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Second- and third-order frequency correlations of speckle intensity patterns are used to characterize scattering media for multiple polarization states. The polarized temporal responses thus obtained are sensitive to the degree of scatter, with results being predictable by a diffusion model with sufficiently strong scatter. Experimental data are used to reconstruct various transfer functions.  相似文献   

An embedded random speckle method is developed to measure the displacement, both on the surface and interior, around a crack tip of a four-point bend specimen made of Plexiglas. From the displacement measurements in different planes across the thickness, stress intensity factors are evaluated assuming either a plane stress or a plane strain condition. The results are compared with theoretical and other experimental values. The variation of SIF across the thickness clearly demonstrates the existence of the effect of free surface.Résumé On développe une méthode utilisant un concept de mouchetures noyées distribuées au hasard, en vue de mesurer le déplacement survenant en surface et dans las masse, au voisinage de l'extrémité d'une fissure, dans un échantillon de flexion sur quatre points réalisé en plexiglas.A partir de mesures de déplacements faites selon différents plans suivant l'épaisseur, on évalue les facteurs d'intensité de contraintes en supposant des conditions d'état plan de tension et d'état plan de déformation.On compare les-résultats avec les valeurs théoriques et avec des valeurs expérimentales d'autres provenances.La variation du facteur d'intensité de contraintes suivant l'épaisseur démontre clairement l'existence d'un effet de la surface libre.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Webb KJ  Weiner AM 《Applied optics》2010,49(30):5899-5905
With two nonoverlapping beams incident at different angles on a heavily scattering medium, the spatial correlation of speckle patterns over source position has a beat that is related to the incident angle difference. A model presented explains the measurement. The spatial correlation is shown to decorrelate faster than the beam intensity correlation function and to be sensitive to the incident field profile. Increased scatter results in more rapid decorrelation. This work suggests new opportunities for imaging through scattering media.  相似文献   

Freund I 《Applied optics》1998,37(32):7560-7567
Phase correlations are studied for neighboring critical points of the intensity in an isotropic Gaussian random wave field. Significant correlations and anticorrelations are found that extend out to at least the fifth nearest neighbors. A theoretical interpretation of the empirical data is attempted within the framework of the phase autocorrelation and the probability-density functions of extended two-dimensional random phase fields. It is found, however, that adaptations of these theoretical models are unable to account satisfactorily, or even qualitatively, for the extensive phase correlations that are present in these fields.  相似文献   

Zimnyakov DA  Tuchin VV 《Applied optics》1996,35(22):4325-4333
Coherent-light diffraction on random phase screens with fractal properties leads to the formation of speckle patterns with peculiarities in correlation characteristics in the small-scale region. Such peculiarities are manifested in asymptotic behavior in intensity autocorrelation and structure functions in the vicinity of the zero values of their arguments. Intensity fluctuations in the far and the near diffraction zones are also characterized by values of fractal (Hausdorff-Besicovitch) dimensions D(HB), differing from the corresponding Euclidean dimension. Relationships between the exponential factors of the structure functions of boundary field phase and scattered-light intensity fluctuations as well as between values of D(HB) have been obtained as a result of speckle-formation analysis for different conditions. Their dependencies on the illumination and observation conditions obtained in experiments with fractallike scatterers (rough glass plates) are in satisfactory agreement with theoretical results.  相似文献   

Near-field intensity correlations of scattered light   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We show that the two-point correlation function in the near field of scattered light is simply related to the scattered intensity distribution. We present a new, to our knowledge, optical scheme to measure the correlation function in the near field, and we describe a processing technique that permits the subtraction of stray light on a statistical basis. We present experimental data for solutions of latex spheres, and we show that this novel technique is a powerful alternative to static light scattering.  相似文献   

