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In this paper we solve several geometric and image problems using the BSR (broadcasting with selective reduction) model of parallel computation. All of the solutions presented are constant time algorithms. The computational geometry problems are based on city block distance metrics: all nearest neighbors and furthest pairs ofm points in a plane are computed on a two criteria BSR withm processors, the all nearest foreign neighbors and the all furthest foreign pairs ofm points in the plane problems are solved on three criteria BSR withm processors while the area and perimeter ofm isooriented rectangles are found on a one criterion BSR withm 2 processors. The problems on ann ×n binary image which are solved here all use BSR withn 2 processors and include: histogramming (one criterion), distance transform (one criterion), medial axis transform (three criteria) and discrete Voronoi diagram of labeled images (two criteria).  相似文献   

The medial axis transform (MAT) represents a region of a digital image as the union of maximal upright squares contained in the region. This paper presents algorithm to compute the contour, perimeter, and area of the region covered by a set of n upright rectangles in O(n) time using O(n) processors for the shared memory model, and using O(n2) processors for mesh-connected computers.  相似文献   

Thedistance transform(DT) is an image computation tool which can be used to extract the information about the shape and the position of the foreground pixels relative to each other. It converts a binary image into a grey-level image, where each pixel has a value corresponding to the distance to the nearest foreground pixel. The time complexity for computing the distance transform is fully dependent on the different distance metrics. Especially, the more exact the distance transform is, the worse execution time reached will be. Nowadays, quite often thousands of images are processed in a limited time. It seems quite impossible for a sequential computer to do such a computation for the distance transform in real time. In order to provide efficient distance transform computation, it is considerably desirable to develop a parallel algorithm for this operation. In this paper, based on the diagonal propagation approach, we first provide anO(N2) time sequential algorithm to compute thechessboard distance transform(CDT) of anN×Nimage, which is a DT using the chessboard distance metrics. Based on the proposed sequential algorithm, the CDT of a 2D binary image array of sizeN×Ncan be computed inO(logN) time on the EREW PRAM model usingO(N2/logN) processors,O(log logN) time on the CRCW PRAM model usingO(N2/log logN) processors, andO(logN) time on the hypercube computer usingO(N2/logN) processors. Following the mapping as proposed by Lee and Horng, the algorithm for the medial axis transform is also efficiently derived. The medial axis transform of a 2D binary image array of sizeN×Ncan be computed inO(logN) time on the EREW PRAM model usingO(N2/logN) processors,O(log logN) time on the CRCW PRAM model usingO(N2/log logN) processors, andO(logN) time on the hypercube computer usingO(N2/logN) processors. The proposed parallel algorithms are composed of a set of prefix operations. In each prefix operation phase, only increase (add-one) operation and minimum operation are employed. So, the algorithms are especially efficient in practical applications.  相似文献   

We develop constant-time algorithms to compute the Hough transform on a processor array with a reconfigurable bus system (abbreviated to PARBS). The PARBS is a comptuation model which consists of a processor array and a reconfigurable bus system. It is a very powerful computation model in that many problems can be solved efficiently. In this paper, we introduce the concept of iterative-PARBS which is similar to the FOR-loop construct in sequential programming languages. The iterative-PARBS is a building block in which the processing data can be routed through it several times. We can think it as a “hardware subroutine”. Based on this scheme, we are able to explore constant-time Hough transform algorithms on PARBS. The following new results are derived in this study:
  1. The sum ofn bits can be computed in O(1) times on a PARBS with O(n 1+?) processors for any fixed ?>0.
  2. The weights of each simple path of ann*n image can be computed in O(1) time on a 3-D PARBS with O(n 2+?) processors for any fixed ?>0.
  3. Thep angle Hough transform of ann*n image can be computed in O(1) time on a PARBS with O(p*n 2+?) processors for any fixed ?>0 withp copies of the image pretiled.
  4. Thep angle Hough transform of ann*n image can be computed in O(1) time on a PARBS with O(p*n 3) processors.

