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With the anticipated increase in the aged adult population and the associated gingival recession, the prevalence of root caries is expected to increase. The purpose of this study was to determine the experience and distribution of root caries in a group of aged adults living in Kayelitsha. All non-institutionalized elderly black adults participating in a community geriatric programme were examined. Root caries was recorded using visual and tactile criteria and expressed as the root caries index (RCI) rate. The mean age of the subjects was 65.2 years, the mean number of teeth present was 17.3 and the mean RCI rate was 2.2 per cent. All subjects had gingival recession while only 23.8 per cent had root caries. No surfaces with restored root caries lesions were found. In the maxilla the highest RCI rate was observed on the interproximal surfaces of the posterior teeth (4.4 per cent) but in the mandible the buccal surfaces of the posterior teeth had the highest RCI rate (4.2 per cent). In both the maxilla and the mandible the lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth showed no root caries. Maxillary teeth did not have a significantly higher root caries attack rate than mandibular teeth. Root caries does not appear to be a public health problem in the sampled population.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the reasons for tooth extractions of permanent teeth in Singapore. Data were obtained from 52 dentists practising general dentistry over a period of 12 months. At the end of the 12-month period, data were collected from 1276 patients, from whom a total 272 teeth were extracted. In this population group, the results showed that the percentage of teeth extracted due to periodontal reasons and caries were about the same, that is 35.8% and 35.4%, respectively. There was an increase in teeth extracted due to periodontal reasons with age. In patients above 40 yr, an average of 76% of teeth were lost due to periodontal reasons. An average of 26.7% of teeth were lost due to periodontal reasons in patients under 40 yr old. However, the trend for loss of teeth due to caries is reversed. Posterior teeth were more frequently extract compared to anterior teeth. Third molars accounted for 24.7% of all extractions carried out, whilst central incisors were 8.0% of all extractions. Molars were often lost due to caries and lower anterior teeth were most frequently lost due to periodontal reasons. The results of this study did not demonstrate one predominant reason for extraction. Both caries and periodontal reasons were equally common causes of tooth extraction.  相似文献   

This study examines the presence of dental caries in a large sample of adult skeletons from the 19th century cemetery of St. Thomas' Anglican Church in Belleville, Ontario. The cemetery was used from 1821 to 1874. Caries prevalence and frequencies of diseased and missing teeth were calculated both by observing summary statistics of individual rates and by the total sample of teeth. Postmortem tooth loss is low in this sample and antemortem tooth loss is highest in first mandibular molars, all other molars and then premolars. Age at death, but not sex, was found to be significantly related to the overall Caries Rate while both age and sex were significantly associated with the Diseased-Missing Index. The increase in diseased and missing teeth in older individuals is expected while the sex difference is not explained by simple dietary factors. When compared to reports on British and American samples, caries and antemortem tooth loss in the St. Thomas' sample is most similar to a pre-1850 British group and higher than American samples. Although there is undoubtedly a complex of factors contributing to caries prevalence in this sample, more data are required from large historic samples, particularly from the American northeast and late 19th century Britain, to have a clearer understanding of the influence of diet, cultural, and environmental factors affecting caries rates in historic populations.  相似文献   

Dental caries is the major cause of tooth loss in elderly individuals with physical and mental disabilities. The diagnosis of caries in elderly individuals is difficult due to a complicated oral environment compounded by the prevalence of physical and mental barriers to care. The restoration of tooth structure and the replacement of teeth lost due to caries result in considerable economic and biological cost to both individuals and society. Decisions to remineralize, restore, or extract teeth depend largely upon the extent of the structural damage caused by the infection. Teeth with small lesions can be remineralized with fluorides, whereas teeth with large lesions may be restored or extracted. Caries risk assessment based on the history of previous infection, salivary parameters, and ingestion of sugar can be used as a basis for placing a patient on a caries-preventive regimen. This paper discusses the pathophysiology of caries to explain the appropriate diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental caries in elderly individuals with chronic disabilities.  相似文献   

