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建筑业的安全问题一直以来都是理论和实践研究的重点和难点,建立一个积极的安全文化环境对于降低事故发生率、提高安全绩效等有着重要的意义。基于文献研究,梳理学界对于建设工程安全文化在概念、测量方法和理论模型等方面的研究成果,对安全文化的内涵从安全氛围、安全行为、安全管理系统3 个要素进行分析,对建筑业安全氛围维度研究进行梳理总结,并就安全氛围与安全行为间的关系展开讨论,以期为建设工程安全文化的定量研究提供理论基础,对于建筑业的安全生产具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于输入—过程—输出(IPO)的理论逻辑,整合团队过程理论与差序格局理论,构建了PPP项目任务互依、团队反思、团队绩效以及差序氛围的被调节中介模型,并基于此对168个PPP项目团队进行问卷调研和研究分析。研究结果表明,PPP项目中任务互依对团队绩效具有显著正向影响,团队反思在任务互依与团队绩效关系之间发挥显著的中介作用;团队差序氛围不仅调节任务互依与团队反思、团队反思与团队绩效的关系,还进一步调节PPP项目任务互依通过团队反思影响团队绩效的间接效应。研究结论拓展了中国组织情景下任务互依在工程项目领域的影响效应和团队差序氛围的调节机制,为PPP项目团队绩效管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

建筑业安全事故频发,威胁施工人员的生命财产安全,影响施工项目的成败。为降低建筑施工事故发生的概率,有效解决安全生产问题,结合计划行为理论,利用问卷调查方法采集施工现场数据,并以此为样本研究施工现场的安全氛围对施工工人安全行为的影响。在理论分析的基础上,运用 SPSS 软件和 AMOS 软件整理和分析调研数据,验证了施工现场安全氛围对施工工人安全行为有显著的正向影响关系。识别出施工现场安全氛围 5 个形成因子依次为:领导力、知识分享、领导安全态度、团队纪律性和参与度与被认同感,并按对施工工人安全行为的影响力由高到低进行排序。  相似文献   

建筑业安全文化的内涵、表现、评价与建设   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从文化和安全的定义入手,结合建筑业的特点,讨论了建筑业安全文化的内涵.分析了施工企业的安全文化在企业、项目、项目中层管理者和工人四个层面上的特征和具体表现.讨论了安全文化和安全氛围这两个概念的区别和联系,对施工企业安全氛围的评价指标体系进行了归纳和分析.回顾了以往的施工企业安全氛围调查实践,并通过一个典型的案例,说明了安全文化与安全绩效的关系.最后,讨论了企业如何进行安全文化的建设、持续提高企业安全文化.  相似文献   

为研究地铁施工班组安全氛围对人因风险传播的影响,论文基于相关文献及地铁施工人因风险传播过程,将安全氛围识别为上级监管、安全绩效、人际关系、工友行为和工作环境5个维度。对787名来自陕西、重庆的地铁施工工人进行问卷调查。利用SPSS23.0对量表数据进行信效度分析,并以人员心理状态为中介变量,对意见领袖样本(模型1)和普通工人样本(模型2)分别建立结构方程模型,再利用AMOS23.0得出模型的拟合度及路径系数。结果显示:工友行为、上级监管,对意见领袖人因风险传播影响最为显著;上级监管、安全绩效、人际关系对普通工人人因风险传播影响最为显著;工作环境对人因风险传播影响不显著;人员心理状态对普通工人的中介作用大于对意见领袖的中介作用。  相似文献   

基于高校学科团队特定情境,采用文献回顾与对比分析方法,构建了知识整合机制、团队创新绩效及其两者之间相互关系的理论模型,提出了有关"高校学科团队知识整合机制通过团队知识、团队知识创造能力进而影响团队创新绩效的作用机理"的6条研究假设,为进一步认识高校学科团队高效运作所需条件和作用机理提供了新的思路和理论框架。  相似文献   