In view of the computational divergence in the series expansion method of frequency response function under medium and high frequency excitations, a new improved algorithm for dynamics system response is proposed. Structural modes are divided into available low order modes and truncated high order modes. The frequency response function of truncated high order modes is expanded by the application of Taylor series on the basis of power series expansion and modal superposition method. According to the coupling characteristics between low order and high order modes to mass and stiffness matrices, the contribution of truncated high order modes to the frequency response function is expressed as the low order mode matrix and system matrix. The present method considers the relation between structure frequency and excitation frequency. The results show that the improved algorithm expands the series expansion method to the range of medium and high frequency excitations, and the calculation accuracy of the frequency response function is improved under the incomplete modal conditions. Numerical results validate that this method is feasible and has good convergence.  相似文献   

Almoro P  Pedrini G  Osten W 《Applied optics》2006,45(34):8596-8605
The recording of the volume speckle field from an object at different planes combined with the wave propagation equation allows the reconstruction of the wavefront phase and amplitude without requiring a reference wave. The main advantage of this single-beam multiple-intensity reconstruction (SBMIR) technique is the simple experimental setup because no reference wave is required as in the case of holography. The phase retrieval technique is applied to the investigation of diffusely transmitting and reflecting objects. The effects of different parameters on the quality of reconstructions are investigated by simulation and experiment. Significant enhancements of the reconstructions are observed when the number of intensity measurements is 15 or more and the sequential measurement distance is 0.5 mm or larger. Performing two iterations during the reconstruction process using the calculated phase also leads to better reconstruction. The results from computer simulations confirm the experiments. Analysis of transverse and longitudinal intensity distributions of a volume speckle field for the SBMIR technique is presented. Enhancing the resolution method by shifting the camera a distance of a half-pixel in the lateral direction improves the sampling of speckle patterns and leads to better quality reconstructions. This allows the possibility of recording wave fields from larger test objects.  相似文献   

The issue of generating non-Gaussian, multivariate and correlated random fields, while preserving the internal auto-correlation structure of each single-parameter field, is discussed with reference to the problem of cohesive crack propagation. Three different fields are introduced to model the spatial variability of the Young modulus, the tensile strength of the material, and the fracture energy, respectively. Within a finite-element context, the crack-propagation phenomenon is analyzed by coupling a Monte Carlo simulation scheme with an iterative solution algorithm based on a truly-mixed variational formulation which is derived from the Hellinger–Reissner principle. The selected approach presents the advantage of exploiting the finite-element technology without the need to introduce additional modes to model the displacement discontinuity along the crack boundaries. Furthermore, the accuracy of the stress estimate pursued by the truly-mixed approach is highly desirable, the direction of crack propagation being determined on the basis of the principal-stress criterion. The numerical example of a plain concrete beam with initial crack under a three-point bending test is considered. The statistics of the response is analyzed in terms of peak load and load–mid-deflection curves, in order to investigate the effects of the uncertainties on both the carrying capacity and the post-peak behaviour. A sensitivity analysis is preliminarily performed and its results emphasize the negative effects of not accounting for the auto-correlation structure of each random field. A probabilistic method is then applied to enforce the auto-correlation without significantly altering the target marginal distributions. The novelty of the proposed approach with respect to other methods found in the literature consists of not requiring the a priori knowledge of the global correlation structure of the multivariate random field.  相似文献   

MIMO随机振动试验频响估计中激励和响应的同步方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
频响函数估计是多输入多输出随机振动试验控制算法中的必要环节。在振动环境试验中,通常不采集振动台的实际激励信号,而用实测的响应信号和计算机内存中的激励信号来进行系统频响函数估计。由于计算机内存中的激励信号与实际振动台上的激励信号之间在相位上存在着差异,从而导致实测的响应信号和计算机内存中的激励信号不同步。这给系统频响函数的估计带来了较大困难。为此,根据线性系统中激励和响应之间的关系,结合随机减量法,提出了一种二次相关法用于系统频响函数的估计。用该方法进行频响函数估计只需要采集响应信号。在三轴振动台上进行了对比试验,结果验证了本文所提出的二次相关法的正确性。  相似文献   

