPTV中数据传输的关键技术--组播通信技术的原理及应用.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the Enhanced Communication Transport Protocol–Part 5 (ECTP‐5), which provides scalable and reliable multicast communication service for many‐to‐many applications by constructing high quality recovery trees from two‐layer logical trees and repairing the losses via unicast automatic repeat request–based error control. In order to realize the protocol, we developed feasible protocol architectures and building blocks including additional functions which deal with engineering details, such as membership dynamics and sender coordination. Experimental results show that ECTP‐5 scales well with various session sizes and packet loss rates in terms of control overhead and recovery latency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first analyze carrier‐to‐interference ratio performance of the space–frequency block coded orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing (SFBC‐OFDM) system in the presence of phase noise (PHN) and residual carrier frequency offset (RCFO). From the analysis, we observe that conventional SFBC‐OFDM systems suffer severely in the presence of PHN and RCFO. Therefore, we propose a new inter‐carrier interference (ICI) self‐cancellation method — namely, ISC — for SFBC‐OFDM systems to reduce the ICI caused by PHN and RCFO. Through the simulation results, we show that the proposed scheme compensates the ICI caused by PHN and RCFO in Alamouti SFBC‐OFDM systems and has a better performance than conventional schemes.  相似文献   

In this letter, we assess the scalability of a path computation flooding (PCF) approach to compute optimal end‐to‐end inter‐domain paths in a path computation element‐based multi‐domain network. PCF yields a drastically reduced network blocking probability compared to a blind per‐domain path computation but introduces significant network control overhead and path computation complexity. In view of this, we introduce and compare an alternative low overhead PCF (LoPCF) solution. From the obtained results, LoPCF leads to similar blocking probabilities to PCF while exhibiting around 50% path computation complexity and network control overhead reduction.  相似文献   

Multicast holds out great promise to significantly reduce network load between the sender and a group of receivers by delivering a single data stream to many recipients. Protocol‐Independent Multicast (PIM) Sparse Mode and its variant PIM Source‐Specific Multicast (PIM SSM) are the most widely used IP multicast protocols. Protocols offer low latency data delivery capabilities with relatively high reliability and are characterized by large signaling overhead. This article presents a new multicast protocol, called Lightweight PIM (LPIM), tackling the main problem hindering widespread usage of IP multicast protocols, which is a large volume of signaling traffic. Given the existing usability of the PIM family protocols, a decision was made to base the new LPIM protocol on PIM SSM. The improvements used in LPIM lead to a considerable reduction of state data and signaling messages required by LPIM as compared with PIM SSM. Similar to its predecessor, LPIM is capable of handling large groups, although with significantly lower overhead. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Video compression exploits statistical, spatial, and temporal redundancy, as well as transform and quantization. In particular, the transform in a frequency domain plays a major role in energy compaction of spatial domain data into frequency domain data. The high efficient video coding standard uses the type‐II discrete cosine transform (DCT‐II) and type‐VII discrete sine transform (DST‐VII) to improve the coding efficiency of residual data. However, the DST‐VII is applied only to the Intra 4 × 4 residual block because it yields relatively small gains in the larger block than in the 4 × 4 block. In this study, after rearranging the data of the residual block, we apply the DST‐VII to the inter‐residual block to achieve coding gain. The rearrangement of the residual block data is similar to the arrangement of the basis vector with a the lowest frequency component of the DST‐VII. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the luma‐chroma (Cb+Cr) BD rates by approximately 0.23% to 0.22%, 0.44% to 0.58%, and 0.46% to 0.65% for the random access, low delay B, and low delay P configurations, respectively.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks are recognized by their abilities to form, sustain, and deform networks on‐the‐fly without the need for any pre‐established and fixed infrastructures. This wireless multi‐hop technology requires adaptive networking protocols with low control overhead and low power consumption to operate efficiently. Existing research so far are mainly concerned with unicast routing for ad hoc mobile networks. There is a growing interest in supporting multicast communication in an ad hoc mobile environment. In this paper, the associativity‐based ad hoc multicast (ABAM) routing protocol is proposed. The concept of association stability is utilized during multicast tree discovery, selection, and reconfiguration. This allows routes that are long‐lived to be selected, thereby reducing the frequency of route reconstructions. ABAM employs a localized route reconstruction strategy in response to migrations by source, receiver, and tree nodes. It can repair an affected subtree via a single route reconstruction operation. ABAM is robust since the repair can be triggered by a node in the tree or by the migrated node itself. ABAM is also capable of handling multicast group dynamics when mobile hosts decide to join and leave an existing multicast group. Our simulation results reveal that under different mobility scenarios and multicast group size, ABAM has low communication overhead and yields better throughput performance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a heuristic buffer management scheme that uses both positive and negative acknowledgments to provide scalability and reliability. Under our scheme, most receiver nodes only send negative acknowledgments to their repair nodes to request packet retransmissions while some representative nodes also send positive acknowledgments to indicate which packets can be discarded from the repair node's buffer. Our scheme provides scalability because it significantly reduces the number of feedbacks sent by the receiver nodes. In addition, it provides fast recovery of transmission errors since the packets requested from the receiver nodes are almost always available in their buffers. Our scheme also reduces the number of additional retransmissions from the original sender node or upstream repair nodes. These features satisfy the original goal of tree‐based protocols since most packet retransmissions are performed within a local group.  相似文献   