建筑业是我国国民经济中的一个重要物质生产部门,但也是一门危险性较大、事故多发高发的行业。随着建筑行业的发展,施工过程中的安全隐患也在不断增加,施工人员受到伤害的风险加剧,一旦发生安全事故,后果将十分严重。根据海因里希事故致因理论,事故发生的直接原因是人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,其中人的不安全行为是最为关键的因素。为发挥施工班组安全风险排查功能,本文以调查问卷的方式,在河南省郑州市路砦拆迁安置项目中随机抽取施工现场的7个班组进行调研,再通过SPSS软件分析论证安全共享心智模型对安全行为的正向影响。根据上述调查研究分析,建议了施工班组安全共享心智模型培养建议,以发挥职工在参与安全生产管理中的作用。  相似文献   

为增强施工安全管理人员的岗位胜任力,提升管理绩效,基于领导理论、胜任力理论、管理者胜任力理论,结合施工安全管理岗位的特殊性,提出包含专业技术能力、安全态度、领导能力、心理素质等要素的岗位胜任力的概念体系。并对施工安全管理人员、建筑工人等展开问卷调查,进行数据检验和模型验证。结果表明:施工安全管理人员岗位胜任力的 4个构成要素都对安全氛围具有显著的正向影响,其中,领导能力对安全氛围的影响最为显著。针对安全氛围的改善依次提出施工安全管理人员岗位胜任力 4 个构成要素的提升策略。  相似文献   

工程项目施工安全是社会关注的热点,安全绩效的测量是对其研究的基础。基于KPI 绩效考核理论对我国建筑施工企业安全绩效进行了深入研究,运用扎根理论、文献分析法、问卷调查法、量表分析法得到施工企业安全绩效评价的5个影响因素:营造舒适的安全施工氛围、提高工人的安全意识和技能、严格执行安全管理责任、落实安全施工技术措施和消除违章作业,建立了基于KPI 理论的施工企业安全绩效评价指标体系。以KPI 为核心的绩效管理方法,有助于提高我国建筑项目安全管理的水平,降低事故发生率和死亡人数。  相似文献   

本研究引入情绪作用机制模型,通过文献梳理提出了"建筑工人消极情绪-安全氛围-安全绩效"的概念模型。设计并向建筑工人发放调查问卷,利用回收的354份问卷数据,采用层次回归分析法对变量关系进行实证研究,结果表明:建筑工人消极情绪与安全绩效显著负相关;组织的安全氛围与安全绩效显著正相关;组织安全氛围在建筑工人消极情绪与安全绩效间具有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

Performance measurement has been a central topic of study in project management research for many years. However, the literature on project team performance measurement is fragmented and underdeveloped. To address these limitations, we conducted a systematic literature review aimed at organizing the state-of-the art, providing a better conceptualization of project team performance measurement, and strengthening theory in the field. We used an inductive approach to synthesize the literature and, building upon the performance measurement design literature and the Input-Mediator-Outcome (IMO) model of team effectiveness, we propose a theoretical framework that organizes project team performance measures around two axes: the nature of performance (i.e., efficiency or effectiveness), and the nature of the measure (i.e., tangible or intangible). By combining these two axes, we propose a 2 × 2 performance measurement structure composed of four dimensions: (1) project team processes, (2) project team emergent states, (3) project team tangible outcomes, and (4) project team perceptual benefits. Our study advances theory by offering a comprehensive and integral understanding of project team performance measurement and providing an evidence-based framework that could help practitioners improve the design of performance measurement systems for project teams.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to propose a safety performance index assessment tool to improve the construction safety. Formulation of the safety performance index of construction sites is achieved upon a validated multidimensional safety performance model. The contribution of this study could be summarized as incorporation of fuzzy set theory into structural equation modeling to develop a safety performance index assessment software tool. Case studies were conducted at 11 international construction sites and the results of their site safety performance indices were benchmarked. A short (simple) safety performance model was developed as an alternative to the full model (proposed model) to assess safety performance of construction sites. Results showed that short model predicts the safety performance with an acceptable accuracy and requires less time to complete. Finally, a safety performance index assessment software tool for construction sites was proposed by developing a site safety performance (SSP) application for mobile devices based on the validated multidimensional safety performance model. The paper attempts to numerically validate the influencing factors of construction safety with the help of a mobile device application. The paper also develops a mobile application tool to measure safety performance at any construction site.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that logistics reorganizing can contribute to improved performance in the construction industry. In this paper, the opportunities for such reorganizing are investigated by focusing on the connection between logistics operations at the construction site and operations undertaken before building materials land at sites. The aims of the study are: (1) to empirically explore strategic actions to reorganize construction logistics by improving the connections between on-site and off-site logistics, and (2) to develop a theoretical framework for analysis of potential options for reorganizing. The empirical inquiry involves a case study of a logistics specialist’s efforts to reorganize on-site logistics and the associated consequences for off-site operations. The study is based on 28 interviews with representatives of 13 organizations. The study provides two types of contributions. First, the theoretical framework, rooted in industrial network theory, enables analysis of reorganizing of activities, resources and actors to improve logistics performance. Second, the empirical study shows that a logistics specialist can improve on-site logistics substantially. However, such reorganizing requires adjustments of off-site logistics that may be resource demanding. Therefore, effective connecting of on-site and off-site operations calls for extended interaction between the actors in terms of joint planning and exchange of information.  相似文献   