We consider randomized simulations of shared memory on a distributed memory machine (DMM) where thenprocessors and thenmemory modules of the DMM are connected via a reconfigurable architecture. We first present a randomized simulation of a CRCW PRAM on a reconfigurable DMM having a complete reconfigurable interconnection. It guarantees delay (log *n), with high probability. Next we study a reconfigurable mesh DMM (RM-DMM). Here thenprocessors andnmodules are connected via ann×nreconfigurable mesh. It was already known that ann×mreconfigurable mesh can simulate in constant time ann-processor CRCW PRAM with shared memory of sizem. In this paper we present a randomized step by step simulation of a CRCW PRAM with arbitrarily large shared memory on an RM-DMM. It guarantees constant delay with high probability, i.e., it simulates in real time. Finally we prove a lower bound showing that sizeΩ(n2) for the reconfigurable mesh is necessary for real time simulations.  相似文献   

An algorithm to implement the Hough transform for the detection of a straight line on a pyramidal architecture is presented. The algorithm consists of two phases. The first phase, called block-projection, takes constant time. The second phase, called block-combination, is repeated logn times and takes a total ofO(n 1/2) time for the detection of all straight lines having a given slope on an n×n image; if there arep different slopes to be detected, then the total time becomesO(pn 1/2).  相似文献   

The image template matching problem is one of the fundamental problems of and has many practical applications in image processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision. It is a useful operation for filtering, edge detection, image registration, and object detection [13]. In this paper, we first design twoO[(M2/p2)log logM] andO[(M2/p2)+(M/p)log logp] time parallel image template matching algorithms on a 3-D processor array with a reconfigurable bus system usingp2N2processors with each processor containingO(1) andO(M/p) restricted memory for 1 ≤pMN, respectively, for anN×Ndigital image and anM×Mtemplate. By increasing the number of processors, these two proposed algorithms can be run inO(M2/p2) time for speeding up the time complexity usingp2M1/cN2andp2+1/cN2processors, respectively, wherecis a constant andc≥1. Furthermore, anO(1) time can be also obtained from these two proposed algorithms by usingM2+1/cN2processors. These results improve the best known bounds and achieve both optimal and optimal speed-up in their time and processor complexities.  相似文献   

We present parallel algorithms to construct binary trees with almost optimal weighted path length. Specifically, assuming that weights are normalized (to sum up to one) and error refers to the (absolute) difference between the weighted path length of a given tree and the optimal tree with the same weights, we present anO (logn)-time andn(log lognl logn)-EREW-processor algorithm which constructs a tree with error less than 0.18, andO (k logn log* n)-time andn-CREW-processor algorithm which produces a tree with error at most l/n k , and anO (k 2 logn)-time andn 2-CREW-processor algorithm which produces a tree with error at most l/n k . As well, we describe two sequential algorithms, anO(kn)-time algorithm which produces a tree with error at most l/n k , and anO(kn)-time algorithm which produces a tree with error at most . The last two algorithms use different computation models.The first author's research was supported in part by NSERC Research Grant 3053. A part of this work was done while the second author was at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

Given an n×n binary image of white and black pixels, we present an optimal parallel algorithm for computing the distance transform and the nearest feature transform using the Euclidean metric. The algorithm employs the systolic computation to achieve O(n) running time on a linear array of n processors.  相似文献   

Fast heuristic algorithms for rectilinear steiner trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fundamental problem in circuit design is how to connectn points in the plane, to make them electrically common using the least amount of wire. The tree formed, a Steiner tree, is usually constructed with respect to the rectilinear metric. The problem is known to be NP-complete; an extensive review of proposed heuristics is given. An early algorithm by Hanan is shown to have anO(n logn) time implementation using computational geometry techniques. The algorithm can be modified to do sequential searching inO(n 2) total time. However, it is shown that the latter approach runs inO(n 3/2) expected time, forn points selected from anm×m grid. Empirical results are presented for problems up to 10,000 points.  相似文献   

