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Objective: The current study investigated individual growth in autonomy development across the adolescent transition, comparing the trajectories of children with and without spina bifida. Method: Individual growth curve modeling procedures were utilized to describe the developmental course of autonomy across four waves of data collection, from ages 9 to 15, and to test whether illness status [spina bifida vs. matched comparison group (N = 68 for both groups at Time 1)] would significantly predict individual variability in autonomy development. Potential moderators [child gender, SES, and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) score] of the association between illness status and autonomy development were also examined. Results: Children with spina bifida demonstrated distinct developmental trajectories, though the nature of the group differences varied by type of autonomy development (emotional vs. behavioral), context (i.e. school vs. family), and reporter. Significant interactions with PPVT score and child gender were found. Conclusion: Overall, children with spina bifida show considerable developmental resiliency, but may lag behind their peers in specific areas of autonomy. Boys with spina bifida, and children with spina bifida who have lower than average levels of verbal intelligence, appear to be at greater risk for exhibiting delays in autonomy development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to an increase in time to react to a target in a previously attended location. Children with spina bifida meningomyelocele (SBM) and hydrocephalus have congenital dysmorphology of the midbrain, a brain region associated with the control of covert orienting in general and with IOR in particular. The authors studied exogenously cued covert orienting in 8- to 19-year-old children and adolescents (84 with SBM and 37 age-matched, typically developing controls). The exogenous cue was a luminance change in a peripheral box that was 50% valid for the upcoming target location. Compared with controls, children with SBM showed attenuated IOR in the vertical plane, a deficit that was associated with midbrain dysmorphology in the form of tectal beaking but not with posterior brain volume loss. The data add to the emerging evidence for SBM deficits in attentional orienting to salient information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Children with arrested, shunted, and no hydrocephalus were compared on verbal and nonverbal memory tasks assessing multiple components of memory. A gradient of severity was hypothesized, with the shunted hydrocephalus group expected to exhibit the most significant memory impairments and the arrested group expected to perform more poorly than children with no hydrocephalus. Etiologies of prematurity, spina bifida, and aqueductal stenosis were represented by 157 participants. Results supported the hypothesis; the shunted hydrocephalus group performed poorer on all memory measures. Differences for the arrested group were less frequently statistically significant relative to children with no hydrocephalus. Irrespective of etiology, the shunted hydrocephalus group exhibited a pattern of performance suggestive of encoding and retrieval deficits on both verbal and nonverbal tasks, showing a pervasive disturbance of memory processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine gender differences in the peer relations of children with congenital neurodevelopmental conditions (NDC). Participants: Thirty-four children with cerebral palsy or spina bifida and 41 typically developing (TD) children, ages 6-12. Measures: Personality Inventory for Children-Second Edition (PIC-2), Social Network Inventory for Children-Child Version, and the Friendship Quality Questionnaire-Revised (FQQ-R). Results: Children with NDC report smaller social networks and lower quality of friendships than TD peers. Group × Gender interaction effects were not significant. Conclusion: Prior to adolescence, the social differences and risks associated with NDC do not appear to be gender specific. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We investigated whether young and older adults differ on measures of interference (INT), negative priming (NP), and inhibition of return (IOR) on a spatial selective attention task that gradually increased in cognitive demand, from simple perceptual matching to letter identification. For both groups, INT increased and IOR decreased with task demand; while NP remained stable. We found age-related increases in INT, NP, and IOR, independent of task demand. However, only between-groups differences in IOR remained after correcting for age-related slowing in response times. Finally, we found no association between our measures of attention across groups, suggesting negligible overlap between INT, NP, and IOR. Our results indicate that attention is selectively and independently influenced by age and task demands, with both effects dependent on how attention is measured. These findings shed light on the “frontal hypothesis of aging.” (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite the detrimental effects of divided attention at encoding on later memory performance, results described in the literature do not unequivocally specify which processes are interrupted during encoding by participants' occupation with a concurrent task. Using a processing analysis framework where the encoding process is viewed as a multiphase mental activity, the current research investigated this issue using a new differential temporal interference paradigm where the study phase of single words was interrupted at different temporal segments. In two experiments, we used performance