A review of the studies of the caries prevalence and periodontal health of patients with cleft lip and palate (CLP) revealed that only five investigations of caries prevalence in CLP patients included children. One reported that CLP children did not have a higher caries prevalence in the permanent dentition, whereas more recent studies have reported a higher caries prevalence in both the primary and permanent dentitions of CLP children than in those of noncleft children. However, there is wide variation in the teeth examined and the method of presenting data on caries prevalence. Six papers have reported on the periodontal health of adult CLP patients, and only one has done so on that of children. The adult CLP patients had poorer oral hygiene and more gingivitis, but there is no conclusive evidence that they have a higher risk of developing periodontal disease. No data on the oral hygiene of CLP children were available, but it has been emphasized that they have significantly more gingivitis than noncleft children, especially in the maxillary anterior teeth.  相似文献   

The prevalence of developmental enamel defects and dental caries was assessed in 344 Karen children aged 1-4 years who were chronically (70 per cent) and acutely malnourished (9.3 per cent) The teeth were cleaned with gauze to facilitate detection of hypoplastic lesions on labial surfaces of maxillary incisors. At least one tooth with defective enamel was seen in 31.9 per cent of children, while enamel hypoplasia was present in 22.7 per cent of children. Enamel defects were found in 21.2 per cent of teeth, with hypoplasia and opacities occurring in 14.6 and 6.6 per cent of teeth, respectively. Gender did not alter the prevalence of defects. The upper central incisors were affected more than lateral incisors. The prevalence of dental caries was 31.9 per cent with a mean dt of 1.1. The prevalence of caries associated with enamel hypoplasia was significantly greater than that associated with opacities and sound enamel (P < 0.0005).  相似文献   

If the previous restorative therapy or dental caries has resulted in substantial loss of tooth structure, the abutment teeth for fixed prosthodontic restorations require a core reconstruction or a post and core. Small dentin defects can be restored with bonded cores; more extensive dentin defects that are often accompanied by previous endodontic treatment generally require additional support for the core material. A direct procedure with a bonded post is a viable treatment method. The decision to use either light-conducting all-ceramic zirconium or titanium as a post material depends on the aesthetic requirements present. The indications for a cast post and core as an indirect procedure for prosthodontic reconstructions appear to be decreasing. The learning objective of this article is to review the past and current post and core materials and techniques. Indications for core reconstruction with vital teeth and posts and cores for pulpless teeth are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the factors that influence the probability of clinical cavitation at radiolucent areas of proximal surfaces of posterior teeth, 108 molars and premolars with varying depths of proximal radiolucency were examined clinically, after cavity preparation on the carious contiguous tooth surfaces. The data obtained were subjected to logistic regression analysis with cavitation as the dependent variable, while age, tooth type and past caries experience (DMFT and DFS) were independent variables. When proximal radiolucency was confined to the outer half of enamel, there was no cavitation, but when it extended to the amelodentinal junction and the outer and inner half of dentine, there was cavitation in 19.3, 79.1 and 100% of cases, respectively. Moreover, there was a statistically significant relationship between the probability of cavitation, depth of radiolucency and age, suggesting that these should be among the main factors considered when restorative management of a radiolucent proximal surface of a posterior tooth is contemplated.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to synthesize published research on the use of radiographs in caries diagnosis in order to produce recommendations for guidelines that are clinically oriented but scientifically based. The options available include the use of various types of radiographic examination alone or in conjunction with other diagnostic aids. The outcomes should facilitate the optimal management of lesions as either preventive care advised (PCA) or operative care advised (OCA). Small initial lesions (PCA) require prompt detection, the application of appropriate preventive care and subsequent monitoring to maintain the most favourable tooth state achievable in the long term. Larger dentinal lesions (OCA) also require prompt detection so that appropriate high-quality operative care can be provided before further loss of tooth substance. Evidence was collected from the literature by updating several recent reviews by the author. The values employed were broadly analogous to those of the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. The use of ionizing radiation is always associated with a degree of risk: therefore all exposures must be kept as low as is reasonably achievable. Present evidence on the balance of risk and benefit indicates that the diagnostic yield for caries diagnosis is high enough to justify individualized examinations, particularly as changes in the morphology of caries have rendered clinical diagnosis of dentinal lesions less sensitive. This issue must be kept under review as alternative diagnostic technologies develop. There is good evidence that initial posterior bitewing radiographs are required for all new dentate patients over five years of age with posterior teeth. This procedure is required as an adjunct to clinical examination for the detection of caries on both the approximal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth. Although a 'blanket' regimen of routine radiographic examination at fixed intervals cannot be advocated, individualized bitewing examinations at varying frequencies determined on the basis of caries risk are supported. At the initial visit, an assessment of caries risk of the individual patient should be made. Varying intervals of first radiographic recall can then be suggested on the basis of differing degrees of risk. At present, risk assessment is imprecise, and risk status may change over time. Therefore, intervals between subsequent radiographic examinations must be re-assessed for each period. The purpose of detecting individual lesions should be to facilitate the planning of appropriate preventive treatment decisions based on lesion severity, caries risk and the patient. Different treatment should be employed for lesions in the PCA and OCA categories. Further rigorous studies are required to evaluate diagnostic methods appropriate for use in individual patient care, epidemiology and clinical research, and to increase the understanding of how findings from these applications inter-relate. Development and validation of reliable methods of caries risk assessment which are usable in general practice is a priority. Investigations of the processes involved in, and the outcomes of, dental decision-making are required to ensure that existing and new methods are used appropriately. Further work should develop and evaluate effective mechanisms of disseminating and implementing research findings by information transfer to dental educators and clinicians.  相似文献   

