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Johannes Elbs Yuriy M. Bunkov Eddy Collin Henri Godfrin Olga V. Suvorova 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2008,150(3-4):536-543
In the framework of the “ULTIMA” project, we use ultra cold superfluid 3He bolometers for the direct detection of single particle events, aimed for a future use as a dark matter detector. One parameter of the pulse shape observed after such an event is the thermalization time constant τ b . Until now it was believed that this parameter only depends on geometrical factors and superfluid 3He properties, and that it is independent of the nature of the incident particles. In this report we show new results which demonstrate that a difference for muon- and neutron events, as well as events simulated by heater pulses exist. The possibility to use this difference for event discrimination in a future dark matter detector will be discussed. 相似文献
SuperCDMS is the next phase of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment, which measures both phonon and charge signals generated by particle recoils within a germanium target mass. Charge signals are employed both in the definition of a fiducial volume and in the rejection of electron recoil background events. Alternatively, phonons generated by the charge carriers can also be used for the same two goals. This paper describes preliminary efforts to observe and quantify these contributions to the phonon signal and then use them to reject background events. A?simple analysis using only one pulse shape parameter shows bulk electron recoil vs. bulk nuclear recoil discrimination to the level of 1:103 (limited by the statistics of the data), with little degradation in discrimination ability down to at least 7?keV recoil energy. Such phonon-only discrimination can provide a useful cross-check to the standard discrimination methods, and it also points towards the potential of a device optimized for a phonon-only measurement. 相似文献
利用聚合物的性质制备X型分子筛 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
以聚合物甲基纤维素作空间位阻剂合成了X型分子筛.对合成的样品进行了XRD、BET与SEM等表征.结果表明,随甲基纤维素加入量的增加,合成样品的BET、孔体积与颗粒尺寸减小,而且BET与孔体积减小幅度增大,外比表面先增大后减小,但加入甲基纤维素量过多会导致合成样品的相对结晶度下降.与常规水热法相比,加入了空间位阻剂甲基纤维素成功地限制了颗粒的生长,合成样品的相对结晶度与外比表面增大,BET、孔体积与颗粒尺寸都减小,而且15g凝胶加2.5g甲基纤维素合成的样品最好,其相对结晶度为110%,外比表面为24.3cm2/g,BET为600.9cm2/g,孔体积为0.255cm3/g,平均颗粒尺寸为1.5μm,是常规水热法合成样品平均粒径的1/4. 相似文献
Apparent densities have been measured of glass beads of various shapes, to study the effect of the shaped factor on bad porosity. It was found that the porostiy was ilnerly realted to the shape factor. The densites were carried out in graduates of different diameters to study the wall effect. It was found that the porosity (εe) is a function of gradute diameter (D) by a function of the type; in[εe-Q] = - kD + q, where Q is the samllest porosity under the pouring and shaking condtions. 相似文献
介绍了时间转换理论(TOT)及其在颗粒粒度分析上的应用。同时也对这一技术的优势和特点进行了总结。讨论了基于图像的动态粒形分析(DSA)并通过一个范例介绍了该方法对于科研工作的意义。 相似文献
Slotted multimode-interference devices 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We describe a novel modification of multimode-interference devices that has broad applicability. The modification involves introducing a slot (or slots), of a specific width and effective refractive index and at a specific position, that runs the longitudinal length of the multimode-interference region. Introducing N slots reduces the self-image length by a factor of N + 1. Varying the effective refractive index or width of the slot(s) creates a switch. The slot modification can be accomplished in a variety of ways, actually increases bandwidth, and has good error tolerances. 相似文献
Naproxen Particle Design Using Porous Starch 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Kazunori Nagata Hirokazu Okamoto Kazumi Danjo 《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》2001,27(4):287-296
Naproxen (Nap) was embedded in porous starch by preferential grinding, and we examined the physicochemical properties of these particles, including pore diameter, pore volume, and dissolution of naproxen. Porous starch (PS) particles made by preferential grinding with a Mechanofusion system had a higher content of naproxen than those made using the Mechanomill as determined using a mercury porosimeter. Neither sample showed any significant changes in crystallization state of naproxen in particles as determined by powder X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). No interactions occurred between naproxen and porous starch due to preferential grinding as determined by powder X-ray diffraction and DSC. The dissolution rate of drug from particles prepared by preferential grinding was faster than that from physical mixtures. 相似文献
《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》2013,39(4):287-296
