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A novel mitogen-associated protein was isolated from a rat neural retina cell line. The protein copurified with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-A and was therefore termed PDGF-associated protein (PAP). cDNAs corresponding to the protein were characterized from both rat and human cDNA libraries. PAP binds to PDGF with low affinity and enhances the mitogenic effect of PDGF-A but lowers the mitogenic activity of PDGF-B. PAP mRNA is abundant in the brain of newborn rats and is found in several other tissues.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a novel 11-kDa virucidal protein, named cyanovirin-N (CV-N), from cultures of the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Nostoc ellipsosporum. We also have produced CV-N recombinantly by expression of a corresponding DNA sequence in Escherichia coli. Low nanomolar concentrations of either natural or recombinant CV-N irreversibly inactivate diverse laboratory strains and primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 as well as strains of HIV type 2 and simian immunodeficiency virus. In addition, CV-N aborts cell-to-cell fusion and transmission of HIV-1 infection. Continuous, 2-day exposures of uninfected CEM-SS cells or peripheral blood lymphocytes to high concentrations (e.g., 9,000 nM) of CV-N were not lethal to these representative host cell types. The antiviral activity of CV-N is due, at least in part, to unique, high-affinity interactions of CV-N with the viral surface envelope glycoprotein gp120. The biological activity of CV-N is highly resistant to physicochemical denaturation, further enhancing its potential as an anti-HIV microbicide.  相似文献   

The Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA)-binding glycoproteins from primary breast cancers and their metastases were compared with appropriate normal control tissues on Western blots. From these studies a single glycoprotein of 55 kDa was found to bind HPA in tumours but not in normal control tissues. The glycoprotein was identified by protein sequencing as being homologous to human immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region. Subsequent immunostaining showed it to be immunoglobulin subclass A. IgA1 was purified from both tumour and normal tissue by affinity chromatography. It was demonstrated that IgA1 from tumour tissue bound HPA whereas IgA1 from normal tissue did not. The oligosaccharides were cleaved from the protein backbone and the glycans from the HPA-binding glycoform of IgA1 were compared with those from normal human IgA1. IgA1 from tumour tissue appears to be associated with an HPA-binding glycan which is not present on the normal tissue-derived IgA1.  相似文献   

An affinity purified antibody specific for midkine (MK) stained senile plaques in the brain of Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. After formic acid treatment, plaque staining was dramatically enhanced, and almost all beta-amyloid protein (BAP) deposits were also immunoreactive for MK. MK-immunoreactivity was not observed in normal cellular components nor in other pathological lesions including tangles in AD brain. Control brain sections were not immunoreactive for MK. The presence of MK in AD brain but not in control brain was confirmed by Western blotting. MK appears to be involved in the pathological process leading to senile plaque formation.  相似文献   

NFB42 (neural F Box 42 kDa) is a novel gene product that is highly enriched in the nervous system. Its predicted protein contains an F box, a motif recently shown to couple cell cycle regulation to the proteasome pathway (Bai, C., Sen, P., Hofmann, K., Ma, L., Goebl, M., Harper, J. W., and Elledge, S. (1996) Cell 86, 263-274). NFB42 mRNA and protein are expressed in all major areas of the adult rat brain but are not detected in non-neural tissues. NFB42 protein is localized primarily to the cytoplasm of neurons and does not appear to be present in glia. The presence of an F box in NFB42 suggests that it may be involved in cell cycle regulation; however, its expression in postmitotic neurons indicates that it is not involved in regulating typical cell cycle events. In an initial attempt to characterize the function of this protein, NFB42 was transfected into N1E-115 neuroblastoma and Chinese hamster ovary cells. The expression of full-length NFB42, but not an F box deletion mutant, inhibits proliferation in both cell lines. Additional experiments demonstrate that NFB42 interacts with Skp1p, a component of the proteasome pathway, and deletion of the F box also inhibits this interaction. Overall, the expression pattern of NFB42, along with the presence of an F box domain and the ability to inhibit growth, suggests that it may play a role in maintaining neurons in a postmitotic state.  相似文献   

kappa-Conotoxin PVIIA from the venom of Conus purpurascens is the first cone snail toxin that was described to block potassium channels. We synthesized chemically this toxin and showed that its disulfide bridge pattern is similar to those of omega- and delta-conotoxins. kappa-conotoxin competes with radioactive alpha-dendrotoxin for binding to rat brain synaptosomes, confirming its capacity to bind to potassium channels; however, it behaves as a weak competitor. The three-dimensional structure of kappa-conotoxin PVIIA, as elucidated by NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling, comprises two large parallel loops stabilized by a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and three disulfide bridges. The overall fold of kappa-conotoxin is similar to that of calcium channel-blocking omega-conotoxins but differs from those of potassium channel-blocking toxins from sea anemones, scorpions, and snakes. Local topographies of kappa-conotoxin PVIIA that might account for its capacity to recognize Kv1-type potassium channels are discussed.  相似文献   