on both memory and online choice reaction time tasks to assess whether such differential interference would produce different degrees of reduction in participants' later memory performance, as well as changes in the attentional resources required to execute each of the encoding phases. Measures of memory and concurrent task performance in the two experiments converged on similar patterns, showing that all phases of encoding are affected by the concurrent task. However, the initial encoding phase, which is tentatively associated with the initial registration of information, seems especially vulnerable to interference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attention deficits are a hallmark of the teratogenic effects of alcohol. However, characterization of these deficits remains inconclusive. Children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure and nonexposed controls were evaluated using a paradigm consisting of three conditions: visual focus, auditory focus, and auditory-visual shift of attention. For the focus conditions, participants responded manually to visual or auditory targets. For the shift condition, participants alternated responses between visual targets and auditory targets. For the visual focus condition, alcohol-exposed children had lower accuracy and slower reaction time for all intertarget intervals (ITIs), while on the auditory focus condition, alcohol-exposed children were less accurate but displayed slower reaction time only on the longest ITI. Finally, for the shift condition, the alcohol-exposed group was accurate but had slowed reaction times. These results indicate that children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure have pervasive deficits in visual focused attention and deficits in maintaining auditory attention over time. However, no deficits were noted in the ability to disengage and reengage attention when required to shift attention between visual and auditory stimuli, although reaction times to shift were slower. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: As a follow-up to an earlier cross-sectional study (Holmbeck et al., 2003), the current multimethod, multi-informant investigation examined individual growth in psychosocial adjustment across the adolescent transition in 2 samples: young adolescents with spina bifida (SB) and typically developing adolescents (N = 68 in both groups at Time 1). Method: Growth curve modeling procedures were used to describe the developmental course of psychosocial adjustment across 4 waves of data collection from ages 8 to 15. Child gender was included in the models as a moderator of associations between illness status and adjustment trajectories. Results and Conclusions: Findings revealed that preadolescent differences between groups were maintained for several adjustment variables, indicating that adolescents with SB have enduring academic and attention problems and difficulties with social development (e.g., fewer friends and less influence during family interactions). For other outcomes, trajectories of adjustment levels for adolescents with SB converged on levels observed in comparison adolescents, indicating some areas of resilience. Girls with SB were at risk for increasing levels of social difficulties and negative perceptions of their physical appearance. Clinical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This experiment examined the effects of two discrete negative emotions, fear and anger, on selective attention. A within-subjects design was used, and all participants (N = 98) experienced the control, anger, and fear conditions. During each condition, participants viewed a film clip eliciting the target emotion and subsequently completed a flanker task and emotion report. Selective attention costs were assessed by comparing reaction times (RTs) on congruent (baseline) trials with RTs on incongruent trials. There was a significant interaction between emotion condition (control, anger, fear) and flanker type (congruent, incongruent). Contrasts further revealed a significant interaction between emotion and flanker type when comparing RTs in the control and fear conditions, and a marginally significant interaction when comparing RTs in the control and anger conditions. This indicates that selective attention costs were significantly lower in the fear compared to the control condition and were marginally lower in the anger compared with the control condition. Further analysis of participants reporting heightened anger in the anger condition revealed significantly lower selective attention costs during anger compared to a control state. These findings support the general prediction that high arousal negative emotional states inhibit processing of nontarget information and enhance selective attention. This study is the first to show an enhancing effect of anger on selective attention. It also offers convergent evidence to studies that have previously shown an influence of fear on attentional focus using the global-local paradigm. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Children with congenital hydrocephalus, children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, and normal controls were evaluated with measures of focused attention (Visual Orienting and Detection Task), sustained attention (continuous performance test), and attention shifting (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test). Components from these tasks have been linked to attention systems mediated by anterior or posterior brain networks. Children with congenital hydrocephalus showed an inability to focus and shift attention, which specifically implicated impairment of the disengage and move components of the posterior brain attention system. Children with attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder displayed the expected performance patterns on measures of focused attention once their difficulties with sustained attention were taken into account. However, they showed problems with shifting and sustaining attention, which are commonly associated with the anterior brain attention system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sixty elementary school age children qualified as symptomatic of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment conditions: child-centered play therapy (CCPT) or reading mentoring (RM). All children participated in 16 individual 30-min sessions in the schools. Results indicated that children who participated in 16 sessions of CCPT and RM demonstrated statistically significant improvement on the ADHD and student characteristics domains, as well as the Anxiety/Withdrawal and Learning Disability subscales of the Index of Teaching Stress and the ADHD Index of the Conners Teacher Rating Scale--Revised: Short Form. Children who participated in CCPT demonstrated statistically significant improvement over RM children on the student characteristics domain and on the Emotional Lability and Anxiety/Withdrawal subscales of the Index of Teaching Stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors used pupillary dilations to test whether divided attention deficits in youth-onset psychosis and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were because of limitations in recruitment of cognitive resources or abnormalities in attention allocation. Eight- to 19-year-olds with youth-onset psychosis or ADHD were administered a divided attention test consisting of an auditory digit span (DS) task and a simple visual response time (RT) task. In 4 conditions, participants performed neither (no task), 1 (DS or RT only), or both tasks (dual). Dependent variables were DS accuracy, RT, and pupillary dilation to digits as an estimate of recruitment of cognitive resources. The authors found no evidence for an abnormal attention strategy in either disorder. Instead, results were consistent with the hypothesis that both clinical groups have limitations in resource recruitment. These limitations were more severe in psychosis than in ADHD. Findings indicate that both clinical groups had difficulties in regulating physiological arousal on a moment-to-moment basis in accordance with task demands. Findings also demonstrate the importance of taking into account difficulties that constrain performance on simple tasks before interpreting impairments on complex tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To explore the role of the cerebellum in sustained attention, the authors tested lurcher, wildtype, and lurcher chimeric mice with zero, normal, and variable numbers of Purkinje cells, respectively, in a previously validated task of sustained attention. Results indicate that lurcher mice had a deficit in performance likely related to their motor disability, whereas lurcher chimeras performed similarly to wildtype controls. Presentation of auditory or visual distracters caused deficits in the performance of all mice that were specific to either signal (auditory) or nonsignal (visual) events. The authors' results do not support a role of the cerebellum in sustained attention, instead indicating that behavioral changes are an indirect result of motor deficits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An experiment and replication are presented to demonstrate the production of autistic effects in a situation creating habitual modes of responding to a problem-solving task. The task was to locate a simple figure within a complex colored figure much like the Gottschaldt Test. The simple figure could be located in 1 of 2 different colored areas within the complex figure. During an intervening training period certain colors were rewarded and other colors punished. The Gottschaldt-like figures were then presented again, and changes in responses were observed. In both experiments Ss showed a significant change toward the rewarded colors, which was explained in terms of subliminal anticipatory responses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To identify individual, family, and community variables that contribute to psychosocial maturity in the transition to adulthood for people with and without motor disabilities (mean age = 25 years, range = 20 to 30). Participants/Design: Seventy-four people (34 men, 40 women) with developmental motor disabilities (cerebral palsy or spina bifida) and 72 people (31 men, 41 women) without motor disabilities from a Canadian province completed questionnaires and participated in a semi-structured interview. Results: In a heirarchical regression analysis, individual and family variables explained variance in psychosocial maturity for the total sample. More use of task-focused coping, lower levels of depression, and perceptions of fathers as autonomy fostering were associated with increased psychosocial maturity. These variables were also significant in a similar analysis for the group with motor disabilities with 1 addition; older age also was related to higher psychosocial maturity. Community variables did not explain variation in psychosocial maturity in either analysis. Conclusion: Knowledge about barriers to and facilitators of a successful transition to adulthood can be used to design services to maximize opportunities for young people with disabilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study investigated change in family processes, including conflict, cohesion, and stress, across the adolescent transition, comparing the developmental trajectories of youth with and without spina bifida. Individual growth curve