The analyses of the pattern of dental disease in the Late Medieval Serbian population from cemetery excavations in the archaeological site Grachanica were based on the study of tooth wear, ante-mortem tooth loss, caries, hypoplasia, alveolar resorption, abscesses and calculus. The total sample of all available skeletons with almost complete permanent dentition numbers 45 individuals. Dental sample comprises 178 maxillary teeth and 337 mandibular teeth. The presence of dental caries was scored taking into consideration the size of the lesion (four degrees) and its position on the tooth. The degree of tooth wear was graded into one of four categories: atrition of enamel only; atrition involving dentin; atrition up to the level of fissure at the occlusal surface of the molar teeth, and exposure of the pulp chamber. The cystic defects within the alveolar bone were recorded according to their aetiology, size and position. Radiographic study had not been done in order to detect periapical destruction, so the presence of such destruction was recognizable in advanced stages associated with the appearance of fistula penetrating the compact alveolar bone usually at the buccal side. The condition of the alveolar crest resorption, as the evidence of periodontal disease, was graded into three categories, and the distance from the cemento-enamel junction to the alveolar crest was measured. The analysis of dental pathology profile consisted of the two reporting methods: individual count method (prevalence of disease based on the number of individuals affected) and tooth count method (distribution of lesions frequency on tooth type and class). The Grachanica dentition exhibits a dental pathology profile typical of agricultural medieval populations in this region. Tooth wear was the most frequent, affecting 95% of individuals. Dental caries and ante-mortem teeth loss exhibit also high frequency (51% and 69%). Dental pains of low prevalence include abscesses (13%) and enamel hypoplasia (20%). In the material examined, the carious process was responsible for pulp exposure to infection in all cases of abscess formation. The results obtained suggest that food processing technology and nature of diet allowed use of abrasive in the food and that oral hygiene was at the low level. On the other hand, there were not a lot of people who were subjected to stress-induced growth disruptures. The findings reported here contribute to understand how dietary change and life conditions are related to the changing patterns of dental diseases in medieval populations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF STUDY: To examine factors which may predispose to tooth fracture, and to assess the compressive strengths of foods and sweets which are associated with tooth fracture in vivo. POPULATION STUDIED: Consecutive dental patients presenting with one or more fractured posterior teeth at the surgeries of three general dental practitioners, over a four-month period. METHOD: A pro forma was designed to elicit information on the factors associated with tooth fracture and the nature and extent of such fractures. Three general dental practitioners were requested to complete a pro forma for each patient presenting with a fractured posterior tooth over a four-month period. Foods and sweets considered to be associated with tooth fracture were identified and their compressive strengths tested. FINDINGS: A total of 129 cases of fractured posterior teeth were recorded, of which 48% occurred in the mandibular arch and 52% in the maxillary arch. In the mandible, 75% of tooth fractures occurred in molars while in the maxillary arch 50% occurred in molars. In 57% of cases assessed, no identifiable causative item was noted. Forty-five per cent of fractures were in teeth which had been restored on three or more surfaces. Compressive forces of 0.16KN to 2.2KN were obtained for food items implicated in tooth fractures. CONCLUSION: As mesio-occlusodistal restorations were identified as a major predisposing factor to tooth fracture in this study, with mandibular first molar teeth particularly affected, placement of cuspal coverage restorations may be considered to be a justifiable preventative measure in teeth identified as being at risk.  相似文献   