Compared with unicast, multicast over wireless ad‐hoc networks do not support reliability due to their inability to exchange request‐to‐send/clear‐to‐send (RTS/CTS) and ACK packets with multiple recipients. Although several media access control (MAC) layer protocols have been proposed to provide reliable multicast, these introduce additional overhead, which degrades system performance. A novel MAC protocol for reliable wireless multicast is proposed in this paper. By adapting orthogonal frequency division multiple access characteristics in CTS and ACK packets, the protocol achieves reliability over wireless multicast with minimized overhead.  相似文献   

In this letter, we study the multicast protection problem in sparse‐splitting wavelength‐division multiplexing (WDM) optical network, and propose a novel multicast protection algorithm called the shared source‐leaf path‐based protection (SLPP) algorithm. Unlike the proposals in previous studies, the backup paths derived by SLPP can share wavelength with the primary tree in sparse‐splitting WDM networks. Simulations are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the SLPP algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the decode‐and‐forward two‐way relaying channel without direct link and proposes a protocol based on the physical‐layer network coding (PNC) protocol. The proposed protocol (termed ORT) introduces one retransmission into PNC, aiming at enhancing its outage performance. To manifest the merits of ORT, we compare it with PNC and the time‐division broadcast (TDBC) protocol, in terms of outage performance, expected rate, and diversity‐multiplexing tradeoff (DMT). Firstly, we derive the outage probability of the three protocols and then the expected rate. Secondly, asymptotic analysis is conducted to shed light on the diversity and coding gains. Finally, the DMT is obtained for the three protocols. The numerical results reveal the following: (i) that ORT performs better than PNC in both outage and expected rate performance when the nodes transmit with different powers. However, it has the same DMT performance with PNC; (ii) that ORT possesses improved DMT performance over TDBC whereas its expected rate is only better than the latter at medium to high signal‐to‐noise ratio. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are two major difficulties in real‐time multicast connection setup. One is the design of an efficient distributed routing algorithm which optimizes the network cost of routing trees under the real‐time constraints. The other is the integration of routing with admission control into one single phase of operations. This paper presents a real‐time multicast connection setup mechanism, which integrates multicast routing with real‐time admission control. The proposed mechanism performs the real‐time admission tests on a cost optimal tree (COT) and a shortest path tree (SPT) in parallel, aiming at optimizing network cost of the routing tree under real‐time constraints. It has the following important features: (1) it is fully distributed; (2) it achieves sub‐optimal network cost of routing trees; (3) it takes less time and less network messages for a connection setup. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel framework for quality‐of‐service (QoS) multicast routing with resource allocation that represents QoS parameters, jitter delay, and reliability, as functions of adjustable network resources, bandwidth, and buffer, rather than static metrics. The particular functional form of QoS parameters depends on rate‐based service disciplines used in the routers. This allows intelligent tuning of QoS parameters as functions of allocated resources during the multicast tree search process, rather than decoupling the tree search from resource allocation. The proposed framework minimizes the network resource utilization while keeping jitter delay, reliability, and bandwidth bounded. This definition makes the proposed QoS multicast routing with resource allocation problem more general than the classical minimum Steiner tree problem. As an application of our general framework, we formulate the QoS multicast routing with resource allocation problem for a network consisting of generalized processor sharing nodes as a mixed‐integer quadratic program and find the optimal multicast tree with allocated resources to satisfy the QoS constraints. We then present a polynomial‐time greedy heuristic for the QoS multicast routing with resource allocation problem and compare its performance with the optimal solution of the mixed‐integer quadratic program. The simulation results reveal that the proposed heuristic finds near‐optimal QoS multicast trees along with important insights into the interdependency of QoS parameters and resources.  相似文献   

A mobile ad‐hoc network (MANET) is a collection of autonomous nodes that communicate with each other by forming a multi‐hop radio network. Routing protocols in MANETs define how routes between source and destination nodes are established and maintained. Multicast routing provides a bandwidth‐efficient means for supporting group‐oriented applications. The increasing demand for such applications coupled with the inherent characteristics of MANETs (e.g., lack of infrastructure and node mobility) have made secure multicast routing a crucial yet challenging issue. Recently, several multicast routing protocols (MRP) have been proposed in MANETs. Depending on whether security is built‐in or added, MRP can be classified into two types: secure and security‐enhanced routing protocols, respectively. This paper presents a survey on secure and security‐enhanced MRP along with their security techniques and the types of attacks they can confront. A detailed comparison for the capability of the various routing protocols against some known attacks is also presented and analyzed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose in this paper a Hybrid Software‐Defined Networking‐based Geographical Routing Protocol (HSDN‐GRA) with a clustering approach. It takes into account three different criteria to select the best relay to send data: (1) the contact duration between vehicles, (2) the available load of each vehicle, (3) and the log of encountered communication errors embedded in each cluster head. The multi‐criteria strategy allows the selection of the most reliable vehicles by avoiding communication problems and ensuring connection availability. Once the hybrid control plane has found out the next eligible neighbor, the data plane will be in charge of dividing and sending data. To validate our approach, HSDN‐GRA has been modeled and implemented in JADE, a multi‐agent platform, to be compared to other multi‐agent based protocols. Simulation results show that HSDN‐GRA achieves good performance with respect to the average routing overhead, the packet drop rate, and the throughput.  相似文献   

