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针对跨流域调水对生态环境影响的多层次性和指标体系既有定量指标也有难以量化的定性指标,即多级半结构性决策问题的特点,本文建立多级半结构可变模糊评价模型,重点考虑指标隶属度的确定、权重的确定和多级评价的实现,并将该模型应用于HQ调水工程对受水区生态环境影响评价中。通过分析计算得出综合评价结果为2.753,即"产生一定的正面影响"且偏向"产生较大的正面影响"等级,具有一定的适用性和指导意义。该模型为跨流域调水对生态环境影响评价提供新的思路,扩展了跨流域调水生态环境影响评价的方法。通过验证,该模型具有一定的实用价值,除了应用于跨流域调水工程的评价,该模型也可应用于其他类似领域的多级半结构评价中,在我国华东、华北及东北等北方区域具有一定的使用价值。  相似文献   

跨流域调水工程在发挥显著经济、社会效益的同时,对生态与环境产生不同程度的影响,如何充分发挥和利用有利影响尽量减免不利影响,越来越受到全社会的普遍关注。跨流域调水工程是一项复杂的系统工程,必须统筹兼顾调水对调入区和调出区经济社会和生态环境的影响,全面了解其对环境影响的各个方面和影响程度的大小,以便制定合理可行的防治措施。文中以甘肃省九甸峡水利枢纽及引洮供水工程环境影响评价工作为例,阐述调水工程环境影响评价工作的主要内容和重点考虑因素。  相似文献   

牛栏江-滇池补水工程调水后对水源地牛栏江流域的生物资源、工业和生活用水情况将产生一定影响,使其生态供给量和需求量发生变化,因此必须对水源地的生态承载力进行评价。利用构建的调水工程生态足迹计算模型,对牛栏江-滇池补水工程对水源地牛栏江流域的环境影响进行了评价。结果表明,补水工程对牛栏江流域生态承载力影响程度极低,处于当地生态系统可承载的范围之内。研究成果为牛栏江流域的生态环境保护规划提供了科学依据,也可为其他调水工程环境影响评价提供借鉴。   相似文献   

国外跨流域调水工程及其生态环境影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
方妍 《人民长江》2005,36(10):9-10,28
跨流域调水是人类为改善自己的生存环境、发展经济而采取的优化水资源配置的大规模工程措施.从而获得巨大的社会、经济和生态环境效益。简要地介绍了国外已建、在建和规划设计中比较著名的跨流域调水工程,论述了国外跨流域调水工程的发展现状和建设前景,同时就跨流域调水工程对生态环境所产生的有利和不利影响进行了客观的分析评价,这对我国目前正在实施的南水北调工程有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

跨流域调水生态补偿模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨流域调水工程已经成为解决我国缺水地区水问题的重要手段之一,而由跨流域调水引发的生态补偿问题是制约调水工程社会经济效益发挥的关键因素.目前跨流域调水生态补偿机制设计主要是沿用流域内生态补偿的一般理论与方法,导致跨流域调水生态补偿主体缺失、补偿对象不全面、补偿标准不合理、补偿方式单一,极大地限制了跨流域调水生态补偿实践的开展.本文通过比较分析流域内与跨流域调水在受工程影响、水权转移形式、涉及的利益主体关系、生态补偿主导部门、生态补偿核算标准等方面的特征,提出了以区域水权为理论基础,以生态补偿客体、补偿标准、补偿形式以及补偿保障体系为主要内容的跨流域调水生态补偿机制框架,并指出了当前我国实施跨流域调水生态补偿机制的关键举措.  相似文献   

跨流域调水系统研究与实践   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
王宏江 《中国水利》2004,(11):11-13
就跨流域调水系统的基本概念、特点及国内外跨流域调水工程规划管理决策分析研究状况,跨流域调水系统研究与实施的作用与意义以及跨流域调水系统规划与管理决策涉及的几个基本问题进行简要的分析.以引滦入津跨流域调水系统为依托,以可持续发展为导向,结合我国现状,从规划后评价与运行管理的角度对跨流域调水系统水资源管理中尚未被重点研究而又很关键的有关问题进行分析研究.  相似文献   

水资源时空分布不均、供需矛盾突出是我国的水情特点,开展跨流域跨区域科学调水是实现水资源-经济社会-生态环境三大系统空间均衡的必要手段和有效途径。结合新形势、新要求,文章分析了我国实施跨流域跨区域调水的必要性,概括总结了我国调水实践取得的成就,围绕调水工程顶层设计、水资源供需两侧以及调水工程良性运行机制等方面分析了现状调水存在的不足,在此基础上进一步阐述科学调水的基本内涵,研究提出了实现科学调水的实施途径。  相似文献   

跨流域调水工程已经成为解决地区水资源分布不均问题的重要手段,然而,跨流域调水工程的兴建必然会给生态环境造成影响。为促进水资源的可持续利用和生态环境的协调可持续发展,研究跨流域调水工程中的生态补偿问题具有重要意义。本文分析了5个国外著名跨流域调水工程中生态补偿的成功经验,并根据我国水资源禀赋属性,提出了建立政府主导、市场为补充的生态补偿综合机制,健全生态补偿的法律制度,优先兴建解决水质型缺水问题的跨流域调水工程,建立生态监测评估系统,在工程设计阶段考虑生态补偿,增强全社会的节水环保意识等5个方面的建议,这将为我国跨流域工程规划、设计与运行管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