For children with extensive caries of primary teeth, or with deformed or traumatised teeth, restoration with composite using a crown form gives excellent results. Strength is gained by full crown coverage. The aesthetics are very acceptable. The technique also allows primary teeth to be modified to resemble permanent teeth when these are missing and the primary teeth are being kept until more definitive treatment is provided. Caries is usually well controlled, and space loss due to further tooth breakdown is avoided.  相似文献   

Morquio's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the lack of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of the mucopolysaccharide keratin sulfate. The resulting buildup of keratin sulfate causes a specific pattern of abnormalities, including short stature, spinal deformity, cardiac abnormalities, corneal opacities, deafness and dental abnormalities. The specific dental findings in the patient described here are as follows: the posterior teeth were tapered and had pointed. cusps; the maxillary anterior teeth were spaced and flared, and on radiographs, the enamel was less than 25 percent of normal thickness but of normal radiodensity. Despite these findings, the patient exhibited a low rate of caries. This paper is a review of medical and dental findings in the Morquio's patient and how this may affect dental management.  相似文献   

A review of the literature on the impact of dental care on the incidence of dental caries in children and adults suggests that the effect is small. Dental services were relatively unimportant in explaining the recent decline in caries in 5- and 12-year-olds. An important contribution of the dental services to the decline in caries was a change in the diagnostic and treatment criteria. The role of dentistry in reducing dental caries may lie mainly in the non-personal health services. Knowledge of the life history and patterns of caries attack rates within populations and individuals could be used as a benchmark against which interventions can be assessed. Different teeth and tooth sites are affected differentially at different levels of dental caries. This truism may appear obvious but it is not used to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of dental treatment. A working rule is that "As caries prevalence falls, the least susceptible sites (proximal and smooth surfaces) reduce by the greatest proportion, while the most susceptible sites (occlusal) reduce by the smallest proportion." There is a specific relationship between the mean DMFT and mean DMFS, and the percentage of caries-free subjects and the frequency distribution of subjects with different levels of caries. Further more, the best predictor of caries at older ages is DMFT at a younger age. Caries levels follow trend lines for each level of caries. As the mean DMFT declines so post-eruptive time increases for initiation of caries and the progression rates of caries through enamel decreases. This is true regardless of the presence of fluoride.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the presence of independent genetic determinants of multiple correlated tooth dimensions from twin data, a multivariate analysis was performed on the covariance matrices of monozygotic and dizygotic within-pair differences for mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions of 28 teeth of the secondary dentition. The results provided strong evidences that the correlation among tooth dimensions is primarily genetic in origin, probably attributable to the pleiotropic action of either independent genes or groups of genes. Among the genetic factors that were identified, one appeared to affect the maxillary teeth in general while a second influenced primarily the anterior mandibular teeth. There was a striking tendency for homologous measurements on the right and left sides to be associated with the same genetic factor. In contrast, genetic determination of the maxillary and mandibular dentition seemed to be independent of each other, and a wider range of genetic factors were found to influence the mandibular than the maxillary teeth, suggesting that a differential degree of evolutionary stability may have been achieved in the teeth of the two jaws.  相似文献   