Given a string of lengthn, this short paper first presents anO(1)-time parallel algorithm for finding all initial palindromes and periods of the string on ann×n reconfigurable mesh (RM). Then, under the same cost (= time × the number of processors =O(n 2)), we provide a partitionable strategy when the RM doesn’t offer sufficient processors; this overcomes the hardware limitation and is very suitable for VLSI implementation. Prof. Chung was supported in part by the National Science Council of R. O. C. under contracts NSC87-2213-E011-001 and NSC87-2213-E011-003.  相似文献   

Distance transforms are an important computational tool for the processing of binary images. For ann ×n image, distance transforms can be computed in time \(\mathcal{O}\) (n) on a mesh-connected computer and in polylogarithmic time on hypercube related structures. We investigate the possibilities of computing distance transforms in polylogarithmic time on the pyramid computer and the mesh of trees. For the pyramid, we obtain a polynomial lower bound using a result by Miller and Stout, so we turn our attention to the mesh of trees. We give a very simple \(\mathcal{O}\) (logn) algorithm for the distance transform with respect to theL 1-metric, an \(\mathcal{O}\) (log2 n) algorithm for the transform with respect to theL -metric, and find that the Euclidean metric is much more difficult. Based on evidence from number theory, we conjecture the impossibility of computing the Euclidean distance transform in polylogarithmic time on a mesh of trees. Instead, we approximate the distance transform up to a given error. This works for anyL k -metric and takes time \(\mathcal{O}\) (log3 n).  相似文献   

We present processor-time optimal parallel algorithms for several problems onn ×n digitized image arrays, on a mesh-connected array havingp processors and a memory of sizeO(n 2) words. The number of processorsp can vary over the range [1,n 3/2] while providing optimal speedup for these problems. The class of image problems considered here includes labeling the connected components of an image; computing the convex hull, the diameter, and a smallest enclosing box of each component; and computing all closest neighbors. Such problems arise in medium-level vision and require global operations on image pixels. To achieve optimal performance, several efficient data-movement and reduction techniques are developed for the proposed organization.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant IRI-8710836 and in part by DARPA under Contract F33615-87-C-1436 monitored by the Wright Patterson Airforce Base.  相似文献   

Dimensional Reduction of Surface Models for Analysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes a set of procedures by which an analyst can idealise slender 2D shell structures for linear static analysis using reduced-dimensional beam finite elements. The first step is the development of the topological operations that are necessary to achieve the desired dimensionally reduced representation. Next, the automatic derivation of necessary geometric and physical properties of the reduced dimensional entities are described, together with the application of appropriate coupling constraints between dimensions. Dimensional reduction of shell models involves finding areas of the geometric model whose dimensions are such that this region may be represented in an analysis model with a 1D beam. Using the medial axis transform, geometric measures are defined for identifying such areas in the geometric model. However, topological features of the model and its medial axis were also identified as significant in the automation of dimensional reduction. The application of the medial axis transform to automatic dimensional reduction is described and example models given.  相似文献   

For contractible regions ωin ℝ3 with generic smooth boundary, we determine the global structure of the Blum medial axis M. We give an algorithm for decomposing M into “irreducible components” which are attached to each other along “fin curves”. The attaching cannot be described by a tree structure as in the 2D case. However, a simplified but topologically equivalent medial structure ̂ M with the same irreducible components can be described by a two level tree structure. The top level describes the simplified form of the attaching, and the second level tree structure for each irreducible component specifies how to construct the component by attaching smooth medial sheets to the network of Y-branch curves. The conditions for these structures are complete in the sense that any region whose Blum medial axis satisfies the conditions is contractible.  相似文献   

Content based image retrieval is an active area of research. Many approaches have been proposed to retrieve images based on matching of some features derived from the image content. Color is an important feature of image content. The problem with many traditional matching-based retrieval methods is that the search time for retrieving similar images for a given query image increases linearly with the size of the image database. We present an efficient color indexing scheme for similarity-based retrieval which has a search time that increases logarithmically with the database size.In our approach, the color features are extracted automatically using a color clustering algorithm. Then the cluster centroids are used as representatives of the images in 3-dimensional color space and are indexed using a spatial indexing method that usesR-tree. The worst case search time complexity of this approach isOn q log(N* navg)), whereN is the number of images in the database, andn q andn avg are the number of colors in the query image and the average number of colors per image in the database respectively. We present the experimental results for the proposed approach on two databases consisting of 337 Trademark images and 200 Flag images.  相似文献   

