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On the basis of the mutational and chemical-modification analysis, we propose the new secondary structure of a hairpin ribozyme, which contains three stems, a triple helix and the reverse Watson-Crick g+1C44 base pair at the 3' side of the cleavage site. The computational approach to the tertiary structure of a hairpin ribozyme have been carried out.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme is a small catalytic RNA composed of two helical domains containing a small and a large internal loop and, thus, constitutes a valuable paradigm for the study of RNA structure and catalysis. We have carried out molecular modelling of the hairpin ribozyme to learn how the two domains (A and B) might fold and approach each other. To help distinguish alternative inter-domain orientations, we have chemically synthesized hairpin ribozymes containing 2'-2' disulphide linkages of known spacing (12 or 16 A) between defined ribose residues in the internal loop regions of each domain. The abilities of cross-linked ribozymes to carry out RNA cleavage under single turnover conditions were compared to the corresponding disulphide-reduced, untethered ribozymes. Ribozymes were classed in three categories according to whether their cleavage rates were marginally, moderately, or strongly affected by cross-linking. This rank order of activity guided the docking of the two domains in the molecular modelling process. The proposed three-dimensional model of the hairpin ribozyme incorporates three different crystallographically determined structural motifs: in domain A, the 5'-GAR-3'-motif of the hammerhead ribozyme, in domain B, the J4/5 motif of group I ribozymes, and connecting the two domains, a "ribose zipper", another group I ribozyme feature, formed between the hydroxyl groups of residues A10, G11 of domain A and C25, A24 of domain B. This latter feature might be key to the selection and precise orientation of the inter-domain docking necessary for the specific phosphodiester cleavage. The model provides an important basis for further studies of hairpin ribozyme structure and function.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme consists of two loop-carrying duplexes (called A and B) that are adjacent arms of a four-way junction in its natural context in the viral RNA. We have shown previously that the activity of the ribozyme is strongly influenced by the structure adopted by the junction. In this study, we have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer to analyze the conformation and folding of the isolated four-way junction. Like other four-way RNA junctions, in the absence of added metal ions this junction adopts a square configuration of coaxially stacked arms, based on A on D and B on C stacking. Upon addition of magnesium ions, the junction undergoes an ion-induced transition to an antiparallel conformation. The data are consistent with folding induced by the binding of a single ion, with an apparent association constant in the range of 2000 M-1. Other divalent metal ions (calcium or manganese) can also induce this change in structure; however, sodium ions are unable to substitute for these ions, and are slightly inhibitory with respect to the transition. The loop-free hairpin junction adopts the same stacking conformer as the full ribozyme, but forms a more symmetrical X-shaped structure. In addition, the apparent stoichiometry of structural ion binding is lower for the isolated junction, and the affinity is considerably lower.  相似文献   

The RNA cleavage reaction catalyzed by the hairpin ribozyme shows biphasic kinetics, and chase experiments show that the slow phase of the reaction results from reversible substrate binding to an inactive conformational isomer. To investigate the structural basis for the heterogeneous kinetics, we have developed an enzymatic RNA modification method that selectively traps substrate bound to the inactive conformer and allows the two forms of the ribozyme-substrate complex to be separated and analyzed by using both physical and kinetic strategies. The inactive form of the complex was trapped by the addition of T4 RNA ligase to a cleavage reaction, resulting in covalent linkage of the 5' end of the substrate to the 3' end of the ribozyme and in selective and quantitative ablation of the slow kinetic phase of the reaction. This result indicates that the inactive form of the ribozyme-substrate complex can adopt a conformation in which helices 2 and 3 are coaxially stacked, whereas the active form does not have access to this conformation, because of a sharp bend at the helical junction that presumably is stabilized by inter-domain tertiary contacts required for catalytic activity. These results were used to improve the activity of the hairpin ribozyme by designing new interfaces between the two domains, one containing a non-nucleotidic orthobenzene linkage and the other replacing the two-way junction with a three-way junction. Each of these modified ribozymes preferentially adopts the active conformation and displays improved catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hairpin ribozymes (RNA enzymes) catalyze the same chemical reaction as ribonuclease A and yet RNAs do not usually have functional groups analogous to the catalytically essential histidine and lysine sidechains of protein ribonucleases. Some RNA enzymes appear to recruit metal ions to act as Lewis acids in charge stabilization and metal-bound hydroxide for general base catalysis, but it has been reported that the hairpin ribozyme functions in the presence of metal ion chelators. This led us to investigate whether the hairpin ribozyme exploits a metal-ion-independent catalytic strategy. RESULTS: Substitution of sulfur for nonbridging oxygens of the reactive phosphate of the hairpin ribozyme has small, stereospecific and metal-ion-independent effects on cleavage and ligation mediated by this ribozyme. Cobalt hexammine, an exchange-inert metal complex, supports full hairpin ribozyme activity, and the ribozyme's catalytic rate constants display only a shallow dependence on pH. CONCLUSIONS: Direct metal ion coordination to phosphate oxygens is not essential for hairpin ribozyme catalysis and metal-bound hydroxide does not serve as the general base in this catalysis. Several models might account for the unusual pH and metal ion independence: hairpin cleavage and ligation might be limited by a slow conformational change; a pH-independent or metal-cation-independent chemical step, such as breaking the 5' oxygen-phosphorus bond, might be rate determining; or finally, functional groups within the ribozyme might participate directly in catalytic chemistry. Whichever the case, the hairpin ribozyme appears to employ a unique strategy for RNA catalysis.  相似文献   

In vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate active variants of the 50 nt hairpin catalytic RNA motif following randomization of individual ribozyme domains and intensive mutagenesis of the ribozyme-substrate complex. Active and inactive variants were characterized by sequencing, analysis of RNA cleavage activity in cis and in trans, and by substrate binding studies. Results precisely define base-pairing requirements for ribozyme helices 3 and 4, and identify eight essential nucleotides (G8, A9, A10, G21, A22, A23, A24 and C25) within the catalytic core of the ribozyme. Activity and substrate binding assays show that point mutations at these eight sites eliminate cleavage activity but do not significantly decrease substrate binding, demonstrating that these bases contribute to catalytic function. The mutation U39C has been isolated from different selection experiments as a second-site suppressor of the down mutants G21U and A43G. Assays of the U39C mutation in the wild-type ribozyme and in a variety of mutant backgrounds show that this variant is a general up mutation. Results from selection experiments involving populations totaling more than 10(10) variants are summarized, and consensus sequences including 16 essential nucleotides and a secondary structure model of four short helices, encompassing 18 bp for the ribozyme-substrate complex are derived.  相似文献   

The DD genotype is a polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene, and is associated with a significantly increased risk of myocardial infarction. As endothelial dysfunction is an important event in both early atherogenesis and late atherosclerosis, we hypothesised that the adverse effect associated with the ACE/DD genotype might be mediated via endothelial damage. Using high resolution ultrasound, we studied the brachial arteries of 184 subjects aged 15-73 (mean 38 +/- 14) years, who were all normotensive, non-diabetic lifelong non-smokers. Arterial diameter was measured at rest, during reactive hyperaemia (with flow increase causing endothelium-dependent dilation) and after sublingual glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, an endothelium-independent vasodilator). The ACE genotype was determined in each case by DNA amplification; 49/184(27%) had DD, 89 (48%) had ID and 46 (25%) had II genotype. Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was 8.5% +/- 3.9% in the DD, 7.8% +/- 4.1% in the ID and 7.8% +/- 4.1% in the II subjects (P = NS). GTN-induced dilation was also similar in the 3 groups. On multivariate analysis, endothelium-dependent dilation was inversely related to age (r = -0.33, P < 0.001), vessel size (r = -0.41, P < 0.001) but not ACE genotype (r = 0.002, P = 0.97). The ACE genotype is unrelated to endothelium-dependent dilation in the systemic arteries of clinically well adults. This suggests that the risk associated with this polymorphism may be mediated by other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Metal ion requirements for RNA binding, cleavage, and ligation by the hairpin ribozyme have been analyzed. RNA cleavage is observed when Mg2+, Sr2+, or Ca2+ are added to a 40 mM Tris-HCl buffer, indicating that these divalent cations were capable of supporting the reaction. No reaction was observed when other ions (Mn2+, Co2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, Ba2+, Na+, K+, Li+, NH4+, Rb+, and Cs+) were tested. In the absence of added metal ions, spermidine can induce a very slow ribozyme-catalyzed cleavage reaction that is not quenched by chelating agents (EDTA and EGTA) that are capable of quenching the metal-dependent reaction. Addition of Mn2+ to a reaction containing 2 mM spermidine increases the rate of the catalytic step by at least 100-fold. Spermidine also reduces the magnesium requirement for the reaction and strongly stimulates activity at limiting Mg2+ concentrations. There are no special ionic requirements for formation of the initial ribozyme-substrate complex--analysis of complex formation using native gels and kinetic assays shows that the ribozyme can bind substrate in 40 mM Tris-HCl buffer. Complex formation is inhibited by both Mn2+ and Co2+. Ionic requirements for the ribozyme-catalyzed ligation reaction are very similar to those for the cleavage reaction. We propose a model for catalysis by the hairpin ribozyme that is consistent with these findings. Formation of an initial ribozyme-substrate complex occurs without the obligatory involvement of divalent cations. Ions (e.g., Mg2+) can then bind to form a catalytically proficient complex, which reacts and dissociates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The natural form of the hairpin ribozyme consists of a four-way RNA junction of which the single-stranded loop-carrying helices are adjacent arms. The junction can be regarded as providing a framework for constructing the active ribozyme, and the rate of cleavage can be modulated by changing the conformation of the junction. We find that the junction-based form of the hairpin ribozyme is active in magnesium, calcium, or strontium ions, but not in manganese, cadmium, or sodium ions. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments, we have investigated the global structure of the ribozyme. The basic folding of the construct is based on pairwise helical stacking, so that the two loop-carrying arms are located on opposite stacked helical pairs. In the presence of magnesium, calcium, or strontium ions, the junction of the ribozyme undergoes a rotation into a distorted antiparallel geometry, creating close physical contact between the two loops. Manganese ions induce the same global folding, but no catalytic activity; this change in global conformation is therefore necessary but not sufficient for catalytic activity. Fitting the dependence of the conformation on ionic concentration to a two-state model suggests that cooperative binding of two ions is required to bring about the folding. However, further ion binding is required for cleavage activity. Cobalt hexammine ions also bring about global folding, while spermidine generates a more symmetrical form of the antiparallel structure. Cadmium ions generate a different folded form, interpreted in terms of close loop-loop association while the junction is unfolded. Sodium ions were unable to induce any folding of the ribozyme, which remained slightly parallel. These results are consistent with a folding process induced by the binding of two group IIA metal ions, distributed between the junction and the loop interface.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA ribozyme system which consists of three RNA oligomer strands (substrate 8-mer; enzyme 16-mer plus 35-mer, Fig. 1) was designed. Effects of Mg2+ concentration on the pseudo first-order rate constant (kobs) of RNA cleavage reaction and on conformation of ribozyme complex were examined. The secondary structure of the complex was also analyzed by limited digestion with ribonucleases. The kobs and CD data were analyzed by curve-fitting analysis using equations derived for two-Mg2+ and three-Mg2+ ion binding models. The result revealed that a three-Mg2+ binding model can explain the Mg(2+)-concentration-dependent changes of both conformation and activity of the HDV ribozyme.  相似文献   