Naproxen (Nap) was embedded in porous starch by preferential grinding, and we examined the physicochemical properties of these particles, including pore diameter, pore volume, and dissolution of naproxen. Porous starch (PS) particles made by preferential grinding with a Mechanofusion system had a higher content of naproxen than those made using the Mechanomill as determined using a mercury porosimeter. Neither sample showed any significant changes in crystallization state of naproxen in particles as determined by powder X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). No interactions occurred between naproxen and porous starch due to preferential grinding as determined by powder X-ray diffraction and DSC. The dissolution rate of drug from particles prepared by preferential grinding was faster than that from physical mixtures. 相似文献
采用化学沉淀-热分解法,合成粒度在20~120 nm的氧化镁粉体。采用透射电镜及X射线衍射分析,研究纳米氧化镁的粒度和形状的控制因素对纳米氧化镁颗粒形成过程的影响。结果表明:镁源及分散剂的种类、沉淀反应温度、样品干燥方式都是影响氧化镁粒度和形状的重要因素。在以Mg(NO3)2为镁源、n(Mg2+):n(OH-)=2:1、沉淀温度为30℃、体积分数为8%的乙二醇为分散剂、微波低火干燥2 min条件下,得到平均粒径为40 nm的氧化镁产品。前驱物的形状与产物纳米氧化镁的形状存在对应关系。 相似文献
O. Shirakura M. Yamada M. Hashimoto S. Ishimaru K. Takayama T. Nagai 《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》1991,17(4):471-483
The effect of binder solution (amount and composition) on the mean particle size and its distribution of granule was investigated by using a computer optimization technique. The granules were manufactured by two continuous processes, granulating and sizing using a high-speed mixer granulator and a hammer mill, respectively. The particle size distribution pattern of granules was markedly varied with the change in the amount and composition of the binder solution. The distribution pattern could be well expressed by the log-normal distribution model. For designing the optimal particle, a computer optimization technique was applied to the experimental results obtained in this study. The technique was found to be useful for searching the optimal formula in the practical scale. 相似文献
B. Cornell D. C. Moore S. R. Golwala B. Bumble P. K. Day H. G. LeDuc J. Zmuidzinas 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2014,176(5-6):891-897
We are developing athermal-phonon mediated particle detectors that utilize microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) as phonon sensors. MKIDs afford natural frequency domain multiplexing, which allows for massive substrates to be patterned with hundreds of sensors while keeping readout complexity to a minimum. Previously, our 2 cm \(\times \) 2 cm \(\times \) 1 mm proof-of-principle device utilized 20 MKIDs and, from the magnitude and timing of their response, we were able to reconstruct the position of a particle interaction to \(<\) 1 mm. From this, we corrected for variations in detector response across the device and measured an energy resolution of \(\sigma _E = 0.55\) keV at 30 keV. We have designed and fabricated a new 3-inch prototype device that utilizes 256 MKID sensors, and we present results from its initial testing. Applications include rare event searches, such as the direct detection of dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay, as well as hard X-ray/soft \(\gamma \) -ray astrophysics. 相似文献
Hongbo Zhao Zhongliang Ru Xu Chang Shaojun Li 《Quality and Reliability Engineering International》2015,31(8):1537-1552
Reliability analysis is an important and practical way of considering uncertainty in an engineering system. In practical engineering, the limit state functions are usually implicit in terms of random variables. Traditional reliability analysis methods are time‐consuming and require derivative computing. In this paper, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is applied to reliability analysis by combining it with the first‐order reliability method. To improve the global search performance, chaotic PSO (CPSO) was proposed by combining PSO with a chaotic system. CPSO‐based reliability analysis is described and applied to four classic examples. The results show that implementation of CPSO‐based reliability analysis is easy and can yield a reliability index and design point with good accuracy. The proposed method was applied to analyze the reliability of a circular tunnel in different cases. The results show that the CPSO algorithm is very efficient at solving global optimization problems and is a good approach for reliability analysis. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
从明暗恢复形状的手绘草图三维建模算法 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
提出一种通过用户手绘草图进行三维建模的算法,该算法直接利用二维笔触输入,实现简单、快捷的三维动画原型制作。首先从通过鼠标或手写板等绘制的自由曲线中析取包含手绘风格信息的结构化轮廓线,并在轮廓线所围区域中应用距离变换生成距离场;然后利用线性近似的方法从明暗恢复形状算法中获得三维曲面;接着对三维曲面进行对称、缝合和平滑变换得到基本的三维几何体;最后将基本几何体组合并进行编辑。算法强调手绘效果,提供所见即所得的交互风格,可广泛应用于三维动画和游戏的前期模型设计与制作,以及计算机辅助教学系统等领域。 相似文献