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A rapid and sensitive method of estimation for isoniazid, pyrazinamide and rifampicin from pharmaceutical dosage was developed. The mobile phase consisting of 80:20, methanol-tetrabutyl ammonium hydroxide (0.005N) pH 3.0 adjusted with phosphoric acid was used with an ODS -CN bonded phase column. The separation of the above drugs was accomplished within 10 min at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min. For accurate quantitation clofazimine was used as an internal standard with UV detector set at 265 nm. No interference from a variety of excipients present in the dosage forms was observed.  相似文献   


A liquid chromatographic procedure for the analysis of Rifampicin (RIF) and Isoniazid (INH) in pharmaceutical dosage forms utilizing reverse phase chromatography was developed. Isolation of analytes was carried out under isocratic conditions with a octadecylsilane column and an aqueous mobile phase containing Methanol (75%) and 0.02 M Disodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate (25%) with pH 4.5 adjusted with orthophosphoric acid. The detection was done at 254 nm.

The method is unique in analysing Rifampicin precisely in combination with Isoniazid particularly in liquid formulation. The method is specific and can distinctly isolate the degradation product in suspension.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic procedure for the analysis of Rifampicin (RIF) and Isoniazid (INH) in pharmaceutical dosage forms utilizing reverse phase chromatography was developed. Isolation of analytes was carried out under isocratic conditions with a octadecylsilane column and an aqueous mobile phase containing Methanol (75%) and 0.02 M Disodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate (25%) with pH 4.5 adjusted with orthophosphoric acid. The detection was done at 254 nm.

The method is unique in analysing Rifampicin precisely in combination with Isoniazid particularly in liquid formulation. The method is specific and can distinctly isolate the degradation product in suspension.  相似文献   

Ipratropium bromide, a derivative of N-isopropyl noratropine, was estimated from the samples of aerosols. An isocratic, reversed-phase liquid chromatographic separation method was developed by using an ODS, 5 μm column with the mobile phase acetonitrile-sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate (0.05M)-diethylamine (50 : 50 : 0.1, v/v) pH adjusted to 4.5 with phosphoric acid. Recoveries obtained were in the range 98% to 102% of ipratropium bromide from aerosol. Fluoxetine hydrochloride was used as an internal standard for quantitation.  相似文献   


Ipratropium bromide, a derivative of N-isopropyl noratropine, was estimated from the samples of aerosols. An isocratic, reversed-phase liquid chromatographic separation method was developed by using an ODS, 5 μm column with the mobile phase acetonitrile-sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate (0.05M)-diethylamine (50 : 50 : 0.1, v/v) pH adjusted to 4.5 with phosphoric acid. Recoveries obtained were in the range 98% to 102% of ipratropium bromide from aerosol. Fluoxetine hydrochloride was used as an internal standard for quantitation.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylmide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE), perhaps the most widely used method in proteomics research, is often limited by sensitivity and throughput. Capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) coupled with electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) provides a liquid-based alternative to 2D-PAGE that can overcome these problems but is limited by ampholyte interference and signal quenching in ESI-MS. Inserting a reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) step between CIEF and MS can remove this interference. In this work, a CIEF-RPLC-MS system is described for separation and characterization of proteins in complex mixtures. CIEF is performed with a microdialysis membrane-based cathodic cell that also permits protein fractions to be collected, washed to remove ampholyte, and analyzed by RPLC-MS. CIEF performance with this cell is equivalent to that achieved with a conventional cathodic cell, and no loss of protein is observed during faction collection. The cell can be easily and safely retrofitted into commercial instrumentation and is applicable for peptide analysis as well. Protein detection at the low-femtomole level is demonstrated with little or no interference from ampholyte, and CIEF-RPLC-MS data are used to construct a plot of pI vs MW for a protein mixture. The current instrumental configuration allows seven fractions in the pI range 3-10 to be analyzed by RPLC-MS in 2 h.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid reversed-phase HPLC method for the estimation of paracetamol and diclofenac sodium simultaneously in a combined dosage was developed. A -CN bonded phase columb was used with a mobile phase methanol-potassium dihydrogen phosphate (0.05M), (45:55) pH 3.5 adjusted with phosphoric acid at flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. For accurate quanittaiton, diltiazem hydrochloride was used as an internal standard at 270 nm.  相似文献   

