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具有中间水道的废水再生循环水网络的优化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
冯霄  沈人杰  余新江 《化工学报》2008,59(8):2046-2051
考虑废水再生循环的水网络,可以最大限度地减少系统的新鲜水消耗和废水排放量,具有中间水道的水网络结构,可以有效地提高系统的柔性,本文建立了具有中间水道的废水再生循环水网络的超结构,提出了网络优化的数学模型。由于该最优网络涉及多参数的优化,本文采用了分步优化的策略,根据各参数的相对重要性,依次对新鲜水消耗量、再生水流率和再生负荷进行优化。计算实例表明,本文建立的方法是有效的。  相似文献   

Both freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge can be reduced significantly when wastewater regeneration recycling is introduced in the design of the water‐using networks (WUNs). However, it is often difficult to design the WUNs involving regeneration recycling. This article presents an iterative method to design the WUNs involving regeneration recycling. The final designs can be obtained without iteration for the networks with known regenerated concentrations, and in a few iterations for the networks with known removal ratios of the contaminants. The method proposed can reduce the following parameters simultaneously, the consumptions of freshwater and the regenerated water, and the concentrations of the stream before regeneration, and all of them reflect the cost of the network involving regeneration recycling. The results of a few literature examples show that the designs obtained in this work are comparable to that obtained in the literature. The proposed method is simple and effective. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   

Heat-integrated water network synthesis (HIWNS) has received considerable attention for the advantages of reducing water and energy consumptions. HIWNS is effective in water and energy sustainability. Mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) is usually applied in HIWNS. In this work, a novel nonlinear programming (NLP) was proposed for HIWNS by considering wastewater reuse and wastewater regeneration reuse. Integer variables are changed to non-linear equation by the methods for identifying stream roles and denoting the existence of process matches. The model is tested by examples with single and multiple regeneration unit problems. The testing results showed that the NLP is an alternative method for HIWNS with wastewater reuse and regeneration reuse.  相似文献   

On the analogy of the water‐using networks with single contaminant, we will introduce new methodology concepts: the concentration potentials of the demand streams and those of the source streams in the water‐using systems with multiple contaminants, based on the overall allocation possibility of the source streams to the demand streams. In the design procedure, the performing order of the processes is determined by the inlet concentration potentials of the processes. The processes with the lowest inlet concentration potential will be performed first. When satisfying the inlet stream of the process being performed, the source with the largest quasi‐allocation amount, which is defined in this article, will be used first. A few literature examples are investigated to show the method proposed. The results show that the method proposed in this work is very simple and the freshwater consumptions of the designs obtained are very close to the minimum freshwater targets. © 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009  相似文献   

将数学规划法与图形方法相结合探究单杂质用水网络与换热网络的集成问题。首先构建混合整数非线性规划模型(MINLP),在最小公用工程消耗下优化流股参数未知情况下的分离系统组合曲线面积,得到了最为节能、换热面积最小的用水网络结构。在此基础上,提出了新的分离系统组合曲线演化步骤和规则,可以得到换热单元数目较小的换热网络结构。算例表明,与现有的基于分离系统的热集成用水网络设计方法相比,在最小化公用工程用量的同时可以进一步降低换热器数目与总换热面积。  相似文献   

A new process‐based graphical approach (PGA) is presented for the simultaneous targeting and design of water network. The PGA is extended from the limiting water profile which was developed for flow rate targeting for a water network. Via PGA procedure, apart from locating the minimum freshwater and wastewater flow rate targets, the water network that corresponds to the minimum flow rate targets is also synthesized simultaneously. The proposed approach handles both fixed load (including operations with water loss and/or gain) and fixed flow rate problems equally well. In addition, the approach can be used to synthesize direct reuse/recycle, regeneration reuse/recycling, and total water network. Furthermore, the proposed approach is applicable for water network with multiple freshwater sources. Three literature examples are presented to illustrate the proposed approach. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

This work develops a heuristic method for the design of batch water-using networks of multiple contaminants with regeneration unit based on the concepts of concentration potential. A water-using network involving regeneration unit can be formed by adding the regenerated stream(s) into the network involving reuse only. In the design procedure of the network operated in a single batch mode, time is taken as the primary factor and concentration potentials as the secondary one. For the networks operated in a repeated mode, the design procedure is similar to that for continuous processes, besides designing the storage tanks with the rules proposed. Continuous regeneration unit is selected in this work. With the proposed method, the network structure corresponding to the minimum freshwater consumption can be obtained. It is shown that the method proposed in this article is simple, effective and has clear engineering meaning.  相似文献   