跨流域调水是一项改造大自然的宏伟事业,其含义、规模及内容实际上远远超出单纯水利工程的范畴;其对国计民生、生态环境、乃至全社会所造成的影响,更是一个多种学科的综合研究问题,决非单一学科所能解决。当前正面临世界性的水资源危机,而各地对水的需求却日益剧增。因此,针对水资源在时、空分布上的不均衡问题,而采取科学的、经济的和合理的跨流域调水措施是必要的。为了使调水工程能取得最大的经济效益,特别是要保护生态平衡和环境质量,必须对调水方案的可能性和现实性进行科学的、技术经济的、环境影响等多方面的综合评价及论证。本文列举国外已建跨流域调水工程所发现的重大问题,来评价其利弊和成败;并展望跨流域调水的前景和提出做好其规划工作的建议。以作为我们从事这项工作的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

王煜 《甘肃水利水电技术》2005,41(4):417-417,419
结合引洮供水一期工程对生态环境的影响分析,说明了跨流域调水工程实施前进行环境影响评价的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

对国外著名跨流域调水工程的运行调度情况进行介绍,简要分析其健全的政策法规、统一的管理模式、先进的自动化调度系统、调节水库的工程保障和科学合理的调水计划等成功经验以及运行调度过程中关注的生态环境、水价问题。为实现南水北调中线水资源科学合理的运行调度,考虑中国国情,得到几点启示:国家应针对运行调度制定相关的、完善的法律法规,对调水工程实行统一管理,建立科学的水资源调度体系,开发自动化系统,避免其对生态环境的不利影响,探寻计划与市场相结合的水价模式。  相似文献   

坝式小水电在发挥“以电代柴”效益的同时,也对水资源及水生态环境产生了一定的负面影响。开展坝式小水电站生态环境影响评价研究,对于合理开发水资源,协调水电站开发与流域自然、社会、经济之间的关系具有重要意义。根据坝式小水电站的生态环境影响特点,应用层次分析法建立了指标评分体系,结合生态足迹法的思想来赋予各指标权重,构建了基于EF-AHP法的坝式小水电站综合评价模型,选取西北地区某坝式电站进行了案例应用分析,探讨了评价体系的适用性。结果表明,该模型提高了不同电站之间生态环境影响评价结果的可比性、客观性、实用性。该指标体系为客观评价坝式小水电生态环境影响提供了新的科学手段,对掌握小水电生态环境效应具有重要意义。  相似文献   

输水工程建设中的若干环境问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于辉 《水资源保护》2003,19(1):47-49
通过对跨地区、跨流域输水工程的研究 ,加之相关工程的设计和环境影响评价工作的实践 ,对输水工程建设中的水源水质、施工区水土保持、输水线路比选与生态环境保护、环境医学与人群健康、水源保护、动迁安置与公众参与、施工期劳动保护等环境问题进行归纳 ,提出可供类似工程参考的分析意见。  相似文献   

水资源综合评价对实现社会、经济和环境的可持续发展具有重要意义。以水贫困指数为基础,建立了水资源安全综合评价指标体系,探讨了基于层次分析法的水资源安全模糊综合评价方法,并对中国主要流域和分区的水资源安全状况进行综合评价。结果表明:黄河、海河、淮河和长江流域水资源贫困指数较小,开发潜力较小,其它流域和分区水资源贫困指数较大,有一定的开发潜力。经对比分析表明,评价结果与事实基本相符,说明本文建立的层次模糊综合评价模型是可靠有效的,能为水资源规划、跨流域调水和水利工程运行提供较可靠的水文依据。  相似文献   

The main goal of the Spanish National Hydrological Plan is the implementation of an inter-basin water transfer of a maximum of 1050 hm 3 /year from the lower Ebro River to the north and south Mediterranean coast. The plan also includes an additional list of public works of about 100 new dams and the infrastructure for new irrigation areas, as well as water treatment plants and river canalizations, etc. Taking into accout that the planned Ebro transfer would take 50 m 3 /s during 8 months, and that river flow is mostly in the interval of 150-250 m 3 /s during this period, the abstraction would repesent between one-third and one-fifth of the Ebro flow. This plan, if implemented, would have a strong negative environmental impact on the fluvial ecosystem, as well as on the estuarine and marine ecosystems, but these impacts have not been properly considered in the environmental assessment. This paper principally deals with the environmental effects of the water transfer on the area that supplies the water, downstream from the diversion point. The impact of an inter-basin water transfer on the mouth area is based on three aspects: (1) there is an increase in salinity in the delta and estuary; (2) there is a decrease in the biological productivity, mostly due to the decrease of nutrient inputs, and there are also changes in the species distribution; and (3) the river carries less sediment, which affects the geomorphology of the system. The possible effects of lower water quality and changes in the fluvial system have also to be considered. The sustainability of deltas can only be guaranteed with the allocation of an appropriate flow regime, which must include not only a liquid flow, but also a solid flow (sediment), given that deltas and coastal systems need sediment inputs (and nutrients) from the river to maintain their structure and dynamics. The classical methods of determining environmental flows in rivers are neither designed nor adequate for the objective of maintaining the deltas and estuaries in a good ecological state. The determination and implementation of an environmental flow regime not only for the river but also for the coastal and marine systems represent a new challenge for scientists and managers.  相似文献   