The effect that elevated pressure used in ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) has on protein recovery was investigated. Specifically, protein carryover ("ghosting") and recovery were examined. Four model proteins (ribonuclease A, ovalbumin, myoglobin, BSA) were separated by gradient RPLC at both conventional (160 bar) and ultrahigh pressures (>1500 bar). A custom gradient UHPLC system was used to generate conventional pressures on 5-microm diameter reversed-phase supports and ultrahigh pressures on identical 1.4-microm supports. The results indicate that, by increasing the pressure, protein carryover from run to run is reduced and in some cases eliminated above a certain threshold pressure for the model proteins studied. Further work indicates that recovery was enhanced for each of the proteins studied, even approaching 100% for certain proteins.  相似文献   

Stationary phases with embedded polar groups possess several advantages over conventional alkylsilane phases, such as reduced peak tailing, enhanced selectivity for specific functional groups, and the ability to use a highly aqueous mobile phase. To gain a deeper understanding of the retentive properties of these reversed-phase packings, molecular simulations were carried out for three different stationary phases in contact with mobile phases of various water/methanol ratios. Two polar-embedded phases were modeled, namely, amide and ether containing, and compared to a conventional octadecylsilane phase. The simulations show that, due to specific hydrogen bond interactions, the polar-embedded phases take up significantly more solvent and are more ordered than their alkyl counterparts. Alkane and alcohol probe solutes indicate that the polar-embedded phases are less retentive than alkyl phases for nonpolar species, whereas polar species are more retained by them due to hydrogen bonding with the embedded groups and the increased amount of solvent within the stationary phase. This leads to a significant reduction of the free-energy barrier for the transfer of polar species from the mobile phase to residual silanols, and this reduced barrier provides a possible explanation for reduced peak tailing.  相似文献   

Capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) coupled with reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) is shown to provide a liquid-based alternative to 2D-PAGE for intact protein profiling. This combination exhibits high resolution, sensitivity and throughput for protein profiling based on pI vs MW. The CIEF-RPLC-MS system described here facilitates the use of IEF markers for internal calibration of pI. It also provides a high dynamic range as evidenced by the detection of 100 pg (3 fmol) of a test protein spiked into 1 microg of a complex protein mixture. About 1200 individual proteins/polypeptides were detected from lysates of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum in a single <8 h run. The pI vs MW profile obtained from CIEF-RPLC-MS compares favorably with theoretical data derived from the C. tepidum genome and experimental data obtained from 2D-PAGE.  相似文献   

The retention of six polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was characterized by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The PAHs were detected by laser-induced fluorescence at four points along an optically transparent capillary column. The profiles were characterized in space and time using an exponentially modified Gaussian equation. The resulting parameters were used to calculate the retention factors, as well as the concomitant changes in molar enthalpy and molar volume, for each PAH on monomeric (2.7 micromol/m2) and polymeric (5.4 micromol/m2) octadecylsilica. The changes in molar enthalpy become more exothermic as ring number increases and as annelation structure becomes less condensed. The changes in molar volume become more negative as ring number increases for the planar PAHs, but are positive for the nonplanar solutes. In addition, the rate constants, as well as the concomitant activation enthalpy and activation volume, are calculated for the first time. The kinetic data demonstrate that many of the PAHs exhibit very fast transitions between the mobile and stationary phases. The transition state is very high in energy, and the activation enthalpies and volumes become greater as ring number increases and as annelation structure becomes less condensed. The changes in thermodynamic and kinetic behavior are much more pronounced for the polymeric phase than for the monomeric phase.  相似文献   

A mixture of closely related streptomyces fermentation products, antimycin A, is separated, and the components are identified by using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with directly linked 400-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance detection. Analyses of mixtures of three amino acids, alanine, glycine, and valine, are used to determine optimal measurement conditions. Sensitivity increases of as much as a factor of 3 are achieved, at the expense of some loss in chromatographic resolution, by use of an 80-microL NMR cell, instead of a smaller 14-microL cell. Analysis of the antimycin A mixture, using the optimal analytical high-performance liquid chromatography/nuclear magnetic resonance conditions, reveals it to consist of at least 10 closely related components.  相似文献   

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