Rectangles in a plane provide a very useful abstraction for a number of problems in diverse fields. In this paper we consider the problem of computing geometric properties of a set of rectangles in the plane. We give parallel algorithms for a number of problems usingn processors wheren is the number of upright rectangles. Specifically, we present algorithms for computing the area, perimeter, eccentricity, and moment of inertia of the region covered by the rectangles inO(logn) time. We also present algorithms for computing the maximum clique and connected components of the rectangles inO(logn) time. Finally, we give algorithms for finding the entire contour of the rectangles and the medial axis representation of a givenn × n binary image inO(n) time. Our results are faster than previous results and optimal (to within a constant factor).The work of Sung Kwan Kim was supported by NSF Grant CCR-87-03196 and the work of D. M. Mount was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant CCR-89-08901.  相似文献   

Approximate graph coloring takes as input a graph and returns a legal coloring which is not necessarily optimal. We improve the performance guarantee, or worst-case ratio between the number of colors used and the minimum number of colors possible, toO(n(log logn)3/(logn)3), anO(logn/log logn) factor better than the previous best-known result.The work of the first author was supported by Air Force Grant AFOSR-86-0078 and NSF PYI Grant 8657527-CCR. The work of the second author was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.  相似文献   

An adaptive routing algorithm is one in which the path a packet takes from its source to its destination may depend on other packets it encounters. Such algorithms potentially avoid network bottlenecks by routing packets around “hot spots.” Minimal adaptive routing algorithms have the additional advantage that the path each packet takes is a shortest one. For a large class of minimal adaptive routing algorithms, we present an Ω(n2/k2) bound on the worst case time to route a static permutation of packets on ann×nmesh or torus with nodes that can hold up tok≥ 1 packets each. This is the first nontrivial lower bound on adaptive routing algorithms. The argument extends to more general routing problems, such as thehhrouting problem. It also extends to a large class of dimension order routing algorithms, yielding an Ω(n2/k) time bound. To complement these lower bounds, we present two upper bounds. One is anO(n2/k+n) time dimension order routing algorithm that matches the lower bound. The other is the first instance of a minimal adaptive routing algorithm that achievesO(n) time with constant sized queues per node. We point out why the latter algorithm is outside the model of our lower bounds.  相似文献   

M-reps (formerly called DSLs) are a multiscale medial means for modeling and rendering 3D solid geometry. They are particularly well suited to model anatomic objects and in particular to capture prior geometric information effectively in deformable models segmentation approaches. The representation is based on figural models, which define objects at coarse scale by a hierarchy of figures—each figure generally a slab representing a solid region and its boundary simultaneously. This paper focuses on the use of single figure models to segment objects of relatively simple structure.A single figure is a sheet of medial atoms, which is interpolated from the model formed by a net, i.e., a mesh or chain, of medial atoms (hence the name m-reps), each atom modeling a solid region via not only a position and a width but also a local figural frame giving figural directions and an object angle between opposing, corresponding positions on the boundary implied by the m-rep. The special capability of an m-rep is to provide spatial and orientational correspondence between an object in two different states of deformation. This ability is central to effective measurement of both geometric typicality and geometry to image match, the two terms of the objective function optimized in segmentation by deformable models. The other ability of m-reps central to effective segmentation is their ability to support segmentation at multiple levels of scale, with successively finer precision. Objects modeled by single figures are segmented first by a similarity transform augmented by object elongation, then by adjustment of each medial atom, and finally by displacing a dense sampling of the m-rep implied boundary. While these models and approaches also exist in 2D, we focus on 3D objects.The segmentation of the kidney from CT and the hippocampus from MRI serve as the major examples in this paper. The accuracy of segmentation as compared to manual, slice-by-slice segmentation is reported.  相似文献   

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