Schmitt DR  Hunt RW 《Applied optics》1997,36(34):8848-8857
A direct correlation technique is used to calculate correlation fringe patterns from consecutive speckle patterns acquired with a dual-beam electronic speckle interferometer. Although more calculations are required than in standard image differencing routines, an advantage of the method is that the illumination over the surface of the object need not be uniform. In the method, Pearson's coefficient of correlation between the intensities within a set of adjacent pixels is calculated. This has the added advantage of being directly related to the theoretical phase-dependent correlation. A mapping of this measure of correlation results in the correlation fringe pattern. Laboratory tests were carried out with in-plane translations ranging from 5 to 45 mum. The correlation calculations were carried out by using cells (square sets of pixels) in the raw speckle images with dimensions ranging from 2 pixels x 2 pixels to 19 pixels x 19 pixels. Both cell dimension and translation magnitude dependent decorrelation effects influence the quality of the correlation fringe patterns.  相似文献   

Federico A  Kaufmann GH 《Applied optics》2007,46(11):1979-1985
We propose the application of a method based on the discrete wavelet transform to detect, identify, and measure scaling behavior in dynamic speckle. The multiscale phenomena presented by a sample and displayed by its speckle activity are analyzed by processing the time series of dynamic speckle patterns. The scaling analysis is applied to the temporal fluctuation of the speckle intensity and also to the two derived data sets generated by its magnitude and sign. The application of the method is illustrated by analyzing paint-drying processes and bruising in apples. The results are discussed taking into account the different time organizations obtained for the scaling behavior of the magnitude and the sign of the intensity fluctuation.  相似文献   

Summary Onset of thermal convection in a layer of saturated porous medium, heated from below, is examined when the layer is subjected to random vibrations. It is shown that when the vibrations are characterized by a white noise process, they hasten the onset of convection. Further, decrease in permeability tends to stabilize the flow field.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Effects of random inhomogeneity on wave propagation in the interacting micropolar conducting magneto-generalized thermo-viscoelastic medium are studied. The couple stress theory relevant to micropolar solids is employed. The analysis is carried out under the smooth perturbation technique amenable to stochastic linear differential equations up to the second perturbation. The perturbing field has been assumed to be weakly conducting and weakly thermal. The generalized thermoelasticity has been used. Six different types of waves have been observed to propagate in the medium. The dispersion equations have been derived. Effects due to random variations of micropolar-elastic, conducting-electromagnetic and generalized thermo-visco-parameters have been computed. Effects of random heterogeneity of the conducting magnetic field are readily available up to first order perturbation. However effects of the generalized thermal field are discernible only in the domain of second order perturbation. Change of phase speed occurs on account of randomness. Attenuation coefficients for types of waves have been computed. A special type of generalized theromomechanical auto- and cross-correlation functions has been used to approximately measure effects of random variations of parameters. Uncoupled problem has been formulated for future investigations.  相似文献   

Barille R  LaPenna P 《Applied optics》2006,45(14):3331-3339
We present the results of a laser beam passing through a turbulent medium. First we measure the geometric parameters and the spatial coherence of the beam as a function of wind velocities. A multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis algorithm is applied to determine the multifractal scaling behavior of the intensity patterns. The measurements are fitted with models used in the analysis of river runoff records. We show the surprising result that the multifractality decreases when the spatial coherence of the laser is decreased. Universal scaling properties could be applied to the spatial characterization of a laser propagating in a turbulent medium or random medium.  相似文献   

首先选用对噪声抑制效果较好的Hv估计方法,然后引入对泄露有明显抑制效果的全相位FFT频谱分析方法,构成全相位Hv频响函数估计方法,改善了频响函数估计效果,减小了频响估计误差对MIMO随机振动试验控制效果的影响.最后在钢质悬臂梁上做两输入两输的Hv估计和全相位Hv估计的对比试验以及两种估计结果在MIMO随机振动试验控制的应用效果,试验结果验证了全相位Hv频响函数估计对改善了随机振动试验控制效果的有效性.  相似文献   

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