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Heat exchangers have a wider scope in numerous applications, such as space heating, chemical industries, power stations, and so on. Due to heat loss and the thermal properties of the materials involved, the overall performance of a heat exchanger is questionable. Therefore, studies related to heat transfer techniques are appreciated in the research community. Thus, the present study numerically investigates the heat transfer performance of a horizontal heat pipe equipped with hexagonal perforated twisted tape inserts. Further, the numerical solutions of Nusselt number (Nu), friction factor (f), and thermal performance factor (TPF) are optimized with the help of response surface methodology (RSM). The parameters investigated in this study are Reynolds number (Re), which varies between 500 and 1500, input heat supply (Q) between 100 and 1000 W, and pitch ratio (3.2, 4, and 5.2). ANSYS fluid flow fluent was used to perform flow simulations for three different twisted tape inserts: horizontal, vertical, and alternate hexagon perforations. Optimum solutions are obtained at 1000 W heat supply, 1500 Re, and p/di = 4 from alternatively perforated twisted tape inserts. The optimum Nu, f, and TPF achieved are 119.545, 0.437, and 1.82, respectively. Also, the proposed RSM optimization method is evidenced with a maximum of 2.673% error during the confirmatory test. 相似文献
Introducing passive devices in the form of inserts helps to increase the heat transfer characteristics in a circular pipe. In the present work, the feasibility of using two twisted tapes has been numerically studied under laminar flow conditions. Two twisted tapes with configurations of co‐swirl and counter‐swirl conditions were simulated for Re ranging from 1000 to 2500. Heat transfer characteristics like Nusselt number, friction factor, and thermohydraulic performance index (THPI) were investigated. Even the effect of spacing of the tubes inside the pipe was numerically studied. Results indicated that the insertion of two tapes will improve the performance of the circular tube compared with a single tape in terms of a higher Nu and higher THPI. It is observed that for the co‐swirl condition for a Reynolds number of 1000, Nu and THPI is 38% and 29% higher than using a single tape, whereas, for the counter‐swirl condition, they are 43% and 34% higher than that of the single tape condition. Also, it is revealed that counter swirl positioning of the tape with an L/D ratio 0.56 outperformed all other configurations with the highest THPI. 相似文献
Heat transfer augmentation in heat exchangers has been a key research topic in recent times. Over the years, many methods have been proposed for heat transfer enhancement, such as providing fins, changing the cross-sectional area of tubes, vortex generator, twisted tape inserts, and so forth. In addition to the above-mentioned techniques, corrugation of tubes was also proposed by a few authors who demonstrated that this method could effectively increase the heat transfer rate. To address the same in this study, the different corrugation profiles have been created with the help of CATIA software for the study. The simulations were performed using ANSYS R19.2. The results so obtained were used to calculate the various thermal and hydraulic perfoallrmance parameters of the heat exchanger with the help of macros created in MS Excel. The result shows that the use of corrugation on the inner tube of the heat exchanger increased the heat transfer coefficient, fanning friction factor, and rate of cooling by 5%–21%, 90%–355%, and 25.67%–157.40%, respectively, in case of the plain double-pipe heat exchanger for the mass flow rate variation of 5–25 kg/min. It is also observed that the smooth tube has more thermohydraulic performance as 1.2152. 相似文献
为给海水源热泵抛管式换热器的优化设计提供理论依据,通过计算流体力学(CFD)数值软件对该系统中的流动和传热过程进行数值模拟。结果表明,管内对流换热努谢尔特数Nui随抛管曲率比δ、无因次节距H_o的增大而减小;管外Nu_o随δ、H_o的增大而减小,而且δ和H_o对Nu_o的影响是复杂非线性关系。在一定模拟工况下,管外表面传热系数比管内小,热阻比管内大,换热器传热性能的决定性因素在管外,基于此,该文通过数值模拟拟合出适于南海岛礁海水源热泵抛管式换热器管外传热准则关联式。 相似文献