modeling procedures were utilized to describe the developmental course of family processes across 4 waves of data collection, from ages 9 to 15 years, and to test whether illness status (spina bifida vs. matched comparison group [N = 68 for both groups at Time 1]) would significantly predict individual variability in family processes. Potential moderators (child gender, socioeconomic status [SES], and child verbal ability) of the association between illness status and family functioning were also examined. Differences were found between the trajectories of family processes for families of youth with and without spina bifida. For families of youth with spina bifida, changes in family conflict and cohesion may be less dramatic than or inconsistent with what is expected during typical adolescence. Families of youth with spina bifida from low SES homes appear to demonstrate resilience in terms of family stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test a strength-of-association model regarding possible longitudinal and bidirectional associations between parent functioning and child adjustment in families of children with spina bifida (n = 68) and families of able-bodied children (n = 68). Parent functioning was assessed across 3 domains: parenting stress, individual psychosocial adjustment, and marital satisfaction. Child adjustment was indexed by teacher-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms, self-reported depressive symptoms, and observed adaptive behavior. Findings revealed that all 3 parent functioning variables predicted child adjustment outcomes, and that such results were particularly strong for externalizing symptoms. Associations between parent functioning and child adjustment tended to be in the direction of parent to child and were similar across both groups. These findings have implications for potential interventions targeted at helping families manage the transition into early adolescence in families of children with spina bifida as well as families of healthy children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of benzodiazepines on attention has been the object of few investigations. Studies using the spatial cueing paradigm (Posner's paradigm) have reported inconsistent results, which are likely due to methodological and/or dose differences but suggest impaired disengagement of attention from the cue to the target. The authors investigated the effect of a benzodiazepine (diazepam) on attentional shifting in the temporal domain. The attentional blink effect refers to difficulties in detecting a target if it follows the identification of a previous target occurring within a temporal window of 200-400 ms. The authors assessed whether the duration of the attentional blink was affected by diazepam. Streams of 15 real-world scenes displaying a road were presented for 50 ms each. A city name (target) appeared at Serial Positions 2, 3, or 4 of each stream. A vehicle (probe) appeared at different intervals following the city name. In a dual-task condition, participants were asked to report the city name and whether a vehicle was present. In a control condition, participants had to report only the presence of a vehicle and ignore the city name. Thirty-six healthy volunteers were assigned to 3 groups (placebo, diazepam 0.1 mg/kg, or 0.3 mg/kg). Diazepam increased both the magnitude and duration of the attentional blink effect. Participants treated with a high dose of diazepam needed more than 600 ms to detect a vehicle following identification of the name. Results suggest that diazepam at a therapeutic dosage affects attentional shifting in the temporal domain and impairs dual-task performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Earlier research established that preschool children pay less attention to television that is sequentially or linguistically incomprehensible. The authors of this study determined the youngest age for which this effect can be found. One hundred and three 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-month-olds' looking and heart rate were recorded while they watched Teletubbies, a television program designed for very young children. Experimenters manipulated comprehensibility by either randomly ordering shots or reversing dialogue to become backward speech. Infants watched 1 normal segment and 1 distorted version of the same segment. Only 24-month-olds, and to some extent 18-month-olds, distinguished between normal and distorted videos by looking for longer durations toward the normal stimuli. The results suggest that it may not be until the middle of the second year that children demonstrate the earliest beginnings of comprehension of video as it is currently produced. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors devised a prestimulus-probe method to assess the allocation of attention as a function of participants' top-down expectancies concerning distractor and target locations. Participants performed the flanker task, and distractor locations remained fixed. On some trials, instead of the flanker display, either 2 simultaneous dots or a horizontal line appeared. The dot in the expected distractor location was perceived to occur before the dot in the expected empty location, and the line appeared to extend from the expected distractor location to the expected empty location, suggesting that attention is allocated to expected distractor locations prior to stimulus onset. The authors propose that a process-all mechanism guides attention to expected locations of all stimuli regardless of task demands and that this constitutes a major cause for failures of selective attention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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