SPACR (sialoprotein associated with cones and rods), is the major 147-150-kDa glycoprotein present in the insoluble interphotoreceptor matrix of the human retina. Immunocytochemistry localizes SPACR to the matrix surrounding rods and cones (Acharya, S., Rayborn, M. E., and Hollyfield, J. G. (1998) Glycobiology 8, 997-1006). From affinity-purified SPACR, we obtained seven peptide sequences showing 100% identity to the deduced sequence of IMPG1, a purported chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycan core protein, which binds peanut agglutinin and is localized to the interphotoreceptor matrix. We show here that SPACR is the most prominent 147-150-kDa band present in the interphotoreceptor matrix and is the gene product of IMPG1. SPACR is not a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, since it is not a product of chondroitinase ABC digestion and does not react to a specific antibody for chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycan. Moreover, the deduced amino acid sequence reveals no established glycosaminoglycan attachment site. One hyaluronan binding motif is present in the predicted sequence of SPACR. We present evidence that SPACR has a functional hyaluronan binding domain, suggesting that interactions between SPACR and hyaluronan may serve to form the basic macromolecular scaffold, which comprises the insoluble interphotoreceptor matrix.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-activated (ICl,Ca) and a swelling-activated anion current (ICl,vol) were investigated in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells using the whole cell patch clamp technique. Large, outwardly rectifying currents were activated by an increase in the free intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), or by hypotonic exposure of the cells, respectively. The reversal potential of both currents was dependent on the extracellular Cl- concentration. ICl,Ca current density increased with increasing [Ca2+]i, and this current was abolished by lowering [Ca2+]i to <1 nm using 1,2-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetra-acetic acid (BAPTA). In contrast, activation of ICl,vol did not require an increase in [Ca2+]i. The kinetics of ICl,Ca and ICl,vol were different: at depolarized potentials, ICl,Ca as activated in a [Ca2+]i- and voltage-dependent manner, while at hyperpolarized potentials, the current was deactivated. In contrast, ICl,vol exhibited time- and voltage-dependent deactivation at depolarized potentials and reactivation at hyperpolarized potentials. The deactivation of ICl, vol was dependent on the extracellular Mg2+ concentration. The anion permeability sequence for both currents was I- > Cl- > gluconate. ICl,Ca was inhibited by niflumic acid (100 micron), 5-Nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB, 100 micron) and 4, 4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS, 100 micron), niflumic acid being the most potent inhibitor. In contrast, ICl,vol was unaffected by niflumic acid (100 micron), but abolished by tamoxifen (10 micron). Thus, in Ehrlich cells, separate chloride currents, ICl,Ca and ICl,vol, are activated by an increase in [Ca2+]i and by cell swelling, respectively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify characteristics of lipid-DNA complexes that correlate with in vivo expression data. METHODS: DOTIM:cholesterol liposomes (1:1 mole ratio) and DNA expressing chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) were complexed at a 4.2:1 mass ratio (cationic lipid:DNA). Complexes were fractionated by density gradient centrifugation. analyzed for particle size and zeta potential and quantitated using HPLC methods. The unfractionated complexes, "purified" fractions of the complexes, and purified complexes supplemented with liposomes were administered to mice by intravenous injection (i.v.) and intratracheal instillation (i.t.) and their ability to express gene product was assessed. RESULTS: Centrifugation separated two distinct populations within complexes one consisting of free liposomes and the other of lipid complexed with DNA. The vesicle diameter and zeta potential among separated fractions varied from 113 to 354 nm. and + 24 to + 34 mV respectively. Re-centrifugation of the 'purified' fractions containing the lipid-DNA population produced a single band. CAT expression in lung tissue 24 hr post-i.v. was observed with the unfractionated complex, but not the purified form. Some activity was 'restored' with the liposome-supplemented complexes. In contrast, the same series of complexes administered by i.t. resulted in no significant difference in lung expression (p=0.16 ANOVA). CONCLUSIONS: An uncomplexed liposome population exists within DOTIM:cholesterol-DNA complexes that influences the expression of complexes administered i.v. but not i.t..  相似文献   