A possible way to enhance the rate of heat transfer in the spiral plate heat exchanger (SPHE) is by employing hybrid nanofluids as its working medium. Hence, in the present work, effects of hybrid nanofluids on the thermal performance of SPHE has been investigated numerically. First, a countercurrent SPHE is designed and modeled. Later, simulation of SPHE has been carried out by employing conventional fluid , nanofluids , and hybrid nanofluids to investigate the heat transfer rates. Finally, the performance of SPHE using hybrid nanofluid is compared with that of using water and nanofluids. The heat transfer augmentation of approximately 16%‐27% with hybrid nanofluids of overall 4% nanoparticles volume concentration and 10%‐16% with 2% nanoparticles volume concentration is observed when compared with that of pure water. Therefore, it can be inferred that the application of hybrid nanofluids in SPHE seems to be one of the promising solutions for augmentation of its thermal performance. 相似文献
本文提出将一种正反扭转且带有双排半圆切口的新型扭带用在套管式换热器上在层流条件下对换热器其换热性能和流动特性进行实验研究并分析这种扭带的综合性能。实验工质为水,Re(雷诺数)变化范围为540~1 440。本实验采用4种不同长度扭带做对比,4种分别是全长、3/4长、半长和1/4长扭带。结果显示,插入全长、3/4长、半长和1/4长扭带的换热Nu(努塞尔数)分别是光管的1.92~3.80,1.69~3.20,1.60~2.62和1.48~2.23倍;f(摩擦阻力系数)分别是光管的3.69~6.30,3.30~5.51,2.72~4.67,2.33~3.55倍;对应的PEC(综合性能指标)分别为1.24~2.06,1.14~1.81,1.15~1.57和1.11~1.47。插入全长扭带在实验范围内达到了最优,插入其它长度扭带的PEC也都高于1,可以应用在压力较小的工况下。最后,本文还对该类型扭带拟合了实验关联式,通过对比实验值和预测值,Nu和f的误差均在10%以内,这为今后的研究提供了理论依据。 相似文献
Tube-in-tube heat exchangers are widely used in food processing industries and wastewater treatment for both heating and cooling. Enhancement techniques namely active, passive, and compound are developed to reduce the thermal resistance in heat exchangers by improving convective heat transfer with or without increase in surface area. The present experimental study is aimed at analyzing the influence of vibrations on the convective heat transfer of a parallel flow tube-in-tube heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is placed in horizontal position and is subjected to transverse vibrations under turbulent fluid flow conditions. Experiments were performed at four frequencies (20, 40, 60, and 100 Hz), three amplitudes (1, 2, and 3 m/s2), and three vibration generator positions along its length, in the Reynolds number range of 10 710 to 21 420. An enhancement in Nusselt number is found with vibration than without vibration throughout the entire range of Reynolds numbers. A maximum enhancement of 33% at 40 Hz frequency, 3 m/s2 amplitude, and vibration generator position at three-fourth of the tube length was observed. Empirical correlations are developed for Nusselt number to determine the heat transfer coefficient with vibration with an error of 10%. 相似文献
P. H. V. Sesha Talpa Sai M. L. R. Chaitanya Lahari K. V. Sharma K. S. Narayanaswamy 《亚洲传热研究》2022,51(4):3456-3494
Three concentrations of 0.2, 0.6, and 1.0 vol.% Copper/25 nm and silica/22 nm nanofluids are prepared in a base liquid glycerol–water mixture of 30:70 ratio by volume (GW70). The thermophysical properties of Cu and SiO2 nanofluids are determined with a TPS500S hot disc thermal analyzer and Brookfield viscometer in the temperature range of 20–80°C. The maximum enhancement in Cu and SiO2 nanofluid viscosity (63.4%, 35.7%), thermal conductivity (100.4%, 71.3%), and density (7.5%, 1.5%) while specific heat (7.8%, 2.3%) determined for 1.0% concentration at 80°C compared to base liquid GW70. Heat transfer experiments are conducted in a short-length double pipe heat exchanger. The flow rates resulted in the lamifnar entry length region. A maximum enhancement in the overall heat transfer coefficient (HTC; 25.0%, 19.7%) and convective HTC (46.2%, 34.8%), respectively for Cu and SiO2 nanofluids is estimated at 1.0% concentration compared to base liquid at a bulk temperature of 35°C. 相似文献
Among the heat exchangers (HE), the shell and tube type is being widely used in different applications like oil, chemical, and power plant Industries. The incorporation of segmental baffles (SB) improves the HE capacity from higher temperature fluid to lower temperature fluid. Nanofluids can be effectively used to enhance the heat transfer rate. In this study, numerical simulations have been carried out in a shell and tube heat exchanger (STHX). Among HE design methods, Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) standard is being used for better design by many researchers. In this paper, the computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried out with Al2O3, CuO, and SiO2 nanofluids amid 1, 3, and 5 vol. % with water emulsion to enhance the heat transfer coefficient of STHX. The nanofluid has been used in the cold fluid of the HE and on the other side hot water is used. From the results, it is noticed that with the increase of Nanofluids, the value of heat transfer coefficients is found to be increasing. The overall heat transfer coefficient has been enhanced for Al2O3, CuO, and SiO2 about 10.41%, 12.27%, and 9.56%, respectively, at 0.22 kg/s for the 5 vol. % addition. It is also depicted that the pressure drop is increasing with the incorporation of nanofluids. 相似文献