In multicarrier communication systems, a time‐domain equalizer (TEQ) can be applied to shorten the channel impulse response and to eliminate inter‐symbol interference (ISI). However, the presence of impulsive noise in the channel may paralyze the operation of TEQs and subsequently lead to poor error performance. In this paper, a multicarrier receiver that incorporates a constant false alarm rate algorithm and an iterative estimation technique (CFAR‐IET) in conjunction with a TEQ is proposed to increase the robustness of the receiver against impulsive noise. Furthermore, an improved version of the CFAR‐IET‐TEQ scheme, which uses the buffering, sorting, removing and amplitude averaging (BSRA) processes, is presented. Performance comparisons of the proposed schemes with the existing Gaussian‐optimized schemes are made. Simulation results show that the BSRA‐IET‐TEQ scheme is an effective approach to reduce symbol error rate (SER) in impulsive channels while performing satisfactorily in Gaussian channels. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New multimedia applications provide guaranteed end‐to‐end quality of service (QoS) and have stringent constraints on delay, delay‐jitter, bandwidth, cost, etc. The main task of QoS routing is to find a route in the network, with sufficient resources to satisfy the constraints. Most multicast routing algorithms are not fast enough for large‐scale networks and where the source node uses global cost information to construct a multicast tree. We propose a fast and simple heuristic algorithm (EPDT) for delay‐constrained routing problem for multicast tree construction. This algorithm uses a greedy strategy based on shortest‐path and minimal spanning trees. It combines the minimum cost and the minimum radius objectives by combining respectively optimal Prim's and Dijkstra's algorithms. It biases routes through destinations. Besides, it uses cost information only from neighbouring nodes as it proceeds, which makes it more practical, from an implementation point of view. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A channel‐estimate‐based frequency‐domain equalization (CE‐FDE) scheme for wireless broadband single‐carrier communications over time‐varying frequency‐selective fading channels is proposed. Adaptive updating of the FDE coefficients are based on the timely estimate of channel impulse response (CIR) to avoid error propagation that is a major source of performance degradation in adaptive equalizers using least mean square (LMS) or recursive least square (RLS) algorithms. Various time‐domain and frequency‐domain techniques for initial channel estimation and adaptive updating are discussed and evaluated in terms of performance and complexity. Performance of uncoded and coded systems using the proposed CE‐FDE with diversity combining in different time‐varying, multi‐path fading channels is evaluated. Analytical and simulation results show the good performance of the proposed scheme suitable for broadband wireless communications. For channels with high‐Doppler frequency, diversity combining substantially improves the system performance. For channels with sparse multi‐path propagation, a tap‐selection strategy used with the CE‐FDE systems can significantly reduce the complexity without sacrificing the performance. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the multicast routing problem in the multi‐hop wireless network. We exploit topology control to put forward a multicast routing algorithm with minimum energy consumption. First, network nodes are classified as different clusters. Then, the end‐to‐end multicast routing is appropriately built by using the cooperation among clusters and in each cluster and by minimizing the energy consumption. Unlike previous methods, we employ the appropriate cooperation among/in clusters and the optimal cross‐layer design to attain the information from the different layers and the different nodes. In a result, on the basis of the information, the needed clusters of nodes are correctly created. This is helpful to avoid clustering blindly network nodes and to reduce computational overheads. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is promising and effective. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Low‐density parity‐check (LDPC) codes are very powerful error‐correction codes with capabilities approaching the Shannon's limits. In evaluating the error performance of an LDPC code, the computer simulation time taken becomes a primary concern when tens of millions of noise‐corrupted codewords are to be decoded, particularly for codes with very long lengths. In this paper, we propose modeling the parity‐check matrix of an LDPC code with compressed parity‐check matrices in the check‐node domain (CND) and in the bit‐node domain (BND), respectively. Based on the compressed parity‐check matrices, we created two message matrices, one in the CND and another in the BND, and two domain conversion matrices, one from CND to BND and another from BND to CND. With the proposed message matrices, the data used in the iterative LDPC decoding algorithm can be closely packed and stored within a small memory size. Consequently, such data can be mostly stored in the cache memory, reducing the need for the central processing unit to access the random access memory and hence improving the simulation time significantly. Furthermore, the messages in one domain can be easily converted to another domain with the use of the conversion matrices, facilitating the central processing unit to access and update the messages. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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