超结构用水网络规模大、结构复杂、求解比较困难。本文提出了基于最大水回用规则的遗传算法用水网络优化设计方法,该方法按出口浓度的单调性进行排列,使进口浓度或出口浓度达最大值以确定用水量,简化了用水网络超结构及数学模型。以最小新鲜水量为目标,以过程之间回用水量和废水量为基因,对简化后的用水网络运用遗传算法进行了优化设计。遗传算法采用浮点数编码方法,运用了算术交叉技术和种群间交叉技术。计算实例表明,本文所提方法可行,能利用最大水回用规则简化用水网络,并快速求出其最优解。  相似文献   

多杂质用水网络最优化设计——水质分析及数学规划法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘强  阎光绪  郭绍辉 《化工学报》2008,59(6):1441-1447
在多杂质用水系统中,各操作出水水质会以不同杂质为主要因素,难以直接比较水质优劣,本文提出了水质分析与数学规划法相结合的用水网络最优化设计方法,对进出口水的极限数据进行分析得出水质状况并对它们按优劣进行排序,优先将排在前面的、节水效果好的操作作为供水源,在水量足够的情况下,对后面的操作不予考虑,以此来简化用水网络超结构模型,然后利用GAMS软件对经过简化后的超结构进行非线性规划并求解,通过两个例子的分析,证明了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

吕东晖  刘桂莲 《化工进展》2019,38(4):1671-1680
将氢网络中基于剩余率的集成优化法扩展至水网络,以杂质浓度为基础进行分析,提出了基于杂质赤字的再生回用水网络图像集成优化方法。该方法无需图像试差和迭代,通过构建浓度-流量图和杂质赤字图,可确定未考虑再生回用的水网络夹点位置及最小新鲜水用量。并在此基础上,考虑再生装置和水网络的优化以及二者的集成,分析水网络的新鲜水节省量与杂质脱除率、再生水源流量及再生废水浓度的定量关系;构建定量关系图确定最小新鲜水用量随各参数的变化关系、夹点位置、最大新鲜水节省量以及一定再生条件下的极限及最优提纯参数。案例分析表明,该方法简单、高效,对于各工况下的水网络,均可使新鲜水消耗量及废水排放量减小,为工艺设计和操作提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

An approach for the optimal design of chemical processes in the presence of uncertainty was presented. The key idea in this work is to approximate the process constraint functions and model outputs using Power Series Expansions (PSE)‐based functions. The PSE functions are used to efficiently identify the variability in the process constraint functions and model outputs due to multiple realizations in the uncertain parameters using Monte Carlo (MC) sampling methods. A ranking‐based approach is adopted here where the user can assign priorities or probabilities of satisfaction for the different process constraints and model outputs considered in the analysis. The methodology was tested on a reactor–heat exchanger system and the Tennessee Eastman process. The results show that the present method is computationally attractive since the optimal process design is accomplished in shorter computational times when compared to the use of the MC method applied to the full plant model. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 3243–3257, 2014  相似文献   

周文晋  江苇  邓春  冯霄 《化工学报》2018,69(6):2560-2566
传统的工业供水网络设计往往仅考虑单个水源或多个水源的单水质参数的优化问题,没有考虑多水质参数和多水源以及相应的原水预处理系统。提出了工业多水源供水网络的超结构模型,并对原水预处理系统进行了数学建模,考虑了不同水源的水质特点,相应的预处理设备产水率和水质的移除率,将工业水阱进行了分类并考虑了多种水质参数的约束。以沿海某炼油企业的多水源供水网络为例,利用商业软件GAMS进行建模求解。优化结果表明,该炼油企业最佳的供水方案是综合使用地表水,市政中水和地下水作为水源,不使用市政供水和海水。该案例优化的供水网络年度化费用为638.42万元。  相似文献   

The concepts of green process engineering and rigorous model‐based approaches have proven to be highly beneficial in process engineering. Although a combination of these two principles thus appears extremely promising, it is not found very commonly in literature. The very high complexity resulting from this combination poses great challenges for the process design and design engineers. Therefore, this work presents an innovative methodology for the model‐based process design with superimposed multi‐objective optimization for an exemplary process. This process for the enzymatic hydrolysis of fatty acid methyl ester combines several aspects of green process engineering and represents an exemplary process with an enzymatic liquid‐liquid‐solid reaction system. The optimization results based on operating and investment costs reveal important insights on the exemplary process and highlight the great advantages of the developed methodology as a profound basis for academic and industrial process design purposes. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1974–1988, 2017  相似文献   