Bikash Pattanayak Abhishek Mund J. S. Jayakumar Kajal Parashar Sujay K. S. Parashar 《亚洲传热研究》2020,49(4):2228-2247
This paper deals with experimental studies carried out to analyze heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3–, CuO–, TiO2–, and ZnO–water based nanofluids in a double‐pipe, counter flow heat exchanger for different volume concentrations (0.025%, 0.05%, 0.075%, and 0.1%) of the nanofluids. The fabricated double‐pipe heat exchanger is made up of two different materials, viz., copper as the inner tube and unplasticized polyvinyl chloride as the outer tube. The density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity were calculated, and were used to estimate dimensionless numbers, such as Reynolds number, Prandtl number, and Nusselt number, and also to estimate heat exchanger effectiveness. High‐energy ball milling technique was used to prepare nanoparticles and were characterized using X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Polyvinyl alcohol (3%) was used as a surfactant for making the nanofluids stable. It was observed from the experiment that with the increase in the volume concentration, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and friction factor increase, whereas the Reynolds number decreases. The experimentally observed data for Nusselt number were formulated into a correlation that matches the data for all these nanofluids within an error of 11.4%. It was found that the highest effectiveness was obtained while using TiO2–water nanofluids than other nanofluids. 相似文献
Robab Shirazi 《亚洲传热研究》2020,49(5):2813-2830
The use of nanofluids and surface enhancers today are among the new technologies used to increase heat transfer. In this study, heat transfer phenomena in heat exchanger were investigated using Al2O3 nanoparticles and modified spiral band as flow turbulator. Results are verified with well‐known correlations. The results show that the tube with cross‐hollow twisted tape inserts has the best exergetic performance for different hollow widths of the tape. Clearance, which is defined as the width between the tube and twisted tape, also affects the heat transfer performance. The smaller the clearance, the better is the exergetic performance. The tube can achieve the best exergetic performance when the number of unilateral twisted tapes is four. The results showed that increasing nanofluid concentration improves exergetic performance. 相似文献
Experimental investigation of heat transfer, friction factor and thermal performance of thermosyphon solar water heater system fitted with helical twisted tape of various twist ratios has been performed and presented. The helical twisted tape induces swirl flow inside the riser tubes, which increases the heat transfer and pressure drop. The empirical correlations developed for Nusselt number and friction factor with various twist ratios (Y = 3, 4, 5, 6) are fitted with the experimental data with a discrepancy of less than ±4.54% and ±6.13% respectively. The results are compared with a plain tube collector at the same operating conditions. Conclusions made from the results show that heat transfer enhancement in twisted tape collector is higher than the plain tube collector with minimum twist ratio and gradually decreases with increase in twist ratio. The overall thermal performance of twisted tape collector is found to increase with increase in solar intensity. 相似文献
Ammar Abdulkadhim Azher M. Abed Hameed K. Hamzah Isam Mejbel Abed Nejla Said Mahjoub Farooq H. Ali 《亚洲传热研究》2024,53(4):1989-2009