人际技能是管理人员的重要能力,然而人际技能在建设工程项目视角下安全管理中的作用机理目前还并不明晰。研究目的旨在探究建设工程项目安全视角下管理人员的人际技能构成维度含义,分析维度间关系,探索人际技能对建设工程项目安全管理绩效提高的内在作用机理,从而为人际技能在建设工程安全管理领域的运用提供一定理论指导。基于此,设计相关问卷收集数据,运用SEM 分析在建设工程项目安全视角下,管理人员人际技能对安全管理绩效的作用并论证其机理。结果表明:人际技能对于项目安全管理人员顺利实施安全管理工作具有促进作用;安全管理工作的顺利实施能够促进工程项目的安全氛围提升从而提高安全管理绩效。  相似文献   

国家高等教育提出"双一流"高校建设以来,在人才培养、科学研究、社会服务和文化传承等方面,各高校均进行了卓有成效的战略布局。没有一流的师资队伍就不可能有一流的高校。因此,师资队伍建设成为各"双一流"高校工作的重中之重。"双一流"高校建设对实验技术队伍提出了新的要求,要求实验技术人员理论基础扎实、专业知识宽广、技术能力精湛,具有良好的规划设计能力、沟通协调能力、决策和执行能力以及良好的职业道德。但现有"双一流"高校实验技术队伍建设存在一些普遍和共性问题,例如建设理念不科学、考核机制不健全、队伍结构不合理、岗位职责不明确、实验技术队伍不稳定、培养机制不完善、队伍建设无规划等。针对以上问题,提出了"双一流"高校实验技术队伍建设的对策和建议,包括更新观念,加强顶层设计;合理设置岗位,明确岗位职责;采取激励措施,完善绩效考核机制;拓宽人才引育渠道,提高人员综合素质等。这些对策和建议可以为"双一流"高校实验技术队伍的建设提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to understand what skills project management team should develop in order to manage construction safety risks, implement safety tasks, and develop safety climate. A review on current literature was conducted to develop a hypothetical skill model. Structural equation modelling method was used to test the hypotheses and develop the skill model. The results supported the research hypotheses by showing that the skill components positively influence safety management task implementation and safety climate development. The results further revealed that self-awareness, visioning, and apparent sincerity are the foundation skills and precursors of scoping and integration and self-management, which are the first-tier mediator skills. The second tier mediator skills include social awareness, social astuteness, and relationship management. It is suggested that construction organisations incorporate the training of these skills in their human resource development programs and that tertiary education institutions consider these skills in their construction management related curriculum.  相似文献   

The construction industry has one of the highest frequencies of work-related accidents. We examined whether construction workers predominantly identify themselves in terms of their workgroup or in terms of the construction site. In addition, we examined the associations between social identity and safety climate, and how these constructs are associated with work-related accidents. The analyses were based on questionnaire responses from 478 construction workers from two large construction sites, and the methods involved structural equation modeling. Results showed that the workers identified themselves primarily with their workgroup, and to a lesser degree with the construction site. Social identity and safety climate were related both at the workgroup and construction site levels, meaning that social identity may be an antecedent for safety climate. The association between social identity and safety climate was stronger at the workgroup level than at the construction site level. Finally, safety climate at both levels was inversely associated with self-reported accidents, with the strongest association at the workgroup level. A focus on improving safety climate, particularly by integrating initiatives at both the workgroup and management level, may have the potential to improve safety performance and thus decrease the risk of accidents and injuries on construction sites.  相似文献   

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