以水源-水阱匹配关系为约束条件,建立了单杂质用水网络的混合整数线性规划模型。提出了通过逐步调整水源与水阱匹配关系矩阵,把混合整数线性规划问题转化成多步的线性规划问题的求解策略。本文提出的优化方法,在最小新鲜水用量相同的条件下,能设计出水源与水阱匹配关系数少,流程结构简单、投资成本少的水网络。应用两个实例说明了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Method for constructing the optimal water supply line and formulas for calculating the targets for single-contaminant regeneration recycling water systems are improved to apply to the situation of variational pararneters in this article. Based on these extending methods, the effect of varying freshwater consumption and regenerated water flow rate on the optimizing results are investigated. The interactions of parameters of regeneration recycling systems are summarized. Finally, all the conclusions are illustrated from the results of mathematical programming through an example.  相似文献   

Scarcities in freshwater supply and increasingly stringent rules on wastewater discharges have emerged as major environmental concerns for petroleum refineries. Hence, this work attempts to develop an optimisation framework for refinery water network systems design and retrofit that integrates the complementary advantageous features of water pinch analysis (WPA). The framework explicitly incorporates water minimisation strategies by first postulating a superstructure representation that embeds all feasible flowsheet alternatives for implementing water reuse, regeneration and recycle (W3R) opportunities. Subsequently, a nonlinear programming (NLP) model is formulated based on the superstructure and computational experiments on a real‐world case study are conducted using the GAMS/CONOPT3 modelling language platform. Post‐optimality analysis on the numerical results are performed to achieve the desired water reuse quality, hence presenting a viable framework to aid decision‐making in water network systems synthesis. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Industrial waste‐water is posing an ever‐greater environmental hazard. Recently, a process for purification combining activated carbon adsorption and microwave regeneration has drawn much attention. In this study, the effectiveness of this process for the treatment of industrial waste‐water from a chemical plant was tested. RESULTS: The effects of various factors including solution pH, granular activated carbon (GAC) dosage and contact time on the adsorption efficiency of organic compounds were studied. The regeneration of the exhausted GAC under microwave radiation was investigated, and the optimal conditions were: microwave power 400 W, radiation time 3 min for 10 g GAC. Under the optimal conditions the regenerated GAC recovered 97.6% of its original adsorption capacity. Repetitive uses of the GAC showed that it maintained a stable performance in the first few repetitions, but a decrease was observed after further repetitions. A GAC weight loss of about 10% at the sixth repetition was observed and a decrease in the surface area and increase in the surface basicity were observed for the regenerated GAC. Economic evaluation of the microwave regeneration process suggested that the total cost was about 24.3% of the GAC price at a pilot scale. CONCLUSIONS: A satisfactory regeneration of the chemical waste‐water exhausted GAC could be achieved under microwave radiation. The GAC adsorption‐microwave regeneration process was applicable for the treatment of this chemical waste‐water. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

对间歇化工过程的单杂质用水网络提出了以新鲜水量最小为目标的优化设计方法。该方法对间歇过程的每个操作假定为一个操作接一个储罐,对所有操作按出口浓度从小到大排序,避免了高浓度水回用到低浓度水的操作中,去掉了用水网络中多余的连接,构造了用水网络超结构。该超结构可以表述为一个线性规划模型。通过GAMS求解该模型得出每个操作周期的最小新鲜水量,并通过证明得出该最小用水量随操作周期增加最终不再变化。该方法可以用作有、无中间储罐间歇过程用水网络综合,实例计算结果表明该方法是可行的,与其他方法相比更简单。  相似文献   

Water-using processes are typically modeled as either fixed flowrate operations or fixed contaminant load operations. A new method for targeting the minimum freshwater and pinch in a single-contaminant water network is proposed, which can be applied to both kinds of operations. The method consists of plotting separate source and demand composites with flowrate as the horizontal axis and contaminant load unusually as the vertical axis. It is elegant, non-iterative, and can handle hybrid problems where both kinds of operations coexist.To design minimum freshwater networks for fixed flowrate problems, an algorithm is presented based on a newly developed principle of nearest neighbors. The principle simply states that the source streams to be chosen to satisfy a particular water demand must be the nearest available neighbors in terms of contaminant concentration.To design minimum freshwater networks for fixed contaminant load problems, the nearest neighbors algorithm is applied to process units that lie across the pinch. Units that lie entirely on one side of the pinch are satisfied by the cleanest source available on that side of the pinch. In other words, below-pinch units are satisfied by freshwater and above-pinch units are satisfied by the cleanest available stream above the pinch. Designs based on this methodology, apart from meeting the minimum freshwater target, also minimize the water flowing through the process units resulting in reduced network capital cost.  相似文献   

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