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电流,工业声响,街头噪音,唱片,合成器,电脑软件,舞池,欲望,节奏,原始未来,虚幻,频率,秘密,星空与大海,后工业的蝴蝶穿过酸雨腐蚀的田野,抖落身上冰冷的金属粉尘,在风格森林的钢胸铁肺之后,在流萤与碎影中寻回失传已久的彩虹……[编者按]  相似文献   

登登  丘震 《数码摄影》2006,(8):112-117
我和我的新娘,是有关爱情的,孤独,抛弃,追求,理解。 我和我的新娘,是有关城市的,权贵,建设,没落,符号。 我和我的新娘,是有关一切的,愤怒,怜悯,无知,怅惘。[编者按]  相似文献   

不懂电脑,就会跟不上时代,不安宽带,上网就不如别人快乐。现在的孩子不是龙就是以凤,做父母的,自然恨不得自己的孩子跑在同龄人的最前面,买来电脑,安上宽带,然而,有不少父母,以为自己尽了父母的责任了,或者,是自己太忙了,没过多久,对孩子如何使用电脑,如何使用宽带,就不怎么关心了。  相似文献   

六年来,《小兵张嘎》动用了北京,上海,深圳,杭州,大连,长春,青岛,以及朝鲜的创作人才,最多时创作队伍达到600人,在“非典”时期,几十个人汇聚在一个厂棚里与几箱方便面为伴,一天都没有停工,剧本改编,美术设计,确立造型,语言动画,音乐选择,后期合成,每一个环节换一个城市,每一个环节都勒紧裤腰带完成,  相似文献   

Lailai是一个人物,爱幻想,爱思考,没有嘴巴,回为Lailai不爱多说话,不喜欢是是非非,也没有耳朵,因为Lailai不在乎别人的看法,走自己的路,独立,自由,眼神很顺利,因为Lailai要用它来分辨这世间的一切美和丑,双手发达,因为Lailai热爱劳动,热爱生活,  相似文献   

MAES系列通用专家系统的结构及使用方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述一种国内自主开发的专家系统开发工具,可以替代进口的专家系统。它可应用于工业,农业,军事,医疗,交通,旅游,环保,气象,航空等领域,实现诊断,计划,设计,咨询,管理,市场预测,投标等。  相似文献   

天界,树林的阴影一闪,已是云层,仙雾之中,重楼与飞蓬两大神将的战斗越发白热,此战惊动天庭,碰撞之际,飞蓬手中之剑落入凡尘。受天庭惩罚,飞蓬被贬下凡,这一世,飞蓬是渝州城永安当的伙计景天。魔界,重楼降世,降临蜀山仙剑派,他在锁妖塔中找到了飞蓬当年落在凡间的佩剑,但当他拔起此剑时,天摇地动,锁妖塔崩溃,群妖脱出……  相似文献   

近年来,能插在电脑上使用的玩意儿越来越多,比如数码相机,打印机,扫描仪,游戏杆,读卡器,MP3播放器,无线耳机收发器,微型硬盘等等,数不胜数,随着即插即用功能的出现,在电脑上添加新设备也越来越简单,但新添加的设备会请求使用系统资源,因此添加的设备越多,出现资源冲突的可能性也越高。结果呢?系统可能会变慢,死机,无法启动。  相似文献   

说句毫不夸张的话,WinRAR堪称不前最好用的压缩工具。它完美支持ZIP件,可以解开CAB,ARF,LZH,TAR,GZ,ACE,UUE,Z2,JAR,ISO等多种类型的压缩件,具有压缩率高,资源占用少,操作简单方便等突出优点,这使它迅速成为广大电脑爱好进行数据交流和备份的首选压缩工具。不过,很多朋友只是注意到WinRAR极高的压缩率,而没有注意到它更强大的安全性能!其实,WinRAR的安全性比其它常用压缩软件要强大得多,只要你合理应用,WinRAR能把意外的数据损失降到最低。  相似文献   

游侠Joser 《软件》2004,(10):4-9
我们都是普通得不能再普通的人,我们每天每天穿梭在钢筋水泥的丛林中,忙碌奔波,看上去,我们和大多数人没有什么不同,我们起床,我们吃早饭,我们上班,我们跟上司和同事争论,我们吃午饭,我们接着上班,我们下班,天黑了,我们一边吃晚饭,一边抱怨工作的辛苦,我们看电视,我们看书,我们睡觉,为明天的重复行为储备精力,日复一日,周而复始,我们拥有那么相似的人生……这是我想要的人生吗?不,我很肯定,我不想要这样沉闷的生活,我知道,你也跟我一样。那么,让我们在阳光里,蓝天下,草地上,大声地喊出来:我的人生我作主!  相似文献   

Hybrid attitude control in steering maneuver using ARC Hil setup   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the design of an active roll controller for a vehicle and an experimental study using an electric actuating roll control system. Firstly, based on a three degrees of freedom linear vehicle model, the controller is designed using lateral acceleration and rollrate feedback. In order to investigate the feasibility of an active control system, experimental work is carried out using a hardware-in-the-loop (Hil) setup which has been constructed using the devised electric actuating system and the full vehicle model including tire characteristics. The performance is evaluated by an experiment using the Hil setup in which steering maneuvers are carried out. Finally, in order to enhance the control performance in a transient region, the hybrid control strategy is proposed and evaluated.  相似文献   