The structure of an RNA hairpin containing a seven-nucleotide loop that is present in the self-cleaving sequence of hepatitis delta virus antigenomic RNA was determined by high resolution NMR spectroscopy. The loop, which is composed of only one purine and six pyrimidines, has a suprisingly stable structure, mainly supported by sugar hydroxyl hydrogen bonds and base-base and base-phosphate stacking interactions. Compared with the structurally well-determined, seven-membered anticodon loop in tRNA, the sharp turn which affects the required 180 degrees change in direction of the sugar-phosphate backbone in the loop is shifted one nucleotide in the 3' direction. This change in direction can be characterized as a reversed U-turn. It is expected that the reversed U-turn may be found frequently in other molecules as well. There is evidence for a new non-Watson-Crick UC base pair formed between the first and the last residue in the loop, while most of the other bases in the loop are pointing outwards making them accessible to solvent. From chemical modification, mutational and photocrosslinking studies, a similar picture develops for the structure of the hairpin in the active ribozyme indicating that the loop structure in the isolated hairpin and in the ribozyme is very similar.  相似文献   

P5abc domain of Tetrahymena LSU intron functions as an activator that is not essential for but enhances the activity of the ribozyme either when present in cis or when added in trans. This domain contains three regions (A-rich bulge, L5b, and L5c) that have been demonstrated to interact with the rest of the intron. Although these regions are presumably important for efficient activation, the role of each element is not understood in the mechanism of activation. We employed circularly permuted introns and examined the roles of each element. The results show that each of the three elements can activate the intron independently. We also found that a correlation between the activation by P5abc and the physical affinity of P5abc to the intron exists.  相似文献   

辽西—冀东地区赋存于长城系上部和蓟县系下部碳酸盐岩中的层控金矿床为该区的一种具有良好找矿前景的新类型金矿床 谣类型金矿斥与卡林型金矿有若干相似之处,但又具有自己的独特特征,可称之为元古宙沉积岩型金矿床 太古宙结晶基底边缘或内部的元古宙拗拉答、区域性同生断裂系统、中元古界富镁碳酸盐岩矿源层+以及中生代构造一岩浆活化作用是形成该类矿床的主要条件。元古宙为地球历史上最重要的金矿成矿斯之一,以盛产沉积岩型、变质碎屑岩型和古砾岩型金矿为突出特征。  相似文献   

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