Resveratrol administration to rats inoculated with a fast growing tumour (the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma) caused a very significant decrease (25%) in the tumour cell content. The effects of this diphenol were associated with an increase in the number of cells in the G2/M cell cycle phase. Interestingly, flow cytometric analysis of the tumour cell population revealed the existence of an aneuploid peak (representing 28% of total), which suggests that resveratrol causes apoptosis in the tumour cell population resulting in a decreased cell number.  相似文献   

We have examined the capacity of peripheral blood T cells from RA patients to be polarized in vitro towards a type 1 (T1) or a type 2 (T2) phenotype. Peripheral blood T cells from RA patients and from healthy donors were primed by 1 week of culture with soluble OKT3 in the presence of polarizing cytokines. The recovered T cells were restimulated and their cytokine secretion profile determined. Priming of T cells from RA patients in the presence of recombinant (r)IL-2 plus rIL-12 induced a shift towards a TI pattern, characterized by increased production of interferon-gamma, that was more pronounced than in the case of healthy donors. Conversely, priming of T cells from RA patients in the presence of IL-4 failed to induce a shift towards a T2 profile after 1 week, whereas it induced T cells from healthy donors to acquire such a profile characterized by heightened production of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. However, a T2 polarization profile emerged in T cells from RA patients that were primed in the presence of rIL-4 and subsequently maintained in culture in rIL-2 alone for 1 or 2 additional weeks. We conclude that in vitro differentiation of peripheral T cells towards a type 2 phenotype is impaired in RA. Nevertheless, conditions required to drive peripheral T cells towards a type 2 phenotype were established. Administration of autologous polyclonal T cells expressing a type 2 cytokine secretion profile is proposed as a therapeutic strategy in RA.  相似文献   

王勇  王林奇  曹晨  刘伟 《工程科学学报》2023,45(8):1316-1323
充填料浆的管道输送是充填采矿法的一个重要环节,而充填料浆的流变参数是评价充填料浆管输特性的重要指标,目前主要采用流变仪进行测定,但矿山现场通常不具备流变实验条件,主要通过塌落度实验来评价充填料浆的流动性能。本文采用微型塌落筒进行不同质量分数、灰砂比的充填料浆塌落度实验,建立微型塌落筒扩展度与屈服应力之间的解析模型,根据料浆停止流动后的形态得到简化计算模型,基于简化模型理论计算料浆的屈服应力,并将理论值与流变仪测试同等配比条件下得到的屈服应力实验值进行对比分析,同时通过双因素方差分析研究了不同质量分数、灰砂比对充填料浆扩展度的影响规律。结果表明,扩展度主要受质量分数的影响,灰砂比对其影响不显著,充填料浆的屈服应力随质量分数的增大而增大。在质量分数较低时,理论值与实验值的相对误差范围较大,二者的相对误差在25%以内,平均误差为16.79%;随着质量分数增大,误差逐渐减小至15%以内,平均误差为8.81%。综合考虑质量分数的影响,提出基于质量分数的修正系数,修正后的屈服应力理论值与实验值的相对误差降至10%以内,平均误差为3.54%。本研究微型塌落筒实验较传统塌落度实验不仅节省实验用料和劳动强度,还可有效表征料浆屈服应力,对于矿山充填料的流动性能评价具有实际指导意义。   相似文献   

Efforts to identify the specific components of the mammalian inner ear have been hampered by the small number of neuroepithelial cells and the variety of supporting cells. To circumvent these difficulties, we used a PCR-based subtractive method on cDNA from 2-day-old mouse cochlea. A cDNA encoding a predicted 2910-amino acid protein related to mucin has been isolated. Several lines of evidence indicate, however, that this protein does not undergo the O-glycosylation characteristic to mucins. As confirmed by immunocytochemistry and biochemical experiments, this protein is specific to the inner ear. Immunohistofluorescence labeling showed that this protein is a component of all the acellular membranes of the inner ear: i.e., the tectorial membrane of the cochlea, the otoconial and accessory membranes of the utricule and saccule, the cupula of the semicircular canals, and a previously undescribed acellular material covering the otoconia of the saccule. The protein has been named otogelin with reference to its localization. A variety of nonsensory cells located underneath these membranes could be identified as synthesizing otogelin. Finally, this study revealed a maturation process of the tectorial membrane, as evidenced by the progressive organization of otogelin labeling into thick and spaced radial fiber-like structures.  相似文献   