Multi-modal emotive computing in a smart house environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We determine hazards within a smart house environment using an emotive computing framework. Representing a hazardous situation as an abnormal activity, we model normality using the concept of anxiety, using an agent based probabilistic approach. Interactions between a user and the environment are determined using multi-modal sensor data. The anxiety framework is a scalable, real-time approach that is able to incorporate data from a number of sources, or agents, and able to accommodate interleaving event sequences. In addition to using simple sensors, we introduce a method for using audio as a pervasive sensor indicating the presence of an activity. The audio data enabled the detection of activity when interactions between a user and a monitored device didn’t occur, successfully preventing false hazardous situations from being detected. We present results for a number of activity sequences, both normal and abnormal.  相似文献   

The approach based on the mathematical morphology and the variational calculus is presented for the detection of an exact face contour in still grayscale images. The facial features (eyes and lips) are detected by using the mathematical morphology and the heuristic rules. Using these features an image is filtered and an edge map is prepared. The face contour is detected by minimizing its internal and external energy. The internal energy is defined by the contour tension and the rigidity. The external energy is defined by using the generalized gradient vector flow field of the image edge map. Initial contour is calculated using the detected face features. The contour detection experiments were performed using the database of 427 face images. Automatically detected contours were compared with manually labeled contours using an area and the Euclidean distance-based error measures.  相似文献   

一个基于属性文法的用户界面规格说明   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
华庆一 《计算机学报》1996,19(5):351-357
本文描述一种基于属性文法并结合事件模型的用户界面规格说明方法。主要强调如何在直接操作式用户界面中表示多线性对话模型。这种属性文法的规格说明可以用一个嵌套在支持通信、同步、和对话执行的运行时结构中的属性文法解释器来实现。  相似文献   

Atlas语言是一种非常出色的通用测试系统语言,具有设备无关性。在基于消息处理的基础上,研制和开发了具有我国自主知识产权的ATLAS语言集成开发环境。讨论了设计过程中动态指针的使用技巧,同时讨论了树视图在设计中的应用,构造了编辑器。提出使用线程的思想实现执行器完成数据的并行效果,并使用原子增量对于并行机制进行仿真,使其达到尽量减少模块的耦合,做到模块的可复用性。  相似文献   

文章给出了数学中求方程近似解的两种方法的Rough集解释。该文利用Rough集的上、下近似理论来描述求方程近似解的过程,并把求方程近似解的问题归结为一个区间来进行讨论。  相似文献   

Iterative Learning Control Using Adjoint Systems and Stable Inversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we investigate iterative learning control (ILC) for non‐minimum phase systems from a novel viewpoint. For non‐minimum phase systems, the magnitude of a desiredinput obtained by ILC using forward‐time updating and Silverman's inversion are too large because of the influence of the unstable zeros. On the other hand, stable inversion constructs a bounded desired input by using non‐causal inverse for non‐minimum phase systems. In this paper, we first clarify that ILC using an adjoint system achieves the desired input defined by stable inversion. Hence, ILC using an adjoint system is an effective method for the control of non‐minimum phase systems with uncertainty. However, a useful convergence condition of ILC using an adjoint system was not achieved. Next, we develop a simple convergence condition in the frequency domain.  相似文献   

基于Agent的负载均衡框架应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对现有负载均衡系统的分析,针对现有系统缺乏自主调节能力的不足,提出了一套将现代经济理论通过Agent技术运用到负载均衡和资源分配中的应用框架模型。  相似文献   

Wavelet transform is able to characterize the fabric texture at multiscale and multiorientation, which provides a promising way to the classification of fabric defects. For the objective of minimum error rate in the defect classification, this paper compares six wavelet transform-based classification methods, using different discriminative training approaches to the design of the feature extractor and classifier. These six classification methods are: methods of using an Euclidean distance classifier and a neural network classifier trained by maximum likelihood method and backpropagation algorithm, respectively; methods of using an Euclidean distance classifier and a neural network classifier trained by minimum classification error method, respectively; method of using a linear transformation matrix-based feature extractor and an Euclidean distance classifier, designed by discriminative feature extraction (DFE) method; method of using an adaptive wavelet-based feature extractor and an Euclidean distance classifier, designed by the DFE method. These six approaches have been evaluated on the classification of 466 defect samples containing eight classes of fabric defects, and 434 nondefect samples. The DFE training approach using adaptive wavelet has been shown to outperform the other approaches, where 95.8% classification accuracy was achieved.  相似文献   

We consider using third-order equational methods to formally verify that an infinite systolic algorithm correctly implements a family of convolution functions. The detailed case study we present illustrates the use of third-order algebra as a formal framework for developing families of computing systems. It also provides an interesting insight into the use of infinite algorithms as a means of verifying a family of finite algorithms. We consider using purely equational reasoning in our verification proofs and in particular, using the rule of free variable induction. We conclude by considering how our verification proofs can be automated using rewriting techniques.  相似文献   

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