汉江流域水电梯级开发对生态环境影响评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉江是长江中游最大的支流,水能资源蕴藏量丰富,然而水电梯级开发与流域生态环境之间的矛盾是当前汉江流域面临的首要问题,如何评估汉江水电梯级开发造成的生态环境影响已成为学者广泛关注的问题。通过分析流域生态系统结构和功能,构建了基于PSR模型的水电梯级开发生态环境影响多层次评价指标体系,采用熵权法确定指标权重,运用专家评分法对指标进行量化,对汉江流域生态环境进行了评价。评价结果表明:随着汉江干流梯级的逐步建成,汉江生态环境影响评价综合指数总体呈现下降趋势。利用SPSS将标准化后的各个水电开发阶段的压力指数和生态环境影响评价综合指数进行拟合分析,得到以诱发地震等级、河流断面宽深比等为因素的汉江流域水电梯级开发生态环境影响预测方程。该方程可为流域水电梯级开发生态环境影响预测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Wang  Jianhua  Hou  Baodeng  Zhao  Yong  Xiao  Weihua  Lu  Fan 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(15):5243-5258

Inter-basin water transfer projects are powerful measures for resolving the uneven distribution of water resources, but their scale directly affects the associated investment and income. Therefore, determining the scale of an inter-basin water transfer project is essential. Based on the inter-basin agricultural water transfer project in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, combined with the suitable development scale of the irrigation area with the joint allocation of existing water sources, this research proposes a technique to demonstrate the scale of an inter-basin water transfer project based on dynamic trial feedback under the condition of the optimization method of despiking of the groundwater allocation; the water transfer project scale is demonstrated for each section in reverse order. According to the water demand prediction results in the study area, the scale of water transfer project BC is demonstrated, and the scale of water transfer project AB is demonstrated on the basis of the BC scale. The final AB and BC water transfer scales decrease by 15% and 13%, respectively; compared with the conventional method under the premise that the water supply guarantee rate is 75%. When the water is transferred, the process is stable, and the utilization rate of the canal is high, thereby saving investment funds and facilitating project scheduling and management.


The planning and management decisions often involve multiple objectives and multiple parties with conflicting interests due to the complexity of inter-basin water transfer systems. In this paper, the objectives, the groups involved and the corresponding conflicting interests that characterize water transfer decisions are analyzed. A multi-party, multi-objective decision/bargaining model based on the ??satisfaction principle?? is developed for inter-basin water transfer system decision-making. In order to obtain an ideal multi-party decision, bargaining is first broken down into two stages, and then decision alternatives are chosen using fuzzy pattern recognition. This model is simple, and it is more adaptable for solving practical multi-objective and multi-party decision problems. Finally, an inter-basin water transfer scheme optimization example is demonstrated by using the developed model.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new water transfer triggering mechanism for multi-reservoir system to divert water from abundant to scarce regions with a constant diversion flow in an inter-basin water transfer-supply project. Taking into account of the uncertain nature of inflow, the storage of reservoir is taken as a signal for decision-making to indicate water abundance or water scarcity. In this study, a set of rule curves based on storage of donor reservoir and storage of recipient reservoir are used together to determine when to start water transfer. To initiate water diversion to each recipient reservoir effectively, several water transfer rule curves of the donor reservoir are set for each recipient reservoir respectively in the multi-reservoir system with one donor reservoir and several recipient reservoirs, which is the main difference in comparison with other water transfer triggering mechanisms. In addition, a systematic framework is developed to integrate the water transfer rule curves with hedging rule curves to simultaneously solve the water transfer and water supply problems, since they interact with each other during the operation process. In order to verify the utility of the new water transfer triggering mechanism, an inter-basin water transfer-supply project in China is used as a case study and an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm (IPSO) with a simulation model is adopted for optimizing the decision variables. The results show that the proposed water transfer triggering mechanism can improve the operation performances of the inter-basin system.  相似文献   

跨流域供水水库群联合调度规则研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
针对跨流域供水水库群联合调度存在的主从递阶结构,提出了调水规则和供水规则相结合的跨流域供水水库群联合调度规则。其中,调水规则由一组基于各水库蓄水量的调水控制线表示,根据其间的相对位置关系,决定是否调水,调水量如何分配等;供水规则由各库供水调度图表示,对应于不同用水户的限制供水线将水库的兴利库容分为若干调度区。建立了适合于主从递阶结构的水库群联合调度二层规划模型,采用并行种群混合进化的粒子群算法对模型进行求解。中国北方某大型跨流域调水工程的实例研究证明了模型的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

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