Using modified USPHS criteria, we evaluated annually for ten years 91 cases restored with visible light cured posterior composite resin LFP (Base resin: UDMA; filler: micro crushed type, alumino-silicate, barium glass and silica, 85 wt%, 74 vol%). The 91 cases restored with LFP decreased to 68 in ten years. Of the 23 cases that were lost, one resulted from a pulpal reaction immediately following restoration, four were extracted owing to periodontal disease or extrusion of third molars, two became abutments owing to loss of an adjacent tooth, eight had recurrent caries, and eight were lost owing to caries on a surface having no relationship to the composite resin restoration. Because we observed comparatively little wear, good marginal adaptability, and no discoloration, we concluded that the ten-year clinical success of LFP was on the whole very good, and that this resin has adequate clinical merit as a restorative material for posterior teeth when restricted to restorations covering comparatively small areas.  相似文献   

Forty-five patients with Williams syndrome (WS) were evaluated for oral abnormalities. The mean age of the patients was 9.25 years, the median age was 6.7 years, and the majority (62.2%) were male. Hypodontia was present in 11.1% of the patients. Abnormal tooth morphology was noted in 12.5% of the primary dentitions and 40.7% of the permanent dentitions. With the exception of the primary mandibular central incisors of males, all mesiodistal incisor crown dimensions were statistically significantly smaller when compared with norms (P < 0.05). At least one hypoplastic enamel defect was present in 9.4% of patients with primary teeth and in 18.5% with permanent teeth. No patients exhibited generalized enamel hypoplasia. More than half of the patients (59.1%) were both caries and restoration free, while only 13.6% presented with clinically active caries. Tongue thrusting was present in 67.7% of the sample, while more than 50% of the patients present with excessive interdental spacing. Patients exhibited a higher than normal prevalence of Class II and III occlusions, open and deep bites and anterior crossbites. No single dental finding was pathognomonic of WS, however two constellations of findings, each occurring in approximately one-third of the sample, were observed: 1) microdontia, anterior crossbite, tongue thrusting, and excessive interdental spacing, and 2) microdontia, deep or open bite, and excessive interdental spacing.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to determine the severity of nursing caries, and to examine contributing behavioral factors, in a group of Vietnamese families in British Columbia, Canada. The data collected became the basis for a community-based oral health promotion program. Information on feeding, dental health practices, and dental caries were collected for 60 mother/child pairs. For children > or = 18 mos, prevalence of nursing caries was 64 percent. Sixty-five percent of all children had a naptime bottle, and 85 percent > or = 18 mos had a "comfort" bottle that was carried around, and drunk from during the day. Milk was the most common beverage. A "comfort" bottle was significantly related to the presence of nursing caries, P = 0.02; a naptime bottle had a less significant association, P = 0.07. Dental knowledge questions revealed that all mothers knew that a child who had a "comfort" bottle could get tooth decay, but 63 percent thought that cavities were not a problem in baby teeth.  相似文献   

900 children of 6 years of age were examined and interviewed by dentists of the Board of Health before they started school. 29.77% of these prospective pupils were children of foreign workers, i.e., the amount of foreign pupils within the examined group was approximately twice as high as it actually is in the population of Düsseldorf (15.21%). The caries prevalence dmf-t (ratio of decayed, missing and filled teeth to the total number of teeth) of these foreign pupils shows an evident need for dental treatment, which is higher than among German pupils. This fact correlates with the low percentage of foreign children with no tooth decay at all. Dental health programmes do not seem to reach this group of the population. Improvement might be possible with the help of foreign organisations or groups in Germany who know the respective foreign cultures and habits of personal hygiene and so could enable their transfer into programmes to promote the oral health of foreigners living here.  相似文献   

In addition to the successful replantation of avulsed permanent teeth, the replantation of primary anterior teeth may also be indicated. The decision is based on age and stage of tooth development, development of dentition, storage of the avulsed tooth and the way it is transported to the treatment site, the appropriate in vitro treatment of the tooth before reinsertion, and the willingness of the child to cooperate. A method involving retrograde filling of the primary tooth root with calcium hydroxide after resecting the root apex has proved successful. Other commercially available root filling materials and pins are not indicated. Calcium hydroxide allows the tooth to heal in place without reaction and prevents the development of apical periodontitis. As regards any surgical intervention, the attending dentist in this case has to weigh the benefits against the risks.  相似文献   

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