The present investigation is on examination of the natural convection and entropy generation considering the heatlines visualization of nanofluid I-shaped enclosure with two corrugated walls considering inner rectangular heater of three different heights. The influence of Brownian motion along with thermophoresis had been implemented using Inhomogeneous two-phase model of nanofluid. The governing equations were solved numerically using COMSOL software. Influence of Rayleigh number , Buoyancy ratio number , Lewis number , heater length . The results indicate that the influence of Lewis number on heat transfer bettering is stronger at high Rayleigh number while its impact is negligible at a lower value of Rayleigh number (conduction mode). In addition, the total entropy generation gets its highest value at Lewis number . Bejan number, fluid flow strength and heat rate increase as the rectangular heater height increases. Also, higher heat transfer augmentation is taken when the heater height is while increasing the heater height to leads to more total entropy generation. The impact of heater height on total entropy generation is highly affected by Rayleigh number as increasing the heater height from into , total entropy generation increases by at while it increases by at . 相似文献
Mehdi Noorbakhsh Mohsen Pourfallah Seyed S. M. Ajarostaghi Mohammad Zaboli 《亚洲传热研究》2020,49(8):4678-4703
Heat exchangers are extensively used in various industries. In this study, the impact of geometric and flow parameters on the performance of a shell and double helical coil heat exchanger is studied numerically. The investigated geometric parameters include external coil pitch, internal coil pitch, internal coil diameter, and coil diameter. The influences of considered geometrical parameters are analyzed on the output temperature of the hot and cold fluid, convective heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, and average Nusselt number. Water is considered as working fluid in both shell and tube. As an innovation, double helical coils are used instead of one in the heat exchanger. To compare the obtained results accurately, in each section, the heat transfer area (coil outer surface) is kept constant in all models. The results show that the geometrical parameters of double helical coils significantly affect the heat transfer rate. 相似文献
热管及其换热器在烟气余热回收中的应用 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
简要介绍了热管技术,并分析了其传热机理。热管换热器具有许多独特的优点,已经获得了广泛的工业应用,应用主要集中在中低温余热资源回收利用方面,应完善高温热管,以拓宽热管换热器在高温余热资源中的应用。 相似文献
Umair M. Siddique Gulhane P. Nitin Sher A. Khan Jan Taler Arthur Cebula Pawel Oclon Rajesh Patil 《亚洲传热研究》2019,48(5):1857-1888
Heat transfer augmentation study using air jet impingement has recently attained great interest toward electronic packaging systems and material processing industries. The present study aims at developing a nondimensional semiempirical relation, which represents the cooling rate (Nu) in terms of different geometric and impinging parameters. The spacing of the fin (S/dp) and the fin heights (H/dp) are the geometric parameters, while the impinging Reynolds number (Re) and nozzle‐target spacing (Z/d) are the impinging parameters. During the plot of the Nusselt profile, three vital secondary peaks are observed due to local turbulence of air over the heat sink. To incorporate this nonlinear behavior of the Nusselt profile in developing nondimensional empirical relations, the Nusselt profiles are divided into different regions of secondary rise and fall. Four different sets of the semiempirical relation using regression analysis are proposed for Z/d ≤ 6, H/dp ≤ 4.8 with S/dp ≤ 1.58, S/dp > 1.58 and for Z/d > 6, H/dp > 4.8 with S/dp ≤ 1.58, S/dp > 1.58. These empirical relations benefit the evaluation of the cooling rate (Nu) without any experimentation or simulation. 相似文献
A. Shaija G.S.V.L. Narasimham 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2009,52(25-26):5759-5769
This paper reports a numerical study of the laminar conjugate natural convection heat transfer with and without the interaction of the surface radiation in a horizontal cylindrical annulus formed between an inner heat generating solid circular cylinder and an outer isothermal circular boundary. Numerical solutions are obtained by solving the governing equations with a pressure correction method on a collocated (non-staggered) mesh. Steady-state results are presented for the flow and temperature distributions and Nusselt numbers for the heat generation based Grashof number ranging from , solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratios of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100, radius ratios of 0.226 and 0.452 and surface emissivities of 0–0.8 with air as the working medium. It is observed that surface radiation reduces the convective heat transfer in the annulus compared to the pure natural convection case and enhances the overall Nusselt number. 相似文献