1. SB-204269 (trans-(+)-6-acetyl-4S-(4-fluorobenzoylamino)-3, 4-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-2H-benzol[b]pyran-3R-ol, hemihydrate) shows potent anticonvulsant activity in a range of animal seizure models, with a lack of neurological or cardiovascular side-effects. The profile of the compound suggests that it may have a novel mechanism of action. This study describes the characteristics of a binding site for [3H]-SB-204269 in rat forebrain membranes. 2. Specific [3H]-SB-204269 binding was saturable and analysis indicated binding to a homogenoeous population of non-interacting binding sites with a dissociation constant (KD) of 32 +/- 1 nM and a maximum binding capacity (Bmax) of 253 +/- 18 fmol mg-1 protein. Kinetic studies indicated monophasic association and dissociation. Binding was similar in HEPES or Tris-HCl buffers and was unaffected by Na+, K+, Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions. Specific binding was widely distributed in brain, but was minimal in a range of peripheral tissues. 3. Specific [3H]-SB-204269 binding was highly stereoselective, with a 1000 fold difference between the affinities of SB-204269 and its enantiomer SB-204268 for the binding site. The affinities of analogues of SB-204269 for binding can be related to their activities in the mouse maximal electroshock seizure threshold (MEST) test of anticonvulsant action. 4. None of the standard anticonvulsant drugs, phenobarbitone, phenytoin, sodium valproate, carbamazepine, diazepam and ethosuximide, or the newer anticonvulsants, lamotrigine, vigabatrin, gabapentin and levetiracetam, showed any affinity for the [3H]-SB-204269 binding site. A wide range of drugs active at amino acid receptors, Na+ or K+ channels or various other receptors did not demonstrate any affinity for the binding site. 5. These studies indicate that SB-204269 possesses a specific CNS binding site which may mediate its anticonvulsant activity. This binding site does not appear to be directly related to the sites of action of other known anticonvulsant agents, but may have an important role in regulating neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

We have developed an in vitro system for studying the interaction of chick dorsal root ganglion neuronal growth cones with a localized source of nerve growth factor (NGF) covalently conjugated to polystyrene beads. Growth cones rapidly turned and migrated under NGF-coated beads in a process that involved the initial formation of persistent contact with a bead, followed by directed flow of cytoplasm toward the point of contact. A role for the local activation of the high-affinity NGF receptor trkA was suggested by a strong inhibition of the turning response by (1) the addition of an antibody against the extracellular portion of trkA, (2) the elevation of the background concentration of NGF to saturate trkA, or (3) the presence of a concentration of the drug K252a that inhibits trkA activation. NGF binding to the pan-neurotrophin receptor p75 is also involved but is not required for turning. These data show a new role for both the trkA and the p75 receptors: the mediation of local events in the guidance of nerve growth cones.  相似文献   

Aspergillus oryzae was found to secrete two distinct beta-glucosidases when it was grown in liquid culture on various substrates. The major form had a molecular mass of 130 kDa and was highly inhibited by glucose. The minor form, which was induced most effectively on quercetin (3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone)-rich medium, represented no more than 18% of total beta-glucosidase activity but exhibited a high tolerance to glucose inhibition. This highly glucose-tolerant beta-glucosidase (designated HGT-BG) was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and anion-exchange chromatography. HGT-BG is a monomeric protein with an apparent molecular mass of 43 kDa and a pI of 4.2 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Using p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside as the substrate, we found that the enzyme was optimally active at 50 degreesC and pH 5.0 and had a specific activity of 1,066 micromol min-1 mg of protein-1 and a Km of 0.55 mM under these conditions. The enzyme is particularly resistant to inhibition by glucose (Ki, 1. 36 M) or glucono-delta-lactone (Ki, 12.5 mM), another powerful beta-glucosidase inhibitor present in wine. A comparison of the enzyme activities on various glycosidic substrates indicated that HGT-BG is a broad-specificity type of fungal beta-glucosidase. It exhibits exoglucanase activity and hydrolyzes (1-->3)- and (1-->6)-beta-glucosidic linkages most effectively. This enzyme was able to release flavor compounds, such as geraniol, nerol, and linalol, from the corresponding monoterpenyl-beta-D-glucosides in a grape must (pH 2.9, 90 g of glucose liter-1). Other flavor precursors (benzyl- and 2-phenylethyl-beta-D-glucosides) and prunin (4',5,7-trihydroxyflavanone-7-glucoside), which contribute to the bitterness of citrus juices, are also substrates of the enzyme. Thus, this novel beta-glucosidase is of great potential interest in wine and fruit juice processing because it releases aromatic compounds from flavorless glucosidic precursors.  相似文献   

The seven-transmembrane CCR5 was recently found to double as a coreceptor for a genetically diverse family of human and nonhuman primate lentiviruses. Paradoxically, the main region of the envelope protein believed to be involved in CCR5 utilization was mapped to hypervariable region 3, or V3, of the envelope glycoprotein gp120. In this study, we addressed the question of whether functional convergence in CCR5 utilization is mediated by certain V3 residues that are highly conserved among HIV type 1 (HIV-1), HIV type 2, and simian immunodeficiency virus. Site-directed mutagenesis carried out on three such V3 residues revealed that the Arg-298 of HIV-1 gp120 has an important role in CCR5 utilization. In contrast, no effect was observed for the other residues we tested. The inability of Arg-298 mutants to use CCR5 was not attributed to global alteration of gp120 conformation. Neither the expression, processing, and incorporation of mutant envelope proteins into virions, nor CD4 binding were significantly affected by the mutations. This interpretation is further supported by the finding that alanine substitutions of five residues immediately adjacent to the arginine residue had no effect on CCR5 utilization. Taken together, our data strongly suggests that the highly conserved Arg-298 residue identified in the V3 of HIV-1 has a significant role in CCR5 utilization, and may represent an unusually conserved target for future anti-viral designs.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of biogenic and xenobiotic amines. The oxidative step is coupled to the reduction of an obligatory cofactor, FAD, which is covalently linked to the apoenzyme at Cys397. Our previous studies identified two noncovalent flavin-binding regions in MAO B (residues 6-34 and 39-46) (Kwan, S.-W., Lewis, D. A., Zhou, B. P., and Abell, C. W. (1995) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 316, 385-391; Zhou, B. P., Lewis, D. A., Kwan, S.-W., Kirksey, T. J., and Abell, C. W. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 9526-9531). In these regions, Glu34 and Tyr44 were found to be required for the initial binding of FAD. By comparing sequences with enzymes in the oxidoreductase family, we now have found an additional FAD-binding site in MAO B (residues 222-227), which is highly conserved across species (human, bovine, and rat). This conserved sequence contains adjacent glycine and aspartate residues (Gly226 and Asp227). Based on the x-ray crystal structures of several oxidoreductases (Eggink, G., Engel, H., Vriend, G., Terpstra, P., and Witholt, B. (1990) J. Mol. Biol. 212, 135-142; Van Driessche, G., Kol, M., Chen, Z.-W., Mathews, F. S., Meyer, T. E., Bartsch, R. G., Cusanovich, M. A., and Van Beeumen, J. J. (1996) Protein Sci. 5, 1753-1764), the Gly residue at the end of a beta-strand facilitates a sharp turn and extends the beta-carbonyl group of Asp to interact with the 3'-hydroxyl group of the ribityl chain of FAD. To assess the hypothesis that Gly226 and Asp227 are involved in FAD binding in MAO B, site-specific mutants that encode substitutions at these positions were prepared and expressed in mammalian COS-7 cells. Our results indicate that Gly226 and the beta-carbonyl group of Asp227 are required for covalent flavinylation and catalytic activity of MAO B, but not for noncovalent binding of FAD. Our studies also reveal that mutagenesis at Glu34 and Tyr44 not only interferes with covalent flavinylation and catalytic activity of MAO B, but also with noncovalent binding of FAD. Based on these collective results, we propose that the coupling of FAD to the MAO B apoenzyme is a multistep process.  相似文献   

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